19 research outputs found

    Ácido fólico materno como fator protetor para o desenvolvimento de esquizofrenia na prole adulta de ratas wistar

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    Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense - UNESC, para a obtenção do título de Doutor em Ciências da Saúde.A deficiência materna de ácido fólico (AF) pode comprometer a função e o desenvolvimento do cérebro e contribuir para a susceptibilidade a doenças, como a esquizofrenia, na vida tardia da prole. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de ambas as dietas deficiente e suplementadas com AF em diferentes doses durante a fase gestacional, nos parâmetros comportamentais, marcadores de estresse oxidativo e epigenético na prole adulta submetida ao modelo animal de esquizofrenia. Ratas Wistar foram separadas em grupos maternos para receber dois tipos de ração (dieta) – dieta AIN 93, denominada dieta controle, e dieta deficiente em AF. As ratas expostas à dieta controle foram subdivididas em três grupos para receberem além da ração, a suplementação oral com AF (5, 10 e 50 mg/kg) durante a gestação e lactação. Na idade adulta (60 dias), a prole de machos foi agrupada conforme a dieta materna para a indução do modelo de esquizofrenia através da administração de cetamina (25 mg/kg) durante sete dias. Após a última administração, os animais foram submetidos aos testes comportamentais: atividade locomotora (monitor de atividade), interação social (campo aberto), inibição por pré-pulso do reflexo de sobressalto (IPP) e esquiva inibitória e, posteriormente, decapitados. As estruturas cerebrais, córtex frontal, hipocampo e estriado, foram dissecadas para análises bioquímicas – marcadores de estresse oxidativo (hidroperóxido de lipídeos: LPO; 4-hidroxinonenal: 4-HNE; 8-isoprostano: 8-ISO; conteúdo de grupos carbonila; 3-nitrotirosina: 3-NT; superóxido dismutase: SOD e catalase: CAT) e marcador epigenético (atividade da enzima metiltransferase). Os achados indicam que a cetamina reproduziu o modelo de esquizofrenia, ao induzir hiperlocomoção, comprometimento social, prejuízo no perfil sensório-motor e danos na memória aversiva dos animais adultos, além de aumentar a peroxidação lipídica e a carbonilação de proteínas, bem como a atividade da SOD e CAT, em especial no córtex frontal, diminuindo ainda a atividade da metiltransferase no estriado da prole adulta. A deficiência materna de AF, associada à salina ou cetamina na prole, foi capaz de causar hiperatividade locomotora, déficits na interação social entre os animais e aumentar os níveis de LPO, 4-HNE, 8-ISO e o conteúdo de grupos carbonila no córtex frontal, bem como a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes, em ambas as estruturas cerebrais. Em adição, a dieta deficiente em AF associada à cetamina na prole adulta, foi capaz de reduzir a atividade da metiltransferase no estriado dos animais. O AF suplementado nas mães durante a fase gestacional, particularmente nas doses mais elevadas (10 e 50 mg/kg), causou um efeito protetor persistente na prole adulta submetida ao modelo de esquizofrenia, ao preservar a função cognitiva e prevenir o dano lipídico e proteico no córtex frontal, contribuindo também para o aumento da atividade da metiltransferase, uma enzima implicada nas reações de metilação do DNA. Estes resultados confirmam a importância da nutrição materna adequada em AF para o bom desenvolvimento do cérebro na vida tardia da prole. Em conjunto, os achados suportam que a deficiência pré-natal de AF pode estar envolvida na fisiopatologia da esquizofrenia, uma vez que a dieta materna deficiente em AF demonstrou um efeito duradouro nos animais adultos, alterando parâmetros bioquímicos cerebrais, o que possivelmente foi capaz de influenciar a saúde mental na prole via alteração comportamental

    Efeito da suplementação de ômega-3 em um modelo animal de esquizofrenia induzido por cetamina

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde para obtenção do título de Mestre em Ciências da Saúde.The estimated new cancer cases worldwide in 2007 were 12 million, with 5.4 million cases diagnosed in developed and 6.7 millions in developing countries. The number of cancer-related deaths was 7.6 million, 2.9 million in developed and 4.7 million in developing countries. Malignant neoplasm ranks second (12.5%) as causes of death worldwide, surpassed by cardiovascular causes (19.6%). Gastric Cancer (GC) ranks fourth as the most frequent cause of cancer worldwide, with one million new cases in 2007, behind lung, breast and colon and rectum. 70% of new cases occur in developing countries. Currently, GC is the second most common cause of cancer deaths, accounting for 800,000 deaths annually. In Brazil, estimates for 2010 point to the occurrence of 489,270 new cases of cancer, and the GC occupying fifth place in attendance with 21,500 new cases. The acquisition of the migratory behavior of cancer cells is a prerequisite to break up organized tissue structures, invade and metastasize. Recently, the expression of proteins that block actin has been associated with the invasive behavior of tumors. The Cofilin is an actin-blocking protein, which regulates the actin cytoskeleton to maintain and depolymerize actin filaments. The interest for cofilin and its cascade have increased because of its relationship with tumor invasion, metastasis and be a potential prognostic factor in cancer. We conducted a retrospective study, observational, descriptive and analytical. We used all the pathological reports of patients undergoing gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma between June 2002 and June 2009, totaling 130 cases. Of these, 44 cases were selected randomly. The average age of patients was 68 years, with 63.6% of male sex. In assessing the depth of invasion, advanced lesions with involvement beyond the submucosa corresponded with 72.7% of cases. The diffuse type in Lauren's classification was the most prevalent with 68.1%. The bacterium H. pylori was positive in 72.7% of carcinomas. Lymph nodes involvement accounted for 70.4% of cases. At the end of the study 56.8% of patients were alive. When applied statistical tests to assess the relationship of cofilin with the other independent variables, only the depth of tumor invasion and the presence of positive lymph node were statistically significant. In conclusion, despite the cofilin is present in locally advanced tumors and lymph node metastases, and the small number of patients in the sample, we cannot conclude that it can be used as a prognostic factor.Schizophrenia is considered a neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder severe that usually affects the individual in the young stage. For this reason, prevention and early diagnosis become a goal to improve the long-term results. The omega 3 fatty acids (ω-3) have demonstrated efficacy for preventing the conversion of schizophrenia in a population of ultra high risk. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of supplementation of ω-3 through behavioral and biochemical parameters in an animal model of schizophrenia induced by ketamine. The research used 144 male Wistar rats 30 days old that were separated into two groups for administration of ω-3 or vehicle for 15 days. Subsequently, these groups were subdivided into four groups of 12 mice for intervention with ketamine or saline for 7 days. The locomotor activity, social interaction test and memory tests were evaluated at day 52 of life of the animals. The blood was collected minutes before the animals were killed and serum obtained after 24 hours to evaluate the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). The animals were sacrificed after the behavioral tests and striatum, prefrontal cortex and hippocampus extracted for mRNA BDNF expression analysis. The results showed, for the times of 5, 10 and 15 minutes, there was an increase in locomotor activity in the ketamine group compared to control. It was observed in group ω-3 plus ketamine that hyperlocomotion caused by ketamine was prevented at 10 and 15 minutes upon administration of ω-3. Regarding the social interaction test, it was found that animals treated with ketamine did not show difference in latency to the start of the test compared to the control group. However, showed less contacts with each other, as well as a lower total time of interaction when compared to the control. The group ω-3 plus ketamine did not show impaired social interaction. This study showed that there was significant impairment of immediate memory, short and long term in the ketamine treated group compared to control. In group ω-3 plus ketamine, memories immediate, short and long term have been preserved. Serum levels of BDNF were significantly higher in ω-3 plus ketamine group compared to control, ω-3 and ketamine group. The results of the expression mRNA BDNF showed no significant difference among the four groups analyzed in different brain regions. These findings prove that the administration of ω-3 prevents the positive symptoms, negative and cognitive impairment in an animal model of schizophrenia induced by ketamine in the prodromal phase, providing thus, important evidence for future clinical trials in confirming the use of ω-3 to prevent this disorder. It also reinforces the beneficial role of fatty acids in brain protection of individuals at ultra high risk for psychosis

    Effects of omega-3 supplementation on interleukin and neurotrophin levels in an animal model of schizophrenia

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    New studies suggest that polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3, may reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia. The present study evaluated the preventive effect of omega-3 on interleukines (IL) and neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the brains of young rats subjected to a model of schizophrenia. Treatment was performed over 21 days, starting on the 30th day of rat’s life. After 14 days of treatment with omega-3 or vehicle, a concomitant treatment with saline or ketamine (25 mg/kg) was started and maintained until the last day of the experiment. BDNF levels in the rat’s prefrontal cortex were decreased at 1 h and 24 h after the last administration of ketamine, whereas the group administered with ketamine and omega-3 showed a decrease in BDNF levels only after 24 h. In contrast, both interventions induced similar responses in levels of IL-1β and IL6. These findings suggest that the similarity of IL-1β and IL6 levels in our experimental groups is due to the mechanism of action of ketamine on the immune system. More studies have to be carried out to explain this pathology. In conclusion, according to previous studies and considering the current study, we could suggest a prophylactic role of omega-3 against the outcome of symptoms associated with schizophrenia


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    O presente estudo teve como objetivou identificar o perfil bioquímico e a análise de neurotrofinas de usuários de crack e um grupo controle. Os integrantes da pesquisa foram selecionados durante 18 meses, estes, provieram dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e Drogas (CAPS II ad) e a Comunidade Terapêutica (CT) da cidade de Criciúma, Santa Catarina. Após a caracterização dos indivíduos e assinatura do termo de conscentimento livre e esclarecido, foi realizada a retirada de sangue para as análises bioquímicas. Em seguida, o sangue foi centrifugado e armazenado. Parte das amostras foi enviada a um laboratório comercial para as análises de glicose, triglicerídeos, hemoglobina, colesterol total, creatinina, uréia, creatinofosfoquinase (CPK), transaminase glutâmica oxalácetica (TGO) e transaminase glutâmico-pirúvica (TGP).  Para a análise dos níveis de neurotrofina derivada do cérebro (BDNF), neurotrofina derivada da glia (NGF) e enolase neurônio específica (NSE) plasmáticas foram utilizados kits de métodos imunoenzimáticos disponíveis comercialmente. Os marcadores bioquímicos demonstraram aumento significativo nos níveis de glicose, triglicerídeos e TGP do grupo crack em relação ao grupo controle, no entanto, em ambos os casos a média dos resultados obtidos continuaram dentro dos valores de referência. Os achados apontam que os níveis BDNF do grupo crack diminuíram significativamente em comparação ao grupo controle. Por outro lado, os níveis de NGF no grupo crack apresentaram um aumento significativo em relação ao grupo controle. Destacando-se a importância da sobrevida neural, deve-se dar ênfase a este tema. Sugerem-se novos estudos para elucidar os reais mecanismos envolvidos nestes fatores

    Investigação pré-clínica de parâmetros da cadeia respiratória do diabetes mellitus tipo 1 como fator de risco para esquizofrenia

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    Artigo apresentado como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Bacharel, no Curso de Medicina, da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense- UNESCObjetivo: Avaliar a relação do Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) com a esquizofrenia através do modelo animal induzido por aloxano e cetamina, pela análise da atividade dos complexos de cadeia respiratória mitocondrial em córtex frontal, hipocampo e estriado. Métodos: Utilizou- se 60 ratos machos, separados em 4 grupos. A indução do modelo de DM1 e esquizofrenia foram feitas, respectivamente, no 23o dia de vida, com aloxano, e no 27o dia, com cetamina por sete dias. No 33o dia, os animais foram pesados, suas glicemias medidas, decapitados e suas estruturas cerebrais removidas para análise. Resultados: Verificou-se uma redução da atividade do complexo I no estriado do grupo aloxano + cetamina. Houve um aumento da atividade do complexo II no hipocampo do grupo salina + cetamina. O complexo II-III, no hipocampo, apresentou aumento da atividade do grupo salina + cetamina, menor atividade no grupo aloxano + cetamina, aumento no grupo controle e nos tratados com salina + cetamina. No estriado, esse complexo apresentou diminuição da atividade no grupo aloxano + cetamina e aumento da atividade no grupo salina + cetamina. Conclusão: O DM1 pode gerar alterações na atividade dos complexos da cadeia respiratória em estruturas cerebrais que poderiam contribuir no desenvolvimento da esquizofrenia

    Olfactory deficit as a result of clozapine withdrawal syndrome in an animal model of schizophrenia: preliminary results

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    ABSTRACT Clozapine is an antipsychotic that produces serious withdrawal effects in schizophrenic patients. Olfactory deficits are well known as part of negative symptoms, but it is not known whether antipsychotic use and/or withdrawal are implicated. Then, we tested clozapine withdrawal in association with two widely used schizophrenia models: Neonatal immune challenge by Polycitidilic-polyinosinic acid (polyI:C) and ketamine. PolyI:C (or saline) was injected subcutaneously in neonatal period, dose of 5 mg/kg from 2 to 6 Post Natal Days, and ketamine or saline at the dose 25mg/kg intraperitoneally (i.p.), daily for 7 days from 53 to 60 post natal day. Clozapine 10mg/kg (or saline) was administered i.p. from 46 to 60 post natal day. Olfactory discrimination test (sensorial and cognitive deficit) was performed at 61 post natal day, 24h after the last injections. The association of PolyI:C, ketamine and clozapine disrupted Olfactory Discrimination, equating time in familiar and non-familiar compartments. PolyI:C plus ketamine increased crossings between compartments. It was produced, for the first time, an olfactory deficit induced by clozapine withdrawal in Wistar rats subjected to schizophrenia animal models

    Effects of omega-3 supplementation on interleukin and neurotrophin levels in an animal model of schizophrenia

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    New studies suggest that polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3, may reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia. The present study evaluated the preventive effect of omega-3 on interleukines (IL) and neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the brains of young rats subjected to a model of schizophrenia. Treatment was performed over 21 days, starting on the 30th day of rat’s life. After 14 days of treatment with omega-3 or vehicle, a concomitant treatment with saline or ketamine (25 mg/kg) was started and maintained until the last day of the experiment. BDNF levels in the rat’s prefrontal cortex were decreased at 1 h and 24 h after the last administration of ketamine, whereas the group administered with ketamine and omega-3 showed a decrease in BDNF levels only after 24 h. In contrast, both interventions induced similar responses in levels of IL-1β and IL6. These findings suggest that the similarity of IL-1β and IL6 levels in our experimental groups is due to the mechanism of action of ketamine on the immune system. More studies have to be carried out to explain this pathology. In conclusion, according to previous studies and considering the current study, we could suggest a prophylactic role of omega-3 against the outcome of symptoms associated with schizophrenia