975 research outputs found

    Minorité franco-nunavoise et majorité inuit: tensions et coopération dans les débats sur l’éducation

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    S’appuyant sur des observations et des entrevues menées en 2008 à Iqaluit, capitale du Nunavut, cet article présente l’influence qu’exercent mutuellement l’une sur l’autre la majorité inuit et la minorité francophone, ce qui a pu être observé lors des débats qui ont précédé le vote de la Loi sur l’éducation en septembre 2008. À partir de cette relation et des orientations prises par la communauté francophone envers sa culture, cet article ouvre une réflexion sur l’enjeu que représente l’inclusion des valeurs inuit au programme d’enseignement en français, à la lumière de l’expérience des habitants du Nunavik. Je mettrai l’accent sur le cas particulier des jeunes franco-inuit du Nunavut qui se situent à la convergence des intérêts de la minorité francophone et de la majorité inuit.Based on observations and interviews conducted in 2008 in Iqaluit, Nunavut’s capital, this article is about the influences that the Inuit majority and the Francophone minority mutually exert on each other, as seen during the debates that led to the passage of the Education Act in September 2008. Starting with this relationship and the renewed direction of the Francophone community toward its culture, this article opens up discussion on the issue and challenges of including Inuit values in the French language curriculum, based on the experience of Nunavik residents. I will concentrate on the specific situation of Nunavut’s Franco-Inuit youth, who are a focus of converging interests for both the Francophone minority and the Inuit majority

    Labor Cost Effects On Apple Price

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    Agriculture is an essential part of life in the United States due to the fact that everyone needs to eat. And, being that many commodities within agriculture, such as apples, are very labor intensive, the people that work in the industry are also very important. But while these laborers, many of who are legal or illegal immigrants from Mexico, are important to supplying Americans with food, many are compensated at a wage at or around the amount required by federal law. Since the apple industry is so labor intensive, discussions have been raised about how much the cost of labor affects the price of the fruit. In order to test the hypothesis that labor only minimally affects the retail price, the Leontief Input-Output Model, which uses a matrix representation of a nation’s economy, was used. When all of the variables, such as import price and total pounds of apples produced per year, were plugged into the equation, it was possible to calculate by how much laborers wages affect the price. The results of the model concluded that an increase in the minimum wage of farm workers would only slightly increase the retail price of apples for every dollar added to the hourly wages

    Identification of PRRSV epitopes associated with antibody-dependent enhancement and neutralization of virus infection

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is an economically significant disease of swine, caused by a small, enveloped RNA virus belonging to the family Arteriviridae. PRRS virus preferentially replicates in macrophages and is capable of establishing persistent infection. While the mechanism by which PRRS virus persists in infected animal is unknown, enhanced infection and replication of PRRS virus in the presence of virus-specific antibody has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. This phenomenon has been known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of virus infection in which virus-specific antibody facilitates the entry of virus into susceptible cells resulting in increased severity of the disease. ADE is also considered to be a significant obstacle to developing effective vaccines for many viruses for which ADE has been reported. In this study, the role of specific PRRS viral epitopes in ADE and/or virus neutralization (VN) was assessed in vitro, using 14 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to 4 PRRS viral proteins: 15kD nucleocapsid (N), 19kD matrix (M), 25kD envelope glycoprotein (GP5), and 45kD GP3, each of which represented a distinct epitope.One-way ADE and VN assays were performed using homologous PRRSV isolates in the presence or absence of each MAb. ADE activity was determined by detecting an increase of progeny virus yield in porcine alveolar macrophage cultures in the presence of individual MAbs. Neutralizing activity was determined by detecting a significant reduction or complete blocking of virus replication in MARC-145 cells in the presence of individual MAbs. The MAbs could be categorized into 3 groups: enhancing, neutralizing and neither. Neutralizing epitopes appeared to reside on the M, GP5, and GP3 proteins. ADE epitopes were associated with the N and GP5 proteins. Identification of the epitopes responsible for ADE and VN may provide the basis for developing efficacious second-generation vaccines for the control of PRRS virus

    The State of Veterans in Wisconsin

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    Arts: Policy and Talking Points (1994): Editorial 01

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    Storytelling in Northern Zambia

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    More than just a book, Storytelling in Northern Zambia lets you watch videos of the storytellers while you read. Storytelling plays an important part in the vibrant cultural life of Zambia and in many other communities across Africa. This innovative book provides a collection and analysis of oral narrative traditions as practiced by five Bemba-speaking ethnic groups in Zambia. The integration of newly digitalised audio and video recordings into the text enables the reader to encounter the storytellers themselves and hear their narratives as they were recounted during Robert Cancel’s research trips to Zambia. Robert Cancel's thorough critical interpretation, combined with these newly digitalised audio and video materials, makes Storytelling in Northern Zambia a much needed addition to the slender corpus of African folklore studies that deal with storytelling performance. Cancel threads his way between the complex demands of African fieldwork studies, folklore theory, narrative modes, reflexive description and simple documentation and succeeds in bringing to the reader a set of performers and their performances that are vivid, varied and instructive. He illustrates this living narrative tradition with a wide range of examples, and highlights the social status of narrators and the complex local identities that are at play. Cancel’s innovative study tells us not only about storytelling but sheds light on the study of oral literatures throughout Africa and beyond. Its innovative format, meanwhile, explores new directions in the integration of primary source material into scholarly texts. This book is part of our World Oral Literature Series in conjunction with the World Oral Literature Project

    Suplementación con concentrados con proteína no degradable en el rumen y el desempeño de vacas Holstein

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    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of level of concentrate supplementation with two concentrates differing in concentration and type of ruminally undegradable protein (RUP) on dry matter intake (DMI) and milk production of Holstein cows in late (E1) and early (E2) lactation. In both trials, concentrates were fed at the rate of 1 kg per 2.5 or 1.5 kg of milk, constituting low (LCS) and high (HCS) levels of concentrate supplementation, respectively. No significant effect of type of concentrate was observed on DMI, milk production, milk composition or efficiency of milk production in either experiment. HCS resulted in lower hay DM consumption by cows in late (9.8 vs. 11.3 kg/d) and early (6.4 vs. 8.1 kg/d) lactation, but also in greater total DMI by late (17.7 vs. 15.6 kg/d) and early (19.6 vs. 16.2 kg/d) lactation cows. Similarly, milk production was greater when late (13.1 vs. 11.8 kg/d) and early (25.5 vs. 22.6 kg/d) lactation cows were fed the HCS. In E2, contrary to E1, cows produced milk of higher fat concentration (2.66 vs. 3.18%) when the LCS was fed. HCS resulted in lower efficiency of concentrate use for milk and 3.25%-fat-corrected milk production, particularly during early lactation. However, income over feed cost was higher for HCS during early lactation. Thus, the practice of supplementing concentrates at a high level can be justified economically under conditions similar to those of this trial.Se realizaron dos experimentos para determinar los efectos del nivel de suplementación con dos concentrados con diferente concentración y tipo de proteína no degradable en el rumen (PND) en vacas Holstein en etapa tardía (E1) y etapa temprana (E2) de lactancia. En ambos estudios, los concentrados se suplieron a razón de 1 kg por cada 1.5 y 2.5 kg de leche, constituyendo los niveles alto (AS) y bajo (BS) de suplementación, respectivamente. Las diferencias en consumo de materia seca (MS), producción de leche, composición de la leche y eficiencia de la producción de leche debido al tipo de concentrado no fueron significativas (P < 0.05) en ninguno de los dos experimentos. El AS resultó en menor consumo de MS de heno en vacas en etapa tardía (9.8 vs. 11.3 kg/d) y temprana (6.4 vs. 8.1 kg/d) de lactancia, pero también resultó en mayor consumo de MS total en vacas en etapa tardía (17.7 vs. 15.6 kg/d) y temprana (19.6 vs. 16.2 kg/d) de lactancia. Igualmente, alimentar con AS resultó en mayor producción de leche en la etapa tardía (13.1 vs. 11.8 kg/d) y temprana (25.5 vs. 22.6 kg/d) de lactancia. En el E2, contrario al E1, la concentración de grasa láctea fue mayor con el BS (2.66 vs. 3.18%). Si bien AS resultó en una menor eficiencia del uso de concentrado para producir leche, particularmente en el E2, también aumentó el ingreso monetario sobre el costo de los alimentos en la lactancia temprana. Por consiguiente, el AS es justificable en términos económicos bajo condiciones similares a las de este estudio
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