62 research outputs found

    Contratos de aprendizaje y evaluación entre iguales para responsabilizar al alumno de su aprendizaje

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    Con la implantación del EEES el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje ha pasado de estar centrado en la enseñanza del profesorado al aprendizaje del alumnado. Así pues los créditos que supone el superar un grado ya no se miden en horas de docencia presencial que debe realizar el profesorado, sino en horas de trabajo que debe llevar a cabo el alumnado. Este cambio ha propiciado una evolución tanto de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje como de los de evaluación. En este nuevo entorno la atención se desplaza hacia el estudiante de forma que es importante dotarlo de la motivación y las herramientas necesarias para que sea capaz de tomar parte de la responsabilidad que supone su aprendizaje. Los contratos de aprendizaje son uno de los métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que pueden ser usados con la finalidad de potenciar el aprendizaje autónomo del alumnado y hacer que asuma dicha responsabilidad. Por otra parte, la evaluación entre iguales puede ser el complemento ideal para hacer que la responsabilidad del alumno se prolongue hasta el final del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este artículo se presenta el uso de ambos métodos en una asignatura del ámbito de la ingeniería del software analizando el diseño de la experiencia docente y sus resultados.SUMMARY -- With the implementation of the EEES the teachinglearning process has evolved from focusing on teaching faculty to student centred learning. Therefore, the credits need to obtain a degree are no longer measured in presencial hours performed by the teacher, but in hours of work to be carried out by the students. This change has led to the evolution of both, teachinglearning and evaluation processes. In this new environment the focus shifts to the students so that it is important to provide them with the motivation and necessary tools to be able to take some responsibility for their own learning. The learning contracts are one of the teaching-learning methods that can be used in order to enhance students’ independent learning and do assume that responsibility. Moreover, peer evaluation may be the ideal complement to the student’s responsibility to continue until the end of the teaching-learning process. This paper presents the use of these methods in a software engineering subject, to analyse the design and results of the teaching experience

    A Domain-Specific Modelling Language for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a strategic critical subject in many business processes, since enterprises not only need to provide good products or services, but they also have to demonstrate that they are environmentally and socially responsible. In this context, enterprises should use appropriate computer systems in order to manage CSR ensuring the adoption of best practices with the aim of obtaining competitive advantages. On the other hand, Model-Driven Engineering is a proven and accepted paradigm that provides sound mechanisms to develop quality and reliable computer systems in an efficient way starting from business models. The main results presented in this paper are a CSR Metamodel and a CSR UML profile that provide a Domain-Specific Modelling Language (DSML) to represent CSR. This DSML supports the design of CSR Computer Independent Models (CIM) that are the starting point for Model-Driven Engineering development. To propose this DSML to represent CSR we analysed international standards, guides and regulations on CSR and we reviewed CSR strategies developed by different companies in order to define the artifacts of the CSR Metamodel. Finally, a practical case study using this DSML is provided in order to improve and to validate the defined CSR Metamodel, and to show how to apply the proposal in an actual company

    Coordination of subjects using a real practical case to boost learning results

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    Comunicació presentada al 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’19) Universitat Politècnica de València, València, 2019In the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the coordination of subjects presents a challenge and a key factor for students’ learning and competence development. The joint planning of subjects about fundamentals of software engineering and design and implementation of information systems in computer science higher studies provides the students a comprehensive view of the development of a real information system from the conception of the idea to the final implementation for actual users. Such coordination aims to boost learning of the specific competences as well as the generic ones, and allows to generate synergies for students to obtain a direct benefit. This paper summarizes how this experience has been designed and carried out. We describe how to implement the coordination and in addition, we include the results of a survey conducted on students enrolled in the subjects the last academic year

    Ingeniería del Software de gestión: experiencia docente en la Universidad Jaume I

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    La docencia de la Ingeniería del Software de Gestión en la titulación de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestión supone una doble dificultad. Por una parte la intrínseca a la materia, y por otra la falta de conocimientos de los alumnos en algunos aspectos básicos para la completa comprensión de las asignaturas de este bloque. En este documento se describen los planteamientos y las experiencias que se han llevado a cabo durante los cinco cursos que se ha impartido en la Universidad Jaume I

    Las estancias en prácticas de las titulaciones de informática en la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló

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    En el presente artículo se describe el procedimiento que se sigue para la organización y seguimiento de estancias en prácticas en empresas de las titulaciones de informática de la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. Se realiza un estudio detallado de los estancias realizadas por los alumnos durante el curso 1998/1999 y se exponen diferentes problemáticas detectadas, así como propuestas de mejora que pueden contribuir a un mayor aprovechamiento de estas estancias

    Process Model Metrics for Quality Assessment of Computer-Interpretable Guidelines in PROform

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    Background: Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) include recommendations to optimize patient care and thus have the potential to improve the quality and outcomes of healthcare. To achieve this, CPG recommendations are usually formalized in terms of Computer-Interpretable Guideline (CIG) languages. However, a clear understanding of CIG models may prove complicated, due to the inherent complexity of CPGs and the specificities of CIG languages. Drawing a parallel with the Business Process Management (BPM) and the Software Engineering fields, understandability and modifiability of CIG models can be regarded as primary quality attributes, in order to facilitate their validation, as well as their adaptation to accommodate evolving clinical evidence, by modelers (typically teams made up of clinical and IT experts). This constitutes a novel approach in this area of CIG development, where understandability and modifiability aspects have not been considered to date. Objective: In this paper, we define a comprehensive set of process model metrics for CIGs described in the PROforma CIG language, with the main objective of providing tools for quality assessment of CIG models in this language. Methods: To this end, we first reinterpret a set of metrics from the BPM field in terms of PROforma and then we define new metrics to capture the singularities of PROforma models. Additionally, we report on a set of experiments to assess the relationship between the structural and logical properties of CIG models, as measured by the proposed metrics, and their understandability and modifiability from the point of view of modelers, both clinicians and IT staff. For the analysis of the experiment results, we perform statistical analysis based on a generalized linear mixed model with binary logistic regression. Results: Our contribution includes the definition of a comprehensive set of metrics that allow measuring model quality aspects of PROforma CIG models, the implementation of tools and algorithms to assess the metrics for PROforma models, and the empirical validation of the proposed metrics as quality indicators. Conclusions: In light of the results, we conclude that the proposed metrics can be of great value, as they capture the PROforma-specific features in addition to those inspired by the general-purpose BPM metrics in the literature. In particular, the newly defined metrics for PROforma prevail as statistically significant when the whole CIG model is considered, which means that they better characterize its complexity. Consequently, the proposed metrics can be used as quality indicators of the understandability, and thereby maintainability, of PROforma CIGs

    Aprender a aprender estudiando Ingeniería del Software

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    Uno de los retos actuales a los que se enfrentan los alumnos universitarios es el de aprender a aprender. Este reto implica también a los profesores y por tanto conlleva un cambio de mentalidad en los actores del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, es decir, alumnos y profesores. En cuanto a los profesores es parte de su cometido adaptar las asignaturas a esta nueva mentalidad incluyendo actividades y técnicas que enseñen al alumno como aprender a aprender, para que en el futuro sea capaz de aprender por sí mismo los nuevos conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que la sociedad le va a demandar. En este artículo se presenta este cambio de mentalidad en la docencia de la Ingeniería del Software en la Ingeniería Informática. Se muestra la experiencia llevada a cabo a lo largo de diversos cursos, así como ejemplos de los principales métodos pedagógicos aplicados: contratos de aprendizaje, aprendizaje cooperativo y ePortfolio

    El eportfolio en la Ingeniería del Software como una herramienta de reflexión en el proceso de aprendizaje

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    La aplicación de nuevas metodologías de enseñanza-aprendizaje y sistemas de evaluación, basados principalmente en los contratos de aprendizaje, ha conseguido mejorar visiblemente los resultados de los alumnos en la superación de la asignatura ‘Ingeniería del Software’. Sin embargo, el profesorado de dicha asignatura se plantea, con el ánimo de mejorar, si estos cambios hacen que realmente los alumnos estén aprendiendo más. Para dar respuesta a esta cuestión se ha utilizado el eportfolio como una herramienta de evaluación enfocada a la reflexión sobre el propio proceso de aprendizaje. En este artículo, se explica esta experiencia docente, detallando la situación de partida, la planificación, ejecución y evaluación de la misma, así como los resultados obtenidos

    Coordination of subjects using a real practical case to boost learning results

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    [EN] In the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the coordination of subjects presents a challenge and a key factor for students’ learning and competence development. The joint planning of subjects about fundamentals of software engineering and design and implementation of information systems in computer science higher studies provides the students with a comprehensive view of the development of a real information system, from the conception of the idea to the final implementation for actual users. Such coordination aims to boost learning of the specific competences as well as the generic ones, and allows to generate synergies for students to obtain a direct benefit. This paper summarizes how this experience has been designed and carried out. We describe how to implement the coordination and, in addition, we include the results of a survey conducted on students enrolled in the subjects the last academic year.Campos Sancho, C.; López, A.; Museros, L.; Sanz, I. (2019). Coordination of subjects using a real practical case to boost learning results. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1277-1285. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9388OCS1277128

    Fonaments d’enginyeria del programari

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    Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics. Codi d’assignatura: EI102
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