19 research outputs found

    Industrial policy, economic growth and international engagement: a comparison of selected countries

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    The current debate on industrial policies is no longer focused on whether such policies are necessary, but on how best to implement them and on the lessons that can be learned (and transferred) from successful industrialization experiences. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of different configurations of industrial policies on the growth and international engagement of nine Latin American economies. This impact is measured by analysing autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models and intervention models for 1966–2014. The results show that the interventions analysed did not significantly modify the behaviour of the time series studied, except in the case of the economic growth series. For the other variables, the interventions were quite self-contained, and it was impossible to identify any behavioural pattern associated with the intervention periods analysed

    Política industrial, crecimiento económico e inserción internacional: comparación de países seleccionados

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    El debate actual sobre las políticas industriales ya no se centra en determinar si las políticas industriales son necesarias, sino en la mejor manera de implementar dichas políticas y en las lecciones que se pueden aprender (y transferir) a partir de las experiencias de industrialización exitosas. Por lo tanto, la propuesta de este artículo consiste en analizar el impacto de diferentes configuraciones de políticas industriales en el crecimiento y la inserción internacional de nueve economías de América Latina. Dicho impacto se determina mediante el análisis de modelos autorregresivos integrados de media móvil (ARIMA) y de intervención para el período 1966-2014. Los resultados indican que las intervenciones analizadas no modificaron significativamente el comportamiento de las series estudiadas, excepto las series de crecimiento económico. Para las demás variables, las intervenciones fueron bastante puntuales y no se verificó ningún patrón de comportamiento en función de los períodos de intervención analizados

    Effects of intellectual property rights on innovation and economic activity: A non-linear perspective from Latin America

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    This work was financed by the Coordenação ao de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001 and supported by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq (Proc. 152,060/2022–7).Acknowledgements: The authors sincerely thank the Editor Mario Pianta and anonymous referees for all comments and constructive suggestions, which significantly contributed to improving the quality of the manuscript. We would like to register our sincere thanks to Miss Maribel Guerrero for her helpful suggestions in a firsthand view of our research. The authors are also grateful for the many helpful comments at the Academy of International Business – AIB LAC 2023 Conference hosted at ESPM in São Paulo, Brazil.Intellectual property rights (IPRs) have a significant impact on facilitating the economic endeavors of countries. Nevertheless, there exists notable disparity among studies concerning the implications of IPRs within developing countries. Therefore, this study examines how stronger IPRs affect economic activity and moderate two important knowledge channels, domestic and foreign innovation activity. Using a sample of 18 Latin American countries from 2007 to 2018, we employed the Driscoll-Kraay robust standard errors, two-stage least squares (2SLS), and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to examine the effects of IPRs. Results confirm an inverted U-shaped relationship between IPRs and economic activity. Hence, the majority of Latin countries continue to vary in the factors of production that suport robust IPRs. Conversely, robust IPRs effectively improve the relation between domestic innovation and economic activity. Similarly, this influence holds true for foreign innovation as well. Based on this evidence, the research suggests implementing an optimal IPR policy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Foreign direct investment in developing economies: A study on the productivity spillover effects in Latin America

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate how the productivity spillover effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Latin American economies are manifested. Specifically, the paper sought to identify the role of foreign presence and government intervention through an industrial policy on total factor productivity in Latin American countries. Design/methodology/approach The analyses in this study were performed in two stages. The first step consisted of decomposing the total factor productivity growth, in technical efficiency change (EC) and technological efficiency change (TC), using the Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI). In the second stage of this research, the specific EC and TC indexes of each country – obtained with the MPI – are used alternately as a dependent variable in a regression analysis with dynamic panel data. The variables were collected from the World Development Indicators database, available in the World Bank database, and cover the period from 1994 to 2014. Findings FDI has contributed to not only the catch-up effect – i.e. to continuous improvements in production processes and products using the same technology – but also in terms of productivity, due to technological innovations and the frontier-shift effect. Industrial policies, such as the FDI attraction, when established in isolation, are not able to contribute to the generation of productivity spillovers, measured in terms of technical and technological efficiency. Research limitations/implications The limitation of the present study lies precisely in the nature of data aggregation that actually limits a more in-depth analysis of the object of study. The available data set for the analysis in this study does not provide a detailed examination of the domestic corporations’ characteristics, the sectors and motivations of multinational corporations of each one of the analyzed economies. Practical implications The outcomes of this research present several practical implications, as its development is based on the recognition that productivity is essential for the development of a country. It remains the Achilles' heel of the Latin American economies, and therefore, it is necessary and essential to move toward a change in its development model and, more specifically, in its industrial policies, with a focus on investment and innovation to achieve the new sustainable development objectives. Among the main challenges presented to governments in the region is the emergence of policies aimed at establishing a sustainable development path through industrial policies capable of accelerating productivity growth. Social implications The evidence presented in this study highlights the importance of better understanding the real effects of state intervention through the use of industrial policy instruments and how they affect foreigners’ investment decisions, as the lack of clear industrial policy orientation that is systematically integrated with MNEs’ operations may result in economic development opportunities below the ideal. Originality/value The research results corroborate the foundations of spillover effects theory and with the recognition that the intensity of the effect of the foreign participation on the performance of economies will depend on the absorption capacity of host economies

    Unidades de conservação e saúde nas unidades de federação brasileiras: uma análise espacial

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    A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida no período compreendido entre 2019 e 2021 no escopo do projeto intitulado Desenvolvimento Sustentável em Unidades de Conservação: Uma Análise Espacial do Crescimento Econômico e do Número de Unidades de Uso Sustentável no Brasil, que tem como foco principal as Unidades de Conservação (UCs) das 27 unidades federativas brasileiras

    Investimento direto estrangeiro na América Latina: um estudo sobre sustentabilidade ambiental e governança

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    O principal objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar de que forma os fluxos de Investimento Estrangeiro Direto (IDE) impactam na degradação ambiental dos países da América Latina, de maneira a identificar como a governança das instituições regula o impacto desses investimentos e contribuem para a sustentabilidade ambiental

    Os impactos do IDE e das estratégias das multinacionais sobre a biodiversidade, mudanças climáticas e saúde

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    Este estudo busca analisar os impactos do IDE e das estratégias das multinacionais sobre a biodiversidade, mudanças climáticas e saúde

    Análise espaço-temporal da relação entre o avanço da atividade econômica, desflorestamento e saúde pública na Amazônia Legal

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    Neste trabalho, investigamos as relações entre as variáveis de produção, desflorestamento e a ocorrência de doenças transmitidas por vetores (DTV), a fim de responder o questionamento: Qual é a relação espaço-temporal entre intensidade da atividade econômica, desflorestamento em áreas de conservação e indicadores de saúde pública na Amazônia Legal


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    Our study makes an analysis of American’ multinationals foreign market entry strategies in the European Union agribusiness context. We have used a logistic regression analysis using generalized estimating equation method to make hypothesis about the multinationals’ choices. Our results suggest that American food companies operating in EU appear not to choose their mode of entry based merely on host country factors, but mostly on firm related factors, including firm-specific factors and firm financial performance. Despite the creation of a common institutional framework for M&As in the EU, they are still subject to peculiarities due mostly to organizational characteristics of investing firms