39 research outputs found

    Phylogeny, divergence times, and evolution of Oecanthidae n. status (Insecta, Orthoptera, Grylloidea

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    A ordem Orthoptera, conhecida principalmente pelos grilos e gafanhotos, é distribuída mundialmente com quase 30 mil espécies válidas, sendo considerada a ordem mais diversa dentre os Polyneoptera. Em Orthoptera, os grilos verdadeiros (Grylloidea) são organismos frequentemente utilizados como organismos modelo para diversos tipos de estudo como comunicação acústica, comportamento, ecologia e até neurobiologia. No entanto, poucos desses estudos são focados no contexto evolutivo, uma vez que ainda existem poucas hipóteses filogenéticas para o grupo. Além disso, a comunicação acústica desses insetos é considerada um dos elementos mais intrigantes e presentes em sua evolução. Porém, apesar de ser um tema constantemente retratado pela comunidade científica, poucos trabalhos o abordam em um contexto filogenético. No primeiro capítulo dessa tese, apresentamos uma hipótese filogenética para uma nova família de grilos, grupo-irmão de Gryllidae n. def.: Oecanthidae n. status. As análises filogenéticas possuem como fonte de caracteres dados moleculares e morfológicos, para parcimônia e máxima verossimilhança, e dados moleculares para a análise de tempos de divergência (inferência bayesiana). Foram utilizados 107 terminais de todas as regiões biogeográficas e seis fósseis para a calibração da árvore filogenética. Todas as análises resultam em Oecanthidae n. status composta por quatro subfamílias, Euscyrtinae, Oecanthinae n. def., n. status, Podoscirtinae n. def. e Tafaliscinae n. def. n. status. Baseado nos resultados obtidos, nós revisamos a definição e a classificação interna das subfamílias, supertribos (propostas neste trabalho) e tribos. Phyllogryllini n. tribo é definida. Também atualizamos as diagnoses, listamos os gêneros de cada uma das tribos e as apomorfias dos táxons supragenéricos. Também é apresentada uma chave de identificação para todos os níveis taxonômicos de Oecanthidae n. status mais todos os gêneros de Tafaliscinae n. def. n. status. No segundo capítulo, utilizamos a filogenia de Oecanthidae, baseada em dados moleculares e morfológicos, para realizar uma reconstrução de estados ancestrais relacionados a comunicação acústica. Os caracteres são estruturas das asas anteriores, as próprias asas anteriores e tímpanos. Foram analisados seis caracteres no total. Nossos resultados demostram perdas de caracteres relacionados a comunicação acústica para vários táxons independentemente ao longo do tempo. Ao final, discutimos as possíveis causas da perda da capacidade de produção do som em Oecanthidae além das suas alternativas para uma comunicação eficiente não dependente de sinais acústicos.Orthoptera, mainly known by crickets and grasshoppers, is distributed worldwide with almost 30,000 valid species. The order is considered the most diverse order within Polyneoptera. In Orthoptera, true crickets (Grylloidea) are frequently used as models for many areas of science as acoustic communication, behavior, ecology, and neurobiology. However, only a few studies are focused on a phylogenetic context since the number of phylogenetic hypotheses for this group is low. Besides, the acoustic communication of these insects is considered an essential element of their evolution. Although it is a subject constantly debated, only a few works are in a phylogenetic frame. In the first chapter of this thesis, we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for a new family of crickets, sister-group of Gryllidae n. def.: Oecanthidae n. status. The phylogenetic analyses are based on molecular and morphological data for maximum likelihood and parsimony criteria and molecular data for divergence times analysis (Bayesian inference). Were used 107 terminals from all biogeographic regions and six fossils to calibrate the phylogenetic tree. All analyses result in Oecanthidae n. status composed of four subfamilies: Euscyrtinae, Oecanthinae n. def., Podoscirtinae n. def., and Tafaliscinae n. def. n. status. We revise the definition and internal classification of subfamilies, supertribes (proposed herein), and tribes based on our results. Phyllogryllini n. tribe is defined. We also update the diagnosis of suprageneric groups, list their apomorphies, and list the genera of each tribe. An identification key is proposed for all taxonomic levels of Oecanthidae n. status plus all Tafaliscinae n. def., n. status genera. In Chapter 2, we use the phylogeny of Oecanthidae, based on molecular and morphological characters, to reconstruct the history of characters related to acoustic communication in crickets as forewings structures, the forewings itself, and tympana. In total, the history of six characters are analyzed. Our results demonstrate the loss of characters related to acoustic communication along the time independently for many taxa in this family of crickets. Several of these taxa are not able to use forewings to stridulate. We discuss the potential causes of losing the capacity of sound-producing and hearing and their alternatives for efficient communication not exclusively based on sounds

    Taxonomic and phylogenetic study of Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956 (Orthoptera; Phalangopsidae; Luzarinae)

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    Os ortópteros neotropicais, com exceção aos de importância econômica, de maneira geral, são muito pouco conhecidos em relação aos demais ortópteros ao redor do mundo. Isso devido à carência de trabalhos científicos para esse grupo, principalmente os estudos taxonômicos; consequentemente, o número de espécies descritas atualmente é muito subestimado. Não diferente, o gênero Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956, possui atualmente 20 espécies descritas, distribuídas nos domínios de Mata Atlântica e Cerrado, que se estendem pelas regiões sul, sudeste e centro-oeste brasileiras, além de também serem encontrados na Bolívia e Paraguai. São grilos ativos no período noturno, habitantes cavidades naturais, como tocas, barrancos, troncos de árvores mortas, fendas de rochas e cavernas. Neste estudo, o gênero foi revisado, incluindo a redescrição de espécies pouco conhecidas, descrição de sete novas espécies (E. scopula Campos, sp. nov., E. gigas Campos, sp. nov., E. neomarmorata Campos, sp. nov., E. desutterae Campos, sp. nov., E. putuhra Campos, sp. nov., E. fontanettiae Nihei & de Mello, sp. nov. e E. melloi Campos, sp. nov.), três novas combinações (E. speluncae (Mello-Leitão, 1937) comb. nov., E. minuta (de Mello, 1990) comb. nov. e E. endophallica (de Mello, 1990) comb. nov.) e uma sinonímia nova (E. lencionii Bolfarini, 2016 = E. dissimilis Desutter-Grandcolas, 1995, syn. nov.), totalizando 29 espécies para o grupo. Também foram feitos uma chave de identificação para o gênero e mapas de distribuição de suas espécies. Uma análise filogenética é apresentada incluindo 38 terminais, dos quais 12 foram considerados como grupo externo, e 98 caracteres morfológicos. Essa análise suportou a monofilia do gênero, permitiu visualizar seu relacionamento com táxons próximos de Luzarinae e sustenta a proposta de sinonímia de Endophallusia de Mello, 1990 com Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956, de modo a sua taxonomia refletir a monofilia indicada na análise filogenéticaThe Neotropical Orthoptera, excluding those with economic importance, are poorly known, in comparison with the orthopterans around the world. The main reason is the lack of scientific studies on this group, mainly taxonomic studies, resulting in a underestimated number of described species. Likewise, Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956 comprises 20 described species, and is mostly distributed on Atlantic Forest and Cerrado areas, extending from south, southeast and midwest Brazilian regions, and beyond, reaching Bolivia and Paraguay. Eidmanacris species are active at night, and inhabit natural cavities as burrows, bounds, hollow trees trunks, cavities in rocks and caves. In this study, the genus was reviewed, including the redescription of seven new species (E. scopula Campos, sp. nov., E. gigas Campos, sp. nov., E. neomarmorata Campos, sp. nov., E. desutterae Campos, sp. nov., E. putuhra Campos, sp. nov., E. fontanettiae Nihei & de Mello, sp. nov. and E. melloi Campos, sp. nov.), three new combinations (E. speluncae (Mello-Leitão, 1937) comb. nov., E. minuta (de Mello, 1990) comb. nov. and E. endophallica (de Mello, 1990) comb. nov.) and one synonym (E. lencionii Bolfarini, 2016 = E. dissimilis Desutter-Grandcolas, 1995, syn. nov.), totalizing 29 species in this genus. An identification key for the genus and a distribution map of species were made. A phylogenetic analysis is presented including 38 terminals, 12 of them as outgroup and 98 morphological characters This analysis attested the monophyly of the genus, showed its relationships with another Luzarinae taxa, and supported the proposal of synonymy of Endophallusia de Mello, 1990 with Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956, so that its taxonomy reflected the monophyly indicated in the phylogenetic analysi

    Taxonomic studies on the Neotropical Landrevinae with description of new taxa (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Gryllidae)

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    The understanding of the subfamily Landrevinae has been modified by different authors since its creation. In the neotropics three genera are known to the present: Odontogryllus Saussure, 1877 (one from México, the others amazonian), Brasilodontus de Mello, 1992 with two species (from Brazilian Atlantic Forest), e Valchica de Mello, 1992 with one species (from Costa Rica). De Mello (1992) erroneously created the tribe Odontogryllini for this cluster of neotropical genera, here suppressed. In the present paper we revise and add new species to Brasilodontus and describe two monotypic genera, Xulavuna n. gen. and Yarrubura, n. gen. An identification key to the genera of neotropical Landrevinae is presented as well as one for the species of Brasilodontus. The male fore wings of Xulavuna adenoptera n. sp. is remarkable regarding its shape and its glandular conditionO entendimento da subfamília Landrevinae tem sido alterada por diferentes autores desde sua criação. Até o momento, três gêneros são conhecidos da Neotropica: Odontogryllus Saussure, 1877 com 11 espécies (uma das quais do México, as demais amazônicas), Brasilodontus de Mello, 1992 com duas espécies (da Floresta Atlântica brasileira), e Valchica de Mello, 1992 monotípico (da Costa Rica). De Mello (1992) erroneamente erigiu a tribo Odontogryllini para esse grupo de gêneros neotropicais, aqui suprimida. No presente trabalho revisamos e adicionamos novas espécies ao gênero Brasilodontus e descrevemos novos gêneros monotípicos, Xulavuna gen. n. e Yarrubura, gen. n. Uma chave de identificação para os gêneros de Landrevinae neotropicais é apresentada, assim como uma para as espécies de Brasilodontus. As asas mesonotais do macho de Xulavuna adenoptera sp. n. são notáveis quanto à forma e sua condição glandula

    Brazitrypa cornuta Campos & Desutter-Grandcolas 2020, n. sp.

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    Brazitrypa cornuta n. sp. (Figs 18-20) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: D27DF6B1-199E-4CE2-A057-10F4A8BD2C3B TYPE LOCALITY. — French Guiana, Kaw mountain, Roura. ETYMOLOGY. — From Latin ‘cornutus’ means ‘with horns’, referring to the apex of LLophi of this species. TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. French Guiana • ♂; Mont[agne] de Kaw, PK 39, arbre 7; 13.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN-EO- ENSIF10892; MNHN. Allotype. French Guiana • ♀; Mont[agne] de Kaw, PK 39, arbre 5; 19.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10893; MNHN. Paratypes. 3 ♂, 7 ♀. French Guiana • 1♂; same data as for allotype; Molec. 2019 lbr_168; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10894; MNHN. • 1♂; same data as for allotype, MNHN-EO-ENSIF10895; MNHN. • 1♂; Mont [agne] de Kaw, PK 37, arbre 4; 18.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNRJ. • 1♀; Mont [agne] de Kaw, PK 39, arbre 7; 23.VIII.1994; Roubaud rec.; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10896; MNHN. • 2♀; Mont [agne] de Kaw, PK 37, arbre 4; 18.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10897; MNHN; and Molec 2019 lbr_068; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10898, MNHN. • 1♀; Mont [agne] de Kaw, PK 37, arbre 3; 17.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10899; MNHN. • 1♀; Arataye Affl. Approuague, 8 km NE pied Saut Parare; 10. VI.1988; L. Desutter & P. Grandcolas leg.; lamp; MNRJ. • 1♀; Arataye Affl. Approuague, aval du Saut Parare; 13.VII.1988; L. Desutter & P. Grandcolas leg.; beating during the day, Coumou palm trees, n° 12 and 13; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10900; MNHN. • 1♀; Arataye Affl. Approuague, 8 km NE pied Saut Parare; 24. VI.1988; L. Desutter & P. Grandcolas leg; crest forest, plant, night; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10901; MNHN. DIAGNOSIS. — This species is separated from the other species of Brazitrypa by the following characters: FIII light brown; male metanotum with a trapezoid elevation on the middle; first abdominal tergite with two anteromedial projections and rounded tip. Male genitalia: LLophi inner margin rounded, somewhat membranous, outer margin well sclerotized, hook shaped; EctF lightly sclerotized, posterior margin acuminated. Female: ovipositor apex reddish brown. DESCRIPTION General morphology. Body. Medium size, general coloration medium to light brown, body covered by bristles, except FWs and HWs. Head. Occiput and vertex with bristles, medium brown. Fastigium as long as wide, pubescent, medium brown (Fig. 18A, C, E). Frons with yellowish bristles, light brown, with medial medium brown macula, and a dark brown band under the eyes (Fig. 18E). Eyes longer than wide in lateral view, ommatids black, dorsal ommatids whitish (Fig. 18B, E). Antennal scape longer than wide, inner margin with yellow bristles, light brown; antennomeres light brown. Gena light brown in frontal and lateral views. Mandibles yellowish brown, apex darker. Epistomal suture and clypeus light brown; labrum medium brown (Fig. 18E). Maxillary palpi slightly pubescent, article 3 longer than articles 4 and 5, article 5 clavate, light brown. Pronotum. DD slightly longer than wide, pubescent, reddishbrown, divided by a yellowish-brown sagittal line. DD cephalic margin slightly concave with brownish bristles; caudal margin slightly convex, with brownish bristles (Fig. 18A, C). LL light brown; ventro-cephalic angle rounded; ventrocaudal angle gradually ascendant in lateral view (Fig. 18B, D). Wings. FWs covering entire abdomen; FWs somewhat translucent, light brown, with dark brown veins (Fig. 18 A-D). HWs slightly longer than FWs in dorsal and lateral views. Legs. Legs I and II with yellowish bristles. FI and FII light brown. TI and TII light brown. TI with three apical spurs: two ventral same-sized; one dorsal, inner, longer than ventral ones. TII with two ventral spurs same-sized, and two dorsal spurs smaller than ventral ones. FIII longer than TIII; with short bristles, light brown, darker apically (Fig. 18B). TIII light brown, with yellowish bristles.TIII subapical spurs 5/4, with one spine between each inner and outer pair of successive spurs, uppermost spurs with two spines between them, five or six spines above outer subapical spurs, four or five spines above inner subapical spurs. TIII apical spurs 3/3, longer on inner side; inner apical spurs: dorsal longest (iad), median shorter than dorsal (iam), ventral smallest (iav) (iad>iam>iav); outer apical spurs: median longest (oam), dorsal slightly shorter (oad), ventral almost same size of dorsal (oav) (oam>oad>oav). TIII subapical spurs and spines and apical spurs light brown, apex reddish-brown (Fig. 18 A-D). Basitarsus dorsal spines 3/2, apical spine the longest; inner apical spur shorter than basitarsus, outer and inner apical spurs same-sized. Basitarsus light brown. Abdomen. Tergites slightly pubescent, medium brown. Cerci pubescent, light brown, with yellow setae. Supra anal plate with yellowish bristles, posterior margin straight; light brown, posterior margin medium brown (Fig. 18G). Male Morphology. Metanotum with a trapezoid elevation on the middle; antero-lateral regions inflated without bristles. First abdominal tergite with two anteromedial projections, its tips rounded (Fig. 18F). FW dorsal field bearing 7-8 parallel veins, without stridulatory apparatus; PCu vein not curved inwards on anterior region (Fig. 18A), without stridulatory teeth ventrally. Lateral field with c. 8 parallel veins, parallel to dorsal field, medium brown. Subgenital plate longer than wide, posterior margin rounded, strongly pubescent; medium to dark brown with yellow bristles. (Fig. 18H). Male genitalia (Figs 19 A-C, 20). Pseudepiphallus: pseudepiphallic sclerite apex slightly upcurved in lateral view, anterior margin straight in dorsal view. LLophi shorter than PsP, inner margin rounded, somewhat membranous, outer margin well sclerotized hook shaped. PsP not surpassing posterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite, curved inwards in dorsal and ventral views. R elongated, longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite, flattened laterally. Ectophallic invagination: EctAp slightly longer than LLophi, straight and inclined outwards in dorsal and ventral views; surpassing the anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite. Arc not complete, curved posteriorly in dorsal and ventral views; ventral projections of ectophallic invagination shorter than EctAp. EctF lightly sclerotized, posterior margin acuminated. Endophallus: EndSc weakly sclerotized, flattened dorso-ventrally, longer than wide, anterior and posterior margins rounded. Female Morphology. Body larger than male, general coloration similar to male (Fig. 18C, D). Subgenital plate wider than long, posterior margin slightly concave medially; light brown, covered by yellowish bristles (Fig. 18J). Ovipositor upcurved, medium to dark brown (Fig. 18D); apex reddish-brown (Fig. 18I, J). Female genitalia (Fig. 19 D-F). Copulatory papilla curved downwards in lateral view, without a ventral aperture; posterior margins acuminated, whitish in dorsal view. Anterior margin concave in dorsal view. Measurements (mm) Males (n = 4, holotype and paratypes). HW, 3.65 ± 0.46 (3.4-3.8); IOD, 1.65 ± 0.12 (1.5-1.8); PL, 3.85 ± 0.25 (3.6- 4.2); PW, 3.8 ± 0.3 (3.3-4.2); FWL, 12.12 ± 0.1 (12-12.2); FWW, 3.15 ± 0.54 (2.5-3.8); HWL, 12.75 ± 0.4 (12.2-13.1); LFIII, 9.92 ± 1.13 (9-11.9); WFIII, 3.3 ± 0.3 (3-3.8); LTIII, 6.3± 0.3 (5.9-6.6); LBtarsIII, 1.8 ± 0.2 (1.5-2). Females (n = 8, allotype and paratypes). HW, 4.56 ± 0.33 (4.1-5); IOD, 2.06 ± 0.17 (2-2.5); PL, 4.83 ± 0.21 (4.4-5); PW, 4.73 ± 0.42 (4-5.2); FWL, 14.86 ± 0.72 (14-16.1); FWW, 4 ± 0.3 (3.5-4.6); HWL, 15.86 ± 0.68 (15-17); LFIII, 12.81 ± 1.54 (11.6-16.1); WFIII, 4.01 ± 0.03 (4-4.1); LTIII, 7.94 ± 0.74 (6.7-8.9); LBtarsIII, 2.1 ± 0.1 (2-2.4); OL, 10.82 ± 0.41 (10.2-11.4).Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on pages 376-380, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20, http://zenodo.org/record/396294

    Paroecanthini Gorochov 1986

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    KEY TO GUIANESE PAROECANTHINI GOROCHOV, 1986 KEY ADAPTED FROM CAMPOS ET AL. (2020) FOR GUIANESE SPECIES. 1. Body not robust, slightly flattened; FWs covering the whole abdomen; male FW stridulatory apparatus complete, PCu vein bisinuous; auditory tympana present on both sides of TI, rarely absent on inner side; male genital sclerites generally regressed....................................................................... Paroecanthina Gorochov, 1986 (2) — Body robust or not, not flatenned; apterous, brachypterous, or with developed FWs; males with developed FWs with longitudinal veins, only with PCu curved, or with developed stridulatory apparatus; when curved, PCu vein not bisinuous; auditory tympana absent, present only on inner side of TI, or present only on outer side of TI; male genital sclerites developed.................................................................. Tafaliscina Desutter, 1988 (3) 2. TI inflated; outer tympanum covered by a sclerotized tab; FIII as long as TIII; TIII subapical spurs 5/4; female ovipositor apex margins smooth, ovipositor tip pointed........................ Angustitrella vicina (Chopard, 1912) — TI not inflated; outer tympanum exposed; FIII twice longer than TIII; TIII subapical spurs 4/3; female ovipositor apex margins serrulated, ovipositor tip slightly concave............................... Perutrella septentrionalis n. sp. 3. Small size; FWs absent.......................................................... Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) Gorochov, 2017 (4) — Medium to large size; FWs present............................................................................................................... 5 4. Ocelli present; TIII without a dark brown band on proximal region; male last abdominal tergite constricted medially similar to supra anal plate; male genitalia LLophi inner margin bearing strong bristles; EndSc elongate; copulatory papilla dorsal and ventral side almost same-sized...................... C. (Apterotrypa) mitarakensis n. sp. — Ocelli absent; TIII with a dark brown band well discernible on proximal region; male last abdominal tergite not modified; male genitalia LLophi inner margin without bristles; EndSc short; copulatory papilla dorsal side three times longer than ventral side.............................................................. C. (Apterotrypa) guyanensis n. sp. 5. FWs with stridulatory apparatus; male supra anal plate bearing a median spine; male genitalia LLophi apex bifid...................................................................... Adenophallusia de Mello & de Camargo e Mello, 1996 (6) — FWs only with longitudinal veins, sometimes with PCu curved; male supra anal plate without spine; male genitalia LLophi apex not divided................................................................................................................. 7 6. Male FWs covering the supra anal plate; harp crossed by three diagonal veins; median spine of supra anal plate with base enlarged; both lobes of LLophi of male genitalia with pointed apex; Female FWs covering abdomen but not supra anal plate; copulatory papilla not cylindrical, posterior margin with a median rounded projection................................................................................................................. Adenophallusia legendrei n. sp. — Male FWs not covering the supra anal plate; harp crossed by four diagonal veins; median spine of supra anal plate with base not enlarged; inner lobe of LLophi of male genitalia with pointed apex; Female FWs not covering the last three abdominal tergites; copulatory papilla cylindrical, posterior margin without a median rounded projection...................................................................................................... Adenophallusia aratayensis n. sp. 7. Ocelli generally absent, reduced when present; PCu not curved, without teeth ventrally; metanotum with median region elevated; absence of small dorsal protuberances on fore and mid tibiae; male genitalia only with LLophi. Female apex of ovipositor pointed, smooth laterally; copulatory papilla triangular in dorsal and ventral views............................................................................................................ Brazitrypa Gorochov, 2011 (8) — Ocelli present, well developed; PCu vein curved, sometimes with teeth ventrally; metanotum without projections, or with two lateral projections; presence of small dorsal protuberances on fore and mid tibiae, sometimes absent; male genitalia with MLophi and LLophi. Female apex of ovipositor truncated or slightly acuminated, serrulated laterally; copulatory papilla cylindrical.................................................... Tafalisca Walker, 1869 (9) 8. DD reddish brown; hindleg light brown; copulatory papilla curved downwards in lateral view; male genitalia LLophi hook-shaped................................................................................................ Brazitrypa cornuta n. sp. — DD medium to dark brown; FIII anterior region light brown, distal portion dark brown, TIII dark brown; copulatory papilla straight in lateral view. Male unknown:. Brazitrypa maroniensis (Chopard, 1930) n. comb. 9. General coloration light brown, DD light brown, caudal margin dark brown, with two median maculae dropshaped horizontally dark brown; FWs veins medium to dark brown; PCu curved reaching middle region of FW; male genitalia LLophi curved upwards in lateral view..... Tafalisca elongata elongata (Chopard, 1912) n. comb. — General coloration reddish brown, DD reddish brown, without maculae; FWs veins light brown; PCu curved almost reaching inner margin of FW; male genitalia LLophi straight or slightly curved upwards in lateral view...................................................................................................................................................... 10 10. Flagellum with sparse dark brown antennomeres; FWs light brown with dark brown spots; claws yellow; metanotum with two lateral projections; male genitalia MLophi very short................................ Tafalisca hugeli n. sp. — Flagellum without dark brown antennomeres; FWs medium brown without dark brown spots; claws medium to dark brown; metanotum without projections; male genitalia MLophi elongate, almost half size of LLophi..... 11 11. Flagellum reddish brown; TIII subapical spurs dark brown; PCu vein with stridulatory teeth ventrally; male genitalia LLophi outer margin with bristles; PsP anterior margin larger than posterior in ventral view; R distal half twice wider than anterior half in lateral view....... Tafalisca vestigialis Campos, Souza-Dias & Nihei, 2020 — Flagellum yellowish; TIII subapical spurs apex yellow; PCu vein without stridulatory teeth ventrally; male genitalia LLophi outer margin without bristles; PsP anterior margin thinner than posterior in ventral view; R distal and anterior half almost same width in lateral view........................................................... Tafalisca ansoi n. sp.Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on pages 393-394, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20, http://zenodo.org/record/396294

    Tafalisca elongata subsp. elongata elongata (Chopard 1912, n. comb.

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    Tafalisca elongata elongata (Chopard, 1912) n. comb. (Figs 2-4) Pseudogryllus elongatus Chopard, 1912: 412. Tafalisca elongata – Chopard 1968: 416. Pseudogryllus elongatus elongatus – Gorochov 2011: 268. TYPE LOCALITY. — Nouveau Chantier, French Guiana. DISTRIBUTION. — French Guiana. TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. French Guiana • ♀; Nouveau Chantier; Collection Le Moult; MNHN-EO-ENSIF6594; MNHN. MATERIAL EXAMINED. — French Guiana • 1♂; Inselberg, Mitaraka Nord PL; 54°52.908”N, 02°27.613”O; 670 m; 28.X.2004 - 3 XI.2004; J.-P. Champenois leg.; Molec 2014 LDG499; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10876; MNHN. • 1♀; P[i]st[e] [de] KAW, Patawa; 15.X. 2005; J.-A. Cerda leg.; Malaise; MNHN. DIAGNOSIS. — This species is separated from the other species of Tafalisca by the following characters: occiput dark brown; pronotum DD light brown surrounded by a thin line medium to dark brown, with two median maculae horizontally drop-shaped and dark brown; FWs light brown, with dark brown veins, lateral margin of dorsal field dark brown. Male genitalia: LLophi apex curved inwards; MLophi almost as long as LLophi in dorsal view; EctAp reaching the anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite, upcurved in lateral view. Female: lateral margins of ovipositor apex serrulated, posterior tip almost straight. Female genitalia: copulatory papilla opened ventrally, anterior margin convex in dorsal view; with a median projection flattened dorso-ventrally, curved upwards in lateral view. REDESCRIPTION General morphology Body. Size large, general coloration light brown, body covered by small, light bristles, except FWs and HWs. Head. Occiput and vertex covered by small bristles; occiput dark brown, vertex light brown. Fastigium as long as wide, pubescent, dark brown (Fig. 2 A-E). Three ocelli, the median slightly elliptical, under the line of lateral ones in frontal view; lateral ocelli rounded, larger than median ocellus. Frons smooth, central region with few bristles, light brown (Fig. 2E). Eyes longer than wide in lateral view, ommatids reddish-brown to dark brown (Fig. 2B, D). Antennal scape as long as wide, light brown, inner margin with brown bristles; antennomeres light brown. Gena light brown in frontal and lateral views. Mandibles yellowish brown, apex dark brown. Epistomal suture and clypeus light brown; labrum light brown, apex dark brown (Fig. 2E). Maxillary palpi slightly pubescent, article 5 enlarged, articles 3 and 4 almost same-sized, light brown. Pronotum. DD slightly wider than long, with short bristles, light brown, surrounded by a thin line medium to dark brown; with two dark brown median maculae horizontally drop-shaped in dorsal view. DD cephalic margin slightly concave; caudal margin slightly convex, dark brown (Fig. 2A, C). LL light brown; ventro-cephalic angle rounded; ventro-caudal angle gradually ascendant in lateral view (Fig. 2B, D). Wings. FWs covering entire abdomen; FWs somewhat translucent, light brown, with dark brown veins; lateral margin of dorsal field dark brown (Fig. 2 A-D). HWs longer than FWs in dorsal and lateral views. Legs. Legs I and II with yellowish bristles. FI and FII light brown, apical margin dark brown.TI and TII with small protuberance on dorsal side of proximal region, without bristles (arrow on Fig. 2B); tympana absent. TI and TII medium to dark brown.TI with three apical spurs: two ventral same-sized; one dorsal, inner, almost as long as ventral ones. TII with two ventral spurs, same-sized, two dorsal spurs smaller than ventral ones. FIII longer than TIII; with yellowish bristles, light brown, reddish-brown to dark brown apically; dorsal part with a median dark brown macula, outer side divided by a dark brown stripe (Fig. 2B, D). TIII reddish-brown to dark brown, with yellowish bristles.TIII subapical spurs 5/4, with one spine between each inner and outer pair of successive spurs, three or four spines above uppermost outer subapical spur, two or three spines above uppermost inner subapical spurs. TIII apical spurs 3/3, longer on inner side; inner apical spurs: dorsal longest (iad), median shorter than dorsal (iam), ventral smallest (iav) (iad>iam>iav); outer apical spurs: median longest (oam), dorsal slightly shorter (oad), ventral almost as long as dorsal (oav) (oam>oad>oav). TIII subapical spurs, spines and apical spurs reddish-brown, apex dark brown almost black (Fig. 2B, D). Basitarsus dorsal spines 3/1, apical spine the longest; inner apical spur longer than basitarsus, outer apical spur slightly smaller than outer apical spur. Basitarsus reddish-brown. Abdomen. Tergites slightly pubescent, medium to dark brown. Cerci pubescent, dark brown, with medium to dark brown setae. Supra anal plate with yellowish bristles, dark brown; posterior margin almost straight (Fig. 2G). Male Morphology. Metanotum without projections, antero-lateral regions inflated, with bristles; medio-posterior region somewhat elevated (Fig. 2F). FWs bearing 8-9 parallel veins, dorsal field without stridulatory apparatus; PCu vein slightly curved inwards on anterior region (arrow on Fig. 2A), without stridulatory teeth ventrally. Lateral field with c. 15 parallel veins, dark brown. Subgenital plate posterior margin rounded, strongly pubescent; dark brown with yellow bristles. (Fig. 2H). Male genitalia (Figs 3 A-C, 4). Pseudepiphallus: pseudepiphallic sclerite apex upcurved in lateral view, anterior margin concave in dorsal view; MLophi and LLophi thin in dorsal view. LLophi wider than MLophi in ventral view; apex curved inwards, inner margin of anterior region somewhat rounded in ventral view. MLophi almost as long as LLophi in dorsal view. PsP well sclerotized, shorter than pseudepiphallic sclerite, not surpassing its posterior margin; anterior half curved outwards, thinner than posterior half in ventral view; posterior half longer than wide, posterior margin rounded. R elongated, almost as long as pseudepiphallic sclerite; anterior half slightly rounded, wider than posterior half. Ectophallic invagination: EctAp reaching the anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite, upcurved in lateral view; Arc not complete; ventral projections of ectophallic invagination almost as long as EctAp in ventral view. EctF shorter than EndSc, membranous, posterior margin rounded in ventral view. Endophallus: EndSc well sclerotized, longer than wide, shorter than EctAp, somewhat triangular in ventral view; posterior margin rounded, lateral margins folded ventrally. EndAp shorter than EndSc. Female Morphology. Body larger than male, general coloration similar to male (Fig. 2C, D). Subgenital plate wider than long, posterior margin concave medially; dark brown almost black, median region reddish-brown, covered by yellowish bristles (Fig. 2I). Ovipositor upcurved, dark brown (Fig. 2D); lateral margins serrulated at apex, posterior tip almost straight, reddish-brown (Fig. 2J, K). Female genitalia (Fig. 3 D-F). Copulatory papilla longer than wide, somewhat cylindrical, with a ventral aperture; posterior half lateral margins slightly curved inwards in dorsal and ventral views, posterior margin rounded in dorsal and ventral views. Anterior margin convex in dorsal view; with a median projection flattened dorso-ventrally, curved upwards in lateral view. REMARKS The holotype (female) of Pseudogryllus elongatus Chopard, 1912 and specimens collected close to its type locality were analyzed (male and female). This species has all the diagnostic characters of Tafalisca, and there are no remarkable characters to support the genus Pseudogryllus Chopard, 1912. Thus, Pseudogryllus is considered a junior synonym of Tafalisca. The subspecies Tafalisca elongata gigas (Gorochov, 2011) from Colombia was also described by a single female. Because of the geographical distance and the diversity of Tafalisca genus, both subspecies probably correspond to different species. However, without at least the description of the copulatory papilla of T. elongata gigas, it is not possible to compare both taxa properly and propose taxonomic rearrangements. Holotype images and more information of Pseudogryllus elongatus Chopard, 1912 are available in MNHN collection website (http://coldb.mnhn.fr/catalognumber/mnhn/eo/ensif6594). Measurements (mm) Male (n = 1, non-type): HW, 6.5; IOD, 3; PL, 5.1; PW, 7; FWL, 28.2; FWW, 7; HWL, 29; LFIII, 19.3; WFIII; 6.2; LTIII, 12.6; LBtarsIII, 2.5. Female (n = 1, non-type): HW, 7.2; IOD, 3; PL, 6.1; PW, 7.4; FWL, 30.9; FWW, 7.2; HWL, 32; LFIII, 20.7; WFIII, 6.9; LTIII, 13.2; LBtarsIII, 2.2; OL, 18.7.Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on pages 358-362, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20, http://zenodo.org/record/396294

    Brazitrypa Gorochov 2011

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    Genus Brazitrypa Gorochov, 2011 TYPE SPECIES. — Brazitrypa longiapex Gorochov, 2011. EMENDED DIAGNOSIS. — Ocelli regressed or absent; TI auditory tympana absent. Male: FWs without stridulatory apparatus; PCu vein not curved, without stridulatory teeth; metanotum and first abdominal tergite with projections. Male genitalia: MLophi absent; PsP apex divided in two lobes; EndAp absent. Female: ovipositor apex pointed, lateral margins smooth, posterior tip pointed; apex of dorsal valves wrinkled, apex of ventral valves smooth. Female genitalia: copulatory papilla triangular in dorsal and ventral views.Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on page 375, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20, http://zenodo.org/record/396294

    Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) mitarakensis Campos & Desutter-Grandcolas 2020, n. sp.

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    Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) mitarakensis n. sp. (Figs 1C, 21-23) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: C27AA1D3-FC9D-4F94-9114-6D049B2B8ED9 TYPE LOCALITY. — Mitaraka, French Guiana. ETYMOLOGY. — Species named after type locality. TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. French Guiana • ♂; Monts Tumuc- Humac, Massif du Mitaraka; 54°45.112”O, 2°23.478”N (D2); 300 m; 23/II.2015- 10.III.2015; F. Legendre & S. Hugel leg.; night; Planète revisitée Guyane 2015; 2015 GUY SH 017; Molec. 2015 LDG 514; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10902; MNHN. Allotype. French Guiana • ♀; same data as for holotype; 2015 GUY SH 079; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10903; MNHN. Paratypes. 3♀. French Guiana • 1♀; same data as for holotype; 2015 GUY SH 122; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10904; MNHN. • 1♀; Arataye Affl. Approuagues, aval du Saut Parare; 8.VII.1988; L. Desutter & P. Grandcolas leg.; night; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10905; MNHN. • 1♀; Montagne de Kaw, Piste pk 36; 27.VII.91; P. Grandcolas leg.; low forest (xerophytic); trunk; night; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10906; MNHN. DIAGNOSIS. — This species is separated from the other species of Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) by the following characters: male last abdominal tergite constricted medially in dorsal view, shape like supra anal plate. Male genitalia: LLophi inner margin bearing strong bristles; PsP with two posterior lobes; outer lobe longer than inner lobe, the tip of both lobes rounded; EndSc anterior portion sinuous in lateral view. Female genitalia: copulatory papilla cylindrical, slightly curved downwards in lateral view posterior margin whitish in dorsal view. DESCRIPTION General morphology. Body. Small size, general coloration medium brown, covered by bristles. Head. Occiput and vertex with bristles, medium brown. Fastigium wider than long, pubescent, medium brown (Fig. 21A, C, E). Three ocelli, the median rounded, under the line of lateral ones in frontal view; lateral ocelli rounded, larger than median ocellus. Frons smooth, light brown (Fig. 21E). Eyes longer than wide in lateral view, ommatids black (Fig. 21B). Antennal scape longer than wide, inner margin with bristles brown, light brown; antennomeres light brown with some isolated ones dark brown. Gena light brown in frontal and lateral views. Mandibles light brown. Epistomal suture dark yellow; clypeus and labrum light brown (Fig. 21E). Maxillary palpi slightly pubescent, articles 3-5 same sized, light brown; article 5 clavate, apex medium brown. Pronotum. DD longer than wide, pubescent, reddish-brown. DD cephalic margin sub-straight with brownish bristles; caudal margin slightly convex, with brownish bristles (Fig. 21A, C). LL light brown; ventro-cephalic angle rounded; ventro-caudal angle gradually ascendant in lateral view (Fig. 21B, D). Legs. Legs I and II with yellow and brown bristles. FI and FII light brown.TI and TII light brown.TI with three apical spurs: two ventral same-sized; one dorsal, inner, longer than ventral ones.TII with two ventral spurs same-sized, two dorsal spurs smaller than ventral ones. FIII longer than TIII; with short bristles, light brown (Fig. 21B, D). TIII light brown, with yellowish bristles; region of spurs insertion medium brown. TIII subapical spurs 5/4, with two spines between each inner and outer pair of successive spurs, uppermost spurs with one spine between them, eight or nine spines above the subapical spurs. TIII apical spurs 3/3, longer on inner side; inner apical spurs: dorsal longest (iad), median shorter than dorsal (iam), ventral smallest (iav) (iad>iam>iav); outer apical spurs: median longest (oam), dorsal slightly shorter (oad), ventral almost same size of dorsal (oav) (oam>oad>oav).TIII subapical spurs and spines and apical spurs apex curved, light brown, base medium to dark brown (Fig. 21 A-D). Basitarsus dorsal spines 3/1, apical spine the longest; inner apical spur shorter than basitarsus, outer and inner apical spurs samesized. Basitarsus light brown. Abdomen. Tergites slightly pubescent, medium to dark brown. Cerci pubescent, medium brown. Supra anal plate with yellowish bristles, posterior margin rounded; medium brown (Fig. 21F, I). Male Morphology. Last abdominal tergite constricted medially in dorsal view, having same shape as supra anal plate (Fig. 21F, G). Subgenital plate longer than wide, posterior margin rounded, pubescent; medium brown, posterior margin dark brown (Fig. 21H). Male genitalia (Figs 22 A-C, 23). Pseudepiphallus: pseudepiphallic sclerite apex straight in lateral view, anterior margin convex in dorsal view. LLophi shorter than PsP, inner margin bearing strong bristles. PsP almost reaching posterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite, with two posterior lobes; outer lobe longer than inner lobe, the tip of both lobes rounded. R elongated, longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite, flattened laterally, anterior region slightly curved inwards. Ectophallic invagination: EctAp longer than LLophi, straight and inclined outwards in dorsal and ventral views; surpassing the anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite. Arc not complete, inclined posteriorly in dorsal and ventral views; ventral projections of ectophallic invagination shorter than EctAp. EctF membranous almost no discernible. Endophallus: EndSc sclerotized, thin, elongated, anterior portion sinuous. EndAp short. Female Morphology. Body larger than male, general coloration similar to male (Fig. 21C, D). Subgenital plate wider than long, posterior margin slightly concave medially; light brown, covered by yellowish bristles (Fig. 21J). Ovipositor upcurved, medium to dark brown (Fig. 21D); apex lateral margins slightly serrulated, posterior tip pointed (Fig. 21I, J). Female genitalia (Fig. 22 D-F). Copulatory papilla slightly curved downwards in lateral view, without ventral aperture; posterior margin whitish in dorsal view. Anterior margin concave in dorsal view. Measurements Male (n = 1, holotype). HW, 10.5; IOD, 1; PL, 2.8; PW, 2.3; LFIII, 7; WFIII; 2.5; LTIII, 6.7; LBtarsIII, 1.2. Females (n = 3, allotype and paratypes). HW, 2.53 ± 0.05 (2.5-2.6); IOD, 1.33 ± 0.23 (1.2-1.6); PL, 3.36 ± 0.25 (3.1- 3.6); PW, 2.96 ± 0.05 (2.9-3); LFIII, 9.13 ± 0.25 (8.9-9.4); WFIII, 2.86 ± 0.05 (2.8-2.9); LTIII, 8.06 ± 0.2 (7.9-8.3); LBtarsIII, 1.53 ± 0.11 (1.4-1.6); OL, 7.93 ± 0.9 (7-8.8). REMARKS The DD caudal margin covering the metanotum does not allow the observation of the metanotum in male.Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on pages 380-383, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20, http://zenodo.org/record/396294

    Tafalisca ansoi Campos & Desutter-Grandcolas 2020, n. sp.

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    Tafalisca ansoi n. sp. (Figs 8-10) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 2713E14F-5090-43A0-BA8C-AF8CF4F0CE84 TYPE LOCALITY. — Patawa, French Guiana. ETYMOLOGY. — Species dedicated to Jérémy Anso, who studied Guianese crickets during his Master. TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. French Guiana • ♂; Patawa, Route de Kaw, PK 32; 20.VII.2011; L. Desutter-Grandcolas & J. Anso leg.; on plant at night; Molec 2012 LDG 109; MNHN-EO-EN- SIF3276; MNHN. Paratype. 1 ♂. French Guiana • 1♂; Mont[agne] de Kaw, PK 37, arbre 3; 17.VII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10881; MNHN. DIAGNOSIS. — This species is separated from the other species of Tafalisca by the following characters: FWs medium brown with light brown veins. TIII with three spines between each inner and outer pair of successive spurs; TIII apical and subapical spurs and spines dark brown with dark yellow apex. Male genitalia: PsP elongated, almost as long as LLophi, anterior half bilobate, apex of outer lobe rounded, apex of inner lobe straight connected to ventral projection of ectophallic invagination by membranes. DESCRIPTION General morphology. Body. Medium to large size, general coloration reddish-brown, covered by small bristles. Head. Occiput and vertex covered by small bristles, reddishbrown. Fastigium as long as wide, pubescent, reddish-brown (Fig. 8 A-C). Three ocelli, the median very reduced, almost in the same line as lateral ones in frontal view; lateral ocelli rounded. Frons median region covered by brownish bristles, reddish-brown (Fig. 8C). Eyes almost as long as wide in lateral view, dorsal ommatids light brown, the others reddish-brown to medium brown (Fig. 8B, C). Antennal scape longer than wide, inner margin with bristles dark brown, light reddishbrown; antennomeres dark yellow. Gena reddish-brown in frontal and lateral views. Mandibles medium brown, apex darker. Epistomal suture and clypeus medium brown; labrum dark brown (Fig. 8C). Maxillary palpi pubescent, covered by yellowish bristles; articles light reddish-brown, darker apically; article 5 shorter than articles 3 and 4. Pronotum. DD slightly wider than long, covered with dark brown and yellowish bristles, reddish-brown. DD cephalic margin slightly concave, with brownish bristles; caudal margin somewhat convex, with brownish bristles (Fig. 8A). LL reddish-brown; ventro-cephalic angle rounded; ventro-caudal angle gradually ascendant in lateral view (Fig. 8B). Wings. FWs covering the entire abdomen; covered by tiny yellowish bristles; medium brown with light brown veins. Lateral field with light brown veins. (Fig. 8A, B). HWs longer than FWs in dorsal and lateral views. Legs. Legs I and II with brownish bristles. FI and FII reddishbrown, apical margins darker. TI and TII with small area not covered by bristles on dorsal side of proximal region; TI and TII dark brown.TI with three apical spurs: two ventral, same-sized; one dorsal, inner, longer than ventral spurs.TII with four apical spurs: two ventral, same-sized; two dorsal, same-sized, longer than ventral spurs. FIII longer than TIII; with brownish and yellowish bristles, light reddish-brown; apical region dark brown (Fig.8E).TIII dark brown, with brownish bristles.TIII subapical spurs 5/4, with three spines between each inner and outer pair of successive spurs, sometimes two spines between the first two subapical spurs; seven spines above inner and outer subapical spurs; TIII apical spurs 3/3, longer on inner side; inner apical spurs: dorsal the longest (iad), median shorter than dorsal (iam), ventral the smallest (iav) (iad>iam>iav); outer apical spurs:median longest (oam), dorsal slightly shorter (oad), ventral almost same size of dorsal (oav) (oam>oad>oav). TIII apical and subapical spurs and spines dark brown with dark yellow apex (Fig. 8A, B, E). Basitarsus dorsal spines 3/1, apical spine the longest; inner apical spur almost as long as basitarsus, outer apical spur slightly shorter than inner apical spur. Basitarsus dark brown. Abdomen. Tergites slightly pubescent, medium to dark brown. Cerci pubescent, dark brown. Supra anal plate dark brown, posterior margin almost straight (Fig. 8F). Male Morphology. Metanotum without projections; antero-lateral regions inflated, with bristles; medio-posterior region somewhat elevated as in Tafalisca elongata elongata n. comb. (Fig. 8D). FWs bearing 7-8 parallel veins, reticulated; dorsal field without stridulatory apparatus; PCu vein curved inwards on anterior region, without stridulatory teeth ventrally. Lateral field with c. 10 parallel veins, parallel to dorsal field in lateral view. Subgenital posterior margin slightly concave, pubescent; medium brown, anterior portion dark brown (Fig. 8G). Male genitalia (Figs 9, 10). Pseudepiphallus: pseudepiphallic sclerite almost straight in lateral view, anterior margin concave in dorsal view. LLophi thinner than MLophi in ventral view, elongated, curved inwards, inner margin of anterior region rounded in ventral view; apex rounded. MLophi short, thin, straight, not surpassing LLophi and PsP in dorsal view. PsP elongated, almost as long as LLophi (similar to Tafalisca duckeana Campos, Souza-Dias & Nihei, 2020); posterior portion thinner than anterior, curved inwards, upcurved in lateral view; anterior portion bilobate, apex of external lobe rounded, apex of internal lobe straight connected with ventral projection of ectophallic invagination by membranes. R elongated, similar length of pseudepiphallic sclerite, flattened laterally, anterior region curved inwards. Ectophallic invagination: EctAp elongated, curved inwards in dorsal and ventral views; surpassing the anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite. Arc not complete, flattened dorso-ventrally, slightly directed posteriorly in dorsal and ventral views; ventral projections of ectophallic invagination very short, almost no discernible.EctF weakly sclerotized, posterior margin rounded. Endophallus: EndSc well sclerotized, longer than wide, shorter than EctAp, posterior margin rounded, lateral margins folded ventrally; EndAp shorter than EndSc. Female Unknown. Measurements Males (n = 2, holotype and paratype): HW, 4.1; IOD, 2; PL, 4.2; PW, 5; FWL, 20.05 ± 0.07 (20-20.1); FWW, 5.05 ± 0.07 (5-5.1); HWL, 21.8 ± 0.2 (21.6-22); LFIII, 13.5 ± 0.3 (13.5-14); WFIII, 4.3; LTIII, 12.15 ± 0.21 (12- 12.3); LBtarsIII, 2.Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on pages 365-368, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20, http://zenodo.org/record/396294

    Stenoecanthus Chopard 1912

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    Genus Stenoecanthus Chopard, 1912 TYPE SPECIES. — Stenoecanthus gracillimus Chopard, 1912. EMENDED DIAGNOSIS. — Body slender, legs elongated and punctuated; ocelli absent; pronotum longer than wide; TI with both inner and outer auditory tympana present, well-developed. Male: metanotum without structures or projections; harp with two veins. Male genitalia: MLophi absent; LLophi apex rounded, with bristles; R longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite. Female: slightly larger than male, similar coloration. Female genitalia: copulatory papilla cylindrical; with a ventral aperture.Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on page 389, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20, http://zenodo.org/record/396294