Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) mitarakensis n. sp. (Figs 1C, 21-23) C27AA1D3-FC9D-4F94-9114-6D049B2B8ED9 TYPE LOCALITY. — Mitaraka, French Guiana. ETYMOLOGY. — Species named after type locality. TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. French Guiana • ♂; Monts Tumuc- Humac, Massif du Mitaraka; 54°45.112”O, 2°23.478”N (D2); 300 m; 23/II.2015- 10.III.2015; F. Legendre & S. Hugel leg.; night; Planète revisitée Guyane 2015; 2015 GUY SH 017; Molec. 2015 LDG 514; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10902; MNHN. Allotype. French Guiana • ♀; same data as for holotype; 2015 GUY SH 079; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10903; MNHN. Paratypes. 3♀. French Guiana • 1♀; same data as for holotype; 2015 GUY SH 122; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10904; MNHN. • 1♀; Arataye Affl. Approuagues, aval du Saut Parare; 8.VII.1988; L. Desutter & P. Grandcolas leg.; night; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10905; MNHN. • 1♀; Montagne de Kaw, Piste pk 36; 27.VII.91; P. Grandcolas leg.; low forest (xerophytic); trunk; night; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10906; MNHN. DIAGNOSIS. — This species is separated from the other species of Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) by the following characters: male last abdominal tergite constricted medially in dorsal view, shape like supra anal plate. Male genitalia: LLophi inner margin bearing strong bristles; PsP with two posterior lobes; outer lobe longer than inner lobe, the tip of both lobes rounded; EndSc anterior portion sinuous in lateral view. Female genitalia: copulatory papilla cylindrical, slightly curved downwards in lateral view posterior margin whitish in dorsal view. DESCRIPTION General morphology. Body. Small size, general coloration medium brown, covered by bristles. Head. Occiput and vertex with bristles, medium brown. Fastigium wider than long, pubescent, medium brown (Fig. 21A, C, E). Three ocelli, the median rounded, under the line of lateral ones in frontal view; lateral ocelli rounded, larger than median ocellus. Frons smooth, light brown (Fig. 21E). Eyes longer than wide in lateral view, ommatids black (Fig. 21B). Antennal scape longer than wide, inner margin with bristles brown, light brown; antennomeres light brown with some isolated ones dark brown. Gena light brown in frontal and lateral views. Mandibles light brown. Epistomal suture dark yellow; clypeus and labrum light brown (Fig. 21E). Maxillary palpi slightly pubescent, articles 3-5 same sized, light brown; article 5 clavate, apex medium brown. Pronotum. DD longer than wide, pubescent, reddish-brown. DD cephalic margin sub-straight with brownish bristles; caudal margin slightly convex, with brownish bristles (Fig. 21A, C). LL light brown; ventro-cephalic angle rounded; ventro-caudal angle gradually ascendant in lateral view (Fig. 21B, D). Legs. Legs I and II with yellow and brown bristles. FI and FII light brown.TI and TII light brown.TI with three apical spurs: two ventral same-sized; one dorsal, inner, longer than ventral ones.TII with two ventral spurs same-sized, two dorsal spurs smaller than ventral ones. FIII longer than TIII; with short bristles, light brown (Fig. 21B, D). TIII light brown, with yellowish bristles; region of spurs insertion medium brown. TIII subapical spurs 5/4, with two spines between each inner and outer pair of successive spurs, uppermost spurs with one spine between them, eight or nine spines above the subapical spurs. TIII apical spurs 3/3, longer on inner side; inner apical spurs: dorsal longest (iad), median shorter than dorsal (iam), ventral smallest (iav) (iad>iam>iav); outer apical spurs: median longest (oam), dorsal slightly shorter (oad), ventral almost same size of dorsal (oav) (oam>oad>oav).TIII subapical spurs and spines and apical spurs apex curved, light brown, base medium to dark brown (Fig. 21 A-D). Basitarsus dorsal spines 3/1, apical spine the longest; inner apical spur shorter than basitarsus, outer and inner apical spurs samesized. Basitarsus light brown. Abdomen. Tergites slightly pubescent, medium to dark brown. Cerci pubescent, medium brown. Supra anal plate with yellowish bristles, posterior margin rounded; medium brown (Fig. 21F, I). Male Morphology. Last abdominal tergite constricted medially in dorsal view, having same shape as supra anal plate (Fig. 21F, G). Subgenital plate longer than wide, posterior margin rounded, pubescent; medium brown, posterior margin dark brown (Fig. 21H). Male genitalia (Figs 22 A-C, 23). Pseudepiphallus: pseudepiphallic sclerite apex straight in lateral view, anterior margin convex in dorsal view. LLophi shorter than PsP, inner margin bearing strong bristles. PsP almost reaching posterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite, with two posterior lobes; outer lobe longer than inner lobe, the tip of both lobes rounded. R elongated, longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite, flattened laterally, anterior region slightly curved inwards. Ectophallic invagination: EctAp longer than LLophi, straight and inclined outwards in dorsal and ventral views; surpassing the anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite. Arc not complete, inclined posteriorly in dorsal and ventral views; ventral projections of ectophallic invagination shorter than EctAp. EctF membranous almost no discernible. Endophallus: EndSc sclerotized, thin, elongated, anterior portion sinuous. EndAp short. Female Morphology. Body larger than male, general coloration similar to male (Fig. 21C, D). Subgenital plate wider than long, posterior margin slightly concave medially; light brown, covered by yellowish bristles (Fig. 21J). Ovipositor upcurved, medium to dark brown (Fig. 21D); apex lateral margins slightly serrulated, posterior tip pointed (Fig. 21I, J). Female genitalia (Fig. 22 D-F). Copulatory papilla slightly curved downwards in lateral view, without ventral aperture; posterior margin whitish in dorsal view. Anterior margin concave in dorsal view. Measurements Male (n = 1, holotype). HW, 10.5; IOD, 1; PL, 2.8; PW, 2.3; LFIII, 7; WFIII; 2.5; LTIII, 6.7; LBtarsIII, 1.2. Females (n = 3, allotype and paratypes). HW, 2.53 ± 0.05 (2.5-2.6); IOD, 1.33 ± 0.23 (1.2-1.6); PL, 3.36 ± 0.25 (3.1- 3.6); PW, 2.96 ± 0.05 (2.9-3); LFIII, 9.13 ± 0.25 (8.9-9.4); WFIII, 2.86 ± 0.05 (2.8-2.9); LTIII, 8.06 ± 0.2 (7.9-8.3); LBtarsIII, 1.53 ± 0.11 (1.4-1.6); OL, 7.93 ± 0.9 (7-8.8). REMARKS The DD caudal margin covering the metanotum does not allow the observation of the metanotum in male.Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on pages 380-383, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20,