Brazitrypa cornuta Campos & Desutter-Grandcolas 2020, n. sp.


Brazitrypa cornuta n. sp. (Figs 18-20) D27DF6B1-199E-4CE2-A057-10F4A8BD2C3B TYPE LOCALITY. — French Guiana, Kaw mountain, Roura. ETYMOLOGY. — From Latin ‘cornutus’ means ‘with horns’, referring to the apex of LLophi of this species. TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. French Guiana • ♂; Mont[agne] de Kaw, PK 39, arbre 7; 13.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN-EO- ENSIF10892; MNHN. Allotype. French Guiana • ♀; Mont[agne] de Kaw, PK 39, arbre 5; 19.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10893; MNHN. Paratypes. 3 ♂, 7 ♀. French Guiana • 1♂; same data as for allotype; Molec. 2019 lbr_168; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10894; MNHN. • 1♂; same data as for allotype, MNHN-EO-ENSIF10895; MNHN. • 1♂; Mont [agne] de Kaw, PK 37, arbre 4; 18.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNRJ. • 1♀; Mont [agne] de Kaw, PK 39, arbre 7; 23.VIII.1994; Roubaud rec.; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10896; MNHN. • 2♀; Mont [agne] de Kaw, PK 37, arbre 4; 18.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10897; MNHN; and Molec 2019 lbr_068; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10898, MNHN. • 1♀; Mont [agne] de Kaw, PK 37, arbre 3; 17.VIII.1994; Roubaud leg.; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10899; MNHN. • 1♀; Arataye Affl. Approuague, 8 km NE pied Saut Parare; 10. VI.1988; L. Desutter & P. Grandcolas leg.; lamp; MNRJ. • 1♀; Arataye Affl. Approuague, aval du Saut Parare; 13.VII.1988; L. Desutter & P. Grandcolas leg.; beating during the day, Coumou palm trees, n° 12 and 13; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10900; MNHN. • 1♀; Arataye Affl. Approuague, 8 km NE pied Saut Parare; 24. VI.1988; L. Desutter & P. Grandcolas leg; crest forest, plant, night; MNHN- EO-ENSIF10901; MNHN. DIAGNOSIS. — This species is separated from the other species of Brazitrypa by the following characters: FIII light brown; male metanotum with a trapezoid elevation on the middle; first abdominal tergite with two anteromedial projections and rounded tip. Male genitalia: LLophi inner margin rounded, somewhat membranous, outer margin well sclerotized, hook shaped; EctF lightly sclerotized, posterior margin acuminated. Female: ovipositor apex reddish brown. DESCRIPTION General morphology. Body. Medium size, general coloration medium to light brown, body covered by bristles, except FWs and HWs. Head. Occiput and vertex with bristles, medium brown. Fastigium as long as wide, pubescent, medium brown (Fig. 18A, C, E). Frons with yellowish bristles, light brown, with medial medium brown macula, and a dark brown band under the eyes (Fig. 18E). Eyes longer than wide in lateral view, ommatids black, dorsal ommatids whitish (Fig. 18B, E). Antennal scape longer than wide, inner margin with yellow bristles, light brown; antennomeres light brown. Gena light brown in frontal and lateral views. Mandibles yellowish brown, apex darker. Epistomal suture and clypeus light brown; labrum medium brown (Fig. 18E). Maxillary palpi slightly pubescent, article 3 longer than articles 4 and 5, article 5 clavate, light brown. Pronotum. DD slightly longer than wide, pubescent, reddishbrown, divided by a yellowish-brown sagittal line. DD cephalic margin slightly concave with brownish bristles; caudal margin slightly convex, with brownish bristles (Fig. 18A, C). LL light brown; ventro-cephalic angle rounded; ventrocaudal angle gradually ascendant in lateral view (Fig. 18B, D). Wings. FWs covering entire abdomen; FWs somewhat translucent, light brown, with dark brown veins (Fig. 18 A-D). HWs slightly longer than FWs in dorsal and lateral views. Legs. Legs I and II with yellowish bristles. FI and FII light brown. TI and TII light brown. TI with three apical spurs: two ventral same-sized; one dorsal, inner, longer than ventral ones. TII with two ventral spurs same-sized, and two dorsal spurs smaller than ventral ones. FIII longer than TIII; with short bristles, light brown, darker apically (Fig. 18B). TIII light brown, with yellowish bristles.TIII subapical spurs 5/4, with one spine between each inner and outer pair of successive spurs, uppermost spurs with two spines between them, five or six spines above outer subapical spurs, four or five spines above inner subapical spurs. TIII apical spurs 3/3, longer on inner side; inner apical spurs: dorsal longest (iad), median shorter than dorsal (iam), ventral smallest (iav) (iad>iam>iav); outer apical spurs: median longest (oam), dorsal slightly shorter (oad), ventral almost same size of dorsal (oav) (oam>oad>oav). TIII subapical spurs and spines and apical spurs light brown, apex reddish-brown (Fig. 18 A-D). Basitarsus dorsal spines 3/2, apical spine the longest; inner apical spur shorter than basitarsus, outer and inner apical spurs same-sized. Basitarsus light brown. Abdomen. Tergites slightly pubescent, medium brown. Cerci pubescent, light brown, with yellow setae. Supra anal plate with yellowish bristles, posterior margin straight; light brown, posterior margin medium brown (Fig. 18G). Male Morphology. Metanotum with a trapezoid elevation on the middle; antero-lateral regions inflated without bristles. First abdominal tergite with two anteromedial projections, its tips rounded (Fig. 18F). FW dorsal field bearing 7-8 parallel veins, without stridulatory apparatus; PCu vein not curved inwards on anterior region (Fig. 18A), without stridulatory teeth ventrally. Lateral field with c. 8 parallel veins, parallel to dorsal field, medium brown. Subgenital plate longer than wide, posterior margin rounded, strongly pubescent; medium to dark brown with yellow bristles. (Fig. 18H). Male genitalia (Figs 19 A-C, 20). Pseudepiphallus: pseudepiphallic sclerite apex slightly upcurved in lateral view, anterior margin straight in dorsal view. LLophi shorter than PsP, inner margin rounded, somewhat membranous, outer margin well sclerotized hook shaped. PsP not surpassing posterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite, curved inwards in dorsal and ventral views. R elongated, longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite, flattened laterally. Ectophallic invagination: EctAp slightly longer than LLophi, straight and inclined outwards in dorsal and ventral views; surpassing the anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite. Arc not complete, curved posteriorly in dorsal and ventral views; ventral projections of ectophallic invagination shorter than EctAp. EctF lightly sclerotized, posterior margin acuminated. Endophallus: EndSc weakly sclerotized, flattened dorso-ventrally, longer than wide, anterior and posterior margins rounded. Female Morphology. Body larger than male, general coloration similar to male (Fig. 18C, D). Subgenital plate wider than long, posterior margin slightly concave medially; light brown, covered by yellowish bristles (Fig. 18J). Ovipositor upcurved, medium to dark brown (Fig. 18D); apex reddish-brown (Fig. 18I, J). Female genitalia (Fig. 19 D-F). Copulatory papilla curved downwards in lateral view, without a ventral aperture; posterior margins acuminated, whitish in dorsal view. Anterior margin concave in dorsal view. Measurements (mm) Males (n = 4, holotype and paratypes). HW, 3.65 ± 0.46 (3.4-3.8); IOD, 1.65 ± 0.12 (1.5-1.8); PL, 3.85 ± 0.25 (3.6- 4.2); PW, 3.8 ± 0.3 (3.3-4.2); FWL, 12.12 ± 0.1 (12-12.2); FWW, 3.15 ± 0.54 (2.5-3.8); HWL, 12.75 ± 0.4 (12.2-13.1); LFIII, 9.92 ± 1.13 (9-11.9); WFIII, 3.3 ± 0.3 (3-3.8); LTIII, 6.3± 0.3 (5.9-6.6); LBtarsIII, 1.8 ± 0.2 (1.5-2). Females (n = 8, allotype and paratypes). HW, 4.56 ± 0.33 (4.1-5); IOD, 2.06 ± 0.17 (2-2.5); PL, 4.83 ± 0.21 (4.4-5); PW, 4.73 ± 0.42 (4-5.2); FWL, 14.86 ± 0.72 (14-16.1); FWW, 4 ± 0.3 (3.5-4.6); HWL, 15.86 ± 0.68 (15-17); LFIII, 12.81 ± 1.54 (11.6-16.1); WFIII, 4.01 ± 0.03 (4-4.1); LTIII, 7.94 ± 0.74 (6.7-8.9); LBtarsIII, 2.1 ± 0.1 (2-2.4); OL, 10.82 ± 0.41 (10.2-11.4).Published as part of Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, pp. 355-398 in Zoosystema 42 (20) on pages 376-380, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a20,

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