5,072 research outputs found

    Shape instabilities in vesicles: a phase-field model

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    A phase field model for dealing with shape instabilities in fluid membrane vesicles is presented. This model takes into account the Canham-Helfrich bending energy with spontaneous curvature. A dynamic equation for the phase-field is also derived. With this model it is possible to see the vesicle shape deformation dynamically, when some external agent instabilizes the membrane, for instance, inducing an inhomogeneous spontaneous curvature. The numerical scheme used is detailed and some stationary shapes are shown together with a shape diagram for vesicles of spherical topology and no spontaneous curvature, in agreement with known results


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    The articulation of Portuguese nasalized vowels poses some articulatory problems accompanied by negative acoustic effects for the performance of Brazilian art songs. The main objective was to find strategies that permit the singer to conciliate an idiomatic pronunciation of these vowels with a well-balanced resonance, a desirable quality in classical singing. In order to devise these strategies, the author examined sources dealing with nasalized vowels from varied perspectives: acoustic properties of vowel nasalization, phonetic and phonological aspects ofBrazilian Portuguese (BP), historical views on nasality in singing, and recent vocal pedagogy research. In addition to the overall loss of sonority, the main effect of nasalization is felt mainly in the first formant (F1) region of oral vowels, due to the introduction of nasal formants and antiformants, and to shifts in the tongue posture. Several sources report the existence of a nasality contour in BP, by which a nasalized vowel starts with an oral phase and transitions gradually to a nasal phase. The author concludes that the basic approach to sing nasalized vowels in BP is (1) to find the tongue posture corresponding to the oral vowel congener (the “core vowel”), and (2) to adjust the nasality contour in such a way that the oral portion remains prominent in order to keep the resonance balance consistent during the emission of the vowel. Once the core vowel is determined, standard vowel modification choices can be made according to voice type and the musical context in which the vowel is being sung. Some challenging excerpts from Brazilian art songs are examined, with suggestions for the application of the discussed strategies

    Cultural Policy and Politics of Culture: communities and society

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    All approaches to the Cultural Heritage subject dependent on a theoretical position. At first, when the social actors and researchers interested in the problem of cultural heritage, they took a position of defending and preserving its cultural legacy, owned by community. This awareness has been evolving over time. In fact, the importance and sense of cultural heritage in community life was understood only gradually. Over time, national and international institutions built a complex theoretical, legal and administrative collection, reflecting views and perceptions of the role of cultural heritage in community’s lives. It is in this process of political management that we have seen cultural policies and the definition of politics of culture in cultural heritage. And it is at this point that the interests, the ability to impose, or not, rules and procedures, the definition of objectives about selection and heritage purposes, - these have led to a conflict between institutions and actors, with the authority to define, and with communities composed of cultural actors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metropolises. New spaces of urban heritage

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    We propose here to examine the processes of metropolisation and how it is influencing the concepts of city and the consequent concept of urban heritage. The practices of Western Cities define what we mean by urban heritage today. Both the question of spatiality, as well as the city's relationship with the surrounding territory and its specificity compared to the countryside were important for the emergence of urban institutions and architectural, politics, religious, cultural, military and housing shapes that composed them. The urban organization itself sets the historical epochs of the city, since the ruins of classical antiquity until the industrial revolution and modern urbanism, including the medieval times. The whole urban web is often seen as a feature of its own, which defines a cultural identity. Therefore, many cities, due to their history and "urban identity" were classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Sites, as is the case of the city of Porto and Guimarães, right next to us.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Creative industry, museums: the mediation of cultural heritage

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    Contemporary societies are faced with increased competitiveness in their economies, where the local and global challenges must combine, to satisfy the increasing diversity and complexity of consumers. If it’s true that the differentiation and diversification of economic sectors and industrial products require new models of economic development, new positions in the global market, and new marketing strategies, the same is true in industries linked to cultural industries and management of cultural heritage. Regions and cities are concerned to become creative spaces. The concepts of creative region and creative city drew attention to the value of knowledge and science in creating differentiated work and differentiated residential spaces, to capture social groups with improved financial conditions and with higher education. In conjugation with that, we would have high potential for regions and cities as well to become spaces of cultural, social and environmental excellence. In other words, do these spaces define societies of the future and sustainable development (Collis et al 2010)? Normally, when we talk about creative cities, we refer to spaces where big financial investment, education and excellent architecture attract creative industries. These spaces constitute a great focus (on geographical or political power level), where cultural services offerings, investment in urban design and in high technology are conditions for investment and creation of companies linked to creativity. Thus, in addition to the quality of urban space, the presence of cultural institutions, such as culture centres, “creative buildings”, museums and universities (research centres), we have a particular social structure, residential or working, i.e. social and cultural elites. Our question, here, is: are possible creative urban spaces out of that build around technology, urban centres, high tech architecture, and inhabited by common citizens?; can museums contribute to the construction of these creative spaces?; how can cultural heritage, of one local community take an important role in the discussion and building of creative spaces?; how cultural institutions, such as museums, can contribute to the place local communities have within the creative industries?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cultural policy and politics of culture: communities and society

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    All approaches to the Cultural Heritage subject dependent on a theoretical position. At first, when the social actors and researchers interested in the problem of cultural heritage, they took a position of defending and preserving its cultural legacy, owned by community. This awareness has been evolving over time. In fact, the importance and sense of cultural heritage in community life was understood only gradually. Over time, national and international institutions built a complex theoretical, legal and administrative collection, reflecting views and perceptions of the role of cultural heritage in community’s lives. It is in this process of political management that we have seen cultural policies and the definition of politics of culture in cultural heritage. And it is at this point that the interests, the ability to impose, or not, rules and procedures, the definition of objectives about selection and heritage purposes, - these have led to a conflict between institutions and actors, with the authority to define, and with communities composed of cultural actors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metropolises. New spaces of Urban Heritage

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    We propose here to examine the processes of metropolisation and how it is influencing the concepts of city and the consequent concept of urban heritage. The practices of Western Cities define what we mean by urban heritage today. Both the question of spatiality, as well as the city's relationship with the surrounding territory and its specificity compared to the countryside were important for the emergence of urban institutions and architectural, politics, religious, cultural, military and housing shapes that composed them. The urban organization itself sets the historical epochs of the city, since the ruins of classical antiquity until the industrial revolution and modern urbanism, including the medieval times. The whole urban web is often seen as a feature of its own, which defines a cultural identity. Therefore, many cities, due to their history and "urban identity" were classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Sites, as is the case of the city of Porto and Guimarães, right next to us.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What is a Gaúcho? Intersections between state, identities and domination in Southern Brazil

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    El gaúcho ha estat promogut com a icona estatal, i apareix associat a l’Estat de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. El gaúcho icònic, mitològic, es va inspirar -vagament- en els peons gaúchos de la Campanha Gaúcha propera a la frontera brasilera amb les pampes argentines i uruguaianes. Paralelament, el projecte de dominació a llarg termini promogut per les elits regionals va aconseguir que els gaúchos en depenguessin. En el marc de les discussions sobre les identitats nacionals i regionals al Brasil, així com de les consideracions més àmplies sobre identitat i construcció de la tradició, aquest article analitza les dinàmiques de la ideologia d’elit en el context de complexos processos de dominació en diferents nivells. Participa en les discussions sobre l’articulació entre l’Estat, diferents elits regionals i diversos estrats de la població del Sud del Brasil.The gaúcho was made into a state icon, and appears associated to everything related to the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The iconic, mythological gaúcho was inspired – loosely, it can be argued – in the gaúcho riders and ranch hands of the Campanha Gaúcha grasslands close to the Brazilian borders with Uruguay and Argentina. At the same time, the long-term project of domination promoted by the regional elite efficiently managed to make these gaúchos dependent on them. Participating on the discussion on national and regional identities in Brazil, and also on the wider discussion about identities and the construction of traditions, this article aims to analyse the dynamics of elite ideology in the context of complex processes of domination on different levels. It engages in the discussion on the articulation among the State, different regional elites and distinct strata of the regional population in the South of Brazil.El gaúcho fue promovido como icono estatal, y aparece asociado al Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. El gaúcho icónico, mitológico, se inspiró –vagamente- en los peones gaúchos de la Campanha Gaúcha, próxima a la frontera brasileña con las pampas argentinas y uruguayas. Paralelamente, el proyecto de dominación a largo plazo promovido por las elites élites regionales logró que los gaúchos dependieran de ellas. En el marco de las discusiones sobre las identidades nacionales y regionales en Brasil, así como de las consideraciones más amplias sobre identidad y construcción de la tradición, este artículo analiza las dinámicas de la ideología de elite élite en el contexto de complejos procesos de dominación en diferentes niveles. Participa en las discusiones sobre la articulación entre el Estado, diferentes élites regionales y distintos estratos de la población del sur de Brasil

    Ações desenvolvidas para aumento da citologia oncótica em um posto de saúde de Barras-PI

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    De acordo com dados de 2008 da Organização Mundial de Saúde, o câncer do colo do útero é o 2º câncer mais comum em mulheres a nível mundial, com cerca de 500.000 novos casos e 250.000 mortes a cada ano. Plano de ação que teve como objetivo principal criar estratégias de melhoria da adesão das mulheres de 25-64 anos na realização do preventivo da área do posto de saúde da família do povoado da Formosa Barras/PI. Será realizada a busca dos pacientes já diagnosticados com neoplasia uterina, através dos agentes comunitários de saúde. Depois, será feita a orientação de consultas periódicas as demais mulheres do território, visando, assim a prevenção e o diagnóstico precoce. Espera-se com o plano de ação poderemos traçar estratégias para melhorar no atendimento das mulheres moradoras da zona rural de Barras, em relação a realização e cobertura do preventivo

    Natalia Álvarez Méndez, Ana Abello Verano y Sergio Fernández Martínez (coords.), Territorios de la imaginación. Poéticas ficcionales de lo insólito en España y México, Universidad de León, León, 2016. ISBN: 978-84-9773-760-9

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    Obra ressenyada: Natalia ÁLVAREZ MÉNDEZ, Ana ABELLO VERANO y Sergio FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ (coords.), Territorios de la imaginación. Poéticas ficcionales de lo insólito en España y México. León: Universidad de León, 2016