14 research outputs found

    Mission Impracticable: The Impossibility of Commercial Impracticability

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    [Excerpt] “Residents of Chicago’s Streeterville neighborhood certainly cannot forget the recent financial crisis thanks to a gaping hole in their midst. That hole is to be the home of the Spire, the tallest building in the Northern Hemisphere, at 2,000 feet high with 1,194 residences ranging in price from 750,000forastudioto750,000 for a studio to 40 million for the penthouse. The developer, Shelbourne Development Group, Inc., began construction in 2007 using its own funds. It also obtained “starter” funds from Bank of America via a loan agreement that required Shelbourne to demonstrate proof of a construction loan by November 1, 2008. Although Shelbourne sold thirty percent of the building, it could not obtain construction financing due to the worsening global financial and credit crisis. Bank of America declared the loan in default and sued Shelbourne for the outstanding principal, interest, and fees. As part of its defense, Shelbourne argued that the court should excuse it (temporarily) from providing proof of a construction loan, due to the ‘unforeseeable and unprecedented economic downturn and recession, particularly in the real estate market.’

    Level Up: Employing the Commerce Clause To Federalize the Sale of Goods

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    This Article argues that rather than wait until the defects become insurmountable, we should act now to address the defects in the law of sales and enact a federal sales act to supplant Article 2 using congressional power under the Commerce Clause. Part II details the defects of Article 2 that are in need of repair, which include creating inconsistent results across the states, failing to adapt to changing trends in our modern commercial environment, and utilizing a private drafting process that fails to balance the competing interests of businesses and consumers. Part II then demonstrates that the current uniform code model cannot correct those defects due to its biased, cumbersome, and consensus-oriented amendment process. Next, Part III proposes a federal sales act to replace Article 2 and explains why a federal sales act is a practical solution for the sale of goods. Although the concept of a federal sales act is not novel, the dramatic changes in our commercial environment over the past sixty years coupled with the decline of Article 2 make a federal sales act an appropriate route to achieving a uniform, simple, and predictable body of sales law. Finally, Part IV establishes the viability of a federal sales act under the Commerce Clause, demonstrating that such an act is precisely the type of legislation intended by the clause despite recent Supreme Court rulings. Moreover, a federal sales act is consistent with the principles of federalism under which the Framers founded the United States of America

    Two Too Many: Third Party Beneficiaries of Warranties Under the Uniform Commercial Code

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    (Excerpt) This Article surveys and analyzes the current version of section 2-318 and suggests improvements so that section 2-318 produces more uniform and equitable results that better facilitate interstate commerce in today’s complex commercial environment. Part I discusses the historical genesis of section 2- 318, specifically the common law concept of privity and its progression to the current version of section 2-318. Part II expounds upon certain issues with section 2-318 as currently drafted, which include lack of uniformity and lack of remedy for a valid breach of warranty claim. Part III establishes how the courts have begun eroding the concept of privity in spite of the language of section 2-318, thus eliminating the need for alternatives. Part IV proposes improvements to section 2-318 in accordance with current case law and public policy aimed at protecting consumers. Finally, Part V demonstrates that the states would adopt the proposed provision given today’s consumer-centric society

    Level Up: Employing the Commerce Clause To Federalize the Sale of Goods

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    This Article argues that rather than wait until the defects become insurmountable, we should act now to address the defects in the law of sales and enact a federal sales act to supplant Article 2 using congressional power under the Commerce Clause. Part II details the defects of Article 2 that are in need of repair, which include creating inconsistent results across the states, failing to adapt to changing trends in our modern commercial environment, and utilizing a private drafting process that fails to balance the competing interests of businesses and consumers. Part II then demonstrates that the current uniform code model cannot correct those defects due to its biased, cumbersome, and consensus-oriented amendment process. Next, Part III proposes a federal sales act to replace Article 2 and explains why a federal sales act is a practical solution for the sale of goods. Although the concept of a federal sales act is not novel, the dramatic changes in our commercial environment over the past sixty years coupled with the decline of Article 2 make a federal sales act an appropriate route to achieving a uniform, simple, and predictable body of sales law. Finally, Part IV establishes the viability of a federal sales act under the Commerce Clause, demonstrating that such an act is precisely the type of legislation intended by the clause despite recent Supreme Court rulings. Moreover, a federal sales act is consistent with the principles of federalism under which the Framers founded the United States of America

    Two Too Many: Third Party Beneficiaries of Warranties Under the Uniform Commercial Code

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    (Excerpt) This Article surveys and analyzes the current version of section 2-318 and suggests improvements so that section 2-318 produces more uniform and equitable results that better facilitate interstate commerce in today’s complex commercial environment. Part I discusses the historical genesis of section 2- 318, specifically the common law concept of privity and its progression to the current version of section 2-318. Part II expounds upon certain issues with section 2-318 as currently drafted, which include lack of uniformity and lack of remedy for a valid breach of warranty claim. Part III establishes how the courts have begun eroding the concept of privity in spite of the language of section 2-318, thus eliminating the need for alternatives. Part IV proposes improvements to section 2-318 in accordance with current case law and public policy aimed at protecting consumers. Finally, Part V demonstrates that the states would adopt the proposed provision given today’s consumer-centric society

    “Estrategias para la cultura de mejora continua En el sistema de gestión del laboratorio de ensayo Colecbi s.a.c.”

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    El presente trabajo de investigación plantea las estrategias para definir la cultura de mejora continua en el sistema de gestión de COLECBI S.A.C. La tesis se soporta en fundamentos metodológicos de cultura de mejora continua, planteando dimensiones necesarias para dar sostenimiento a la cultura de mejora continua, complementando con definiciones teóricas de conceptualización de competencias y de esta manera, enmarcarlos en la realidad actual del sistema de gestión de COLECBI S.A.C. El esquema metodológico de la tesis fue descriptivo en base a entrevistas y encuestas al personal de COLECBI S.A.C., con el fin de dar operatividad a las variables del estudio. En los resultados obtenidos, se evidenció una línea base de 74.5% respecto a la cultura de mejora continua en el sistema de gestión de COLECBIS.A.C.; identificando que las dimensiones de gestión de riesgos, la gestión estratégica y la gestión humana se deben robustecer para afianzar la sostenibilidad de la cultura de mejora continua. Por lo cual las estrategias, que se plantean como resultado de la tesis, se basan en priorizar las dimensiones de: gestión de procesos, gestión de riesgos y gestión de mejora continua, como pilares del sostenimiento de la cultura y de manera transversal apoyarse en la gestión del conocimiento, la información documentada del sistema de gestión y elevar el nivel de las competencias de los líderes y el personal en general en lo que respecta a dichas competencias

    Violencia intrafamiliar en pareja con incidencia en los hijos

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    En el presente documento se encuentra plasmada la investigación sobre violencia de pareja y las repercusiones que conlleva este problema a los hijos, por lo tanto esta exploración sobre la violencia se realiza desde el enfoque cualitativo con técnicas aplicadas a las comunidades de Asociación Manitas inquietas, Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario C.D.C. Lourdes, fondo de empleados de B&N S.A.S y Urbanización Cooperativa la Libertad de la ciudad de Bogotá, donde participaron familias monoparentales, nucleares y extensas, allí se aplica herramientas, tales como la Observación, la entrevista y la encuesta para dar así el diagnostico que se identifica como problema repetitivo en la comunidad, la violencia de pareja y la incidencia en los hijos, por lo tanto, se realiza un análisis de tipo descriptivo para luego presentar algunas recomendaciones desde la intervención psicosocial y llegar a provocar un cambio social empezando en el interior de la familia y de esta a la comunidad, pudiendo asi mitigar riesgos en estas parejas para mejorar pautas de crianza y se busque mejorar la calidad de vida de estos hogares participantes.This document is reflected research on partner violence and implications resulting from this problem children, therefore this exploration of violence is carried out from the qualitative approach with techniques applied to restless trotters Association communities, C.D.C. Lourdes Community Development Center, employees of B & N S.A.S and cooperative development fund freedom of the city of Bogotá , where they were single-parent families, nuclear and extended, there applies tools, such as observation, interview and survey to give the diagnosis that it is identified as problem repeated in the community, violence of couple and the impact on the children, therefore, is an analysis of descriptive to then present some recommendations from the psychosocial intervention to provoke social change beginning in the interior of the family and this to the community, and may well mitigate risks in these couples to improve guidelines foster and be sought to improve the quality of life of these participating households

    Políticas Públicas existentes en Ibagué-Tolima respecto a la protección, curación, tutela y rehabilitación de los adolescentes responsables de la Ley Penal y su implementación en los planes de Desarrollo del municipio de Ibagué- periodos 2012-2021

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    La presente propuesta de trabajo, tiene como objetivo identificar la existencia de políticas públicas respecto a la protección, curación, tutela y rehabilitación de los adolescentes responsables de la ley penal, asumidas por la Administración Municipal de Ibagué, que coadyuven en el logro de los objetivos que el Sistema de responsabilidad penal para menores (SPRA). De igual manera se busca identificar las acciones, programas y proyectos que desde las administraciones de los gobiernos municipales correspondientes al periodo 2012-2021 se han implementado en cumplimiento de estas políticas públicas con el fin de evaluar si estas acciones, programas y proyectos dan cuenta de los objetivos planteadas en dichas políticas.The present work proposal aims to identify the existence of public policies regarding the protection, cure, guardianship and rehabilitation of adolescents responsible for criminal law, assumed by the Municipal Administration of Ibagué, that contribute to the achievement of the objectives than the System of Criminal Responsibility for Minors (SPRA). In the same way, it seeks to identify the actions, programs and projects that the municipal government administrations corresponding to the period 2012-2021 have been implemented in compliance with these public policies in order to assess whether these actions, programs and projects account for the objectives set out in said policies.1. Introducción. -- 2. Tema de Investigación. -- 3. Objetivo General. -- 3.1 Objetivos Específicos 4. Metodología. -- 5. Marco Teórico. -- 5.1 Políticas públicas. -- 5.2 Sobre la Protección, la Curación, la Rehabilitación, la Justicia restaurativa y la prevención. -- 5.2.1 Protección. -- 5.2.2 Curación. -- 5.2.3 Resocialización y Rehabilitación. -- 5.2.4 Sobre la Tutela. -- 6. Resultados. -- 6.1 Políticas públicas respecto a la protección, curación, tutela y rehabilitación de los adolescentes responsables de la ley penal de Ibagué durante el periodo 20112-2021. -- 6.1.1 Política Pública de Infancia y Adolescencia, política que fue aprobada mediante el acuerdo 018 del 2015 del Consejo Municipal de Ibagué. -- 6.2 Los Planes de Desarrollo de los gobiernos “Ibagué Vibra” 2020-2023, “Ibagué con todo el Corazón” período 2016-2019 y del plan de Gobierno “Camino a la Seguridad Humana” período 2012-2015 y las políticas públicas para la prevención de la delito en adolescentes. -- 6.2.1 Plan de desarrollo “Camino a la Seguridad Humana” periodo 2012-2015. -- 6.2.2 Plan de desarrollo “Ibagué con todo el Corazón” periodo 2016-2019. -- 6.2.3 Plan de desarrollo “Ibagué Vibra” periodo 2020-2023. -- 6.3 Análisis de las estrategias, programas, metas y resultados planteados en los planes de Desarrollo de los periodos 2012-2015, 2016-2019 y 2020-2023 desde la perspectiva de las políticas de Infancia y Adolescencia. -- 7. Conclusiones. -- Bibliografí[email protected]@[email protected]