32 research outputs found


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    The thesis deals with the development of piezoresistive materials. Its objective is to investigate a system formed of a knitted fabric to be used as a piezoresistive sensor that allows electrical behaviour to be interrelated based on the elongation applied. Simultaneously, the correlation between elastic deformation and that caused by applying pressure by detecting the area where the pressure is produced will also be studied. For this purpose, knitted fabrics will be used and conductive textiles will be added to them. A testing method will be designed and the properties of the fabric will be evaluated. As a result, a smart textile will be obtained.La tesis versa sobre el desarrollo de materiales piezoresistivos. Como objetivo se plantea la investigación de un sistema compuesto por un tejido de punto para ser utilizado como sensor piezoresistivo que permita relacionar el comportamiento eléctrico en función del a elongación aplicada. Paralelamente también se estudiará la correlación entre la deformación elástica y la ocasionada al aplicar una presión detectando la zona donde se produce la presión. Para ello se utilizarán tejidos de punto y se les incorporarán textiles conductores. Se diseñará un método de ensayo y se evalúan las propiedades de los tejidos. Como resultado final se obtendrá un textil inteligente.La tesi versa sobre el desenvolupament de materials piezoresistius. Com a objectiu es planteja la investigació d'un sistema compost per un teixit de punt per a ser utilitzat com a sensor piezoresistiu que permeta relacionar el comportament elèctric en funció de l'elongació aplicada. Paral·lelament, també s'estudiarà la correlació entre la deformació elàstica i l'ocasionada a l'aplicar una pressió i la detecció de la zona on es produeix la pressió. Per a dur-ho a terme s'utilitzaran teixits de punt als quals s'incorporaran tèxtils conductors. Es dissenyarà un mètode d'assaig i s'avaluaran les propietats dels teixits. Com a resultat final, s'obtindrà un tèxtil intel·ligent.Cambra Sánchez, V. (2017). ESTUDIO DE LA RESPUESTA ELÉCTRICA DE TEJIDOS PIEZORESISTIVOS SOMETIDOS A ESTIRAMIENTO Y DEFORMACIÓN POR PRESIÓN [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90404TESI

    El amor en el Banquete de Platón y la estructuración del discurso de Sócrates.

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    RESUMEN DE AUTOR:En el presente trabajo comenzamos con una introducción en la que comentamos de forma generalizada la obra del Banquete de Platón, luego un resumen de la vida y obra del autor y finalmente, analizamos los siete discursos del Banquete o sobre el amor. A continuación pasamos a presentar la traducción de los versos 204 b- 208 d, en ella encontramos la conversación entre Sócrates y Diotima, en la que se considera a Eros como la forma de lograr el bien y la felicidad por los seres humanos ya que el amor consiste en engendrar en belleza y satisface con dicho engendramiento, el anhelo de inmortalidad. Por último, nos centramos en la estructuración y el comentario del discurso de Sócrates donde el fin último es alcanzar la Belleza en sí misma.Palabras clave: Sócrates, Diotima, Bien, Felicidad, Amor, Belleza, Inmortalidad. ABSTRACT: In the present work we begin with an introduction in which we comment in a generalized way the work of Plato's Banquet, then a summary of life and work of the author and finally, we analyze the seven discourses of the Banquet or about love. Then we present the translation of verses 204 b- 208 d, in it we find the conversation between Socrates and Diotima, in the that Eros is considered as the way to achieve good and happiness by human beings since love consists in begetting in beauty and satisfies with this begetting, the longing for immortality. Finally, we focus on the structucturing and commentary on Socrates' discourse where the ultimate goal is to attain Beauty itself. Key words: Socrates, Diotima, Good, Happiness, Love, Beauty, Inmmortality.<br /

    Terapias Ocupacionales del sur: Una revisión narrativa

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    El “Sur” es definido por varios autores como una metáfora ante el sufrimiento sistemático de la sociedad a causa del capitalismo, del colonialismo y del patriarcado. Determinando así este término como todo aquello no perteneciente al “Norte”, delimitando a problematizar las necesidades de la Terapia Ocupacional situada en la realidad social, destinada al servicio de las personas excluidas por la sociedad, ya que los propios terapeutas ocupacionales recurren a los espacios de la vida cotidiana y aspectos colectivos para resistir ante esta problematización.<br /

    Phoneutria depilata (Araneae: Ctenidae) in Panama: report of a bite case in Bocas del Toro province, notes on distribution and public health relevance

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    Phoneutria depilata is considered Panama´s most relevant spider species due to its aggressivity and venom. In this article, we described a case of P. depilata bite in a woman from Bocas del Toro Province, Panama. The symptoms included severe pain, swelling in the bite site, palpitation of submandibular ganglia, abundant salivation, tachycardia, and a sensation of "electricity". The swelling and pain lasted almost two days and three days, respectively. In addition, we present the geographical distribution of this spider species in Panama

    A method to estimate endogenous losses of nitrogen and amino acids at the ileal level in growing rabbits

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    [EN] Apparent ileal digestibility can be corrected to give the true ileal digestibility of the nitrogen and amino acids provided by the diet, by determining the flow of endogenous nitrogen and amino acids (from desquamated epithelial cells of gastrointestinal mucosa, mucins and digestive enzymes). This flow of nitrogen and amino acids has been studied in adult rabbits fitted with a T-cannula, but remains unknown for growing rabbits. The aim of this work was to propose a method to estimate endogenous nitrogen and amino acid losses in the ileum of growing rabbits slaughtered at 64 d of age from 20:00 h. For this purpose, two experiments were carried out. The first was performed with 10 weaned rabbits fed with a diet with casein as the only source of protein (whose ileal digestibility is 100%) and labelled with ytterbium. This experiment allowed us to identify the relationship between the ileal flow of endogenous nitrogen (IFEN) and the dry matter intake in the last 24 h before slaughter (DMI), which fits the equation: IFEN (mg/d)=5.99 DMI (g/d) +133; (R2=0.778, residual standard deviation=138, P&lt;0.001, n=10). The second experiment was carried out with 36 rabbits fed the same diet but without ytterbium, with whose ileal content 9 pools were constituted to determine the amino acid profile of endogenous nitrogen, which was found to be rich in glutamic acid, serine, aspartic acid, glycine, valine and threonine (15.97±1.33; 8.00±0.80; 7.06±0.72; 6.24±0.77; 5.48±0.51 and 4.97±0.47 g/16 g of N, respectively) and poor in methionine and histidine (1.05±0.06 and 1.34±0.16 g/16 g of N, respectively). Knowing the DMI of a certain growing rabbit in the 24 h prior to slaughter, the combined use of the equation and the amino acid profile obtained makes it possible to estimate the ileal endogenous losses of each amino acid.Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital of the Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2021/256)Marín-García, PJ.; Rodríguez, M.; Ródenas, L.; Moya, VJ.; Martínez-Paredes, E.; López-Luján, MDC.; Cambra-López, M.... (2024). A method to estimate endogenous losses of nitrogen and amino acids at the ileal level in growing rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 32(1):1-9. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2024.196541932

    Resultados preliminares de un estudio de caracterización de purines de porcino obtenido en fosa bajo condiciones mediterráneas

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    El conocimiento de la composición del purín recién excretado y en distintos momentos del ciclo productivo del animal es importante, ya que permite conocer de una manera más precisa la evolución que experimenta éste con el tiempo. Esto posibilitaría adecuar las estrategias de gestión y tratamiento del mismo desde una perspectiva temporal a cada tipo de explotación. El purín contiene una gran cantidad de flora bacteriana que lo degrada en función de su composición, de la duración del almacenamiento y de las condiciones ambientales. Existe bastante información sobre la composición de purines en balsa, sin embargo apenas existen datos sobre éstos en fosa. Es por ello que para identificar tanto la variabilidad en función del tipo de animal como sus características en el tiempo es interesante disponer de información obtenida en fosa. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los primeros resultados de composición del purín de cerdos en granjas de la Comunidad Valenciana para estudiar la variabilidad existente en función del tipo de animal y del tiempo de almacenamiento. Para ello se tomaron 36 muestras en fosa, en varias explotaciones según la orientación productiva, analizándose materia seca (MS), sólidos volátiles (SV), cenizas (ASH), pH, nitrógeno total (NT), nitrógeno amoniacal (NH4), conductividad eléctrica (CE) y demanda biológica de oxígeno (DBO). Asimismo se ha obtenido un perfil de ácidos grasos (AGV) para cada tipo de purín. De los resultados obtenidos, se observa una importante variabilidad según la categoría animal, apreciándose en cebo mayores contenidos en MS, SV y NH4. Finalmente, también se ha encontrado una elevada correlación entre la conductividad eléctrica y el nitrógeno total excretado (R2 = 0,76), lo que podría utilizarse como un “test rápido” de determinación de la composición de purín en campo

    A sustainable route for antibacterial nanofinishing of textiles

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    In this paper, an aerosol-based process is shown for imparting antibacterial property to textiles. Metal nanoparticles (copper and silver) are produced by means of DC electrical discharges (glow and arc) between two electrodes in nitrogen at ambient pressure and passed through textile fabrics (cotton, polyester and lyocell) which act as filter media. The particle retention efficiency of the fabrics is measured in dependence of particle size and face velocity. The antibacterial performance of the fabrics treated with metal nanoparticles and its durability to wash is assessed according to industry standards. Loads of about 200 ppm (2x10-2 %wt.) of nanoparticles of copper or silver give strong antibacterial property but the colour and hand feeling of the fabrics are significantly affected. Nanosilver loads in the order of 50 ppm (5x10-3 %wt.) impart comparably high antibacterial property to the fabrics with no visible impact on colour and hand touching, and wash fastness is proven for 10 washes. Small silver nanoparticles (20 nm)

    Investigaciones arqueológicas en el Castillo de Jimena de la Frontera, Cádiz: fase I (2002)

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    Con este artículo intentamos presentar los resul-tados de la primera fase de estudios arqueológicos en el castillo de Jimena de la Frontera (Cádiz) que se han dividido en dos actuaciones concretas. Por un lado el estudio arqueológico de alzados en toda el área de la fortaleza y por otro la realización de cinco sondeos estratigráficos para poder conocer la evolución del yacimiento y aportar información de gran utilidad al proceso de rehabilitación que se plantea en dicho castillo.In this lines we try to present the results of the first phase of the archaeologicals works in Jimena de la Frontera cas-tle wich have been divided in two concretes actions. First, the archaeological study of the castle walls, and second the opening of five sounding for the knowledge of the field and the support of the rehabilitation process

    Short- and Long-Term Prognosis of Patients With Takotsubo Syndrome Based on Different Triggers: Importance of the Physical Nature

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    Background Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is an acute reversible heart condition initially believed to represent a benign pathology attributable to its self-limiting clinical course; however, little is known about its prognosis based on different triggers. This study compared short- and long-term outcomes between TTS based on different triggers, focusing on various physical triggering events. Methods and Results We analyzed patients with a definitive TTS diagnosis recruited for the Spanish National Registry on TTS (RETAKO [Registry on Takotsubo Syndrome]). Short- and long-term outcomes were compared between different groups according to triggering factors. A total of 939 patients were included. An emotional trigger was detected in 340 patients (36.2%), a physical trigger in 293 patients (31.2%), and none could be identified in 306 patients (32.6%). The main physical triggers observed were infections (30.7%), followed by surgical procedures (22.5%), physical activities (18.4%), episodes of severe hypoxia (18.4%), and neurological events (9.9%). TTS triggered by physical factors showed higher mortality in the short and long term, and within this group, patients whose physical trigger was hypoxia were those who had a worse prognosis, in addition to being triggered by physical factors, including age >70 years, diabetes mellitus, left ventricular eyection fraction <30% and shock on admission, and increased long-term mortality risk. Conclusions TTS triggered by physical factors could present a worse prognosis in terms of mortality. Under the TTS label, there could be as yet undiscovered very different clinical profiles, whose differentiation could lead to individual better management, and therefore the perception of TTS as having a benign prognosis should be generally ruled out

    International entrepreneurship in SMEs: a study of influencing factors in the textile industry

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11365-012-0242-3International entrepreneurship is an incipient research area with a rapidly increasing body of knowledge and contributions. An important part of this literature has focused on the analysis of the contributing factors to IE development. From these studies, this work attempts to analyse and validate through an integrative model the effect on this construct in SME of some of the main factors proposed by the literature such as Skills and Competences, Attitude and Proactiveness, Creativity and Innovation, Networking, Employees and Activity. To proceed with this aim, we conducted an empirical research focused on 174 textile SME in Spain. The results obtained confirm a positive relationship between the studied factors and the IE development. In consequence, this work agrees with previous literature that point out the need to use multi-theoretical perspectives, combining multiple factors.Gil Pechuán, I.; Expósito Langa, M.; Tomas Miquel, JV. (2013). International entrepreneurship in SMEs: a study of influencing factors in the textile industry. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 9(1):45-57. doi:10.1007/s11365-012-0242-3S455791Akgün, A., Keskin, H., & Byrne, J. (2012). Organizational emotional memory. Management Decision, 50(1), 95–114.Andersén, J. (2011). Strategic resources and firm performance. Management Decision, 49(1), 87–98.Anderson, A. R., Dodd, S. D., & Jack, S. L. (2012). Entrepreneurship as connecting: some implications for theorising and practice. Management Decision, 50(5), 958–971.Appelbaum, S. H., Roy, M., & Gilliland, T. (2011). Globalization of performance appraisals: theory and applications. Management Decision, 49(4), 570–585.Arribas, I., Hernández, P., Urbano, A., & Vila, J. E. (2012). 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