11 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz and Pav) Dan Kloramfenikol Terhadap Bakteri Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Dan Staphylococcus aureus Beserta Bioautografinya

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    Tanaman sirih merah telah diketahui dapat mengobati berbagai jenis penyakit dan dipercaya dapat digunakan sebagai antibakteri. Kloramfenikol merupakan antibiotik bakteriostatik berspektrum luas yang aktif terhadap mikroorganisme aerobik dan anaerobik, bakteri Gram positif maupun negatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun sirih merah dan kloramfenikol terhadap bakteri Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, dan Staphylococcus aureus. Uji aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode difusi (Kirby Bauer) dengan menentukan diameter zona hambat. Konsentrasi ekstrak etanol daun sirih merah yang digunakan 70% dan kloramfenikol 4% untuk bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Salmonella typhi serta 1% untuk Shigella dysenteriae dengan pelarut DMSO 100%. Kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun sirih merah : kloramfenikol dibuat tiga perbandingan volume yaitu: (25%:75%), (50%:50%), dan (75%:25%) dengan volume total 20 μL per disk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan diameter zona hambat berturut-turut pada bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dengan perbandingan volume (25%:75%), (50%:50%), dan (75%:25%) sebesar 10 mm, 11 mm, dan 12 mm pada Salmonella typhi 10,3 mm, 12 mm, dan 14 mm pada Shigella dysenteriae 9,3 mm, 10,3 mm, dan 12 mm. Hasil analisis dengan anova didapatkan p-value statistik uji F pada Staphylococcus aureus 0,272 > 0,05 tidak signifikan sedangkan pada bakteri Salmonella typhi dan Shigella dysenteriae adalah 0,016 dan 0,001 < 0,05 terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi senyawa menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) dan uji bioautografi diketahui senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri dari ekstrak etanol daun sirih merah adalah fenolik, terpenoid, dan alkaloid pada Staphylococcus aureus dan Shigella dysenteriae, serta senyawa terpenoid dan alkaloid pada Salmonella typhi

    Self Concept Family which had a Member People with a Psychological Disorder Restrain History in Blitar Town

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    In Indonesia, there are 20.000 to 30.000 people with psychic disruption which restrained. There are 14,3% family or about 237 from 1655 families had a member with heavy psychic disruption restrained. The purpose of the research is to identify self concept of family member with psychological disorder restrained history. Population in this research are 30 families which had member with psychological disorder restrained history in Blitar town. The sample size in this research is 30 people using total sampling method. Data collected was conducted by questionnaire. Data collected was done on 28 march - 10 may 2016. Result of the research showed that 73,1% (19 families) have positive self concept, then 26,9% (7 families) have negative self concept. Recommendation from this research is may get specific attention from health worker to give motivation, direction, and give health education to family which have member with psychological disorder and restrained history to keep or increase positive self concept and change the negative self concept be positive especially in role component and personal identity


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    Tujuan pengembangan adalah merancang pendeteksi kadar STPP limbah industripengepakaan udang. Instrumentasi sistem menggunakan sistem fotometri memanfaatkansinar UV yang ditembakkan ke sampel limbah pada kuvet untuk mendeteksi kadar STPP.Logikanya semakin besar sinar UV yang diserap oleh STPP maka semakin besar kadarSTPP-nya. Sinyal cahaya dilewatkan pada cairan STPP dan diterima oleh photodiodaselanjutnya diubah menjadi sinyal listrik. Perubahan sinyal cahaya menjadi listrikdigunakan sebagai input OP-Amp yang berfungsi sebagai pengkondisi sinyal input ADC.Selanjutnya ADC akan mengubah tegangan input menjadi data digital 8 bit. Data yangdiinputkan ke MK akan diolah dengan program MCS-51 dan ditampilkan ke display sevensegment dan merupakan hasil pen-deteksian kadar STPP dalam persen. Hasil pendeteksianmempunyai keandalan ± 80%

    Klasifikasi Jenis Biji Kopi dengan Menggunakan Metode Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM)

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    Kopi merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang menjadi sumber penghasilan rakyat dan juga dapat menjadi sumber peningkat devisa negara melalui ekspor biji kopi mentah maupun olahan dari biji kopi. Kopi dapat dibedakan berdasarkan jenisnya yaitu Kopi Robusta dan Kopi Arabika. Setiap varietas kopi memiliki harga yang berbeda-beda tergantung dari jenis varietasnya. Tidak semua petani, dan pemilik coffee shop mampu mengenali varietas kopi dengan hanya melihat green bean dan roasting. Hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan pemodelan yang dapat mengidentifikasi varietas Kopi Robusta dan Arabika agar dapat digunakan sebagai second opinion untuk mengidentifikasi varietas kopi robusta dan arabika. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode pencitraan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui akurasi mengklasifikasikan jenis biji kopi dengan menggunakan metode Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Pada penelitian ini bahan utama yang digunakan adalah biji kopi jenis Robusta Tanggul dan Raung, serta Arabika Ijen dan Bali yang telah di sangrai. tingkat kematangan sangrai biji kopi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah coklat muda (light roast) untuk jenis Arabika dan medium roast untuk jenis robusta. Hasil yang diperoleh dari akurasi klasifikasi jenis biji kopi dengan menggunakan metode GLCM sebesar 99% untuk klasifikasi tipe kernel atau powder, 93% untuk klasifikasi jenis Robusta atau Arabika, dan 56% untuk klasifikasi daerah asal yaitu (Tanggul, Raung, Ijen, dan Bali) dengan citra data uji sebanyak 80 citra

    Konsep Diri Keluarga yang Memiliki Anggota Keluarga Orang dengan Gangguan Jiwa Riwayat Pasung di Kota Blitar

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    In Indonesia, there are 20.000 to 30.000 people with psychic disruption which restrained. There are 14,3% family or about 237 from 1655 families had a member with heavy psychic disruption restrained. The purpose of the research is to identify self concept of family member with psychological disorder restrained history. Population in this research are 30 families which had member with psychological disorder restrained history in Blitar town. The sample size in this research is 30 people using total sampling method. Data collected was conducted by questionnaire. Data collected was done on 28 march - 10 may 2016. Result of the research showed that 73,1% (19 families) have positive self concept, then 26,9% (7 families) have negative self concept. Recommendation from this research is may get specific attention from health worker to give motivation, direction, and give health education to family which have member with psychological disorder and restrained history to keep or increase positive self concept and change the negative self concept be positive especially in role component and personal identity

    Is the Oil Palm Land Efficient in Indonesia?

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    The plantation’s sub-contribution sector to the country’s gross domestic product reflects the role oil palm plantations have played in boosting the economy. The goal of this study is to examine land efficiency and the variables that affect its value in Indonesian national superior plantations, by the application of the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) method. Age, education, financial situation, and geographic location of the farmer all affect their engagement in agriculture, particularly when it comes to spreading new techniques. Therefore, policies that are based on input variables that demonstrate substantial outcomes in boosting the output of rubber plantations in Indonesia must be implemented by the government through certain institutions. Keywords: palm oil, efficiency, Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA

    Emotional Quotient Analysis: How the Students Adapted in the Covid-19 Periods

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    The research aims to know that success is influencing by intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a set of personal, emotional, and social abilities that can influence a person's ability to succeed. Emotional intelligence also allows individuals to feel and understand correctly, using emotional power and sensitivity as information energy and affecting learning outcomes. The method used in this research is to use a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysi s method. Qualitative research an inquiry strategy that emphasizes the search for meaning, understanding, concepts, characteristics, symptoms, symbols, and descriptions of a phenomenon. The research used several natural and holistic methods, with prioritizing quality, which presented in a narrative. The result found that students recognizing self-emotion (self-awareness) are still low, where 75% stated that they prefer to go to school at home because they can play gadgets longer

    Do Servant Leadership Influence Market Performance? Evidence from Indonesian Pharmacy Industries

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and calculate the effect of servant leadership on the sales performance of the pharmaceutical industry, while the indicators of servant leadership are listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, foresight, conceptualization, stewardship, commitment, community. This study uses a quantitative approach with correlational analysis techniques, Data processing analysis uses SmartPLS software, the subject of this research is the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia, the sample used is 282 sales managers. The sampling technique used by researchers is Probability Sampling, namely by using Simple Random Sampling. The results of this study show that servant leadership has a positive and significant impact on the sales performance of the pharmaceutical industry with indicators are listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, foresight, conceptualization, stewardship, commitment, community and has a positive and significant effect on sales performanc