564 research outputs found

    A MIMO periodic ARX identification algorithm for the Floquet stability analysis of wind turbines

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    The paper presents a new stability analysis approach applicable to wind turbines. At first, a reduced order periodic model is identified from response time histories, and then stability is assessed using Floquet theory. The innovation of the proposed approach is in the ability of the algorithm to simultaneously consider multiple response time histories, for example in the form of measurements recorded both on the rotor and in the stand still system. As each different measurement carries a different informational content on the system, the simultaneous use of all available signals improves the quality and robustness of the analysis

    Root and crown tot of olive caused dy Phytophthora spp.

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    Phytophthora root and crown rot has been traditionally considered a minor disease of olive. However, in recent years it has been recognized as an emerging problem in several olive-growing countries such as Australia, Italy and Spain probably as a consequence of the expansion of plantings in new areas with heavy soils and the more intensive use of irrigation in both olive nurseries and commercial groves. The disease has been reported from most olive-growing countries and is caused by several soil -borne species of Phytophthora, including P. cinnamomi, P. citricola, P. cryptogea, P. drechsleri, P. gonapodyides, P. inundata, P. megasperma,P. nicotianae and P.palmivora. Diagnosis is currently based on the isolation and identification of isolates by both traditional and molecular methods. New molecular techniques are currently available that could be applied for both the identification of isolates and Phytophthora infections directly in host-tissues as well as insoil and water samples. A number of dedicated databases could improve the efficiency of these techniques. Moreover, DNA analysis has greatly contributed to phylogenetic studies of Phytophthora. Control of Phytophthora root and crown rot of olive is mainly based on preventive measures

    “Salus Populi Suprema Lex”: Considerations on the Initial Response of the United Kingdom to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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    In several countries worldwide, the initial response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been heavily criticized by general public, media, and healthcare professionals, as well as being an acrimonious topic in the political debate. The present article elaborates on some aspects of the United Kingdom (UK) primary reaction to SARS-CoV-2 pandemic; specifically, from February to July 2020. The fact that the UK showed the highest mortality rate in Western Europe following the first wave of COVID-19 certainly has many contributing causes; each deserves an accurate analysis. We focused on three specific points that have been insofar not fully discussed in the UK and not very well known outside the British border: clinical governance, access to hospital care or intensive care unit, and implementation of non-pharmaceutical interventions. The considerations herein presented on these fundamental matters will likely contribute to a wider and positive discussion on public health, in the context of an unprecedented crisis

    First Report of Root and Basal Stem Rot Caused by Phytophthora cryptogea and P. inundata on Dwarf Banana in Italy

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    In Sicily (southern Italy) local cultivars of dwarf banana (Musa acuminata) are cultivated for edible fruit and as ornamental plants. During the summer of 2015, in an ornamental nursery of Aci San Filippo (Catania province), eastern Sicily, ten out of forty mature plants of dwarf banana grown in the field showed leaf chlorosis, wilt and sudden collapse of the entire plant associated with root and basal stem rot. Two Phytophthora species (overall 24 and 22 isolates, respectively) were consistently recovered directly from rotted roots and stems on BNPRA-HMI selective medium (Masago et al. 1977). Pure cultures of both species were obtained by single-hypha isolations. The first species formed slight petaloid colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and slightly fluffy colonies on V-8 juice agar (V8A). It grew between 2 and 30°C, with an optimum of 25°C. On V8A discs flooded with non-sterile soil extract this species produced persistent, ovoid to obpyriform, non-papillate, internally proliferating sporangia (35 ..

    Phytophthora root and collar rot of Paulownia, a new disease for Europe

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    Paulownia species are fast growing trees native to China, which are being grown in managed plantings in several European countries for the production of wood and biomasses. In 2018, wilting, stunting, leaf yellowing, and collapse, as a consequence of root and crown rot, were observed in around 40% of trees of a 2-year-old planting of Paulownia elongata × P. fortunei in Calabria (Southern Italy). Two species of Phytophthora were consistently recovered from roots, basal stem bark, and rhizosphere soil of symptomatic trees and were identified as Ph. nicotianae and Ph. palmivora on the basis of both morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of rDNA ITS sequences. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled by reproducing the symptoms on potted paulownia saplings transplanted into infested soil or stem-inoculated by wounding. Both Phytophthora species were pathogenic and caused root rot and stem cankers. Even though P. palmivora was the only species recovered from roots of naturally infected plants, in pathogenicity tests through infested soil P. nicotianae was more virulent. This is the first report of Phytophthora root and crown rot of a Paulownia species in Europe. Strategies to prevent this emerging disease include the use of healthy nursery plants, choice of well-drained soils for new plantations, and proper irrigation management

    Plasma Concentrations of Risperidone and Olanzapine during Coadministration with Oxcarbazepine

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    Purpose: Oxcarbazepine (OZC) is a secondgeneration antiepileptic drug (AED) that also may be used as a mood stabilizer. Unlike carbamazepine (CBZ), which is an inducer of the cytochrome P-450 isoforms and may accelerate the elimination of several therapeutic agents, OXC seems to have only a modest inducing action. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of a treatment with OXC on plasma concentrations of the new antipsychotics risperidone and olanzapine. Methods: OXC, at a dosage of 900–1,200 mg/day, was administered for 5 consecutive weeks to 25 outpatients, 10 men and 15 women, aged 25 to 64 years, with bipolar or schizoaffective disorder. Twelve patients were stabilized on risperidone therapy (2–6 mg/day) and 13 on olanzapine (5–20 mg/day). Steady-state plasma concentrations of risperidone and its active metabolite 9-hydroxyrisperidone (9-OH-risperidone) and olanzapine were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) before addition of OXC and after 5 weeks from the start of adjunctive treatment. Results:OXC caused only minimal and no significant changes in the mean plasma levels of risperidone (from 5.6±3.6 ng/ml at baseline to 4.8 ± 2.6 ng/ml at week 5), 9-OH-risperidone (from 23.6±7.5 to 24.7±7.4 ng/ml), and olanzapine (from 26.5±5.7 ng/ml at baseline to 27.8 ± 5.1 ng/ml). OXC coadministration with either risperidone or olanzapine was well tolerated. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that OXC does not affect the elimination of risperidone and olanzapine, thus confirming its weak inducing effect on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes

    Multidisciplinary management of complicated bilateral renal artery aneurysm in a woman of childbearing age

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    Ruptured renal artery aneurysm (RAA) during pregnancy is a rare condition associated with high mortality rates to both the mother and the foetus. We report on a 41-year-old woman at her second trimester who presented with shock to the emergency department as a result of a ruptured left RAA. While the bleeding was successfully treated with angiographic embolization, a contralateral RAA, also at risk of rupture, was discovered. Due to its position on the artery bifurcation, this lesion was considered not suitable for interventional radiology and was therefore managed by hand-assisted retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy, ex-vivo repair and autotransplantation. This was done in order to preserve renal mass and give our patient a chance of having future pregnancies without risk of rupture. Three years later, her renal function is normal, there is no evidence of recurrence, and more importantly she had two successful and uncomplicated pregnancies
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