219 research outputs found

    Temperature profiles of Agaricus bisporus in composting stages and effects of different composts formulas and casing materials on yield

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    Three compost formulas using different activator materials were prepared for Agaricus bisporus cultivation. A locally available casing material known as peat of Bolu district and its different combinations with perlite were used. Temperature profiles of all mixtures during composting were measured at every composting stages at various depth in order to determine the compostability level of substrates. Compost temparature steadily increased until the 10th day of composting and maximum temperatures were recorded at the second turning stage of composting. The highest yield of (5124.1 g/kg) was recorded by wheat straw mixed with pigeon manure (formula number II) with the peat as casing material mixed with perlite (80:20 in volume). The most appropriate casing materials was appeared to be the peat of Bolu district mixed with perlite (80:20; in volume) for all of compost materials. Key Words: Composting, Agaricus bisporus, compost temperature, casing material, yield. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(9) 2004: 456-46

    An overview of platelet indices for evaluating platelet function in children with scorpion envenomation

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    The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between platelet indices and scorpion envenomations (SE). Medical records of 76 children who were hospitalised for scorpion stings in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) between February 2013 and November 2013, and 55 healthy children who were similar to the patient group in terms of age and sex, were analysed retrospectively. The leucocyte (WBC), thrombocyte (PLT), plateletcrit (PCT), platelet distribution width (PDW) and mean platelet volume (MPV) values of the 76 children with SE were recorded. These values were compared with the healthy control group. Significantly higher WBC and PDW values were noted in patients with SE in comparison to the controls. Patients with SE had significantly lower mean MPV values compared to the healthy controls (9.03 ± 1.26 compared to 10.43 ± 1.44 fL, respectively; p < 0.001). Although the mean platelet count was slightly elevated in the SE group, no statistically significant difference existed between the two groups (p = 0.097). Furthermore, the mean PCT values in the SE group compared to the control group were slightly decreased, but this decrease was not statistically significant (p = 0.141). A significant inverse correlation existed between the MPV values and the WBC (r = -0.450, p < 0.01) and PLT counts (r = -0.420, p < 0.01). The PLT values were significantly correlated with the PCT values (r = 0.687, p < 0.01). This study demonstrated that SE may lead to several alterations in platelet indices. Significantly lower values of MPV and higher values of PDW were detected in SE patients. However, the increase in the platelet counts and the decrease in the PCT values were not significant

    Natural coloration of wood material by red beetroot (Beta vulgaris) and determination color stability under UV exposure

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    This study is aimed to develop an eco-friendly wood stained extracted from beetroot (Beta vulgaris) and determine the color stability of this stain to UV light irradiation. Natural dyestuff were extracted from beetroot by ultrasonic-assisted method and prepared from aqueous solution with ferrous sulphate, aluminum sulphate, copper sulphate and vinegar mordant mixes. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), oriental beech (Fagus orientalis), oak (Quercus petraea) and walnut (Juglans regia) wood specimens were used for the study. After treatment with stain, wood specimens were exposed to UV irradiation for periods of 50, 100 and 150 hours. Results showed that the color change values for all wood specimens colored with beetroot extract had better performance compared to synthetic dye. Beetroot extracts may be used as an upper surface dyestuff for indoor application and toys. Therefore, alternative to synthetic dyes more economical and eco-friendly, wood paints may be developed

    Cryptographic security mechanism of the next generation digital tachograph system

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    JRC is in the process of evaluating the impact of update of the cryptographic security mechanisms for the next generation Digital Tachograph. The purpose of this document is to give background information about the cryptographic security mechanisms and vulnerabilities regarding the security mechanisms of the current Digital Tachograph System along with suggestions for the next generation Digital Tachograph security mechanisms. This document can be referred as an important reference to update the technical appendixes of the Tachograph regulation.JRC.G.7-Digital Citizen Securit

    Interrupted inferior vena cava and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return with atrial septal defect in a 38-year-old adult: a case report

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    We present a woman having congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return from the right lung with atrial septal defect in a 38-year-old. Congenital anomalies of inferior vena cava are rare. They are seen more often in young males. If there are not other anomalies, they are latent for a long time. Peripheral venous thrombosis, chronic venous insufficiency, dyspnea and fatigue are often the first symptoms of these anomalies. Surgical repair of atrial septal defect with partial anomalous pulmonary venous return include provision of durably unobstructed systemic and pulmonary venous pathways, closure of the atrial septal defect, and avoidance of arrhythmias. The diagnosis has been determined by compression ultrasonography with color doppler assessment, multidetector computed tomography angiography and echocardiography

    Rare Variants of Carotid-Vertebrobasilar Anastomoses

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    Carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomoses generally disappear during embryogenesis. However, if a problem exists during regression, these arteries persist in adult period and are named as persistent arteries. Their persistence in adult patients is sometimes pathological and may result in the development of an aneurysm or a compressive syndrome. These anastomoses are frequently associated with proximal or distal arterial pathology. Herein, we present three rare variants of carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomoses: a persistent trigeminal artery, persistent hypoglossal artery, and a persistent otic artery. These variants should be kept in mind to avoid errors both in clinical reporting and surgical procedures

    Određivanje učinka tekućeg stakla (SiO2) na stabilnost boje drva obojenoga prirodnim bojama

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    In this exploratory study, the effect of liquid glass (SiO2) treatment on color stability of wood stained by natural dyes was investigated. Mixing liquid glass with natural dyes produced durable, natural, and protective wood stain as expected. For natural dyes, Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), Indigo (lsatis tinctoria L.) and pomegranate skin (Punica granatum L.) were chosen and their extracts were mixed with liquid glass and applied to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) and mahogany (Khaya Ivorensis A. Chev.) specimens using immersion method. Coated wood specimens were tested to evaluate the protection degree of liquid glass + natural stains against discoloration using cold check test. The treated wood specimens were exposed to cold check test for different conditions; 1 h 50 °C (± 5), 1 h laboratory conditions, and 1 h -20 °C (± 2), for 20 cycles. As a result, the liquid glass treatment produced better performance against color change. However, for general definition, liquid glass was not found precisely effective on color stability.U provedenom je istraživanju ispitan učinak tekućeg stakla (SiO2) na stabilnost boje drva obojenoga prirodnim bojama. Miješanjem tekućeg stakla s prirodnim bojama napravljen je trajni prirodni i zaštitni premaz za drvo, kako se i očekivalo. Za prirodne boje odabrani su sladić (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), indigo (lsatis tinctoria L.) i šipak (Punica granatum L.), a njihovi su ekstrakti pomiješani s tekućim staklom i metodom uranjanja naneseni na uzorke drva običnoga bora (Pinus sylvestris L.), kestena (Castanea sativa Mill.) i mahagonija (Khaya Ivorensis A. Chev.). Na tako obrađenim uzorcima drva, primjenom testa hladne provjere, istražen je zaštitni utjecaj premaza od tekućeg stakla i prirodne boje na promjenu boje obrađenih uzoraka drva. Obrađeni su drvni uzorci bili izloženi testu hladne provjere u različitim uvjetima: 1 h pri 50±5 °C, 1 h pri laboratorijskim uvjetima i 1 h pri -20±2 °C u 20 ciklusa. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je obrada tekućim staklom imala pozitivan učinak na zaštitu boje drvnih uzoraka obojenih prirodnim bojama, odnosno da nije došlo do promjene boje. Međutim, općenito se može zaključiti da rezultati istraživanja nisu dali uvjerljiv dokaz učinkovitosti tekućeg stakla na stabilnost boje obojenog drva

    İki Farklı Restoratif Materyalin Sınıf V Kavitelerdeki Mikrosızıntıya Etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı sınıf V kavitelerde birkompozit rezin ile bir yüksek viskoziteli cam iyonomersimanın mikrosızıntılarının in vitro şartlardadeğerlendirilmesidir.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada 30 adet çürüksüz insanüst premolar dişi kullanıldı. Her dişin bukkal yüzeylerinemine-sement sınırından 1 mm aşağıda olacak şekildestandardize edilmiş Sınıf V kaviteler hazırlandı. Dişler herbiri 15 dişten oluşan rastgele 2 gruba ayrıldı. Hazırlanankaviteler birinci grupta bir kompozit rezinle (S3 Bond /Clearfil Esthetic; Kuraray, Tokyo, Japonya), ikinci grupta biryüksek viskoziteli cam ionomer (Fuji IX GP; GC, Tokyo,Japonya) ile dolduruldu. Restoratif maddeler bir LED (EliparFreelight; 3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) ışık kaynağıkullanılarak polimerize edildi. Bütün örnekler 24 saat distilesu içerisinde bekletildi ve 1 dakika kalacak şekilde 5 ve 55°Ctermal siklus işlemi 10000 kez uygulandı. Dişlerrestorasyonların 1 mm çevresi hariç tırnak cilası ile kaplandı.24 saat %1’lik metilen mavisi solüsyonunda bekletildi. Dahasonra dişler yıkanıp, bukkolingual yönde dikey olarakkesilerek x15 büyütmede stereomikroskop ile değerlendirildi.Elde edilen veriler Kruskal Wallis ve Whitney U testleriyledeğerlendirildi.Bulgular: Deney grupları arasında istatistiksel birfarklılık bulunamadı (p&gt;0.05). Grup 1’de servikal ve oklüzalmikrosızıntı değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlılıkbulundu ( p&lt;0.05 ). Grup 2’ de ise servikal ve oklüzalskorlarda fark bulunmadı. Sonuç: Kullanılan her ikirestoratif materyal, sınıf V kavitelerde mikrosızıntıdeğerlendirmesinde başarılı bulunmuştur