66 research outputs found

    Classsifying Daily Problems of School Managers

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    AbstractSchools are open systems and this leads them to include much heavier duties for managers. It can be concluded that managers at a school, headteacher and his deputies, have to cope with many differen oriented problems and even crisis. The main motivation for this study is to reveal sources and solutions of most common problems at a school in its daily routines. While revealing these experiences we tried to sort them in short, mid and long term duties. We found that student and technical problems are short term, whereas staff and parent oriented ones are mid term, and finally if the problem is caused by organizational structure or policy based then it can be said to be long term one

    Comparison of actual evapotranspiration by the google earth engine evapotranspiration flux (EEFlux) to the METRIC model using remote sensing data and in-situ climate observations

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    Actual evapotranspiration (ETa) is essential data in developing water budgets and calculating irrigation water requirements in large-scale irrigation schemes. Nowadays, remote sensing (RS)-based surface energy balance models help us estimate ETa with high resolution when compared to direct methods that focus only on a single point in a field. This study aimed both at estimating ETa by Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internal Calibration (METRIC) and Google Earth Engine Evapotranspiration Flux (EEFlux) platform and comparing reference evapotranspiration based on the Penman-Monteith equation (ETo) with ETa by the METRIC and EEFlux in a sub-catchment (A=9495 ha) under irrigation, located in the Lower Seyhan Plain (LSP), Turkiye in the 2020 hydrological year. For this purpose, 16 Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 images, local climatic data acquired from two meteorological stations in the catchment, and CFSv2 gridded global data were used. Results showed a good agreement between ETa-EEFlux with ETa-METRIC. Moreover, a strong correlation was found between ETo and ETa-METRIC (r=0.93 and slope close to 1 and RMSE value of 0.74 mm day-1) if compared to the relationship between ETo with ETa-EEFlux. The results show the potential of applying the METRIC model and EEFlux for mapping ETa over a large-scale irrigation scheme

    Groundwater potential of Seyhan and Ceyhan River basins

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    Evaluation of some groundwater quality parameters using geostatistics in the urban coastal aquifer of Bosaso plain, Somalia

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    Groundwater is a major drinking water resource in arid coastal regions. The groundwater quality of Bosaso city experienced degradation due to rapid urbanization and industrialization. This study was carried out to delineate the spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters and evaluate groundwater suitability for drinking and irrigation uses. The groundwater samples were collected from Bosaso Plain to determine the pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and sodium and chloride concentrations. To categorize water quality for irrigation purposes, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) was calculated. Ordinary kriging procedure was performed in order to map the spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters. The interpretation of laboratory analysis results revealed that the most of groundwater wells in the study area is unsafe for drinking purposes due to high salinity, except for the central area (Biyo Kulule). In terms of irrigation uses, the minor area may be under the risk of alkalinity or sodium hazard. However, all groundwater supply points are not suitable for irrigation due to the salinization risk and can be only used to irrigate high salt-tolerant crops. The final maps show that the groundwater quality decreases from southeast to the north of the plain. This indicates that the groundwater is probably subjected to the seawater intrusion. In this regard, the implementation of a groundwater monitoring program is necessary to achieve concrete results. Nevertheless, the most suitable groundwater quality is found to be at the central part of the Bosaso plain

    Modeling Agricultural Land Management to Improve Understanding of Nitrogen Leaching in an Irrigated Mediterranean Area in Southern Turkey

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    Nitrogen (N) cycle dynamics and its transport in the ecosystem were always an attracting subject for the researchers. Calculation of N budget in agricultural systems with use of different empirical statistical methods is common practice in OECD and EU countries. However, these methodologies do not include climate and water cycle as part of the process. On the other hand, big scale studies are labor and work intensive. As a solution, various computer modeling approaches have been used to predict N budget and related N parameters. One of them is internationally established Soil and Water Assessment (SWAT) model, which was developed especially for modeling agricultural catchments. The aim of this study was to improve understanding of N leaching with simulation of agricultural land management (fertilization, irrigation, and plant species) in hydrological heavily modified watershed with irrigation-depended agriculture under Mediterranean climate. The study was conducted in Lower Seyhan River Plain Irrigation District (Akarsu) of 9495 ha in Cukurova region of southern Turkey. Intensive and extensive water and nitrogen monitoring data (2008–2014), soil properties, cropping pattern, and crop rotation were used for the SWAT model build, calibration, and validation of the model

    Groundwater potential of Seyhan and Ceyhan River basins

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    WOS: 000452689400079The use of mulch is an important application in the conservation of water in the soil for a longer period of time. As mulch materials, organic and inorganic materials can be used. The use of mulch in researches was generally evaluated during plant growth season. In this study, it was carried out only in certain soil conditions without any plant growth. The aim of the study was to determine the change in the soil water content under the conditions where an organic mulch (straw), raking and no treatment were applied. Four treatments compared were A) Mulch application with straw (organic mulch material) immediately after the soil was saturated; B) Roughly 3 days after the water was applied, the raking was done; C) When the raking was done, straw (organic mulch material) and mulch application were done; D) Control treatments without any special application. The study was carried out in 16 square borders with soil embankments and 4 treatments and 4 replications. Each square border was formed in 1x1 m dimensions. A distance of 2 m was left between the square borders. Soil water content was measured at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm depth with neutron meter. Neutron meter tubes were placed in the center of the square borders with soil embankments. In the study, reference measurements were made before applying water to the square borders. Then each square border was filled with water to saturate soil profile. Changes in soil water content were observed at specific time intervals after saturation. At the end of the study, the water content of the soil was calculated as 41.28 mm for A, 48.71 mm for B, 47.35 mm for C and 52.72 mm for D. The loss of soil water content was ranked as A<C <B <D.Cukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture; Akdeniz UniversityAkdeniz UniversityThe authors gratefully acknowledge that this work was supported by Cukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture. The authors also would like to thank Akdeniz University for its partial support