213 research outputs found

    La Vía de los 7 Saberes: promoviendo valores en la juventud para el desarrollo sostenible. 20 años después, la novedad sigue viva

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    El texto presenta la obra de Edgar Morin “Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro”, desde su origen, destacando su relevancia y actualidad, veinte años después de su publicación. Destaca los eventos y documentos resultantes de su reflexión y también describe y explica en detalle el proyecto “La vía de los siete saberes. Promoviendo valores en la juventud para el desarrollo sostenible”, en desarrollo y promovido por la Oficina Regional de Ciencia de la UNESCO para América Latina y el Caribe. El proyecto quiere contribuir a los objetivos fijados en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, suscripta por las Naciones Unidas en septiembre de 2015

    Actores y mercados de los biocombustibles argentinos : entre incertidumbre y diversificación

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    Mientras el proceso de agriculturización se profundiza en los países de América latina, la producción de biocombustibles toma un papel cada vez mayor, en el cruce entre agregación de valor y generación de energía, con la cuestión de la seguridad alimentaria como telón de fondo. En Argentina, los volúmenes de soja cosechados siguen una fuerte progresión ascendente que compromete la sostenibilidad del sistema agropecuario. Una parte creciente de esos cultivos se destinan a la producción de biocombustibles. No obstante, el país depende cada vez más de combustibles fósiles importados para su aprovisionamiento energético. Desde principios de los años 2000 y con la sanción de la Ley nacional de biocombustibles Nº 26.093, del año 2006 y su reglamentación del año 2007, se intenta desarrollar tres mercados de biocombustibles: uno para la exportación, otro para el comercio interno y otro para el autoconsumo. En los tres casos, el mayor número de iniciativas buscan aprovechar las capacidades de producción de aceite crudo de soja

    El turista internacional en calidad de consumidor de servicios turísticos: Especial atención al “Time-sharing inmobiliario”

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    En este estudio se analiza la protección ofrecida al turista internacional a la hora de contratar servicios turísticos, en especial bajo la modalidad contractual del aprovechamiento por turno de bienes de uso turístico. Para la industria del turismo y del ocio, las opciones de utilización de inmuebles a tiempo compartido introducen un factor de diversificación en un sector en proceso de transformación, afectado por los avances tecnológicos de acceso a la información y por las iniciativas de fusiones de empresas. Ofrecer un acertado régimen legal supondría incrementar el volumen de contrataciones, bajo la balanza justa de derechos y obligaciones para ambas partes contratantes; es decir, tanto para las empresas que operan en el sector como para el turista extranjero que, indudablemente, es la parte más frágil en las negociaciones, por lo que en todo caso necesitará un plus de protección y una correcta cobertura jurídica

    Prácticas de preservación de bienes patrimoniales edilicios: intervenciones problemáticas en la Escuela nº 1 de Bragado

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    Desde hace algunos años, se está confeccionando en el municipio de Bragado un Catálogo de bienes patrimoniales, considerados como tales tanto por su simbolismo histórico como por su valor arquitectónico. En la realización del catálogo se abordan aspectos históricos, sociales y arquitectónicos de los edificios, que se entrecruzan con la problemática de las intervenciones edilicias sufridas a lo largo de los años. Este trabajo aborda el caso de la Escuela Nº 1 de Bragado, inmueble declarado Monumento Histórico Municipal y Provincial, que en 2012 sufrió la caída de mampostería del hall de entrada. La implementación de una errática gestión edilicia sumada a una inadecuada intervención, afectaron la materialidad del bien. Aquí se propone una mirada crítica hacia el rol de las instituciones que tienen la potestad de tutelar los edificios protegidos. Se intenta mostrar acciones improvisadas en las intervenciones y los usos asignados a los bienes patrimoniales de una comunidad, que atentan contra los objetivos de preservación y protección y pueden tener consecuencias devastadoras.Tópico 1: Aspectos teóricos, históricos, legales, económicos y tecnológicos de la protección, conservación y valoración de los bienes del patrimonio cultural tangible. Planificación y gestión sostenible de los bienes del patrimonio cultural (arquitectónico, ingenieril, arqueológico) y paisajístico. Circuitos turísticos culturale

    Halo Effect and Source Credibility in the Evaluation of Food Products Identified by Third-Party Certified Eco-Labels: Can Information Prevent Biased Inferences?

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    Despite the growing awareness of the need to promote the consumption of organic food, consumers have difficulties in correctly identifying it in the market, making frequent cognitive mistakes in the evaluation of products identified by sustainability labels and claims. This work analyzes the halo effect and the source credibility bias in the interpretation of product attributes based on third-party certified labels. It is hypothesized that, regardless of their specific meaning, official labels lead consumers to infer higher environmental sustainability, quality and price of the product, due to the credibility attributed to the certifying entity. It also examines the extent to which providing the consumer with accurate labeling information helps prevent biased heuristic thinking. An experimental between-subject study was performed with a sample of 412 Spanish business students and data were analyzed using partial least squares. Findings revealed that consumers tend to infer environmental superiority and, consequently, higher quality in products identified by both organic and non-organic certified labels, due to their credibility. Label credibility was also associated with price inferences, to a greater extent than the meaning attributed to the label. Interestingly, providing accurate information did not avoid biased heuristic thinking in product evaluation.S

    Sustainability, food topics and weblogs: do they really fit?  Targeting and valuing food-related eWOM generators

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    [EN] Without any doubt, the advent of the Internet has substantially transformed the way and rhythm of our lives. This circumstance reflects directly on our daily behaviours, which are today quite different from what they used to be only a few years ago. In this sense, the current patterns of search for information and consumption are frequently paced by the eWOM communication. In addition, environmental concerns have driven consumers to increasingly demand the so-called environmentally friendly products. Considering both issues together, literature reveals that the study of the interaction between eWOM and sustainable consumption is still scarce and needs more attention. For this reason, the present research is devoted to the identification and evaluation of a sustainable food-related eWOM. In this regard, an online survey of authors of food-related weblogs/videoblogs was conducted containing different questions about their food consumption styles. Even though the existence of a distinct group of green authors was confirmed, the following examination of centrality levels showed that the influence exerted by this group on the Web 2.0 is exactly the same as that of the other groups. Jointly, these findings provide information of great importance that has implications for businesses and professionals in marketing.S

    Social commitment or self-interest? Effect of responsible practices performance motivations of firms on the consumer decision-making process

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    [EN] Due to the increasing dynamism of global economic activity, all kind of organizations are nowadays concerned for maintaining their involvement with demands and changes of society. Particularly, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained increasing importance within both public and private organizations, it being the subject of much investigation and debate among both researchers and practitioners. In this sense, discussion of CSR implications for consumer behavior has been a common topic in recent marketing literature, demonstrating in some cases, a link between CSR and positive responses by consumers and inconclusive effects in others. In the context of such controversy, experts call for further investigation about the consequences of CSR on consumer behavior. Within this line of research, the present paper analyzes the influence of motivations attributed to CSR practices in business settings on four stages of consumer decision-making process. For that purpose, it was conducted a survey study which reached a final sample of 400 Spanish consumers. Regression analysis revealed that, while expectations of social-oriented goals in responsible firms is positively related to consumers’ goodwill over the various stages of their purchase decisions and actions, the potential effects of profit-based considerations are more comple

    Sustainability, food topics and weblogs: do they really fit? Targeting and valuing food-related eWOM generators

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    Without any doubt, the advent of the Internet has substantially transformed the way and rhythm of our lives. This circumstance reflects directly on our daily behaviours, which are today quite different from what they used to be only a few years ago. In this sense, the current patterns of search for information and consumption are frequently paced by the eWOM communication. In addition, environmental concerns have driven consumers to increasingly demand the so-called environmentally friendly products. Considering both issues together, literature reveals that the study of the interaction between eWOM and sustainable consumption is still scarce and needs more attention. For this reason, the present research is devoted to the identification and evaluation of a sustainable food-related eWOM. In this regard, an online survey of authors of food-related weblogs/videoblogs was conducted containing different questions about their food consumption styles. Even though the existence of a distinct group of green authors was confirmed, the following examination of centrality levels showed that the influence exerted by this group on the Web 2.0 is exactly the same as that of the other groups. Jointly, these findings provide information of great importance that has implications for businesses and professionals in marketing

    Self‐determination, clean conscience, or social pressure? Underlying motivations for organic food consumption among young millennials

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    [EN] The present world has led in individuals to become ever more interested in the consumption of organic food. Accordingly, companies are incorporating these worries in their managerial decisions by paying special attention to market segmentation. In this context, a relevant target audience is that conformed by young Millennials, a group defined by its growing purchase power, its intense influence on societies, but also by its inconsistency in terms of pro-environmental behaviors. In order to understand the mechanisms that rule the human behavior, motivations emerge as fair predictors of sustainable products consumption. Therefore, the present study aims at analyzing the motivations that stimulate young Millennials to purchase organic food. Hence, itwas conducted a survey study with a total sample of 378 college students. After-wards, once executed a cluster analysis, four differentiated groups were highlighted: amotivated (23.02%), who have no intention to perform any sort of organic purchase; socially-influenced (24.34%), motivated to purchase organic due to social acceptance; self-determined (25.92%), mainly autonomous in their organic food consumption; and conscience-affected (26.72%), who behave organic for self-esteem. Although data reveal the existence of an overall organic concern among the sample, only self-determined individuals may be prone to maintain their behaviors among time since the intrinsic motivation they show is higher than that of the other groups. These findings are of undeniable interest. The study of the motivational system of young Millennials will allow companies in the organic food sector to adjust their offer to the relevant target and achieve an enduring organic consumption.S