1,528 research outputs found

    Five-dimensional Trinification Improved

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    We present improved models of trinification in five dimensions. Unified symmetry is broken by a combination of orbifold projections and a boundary Higgs sector. The latter can be decoupled from the theory, realizing a Higgsless limit in which the scale of exotic massive gauge fields is set by the compactification radius. Electroweak Higgs doublets are identified with the fifth components of gauge fields and Yukawa interactions arise via Wilson loops. The result is a simple low-energy effective theory that is consistent with the constraints from proton decay and gauge unification.Comment: 13 pages LaTeX. v2: reference adde

    An algorithm for correcting CoRoT raw light curves

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    We introduce the CoRoT detrend algorithm (CDA) for detrending CoRoT stellar light curves. The algorithm CDA has the capability to remove random jumps and systematic trends encountered in typical CoRoT data in a fully automatic fashion. Since enormous jumps in flux can destroy the information content of a light curve, such an algorithm is essential. From a study of 1030 light curves in the CoRoT IRa01 field, we developed three simple assumptions which upon CDA is based. We describe the algorithm analytically and provide some examples of how it works. We demonstrate the functionality of the algorithm in the cases of CoRoT0102702789, CoRoT0102874481, CoRoT0102741994, and CoRoT0102729260. Using CDA in the specific case of CoRoT0102729260, we detect a candidate exoplanet around the host star of spectral type G5, which remains undetected in the raw light curve, and estimate the planetary parameters to be Rp=6.27Re and P=1.6986 days.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Holographic Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from D-branes

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    We observe several interesting phenomena in a technicolor-like model of electroweak symmetry breaking based on the D4-D8-D8bar system of Sakai and Sugimoto. The benefit of holographic models based on D-brane configurations is that both sides of the holographic duality are well understood. We find that the lightest technicolor resonances contribute negatively to the Peskin-Takeuchi S-parameter, but heavy resonances do not decouple and lead generically to large, positive values of S, consistent with standard estimates in QCD-like theories. We study how the S parameter and the masses and decay constants of the vector and axial-vector techni-resonances vary over a one-parameter family of D8-brane configurations. We discuss possibilities for the consistent truncation of the theory to the first few resonances and suggest some generic predictions of stringy holographic technicolor models.Comment: REVTeX, 25 pages, 8 eps figures, version published in PR

    Orthogonal U(1)'s, Proton Stability and Extra Dimensions

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    In models with a low quantum gravity scale, one might expect that all operators consistent with gauge symmetries are present in the low-energy effective theory. If this is the case, some mechanism must be present to adequately suppress operators that violate baryon number. Here we explore the possibility that the desired suppression is a consequence of an additional, spontaneously-broken, non-anomalous U(1) symmetry that is orthogonal to hypercharge. We show that successful models can be constructed in which the additional particle content necessary to cancel anomalies is minimal, and compatible with the constraints from precision electroweak measurements and gauge unification. If unification is sacrificed, and only the new U(1) and its associated Higgs fields live in the bulk, it is possible that the gauge field zero mode and first few Kaluza-Klein excitations lie within the kinematic reach of the Tevatron. For gauge couplings not much smaller than that of hypercharge, we show that these highly leptophobic states could evade detection at Run I, but be discovered at Run II. Our scenario presents an alternative to the `cartographic' solution to baryon number violation in which leptons and quarks are separated in an extra dimension.Comment: 16 pages LaTeX, 4 figure

    Deconstructing Superconductivity

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    We present a dimensionally deconstructed model of an s-wave holographic superconductor. The 2+1 dimensional model includes multiple charged Cooper pair fields and neutral exciton fields that have interactions governed by hidden local symmetries. We derive AdS/CFT-like relations for the current and charge density in the model, and we analyze properties of the Cooper pair condensates and the complex conductivity.Comment: 24 pages, 10 eps figures. v2: Sign conventions clarified, references adde


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    Higgsless GUT Breaking and Trinification

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    Boundary conditions on an extra-dimensional interval can be chosen to break bulk gauge symmetries and to reduce the rank of the gauge group. We consider this mechanism in models with gauge trinification. We determine the boundary conditions necessary to break the trinified gauge group directly down to that of the standard model. Working in an effective theory for the gauge symmetry-breaking parameters on a boundary, we examine the limit in which the GUT-breaking sector is Higgsless and show how one may obtain the low-energy particle content of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We find that gauge unification is preserved in this scenario, and that the differential gauge coupling running is logarithmic above the scale of compactification. We compare the phenomenology of our model to that of four-dimensional trinified theories.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 2 eps figures (v3: discussion of mass scales clarified

    Italian adaptation and psychometric properties of the prejudice against immigrants scale (PAIS): assessment of validity, reliability, and measure invariance

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    The aim of the current study was to adapt and validate the Prejudice Against Immigrants Scale (PAIS) in the Italian context, based on the Prejudice Against Asylum Seekers Scale by Anderson (2018). The validity, reliability, and measurement invariance across gender, age, and educational levels of the scale were assessed through three sources, which involved 306 Italian individuals (Nmen = 151, 49.3%) between 18 and 60 years old. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) confirmed the two-factor solution of the original instrument by excluding two items, which were present in the previous validation study. The first factor is classical prejudice against immigrants, which maps onto theoretical derivations of classical and old-fashioned prejudices, whereas the second factor is conditional prejudice against immigrants, which maps onto theoretical derivations of subtle and modern prejudices. Findings of the multigroup CFAs demonstrated full configural and metric invariance and partial scalar invariance of the scale across gender, age, and educational level. The analyses confirmed that PAIS has high levels of reliability and criterion and construct validity, showing findings that are comparable to those of Anderson (2018). These results suggest that PAIS presents very good psychometric properties and could be considered a valid and reliable instrument to measure prejudice against immigrants, by enabling Italian researchers to detect both covert and more subtle forms of prejudice against immigrants. Limitations and further directions are discussed

    The influence of planetary engulfment on stellar rotation in metal-poor main-sequence stars

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    The method of gyrochronology relates the age of its star to its rotation period. However, recent evidence of deviations from gyrochronology relations was reported in the literature. Here, we study the influence of tidal interaction between a star and its companion on the rotation velocity of the star, in order to explain peculiar stellar rotation velocities. The interaction of a star and its planet is followed using a comprehensive numerical framework that combines tidal friction, magnetic braking, planet migration, and detailed stellar evolution models from the GARSTEC grid. We focus on close-in companions from 1 to 20 MJup_{Jup} orbiting low-mass, 0.8 and 1 M⊙_{\odot}, main-sequence stars with a broad metallicity range from [Fe/H] = -1 to solar. Our simulations suggest that the dynamical interaction between a star and its companion can have different outcomes, which depend on the initial semi-major axis and the mass of the planet, as well as the mass and metallicity of its host star. In most cases, especially in the case of planet engulfment, we find a catastrophic increase in stellar rotation velocity from 1 kms−1^{-1} to over 40 kms−1^{-1}, while the star is still on the main-sequence. The main prediction of our model is that low-mass main-sequence stars with abnormal rotation velocities should be more common at low-metallicity, as lower [Fe/H] favours faster planet engulfment, provided occurrence rate of close in massive planets is similar at all metallicities. Our scenario explains peculiar rotation velocities of low-mass main-sequence stars by the tidal interaction between the star and its companion. Current observational samples are too small and incomplete, and thus do not allow us to test our model.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Bulk Majorons at Colliders

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    Lepton number violation may arise via the spontaneous breakdown of a global symmetry. In extra dimensions, spontaneous lepton number violation in the bulk implies the existence of a Goldstone boson, the majoron J^(0), as well as an accompanying tower of Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations, J^(n). Even if the zero-mode majoron is very weakly interacting, so that detection in low-energy processes is difficult, the sum over the tower of KK modes may partially compensate in processes of relevance at high-energy colliders. Here we consider the inclusive differential and total cross sections for e^- e^- --> W^- W^- J, where J represents a sum over KK modes. We show that allowed parameter choices exist for which this process may be accessible to a TeV-scale electron collider.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX, 3 eps figures (references added
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