8,953 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Schrodinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic nonlinearity

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    In this paper we deal with a nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic cubic nonlinearity. Our goal is to study the soliton evolution, with the strength of the nonlinearity perturbed in the space and time coordinates and to check its robustness under these conditions. Comparing with a real system, the perturbation can be related to, e.g., impurities in crystalline structures, or coupling to a thermal reservoir which, on the average, enhances the nonlinearity. We also discuss the relevance of such random perturbations to the dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates and their collective excitations and transport.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Matched-filtering and parameter estimation of ringdown waveforms

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    Using recent results from numerical relativity simulations of non-spinning binary black hole mergers we revisit the problem of detecting ringdown waveforms and of estimating the source parameters, considering both LISA and Earth-based interferometers. We find that Advanced LIGO and EGO could detect intermediate-mass black holes of mass up to about 1000 solar masses out to a luminosity distance of a few Gpc. For typical multipolar energy distributions, we show that the single-mode ringdown templates presently used for ringdown searches in the LIGO data stream can produce a significant event loss (> 10% for all detectors in a large interval of black hole masses) and very large parameter estimation errors on the black hole's mass and spin. We estimate that more than 10^6 templates would be needed for a single-stage multi-mode search. Therefore, we recommend a "two stage" search to save on computational costs: single-mode templates can be used for detection, but multi-mode templates or Prony methods should be used to estimate parameters once a detection has been made. We update estimates of the critical signal-to-noise ratio required to test the hypothesis that two or more modes are present in the signal and to resolve their frequencies, showing that second-generation Earth-based detectors and LISA have the potential to perform no-hair tests.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, matches version in press in PR

    Quasinormal modes and stability of the rotating acoustic black hole: numerical analysis

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    The study of the quasinormal modes (QNMs) of the 2+1 dimensional rotating draining bathtub acoustic black hole, the closest analogue found so far to the Kerr black hole, is performed. Both the real and imaginary parts of the quasinormal (QN) frequencies as a function of the rotation parameter B are found through a full non-linear numerical analysis. Since there is no change in sign in the imaginary part of the frequency as B is increased we conclude that the 2+1 dimensional rotating draining bathtub acoustic black hole is stable against small perturbations.Comment: 6 pages, ReVTeX4. v2. References adde

    Black hole particle emission in higher-dimensional spacetimes

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    In models with extra dimensions, a black hole evaporates both in the bulk and on the visible brane, where standard model fields live. The exact emissivities of each particle species are needed to determine how the black hole decay proceeds. We compute and discuss the absorption cross-sections, the relative emissivities and the total power output of all known fields in the evaporation phase. Graviton emissivity is highly enhanced as the spacetime dimensionality increases. Therefore, a black hole loses a significant fraction of its mass in the bulk. This result has important consequences for the phenomenology of black holes in models with extra dimensions and black hole detection in particle colliders.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 4. v3: Misprints in Tables correcte

    Effects due to a scalar coupling on the particle-antiparticle production in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory

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    The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau formalism with vector and scalar potentials is used to point out a few misconceptions diffused in the literature. It is explicitly shown that the scalar coupling makes the DKP formalism not equivalent to the Klein-Gordon formalism or to the Proca formalism, and that the spin-1 sector of the DKP theory looks formally like the spin-0 sector. With proper boundary conditions, scattering of massive bosons in an arbitrary mixed vector-scalar square step potential is explored in a simple way and effects due to the scalar coupling on the particle-antiparticle production and localization of bosons are analyzed in some detail

    Superradiant instabilities of rotating black branes and strings

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    Black branes and strings are generally unstable against a certain sector of gravitational perturbations. This is known as the Gregory-Laflamme instability. It has been recently argued that there exists another general instability affecting many rotating extended black objects. This instability is in a sense universal, in that it is triggered by any massless field, and not just gravitational perturbations. Here we investigate this novel mechanism in detail. For this instability to work, two ingredients are necessary: (i) an ergo-region, which gives rise to superradiant amplification of waves, and (ii) ``bound'' states in the effective potential governing the evolution of the particular mode under study. We show that the black brane Kerr_4 x R^p is unstable against this mechanism, and we present numerical results for instability timescales for this case. On the other hand, and quite surprisingly, black branes of the form Kerr_d x R^p are all stable against this mechanism for d>4. This is quite an unexpected result, and it stems from the fact that there are no stable circular orbits in higher dimensional black hole spacetimes, or in a wave picture, that there are no bound states in the effective potential. We also show that it is quite easy to simulate this instability in the laboratory with acoustic black branes.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. v2: Enlarged discussion on the necessary conditions for the existence of instabilit

    Numerical analysis of quasinormal modes in nearly extremal Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetimes

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    We calculate high-order quasinormal modes with large imaginary frequencies for electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations in nearly extremal Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetimes. Our results show that for low-order quasinormal modes, the analytical approximation formula in the extremal limit derived by Cardoso and Lemos is a quite good approximation for the quasinormal frequencies as long as the model parameter r1κ1r_1\kappa_1 is small enough, where r1r_1 and κ1\kappa_1 are the black hole horizon radius and the surface gravity, respectively. For high-order quasinormal modes, to which corresponds quasinormal frequencies with large imaginary parts, on the other hand, this formula becomes inaccurate even for small values of r1κ1r_1\kappa_1. We also find that the real parts of the quasinormal frequencies have oscillating behaviors in the limit of highly damped modes, which are similar to those observed in the case of a Reissner-Nordstr{\" o}m black hole. The amplitude of oscillating Re(ω){\rm Re(\omega)} as a function of Im(ω){\rm Im}(\omega) approaches a non-zero constant value for gravitational perturbations and zero for electromagnetic perturbations in the limit of highly damped modes, where ω\omega denotes the quasinormal frequency. This means that for gravitational perturbations, the real part of quasinormal modes of the nearly extremal Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime appears not to approach any constant value in the limit of highly damped modes. On the other hand, for electromagnetic perturbations, the real part of frequency seems to go to zero in the limit.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Decoherence induced by a phase-damping reservoir

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    A phase damping reservoir composed by NN-bosons coupled to a system of interest through a cross-Kerr interaction is proposed and its effects on quantum superpo sitions are investigated. By means of analytical calculations we show that: i-) the reservoir induces a Gaussian decay of quantum coherences, and ii-) the inher ent incommensurate character of the spectral distribution yields irreversibility . A state-independent decoherence time and a master equation are both derived an alytically. These results, which have been extended for the thermodynamic limit, show that nondissipative decoherence can be suitably contemplated within the EI D approach. Finally, it is shown that the same mechanism yielding decoherence ar e also responsible for inducing dynamical disentanglement.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure