5,397 research outputs found

    Black Holes in Gravity with Conformal Anomaly and Logarithmic Term in Black Hole Entropy

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    We present a class of exact analytic and static, spherically symmetric black hole solutions in the semi-classical Einstein equations with Weyl anomaly. The solutions have two branches, one is asymptotically flat and the other asymptotically de Sitter. We study thermodynamic properties of the black hole solutions and find that there exists a logarithmic correction to the well-known Bekenstein-Hawking area entropy. The logarithmic term might come from non-local terms in the effective action of gravity theories. The appearance of the logarithmic term in the gravity side is quite important in the sense that with this term one is able to compare black hole entropy up to the subleading order, in the gravity side and in the microscopic statistical interpretation side.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages. v2: minor changes and to appear in JHE

    Pipeline quantum processor architecture for silicon spin qubits

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    We propose a quantum processor architecture, the qubit ‘pipeline’, in which run-time scales additively as functions of circuit depth and run repetitions. Run-time control is applied globally, reducing the complexity of control and interconnect resources. This simplification is achieved by shuttling N-qubit states through a large layered physical array of structures which realise quantum logic gates in stages. Thus, the circuit depth corresponds to the number of layers of structures. Subsequent N-qubit states are ‘pipelined’ densely through the structures to efficiently wield the physical resources for repeated runs. Pipelining thus lends itself to noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) applications, such as variational quantum eigensolvers, which require numerous repetitions of the same or similar calculations. We illustrate the architecture by describing a realisation in the naturally high-density and scalable silicon spin qubit platform, which includes a universal gate set of sufficient fidelity under realistic assumptions of qubit variability


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    The midpoint potentials and n values of Mo - Fe protein of azotobacter vinelandii ( Avl ) were determined by the coulometry at fixed potentials . The oxidation - reduction states of the Mo-Fe protein were discussed.The oxidation-reduction states of the Mo-Fe protein by the carrier ( methyl viologen ) is studied

    Analysis of radiation-induced cell death in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and rat liver maintained in microfluidic devices

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    Objective The aim of this study was to investigate how head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) tissue biopsies maintained in a pseudo in vivo environment within a bespoke microfluidic device respond to radiation treatment. Study Design Feasibility study. Setting Tertiary referral center. Subjects and Methods Thirty-five patients with HNSCC were recruited, and liver tissue from 5 Wistar rats was obtained. A microfluidic device was used to maintain the tissue biopsy samples in a viable state. Rat liver was used to optimize the methodology. HNSCC was obtained from patients with T1-T3 laryngeal or oropharyngeal SCC; N1-N2 metastatic cervical lymph nodes were also obtained. Irradiation consisted of single doses of between 2 Gy and 40 Gy and a fractionated course of 5×2 Gy. Cell death was assessed in the tissue effluent using the soluble markers lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and cytochrome c and in the tissue by immunohistochemical detection of cleaved cytokeratin18 (M30 antibody). Results A significant surge in LDH release was demonstrated in the rat liver after a single dose of 20 Gy; in HNSCC, it was seen after 40 Gy compared with the control. There was no significant difference in cytochrome c release after 5 Gy or 10 Gy. M30 demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in apoptotic index for a given increase in single-dose radiotherapy. There was a significant increase in apoptotic index between 1×2 Gy and 5×2 Gy. Conclusion M30 is a superior method compared with soluble markers in detecting low-dose radiation-induced cell death. This microfluidic technique can be used to assess radiation-induced cell death in HNSCC and therefore has the potential to be used to predict radiation response

    Collided path replanning in dynamic environments using RRT and Cell decomposition algorithms

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    The motion planning is an important part of robots’ models. It is responsible for robot’s movements. In this work, the cell decomposition algorithm is used to find a spatial path on preliminary static workspaces, and then, the rapidly exploring random tree algorithm (RRT) is used to validate this path on the actual workspace. Two methods have been proposed to enhance the omnidirectional robot’s navigation on partially changed workspace. First, the planner creates a RRT tree and biases its growth toward the path’s points in ordered form. The planner reduces the probability of choosing the next point when a collision is detected, which in turn increases the RRT’s expansion on the free space. The second method uses a straight planner to connect path’s points. If a collision is detected, the planner places RRTs on both sides of the collided segment. The proposed methods are compared with the others approaches, and the simulation shows better results in term of efficiency and completeness.Plánování pohybu robota je důležitou součástí modelování funkcí robotů. Plán řídí pohyby robota. V této práci se algoritmus rozkladu na buňky používá k nalezení cesty pracovní plochou a algoritmus prozkoumání náhodného stromu (RRT) k ověření cesty skutečným prostorem. Byly navrženy dvě metody ke zlepšení navigace všesměrové pohyblivého robota částečně změněnou pracovní plochou. Za prvé, plánovač vytvoří RRT strom a vychyluje jeho růst směrem k bodu na cestě. Plánovač snižuje pravděpodobnost výběru dalšího bodu, když je detekována kolize, což zase zvyšuje expanzi RRT na volném prostoru. Druhá metoda používá shodný plánovač pro napojení bodů cesty. Pokud je detekována kolize, plánovač upravuje RRT na obou stranách kolizního segmentu. Navrhované metody jsou porovnávány s dalšími používanými přístupy, přečemž simulace ukazuje lepší výsledky z hlediska účinnosti a úplnosti plánování cesty.The motion planning is an important part of robots’ models. It is responsible for robot’s movements. In this work, the cell decomposition algorithm is used to find a spatial path on preliminary static workspaces, and then, the rapidly exploring random tree algorithm (RRT) is used to validate this path on the actual workspace. Two methods have been proposed to enhance the omnidirectional robot’s navigation on partially changed workspace. First, the planner creates a RRT tree and biases its growth toward the path’s points in ordered form. The planner reduces the probability of choosing the next point when a collision is detected, which in turn increases the RRT’s expansion on the free space. The second method uses a straight planner to connect path’s points. If a collision is detected, the planner places RRTs on both sides of the collided segment. The proposed methods are compared with the others approaches, and the simulation shows better results in term of efficiency and completeness

    Logarithmic correction to BH entropy as Noether charge

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    We consider the role of the type-A trace anomaly in static black hole solutions to semiclassical Einstein equation in four dimensions. Via Wald's Noether charge formalism, we compute the contribution to the entropy coming from the anomaly induced effective action and unveil a logarithmic correction to the Bekenstein-Hawking area law. The corrected entropy is given by a seemingly universal formula involving the coefficient of the type-A trace anomaly, the Euler characteristic of the horizon and the value at the horizon of the solution to the uniformization problem for Q-curvature. Two instances are examined in detail: Schwarzschild and a four-dimensional massless topological black hole. We also find agreement with the logarithmic correction due to one-loop contribution of conformal fields in the Schwarzschild background.Comment: 14 pages, JHEP styl

    New insight into the potential oscillations during iodate reduction in alkaline solution

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    Potential oscillations during the reduction of iodate ions in alkaline solution under galvanostatic conditions have been reinvestigated without adding iodide. The oscillations can take place only when the applied current is larger than the limiting current, and the oscillation amplitudes are within the plateau region of the limiting current. The bistability, i.e., iodate reduction and hydrogen evolution at different potentials, coupled with convection feedback, induced by hydrogen evolution, accounts for the oscillations. The mechanism was supported by the experimental results of current sweep and cyclic voltammetry. Our study shows that physical processes, i.e., alternately predominant mass transfer of the iodate by diffusion and by convection, play an important role in the oscillations

    Ethnoveterinary Application of Morinda Citrifolia Fruit Puree on a Commercial Heifer Rearing Facility with Endemic Salmonellosis

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    We have previously reported that Morinda citrifolia (noni) puree modulates neonatal calves developmental maturation of the innate and adaptive immune system. In this study, the effect of noni puree on respiratory and gastrointestinal (GI), health in preweaned dairy calves on a farm with endemic salmonellosis was examined. Two clinical trials were conducted whereby each trial evaluated one processing technique of noni puree. Trials 1 and 2 tested noni versions A and B, respectively. Puree analysis and trial methods were identical to each other, with the calf as the experimental unit. Calves were designated to 1 of 3 treatment groups in each trial and received either: 0, 15 or 30 mL every 12 hr of noni supplement for the first 3 weeks of life. Health scores, weaning age, weight gain from admission to weaning, and weaned by 6 weeks, were used as clinical endpoints for statistical analysis. In trial 1, calves supplemented with 15 mL noni puree of version A every 12 hr had a higher probability of being weaned by 6 weeks of age than control calves (P = 0.04). In trial 2, calves receiving 30 mL of version B every 12 hr had a 54.5% reduction in total medical treatments by 42 days of age when compared to controls (P = 0.02). There was a trend in reduced respiratory (61%), and GI (52%) medical treatments per calf when compared to controls (P = 0.06 and 0.08, respectively). There were no differences in weight gain or mortality for any treatment group in either trial

    O estranhamente familiar na obra de Attilio Colnago

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    Esta dissertação investiga o unheimlich em português, 'estranhamente familiar' -, conceito psicanalítico desenvolvido por Sigmund Freud, em obras que fazem parte de 4 (quatro) séries do trabalho do artista plástico Attilio Colnago: "Do Retorno às Meias Verdades", 10 + 1 Perigosas Maneiras de Amar", "Minas das Liberdades Gerais" e "Diálogos com a Paixão". Aproxima as obras do artista já tão conhecidas por seus aspectos principais tais como a presença da figura humana, os espaços interiores, o sagrado em um contraponto com o profano, e as memórias do estranhamente familiar. Para tanto, pesquisou-se a bibliografia ligada ao tema, que teve como ponto de partida o ensaio de Freud de 1919, "Das Unheimliche", traduzido para o português como "O Estranho" e prosseguiu-se através de escritos de outros autores que se interessam pelo conceito de estranhamente familiar, trazendo-o para a contemporaneidade e associando-o a outras áreas do conhecimento, entre eles Nicholas Royle, Anneleen Masschelein e Anthony Vidler. Com base na teoria estudada foram selecionadas, dentre as séries escolhidas, as obras mais significativas em relação ao tema para serem analisadas. Busca-se desvendar e analisar um lado ainda não investigado da obra do artista e ao mesmo tempo mostrar a importância de se estudar o conceito de estranhamente familiar no campo das artes plásticas.This research is focused on graphite as a possible urban expressions in Vila Velha, metropolitan region of Vitória, state of Espírito Santo. In order to understand it in contemporary times, it was necessary brief historical approach as well as the survey of theories about the architectural-urban planning. Such elements assisted in traffic for concepts - world - until contribute, finally, in the city of Vila Velha. Moreover, the historical inquiry from the 1960s illustrates the two main poles of graphite: Europe, May 1968 and the United States and, in particular, its incorporation as a tripod supporting the Hip-Hop movement. Also have a preview of how this global phenomenon is reproduced in Brazil and specifically in Vila Velha city. The support references; theses; dissertations, websites and complementary character - but not least, interviews and conversations and emails made to its practitioners, especially the graffiti artist Bertz, is relevant to understanding the actions of graffiti and taggers. The study recognizes them and illustrates the magnitude of the diffusion inherent in graffiti and graffiti aesthetics in various environments and media, with emphasis on its transgressive character while working out one of his paradoxes: a feedback system of consumer goods cultural that prays deniesand sometimes enables its existence

    A four-dimensional {\Lambda}CDM-type cosmological model induced from higher dimensions using a kinematical constraint

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    A class of cosmological solutions of higher dimensional Einstein field equations with the energy-momentum tensor of a homogeneous, isotropic fluid as the source are considered with an anisotropic metric that includes the direct sum of a 3-dimensional (physical, flat) external space metric and an n-dimensional (compact, flat) internal space metric. A simple kinematical constraint is postulated that correlates the expansion rates of the external and internal spaces in terms of a real parameter {\lambda}. A specific solution for which both the external and internal spaces expand at different rates is given analytically for n=3. Assuming that the internal dimensions were at Planck length scales when the external space starts with a Big Bang (t=0), they expand only 1.49 times and stay at Planck length scales even in the present age of the universe (13.7 Gyr). The effective four dimensional universe would exhibit a behavior consistent with our current understanding of the observed universe. It would start in a stiff fluid dominated phase and evolve through radiation dominated and pressureless matter dominated phases, eventually going into a de Sitter phase at late times.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; matches the version published in General Relativity and Gravitatio