3,740 research outputs found

    Craven Basin and southern Pennines

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    Carboniferous rocks within this area occupy the region contiguous with the northern Pennines to the north (Chapter 12) and the Peak District to the south (Chapter 10). All of the stages of the Carboniferous are present at outcrop, with the exception of Stephanian strata, which are absent. The oldest Tournaisian strata crop out within the Craven Basin, and are represented by ramp carbonate rocks (Bowland High Group) deposited on the Bowland High and adjacent Lancaster Fells and Bowland sub-basins. These carbonate rocks are overlain by mainly Visean hemipelagic mudstone and carbonate turbidites (lower part of Craven Group). To the south of the Pendle Fault System (Fig. 11.1), further platform carbonate rocks are proved in the subsurface above the Central Lancashire High (Trawden Limestone Group) and the Holme High and Heywood High (Holme High Limestone Group). These carbonate rocks, which developed during the Tournaisian to late Visean, are known only from well records and geophysical information and are not divided into formations. During the Visean, the platform carbonate rocks pass laterally into more basinal successions in the Harrogate, Rossendale and Huddersfield sub-basins (Craven Group). The lithostratigraphical nomenclature for the Tournaisian and Visean strata is that of Waters et al. (2009), adapted from Riley (1990)

    Do adverts increase the probability of finding online cognitive behavioural therapy for depression? Cross-sectional study

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    Objective To estimate the effect of online adverts on the probability of finding online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression. Design Exploratory online cross-sectional study of search experience of people in the UK with depression in 2011. (1) The authors identified the search terms over 6 months entered by users who subsequently clicked on the advert for online help for depression. (2) A panel of volunteers across the UK recorded websites presented by normal Google search for the term ‘depression’. (iii) The authors examined these websites to estimate probabilities of knowledgeable and naive internet users finding online CBT and the improved probability by addition of a Google advert. Participants (1) 3868 internet users entering search terms related to depression into Google. (2) Panel, recruited online, of 12 UK participants with an interest in depression. Main outcome measures Probability of finding online CBT for depression with/without an advert. Results The 3868 users entered 1748 different search terms but the single keyword ‘depression’ resulted in two-thirds of the presentations of, and over half the ‘clicks’ on, the advert. In total, 14 different websites were presented to our panel in the first page of Google results for ‘depression’. Four of the 14 websites had links enabling access to online CBT in three clicks for knowledgeable users. Extending this approach to the 10 most frequent search terms, the authors estimated probabilities of finding online CBT as 0.29 for knowledgeable users and 0.006 for naive users, making it unlikely CBT would be found. Adding adverts that linked directly to online CBT increased the probabilities to 0.31 (knowledgeable) and 0.02 (naive). Conclusions In this case, online CBT was not easy to find and online adverts substantially increased the chance for naive users. Others could use this approach to explore additional impact before committing to long-term Google AdWords advertising budgets

    South Wales

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    Carboniferous rocks in this region occur in a broadly east-west trending syncline, the core of which includes the South Wales and Pembrokeshire coalfields (Fig. 5.1). Tournaisian and Visean strata (Avon and Pembroke Limestone groups) represent deposition on a southward prograding carbonate ramp evolving into a carbonate shelf (Wright 1987), in a succession which shows similarities to that of the Bristol and Mendips areas (Chapter 6). The main outcrops, in south Pembrokeshire, Gower and the Vale of Glamorgan, occur along the southern periphery of the coalfields and are commonly affected by Variscan thrusting and folding. Thinner successions occur along what is termed the East Crop and North Crop of the South Wales Coalfield, where much of the Visean succession is absent due to sub-Namurian and intra-Visean unconformities. Namurian fluvio-deltaic deposits (Marros Group) flank the South Wales and Pembrokeshire coalfields. Much of the lower and middle Namurian succession is absent across the region, except in the west of the South Wales Coalfield where only small parts are absent beneath an intra-Namurian unconformity. Westphalian fluvio-lacustrine deposits (South Wales Coal Measures Group) form the South Wales and Pembrokeshire coalfields, located to the east and west of Carmarthen Bay, respectively. Westphalian to Stephanian Pennant alluvial facies (Warwickshire Group) occur in the core of the South Wales Coalfield syncline. Deposition of the South Wales Coal Measures and Warwickshire groups was probably laterally contiguous with those in the Bristol and Somerset coalfields (Chapter 6), but the Usk-Cowbridge High controlled and restricted sedimentation for much of the Carboniferous, with pre-Namurian uplift and erosion removing the Tournaisian and Visean succession. Later uplift is also believed to have caused attenuation of the Warwickshire Group in the east of the South Wales Coalfield. The lithostratigraphical nomenclature for the region is that of Waters et al. (2007; 2009)

    HD 179949b - a close orbiting extrasolar giant planet with a stratosphere?

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    The original article can be found at: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com Copyright Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13831.xWe have carried out a search for the 2.14-μm spectroscopic signature of the close orbiting extrasolar giant planet, HD179949b. High-cadence time-series spectra were obtained with the Cryogenic high-resolution InfraRed ´ Echelle Spectrograph at Very Large Telescope, Unit 1 on two closely separated nights. Deconvolution yielded spectroscopic profiles with mean signal-to-noise ratios of several thousand, enabling the near-infrared contrast ratios predicted for the HD179949 system to be achieved. Recent models have predicted that the hottest planets may exhibit spectral signatures in emission due to the presence of TiO and VO which may be responsible for a temperature inversion high in the atmosphere.We have used our phase-dependent orbital model and tomographic techniques to search for the planetary signature under the assumption of an absorption line dominated atmospheric spectrum, where T and V are depleted from the atmospheric model, and an emission line dominated spectrum, where TiO and VO are present. We do not detect a planet in either case, but the 2.120–2.174-μm wavelength region covered by our observations enables the deepest near-infrared limits yet to be placed on the planet/star contrast ratio of any close orbiting extrasolar giant planet system. We are able to rule out the presence of an atmosphere dominated by absorption opacities in the case of HD179949b at a contrast ratio of Fp/F∗ ∼ 1/3350, with 99 per cent confidence.Peer reviewe

    Diagnostic tools for 3D unstructured oceanographic data

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    Most ocean models in current use are built upon structured meshes. It follows that most existing tools for extracting diagnostic quantities (volume and surface integrals, for example) from ocean model output are constructed using techniques and software tools which assume structured meshes. The greater complexity inherent in unstructured meshes (especially fully unstructured grids which are unstructured in the vertical as well as the horizontal direction) has left some oceanographers, accustomed to traditional methods, unclear on how to calculate diagnostics on these meshes. In this paper we show that tools for extracting diagnostic data from the new generation of unstructured ocean models can be constructed with relative ease using open source software. Higher level languages such as Python, in conjunction with packages such as NumPy, SciPy, VTK and MayaVi, provide many of the high-level primitives needed to perform 3D visualisation and evaluate diagnostic quantities, e.g. density fluxes. We demonstrate this in the particular case of calculating flux of vector fields through isosurfaces, using flow data obtained from the unstructured mesh finite element ocean code ICOM, however this tool can be applied to model output from any unstructured grid ocean code


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    Web‐Teaching ‐ A Guide to Interactive Teaching for the World‐Wide Web by David W. Brooks, New York: Plenum, 1997. ISBN: 0–306–45552–8. Paperback, 214 pages. $30

    Geographies of Brexit and its aftermath: voting in England at the 2016 referendum and the 2017 general election

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    Much has been written since the 2016 Brexit referendum regarding the divides within British society that the vote illustrated – including geographical divides – and their influence on the outcome of the 2017 general election. Focusing on England, this paper explores the extent and significance of those geographical divides at the 2016 referendum, at a variety of spatial scales – concluding that apart from a major difference between parts of inner London and the rest of England these were largely insignificant. Turning to the 2017 general election, analyses show that this return to a predominantly two-party system within England largely involved a replication of the geography of the 2015 general election outcome. A new electoral map of England did not emerge from the divisions that Brexit stimulated: the country is divided along class lines, with London standing out as different from all other regions

    Structure determination of PF3 adsorption on Cu(100) using X-ray standing waves

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    The local structure of the Cu(100)c(4x2)-PF3 adsorption phase has been investigated through the use of normal-incidence X-ray standing waves (NIXSW), monitored by P 1s and F 1s photoemission, together with P K-edge near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS). NEXAFS shows the molecule to be oriented with its C3v symmetry axis essentially perpendicular to the surface, while the P NIXSW data show the molecule to be adsorbed in atop sites 2.37±0.04 Å above the surface, this distance corresponding to the Cu-P nearest-neighbour distance in the absence of any surface relaxation. F NIXSW indicates a surprisingly small height difference of the P and F atoms above the surface 0.44±0.06 Å, compared with the value expected for an undistorted gas-phase geometry of 0.77 Å, implying significant increases in the F-P-F bond angles. In addition, however, the F NIXSW data indicate that the molecules have a well-defined azimuthal orientation with a molecular mirror plane aligned in a substrate mirror plane, and with a small (5-10°) tilt of the molecule in this plane such that the two symmetrically-equivalent F atoms in each molecule are tilted down towards the surface

    Pathways from pilot to demonstration : how can research advance CO2 geological storage deployment?

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    An international workshop was hosted by the British Geological Survey (BGS), supported by the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), from the 1st to the 3rd of March 2016 at the BGS offices in Keyworth, Nottingham, United Kingdom. The workshop objectives were to: Examine how pilot, field laboratory and laboratory projects can inform and advance large-scale CO2 storage and low-carbon geo-energy resources. Reinforce the importance of advancing CCS through practical experience at varied relevant scales: pilots/field labs (testing concepts) and demonstrations (deploy technologies and identify new technical questions for pilots to examine) Strengthening international links between field lab, pilot, demonstration and large scale project operators to make it easier to share lessons learned Exchange research learning between CCS and other geo-energy disciplines The workshop outcomes were intended to identify of opportunities for collaboration and development of outline proposals to advance CCS and geo-energy research through practical experience and demonstrations. Workshop invitees included policy makers, demonstration project representatives, academics and pilot project operators. A total of 75 delegates attended, who represented 46 organisations including research institutions, industry (national, multinational and suppliers), global and national CCS networks and trade associations (see attached delegate list – Appendix 1), and a government representative from UK DECC. Delegates were from 13 countries worldwide