504 research outputs found

    Real-time N-finder processing algorithms for hyperspectral imagery

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    N-finder algorithm (N-FINDR) is probably one of most popular and widely used algorithms for endmember extraction in hyperspectral imagery. When it comes to practical implementation, four major obstacles need to be overcome. One is the number of endmembers which must be known a priori. A second one is the use of random initial endmembers to initialize N-FINDR, which generally results in different sets of final extracted endmembers. Consequently, the results are inconsistent and not reproducible. A third one is requirement of dimensionality reduction (DR) where different used DR techniques produce different results. Finally yet importantly, it is the very expensive computational cost caused by an exhaustive search for endmembers all together simultaneously. This paper re-designs N-FINDR in a real time processing fashion to cope with these issues. Four versions of Real Time (RT) N-FINDR are developed, RT Iterative N-FINDR (RT IN-FINDR), RT SeQuential N-FINDR (RT SQ N-FINDR), RT Circular N-FINDR, RT SuCcessive N-FINDR (RT SC N-FINDR), each of which has its own merit for implementation. Experimental results demonstrate that real time processing algorithms perform as well as their counterparts with no real-time processing

    Focusing Vacuum Fluctuations

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    The focusing of the vacuum modes of a quantized field by a parabolic mirror is investigated. We use a geometric optics approximation to calculate the energy density and mean squared field averages for scalar and electromagnetic fields near the focus. We find that these quantities grow as an inverse power of the distance to the focus. There is an attractive Casimir-Polder force on an atom which will draw it into the focus. Some estimates of the magnitude of the effects of this focusing indicate that it may be observable.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures; typos corrected, two refs and some comments adde

    Fluctuations of the Retarded Van der Waals Force

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    The retarded Van der Waals force between a polarizable particle and a perfectly conducting plate is re-examined. The expression for this force given by Casimir and Polder represents a mean force, but there are large fluctuations around this mean value on short time scales which are of the same order of magnitude as the mean force itself. However, these fluctuations occur on time scales which are typically of the order of the light travel time between the atom and the plate. As a consequence, they will not be observed in an experiment which measures the force averaged over a much longer time. In the large time limit, the magnitude of the mean squared velocity of a test particle due to this fluctuating Van der Waals force approaches a constant, and is similar to a Brownian motion of a test particle in an thermal bath with an effective temperature. However the fluctuations are not isotropic in this case, and the shift in the mean square velocity components can even be negative. We interpret this negative shift to correspond to a reduction in the velocity spread of a wavepacket. The force fluctuations discussed in this paper are special case of the more general problem of stress tensor fluctuations. These are of interest in a variety of areas fo physics, including gravity theory. Thus the effects of Van der Waals force fluctuations serve as a useful model for better understanding quantum effects in gravity theory.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Moving Atom-Field Interaction: Correction to Casimir-Polder Effect from Coherent Back-action

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    The Casimir-Polder force is an attractive force between a polarizable atom and a conducting or dielectric boundary. Its original computation was in terms of the Lamb shift of the atomic ground state in an electromagnetic field (EMF) modified by boundary conditions along the wall and assuming a stationary atom. We calculate the corrections to this force due to a moving atom, demanding maximal preservation of entanglement generated by the moving atom-conducting wall system. We do this by using non-perturbative path integral techniques which allow for coherent back-action and thus can treat non-Markovian processes. We recompute the atom-wall force for a conducting boundary by allowing the bare atom-EMF ground state to evolve (or self-dress) into the interacting ground state. We find a clear distinction between the cases of stationary and adiabatic motions. Our result for the retardation correction for adiabatic motion is up to twice as much as that computed for stationary atoms. We give physical interpretations of both the stationary and adiabatic atom-wall forces in terms of alteration of the virtual photon cloud surrounding the atom by the wall and the Doppler effect.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, clarified discussions; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Review of Unsupervised Spectral Target Analysis for Hyperspectral Imagery

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    One of great challenges in unsupervised hyperspectral target analysis is how to obtain desired knowledge in an unsupervised means directly from the data for image analysis. This paper provides a review of unsupervised target analysis by first addressing two fundamental issues, "what are material substances of interest, referred to as targets?" and "how can these targets be extracted from the data?" and then further developing least squares (LS)-based unsupervised algorithms for finding spectral targets for analysis. In order to validate and substantiate the proposed unsupervised hyperspectral target analysis, three applications in endmember extraction, target detection and linear spectral unmixing are considered where custom-designed synthetic images and real image scenes are used to conduct experiments

    Valence band photoemission from the GaN(0001) surface

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    A detailed investigation by one-step photoemission calculations of the GaN(0001)-(1x1) surface in comparison with recent experiments is presented in order to clarify its structural properties and electronic structure. The discussion of normal and off-normal spectra reveals through the identified surface states clear fingerprints for the applicability of a surface model proposed by Smith et al. Especially the predicted metallic bonds are confirmed. In the context of direct transitions the calculated spectra allow to determine the valence band width and to argue in favor of one of two theoretical bulk band structures. Furthermore a commonly used experimental method to fix the valence band maximum is critically tested.Comment: 8 pages, 11 eps files, submitted to PR

    A Deep Learning Framework for the Detection and Quantification of Reticular Pseudodrusen and Drusen on Optical Coherence Tomography

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a deep learning (DL) framework for the detection and quantification of reticular pseudodrusen (RPD) and drusen on optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. METHODS: A DL framework was developed consisting of a classification model and an out-of-distribution (OOD) detection model for the identification of ungradable scans; a classification model to identify scans with drusen or RPD; and an image segmentation model to independently segment lesions as RPD or drusen. Data were obtained from 1284 participants in the UK Biobank (UKBB) with a self-reported diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and 250 UKBB controls. Drusen and RPD were manually delineated by five retina specialists. The main outcome measures were sensitivity, specificity, area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC), kappa, accuracy, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) curves. RESULTS: The classification models performed strongly at their respective tasks (0.95, 0.93, and 0.99 AUC, respectively, for the ungradable scans classifier, the OOD model, and the drusen and RPD classification models). The mean ICC for the drusen and RPD area versus graders was 0.74 and 0.61, respectively, compared with 0.69 and 0.68 for intergrader agreement. FROC curves showed that the model's sensitivity was close to human performance. CONCLUSIONS: The models achieved high classification and segmentation performance, similar to human performance. TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE: Application of this robust framework will further our understanding of RPD as a separate entity from drusen in both research and clinical settings

    Schottky barrier heights at polar metal/semiconductor interfaces

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    Using a first-principle pseudopotential approach, we have investigated the Schottky barrier heights of abrupt Al/Ge, Al/GaAs, Al/AlAs, and Al/ZnSe (100) junctions, and their dependence on the semiconductor chemical composition and surface termination. A model based on linear-response theory is developed, which provides a simple, yet accurate description of the barrier-height variations with the chemical composition of the semiconductor. The larger barrier values found for the anion- than for the cation-terminated surfaces are explained in terms of the screened charge of the polar semiconductor surface and its image charge at the metal surface. Atomic scale computations show how the classical image charge concept, valid for charges placed at large distances from the metal, extends to distances shorter than the decay length of the metal-induced-gap states.Comment: REVTeX 4, 11 pages, 6 EPS figure

    AMPAR Auxiliary Protein SHISA6 Facilitates Purkinje Cell Synaptic Excitability and Procedural Memory Formation

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    The majority of excitatory postsynaptic currents in the brain are gated through AMPA-type glutamate receptors, the kinetics and trafficking of which can be modulated by auxiliary proteins. It remains to be elucidated whether and how auxiliary proteins can modulate synaptic function to contribute to procedural memory formation. In this study, we report that the AMPA-type glutamate receptor (AMPAR) auxiliary protein SHISA6 (CKAMP52) is expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells, where it co-localizes with GluA2-containing AMPARs. The absence of SHISA6 in Purkinje cells results in severe impairments in the adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex and eyeblink conditioning. The physiological abnormalities include decreased presence of AMPARs in synaptosomes, impaired excitatory transmission, increased deactivation of AMPA receptors, and reduced induction of long-term potentiation at Purkinje cell synapses. Our data indicate that Purkinje cells require SHISA6-dependent modification of AMPAR function in order to facilitate cerebellar, procedural memory formation.Peter et al. show that the SHISA6 protein modulates the synaptic function of Purkinje cells in mice. In the absence of SHISA6, memory formation during classical eyeblink conditioning and eye movement adaptations is severely impaired as a result of a major synaptic excitability phenotype in Purkinje cells

    Resonance Fluorescence Spectrum of a Trapped Ion Undergoing Quantum Jumps

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    We experimentally investigate the resonance fluorescence spectrum of single 171Yb and 172Yb ions which are laser cooled to the Lamb-Dicke regime in a radiofrequency trap. While the fluorescence scattering of 172Yb is continuous, the 171Yb fluorescence is interrupted by quantum jumps because a nonvanishing rate of spontaneous transitions leads to electron shelving in the metastable hyperfine sublevel 2D3/2(F=2). The average duration of the resulting dark periods can be varied by changing the intensity of a repumping laser field. Optical heterodyne detection is employed to analyze the fluorescence spectrum near the Rayleigh elastic scattering peak. It is found that the stochastic modulation of the fluorescence emission by quantum jumps gives rise to a Lorentzian component in the fluorescence spectrum, and that the linewidth of this component varies according to the average duration of the dark fluorescence periods. The experimental observations are in quantitative agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 14 pages including 4 figures, pdf file, fig.1 replace
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