64,197 research outputs found

    Apparatus for statistical time-series analysis of electrical signals

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    An apparatus for performing statistical time-series analysis of complex electrical signal waveforms, permitting prompt and accurate determination of statistical characteristics of the signal is presented

    Dichromated-gelatin hologram process for improved optical quality

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    Optical distortions are eliminated by use of wetting agency followed by sequential immersion in several alcohol-water baths of increasing alcohol concentration. Dehydration proceeds uniformly over surface of gelatin. Dried plate is free of optically-distorting thickness variations

    Frequency-to-amplitude converter: A concept

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    Circuit allows direct frequency to amplitude conversion without special counters and discriminators and provides for individual or simultaneous emphasis of high or low frequencies. Circuit is simple, small, light weight, and versatile in its frequency range and region of conversion

    A real-time statistical time-series analyzer

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    Device extracts average frequency of human speech and produces second, third, and fourth moments of instantaneous frequency about this average. It operates on electrical time representation of input signal, performs statistical analysis on zero-crossing of almost any signal, and does not require specialized personnel to operate it

    The Lord\u27s Anointed: Covenantal Kingship in Psalm 2 and Acts 4

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    This study examines the title “Christ” as applied to Jesus in Acts 4:25-27. “Christ” or “Anointed One” here is directly connected to Psalm 2:1-2, and ultimately derives from the royal anointing ceremony of Israel. That ceremony symbolizes a commitment by God to the monarch which is made most specific in the Davidic covenant. The Gospel of Luke uses the title “Christ” to connect these Davidic themes to Jesus. In Acts 4:25-27, “Christ” continues to signify Israel’s king backed by the Davidic covenant. The apostles’ reading of Psalm 2 provides a foundation for understanding their own recent persecution and for their hope that the opponents of the King they represent—like those in Psalm 2—will not prevail

    Acoustic-optic deflector telescope

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    In construction of page-organized holographic memories, it is necessary to provide collimated laser beam which can be deflected parallel to itself. This is used for selecting stored holograms from two-dimensional array. Three-lens system significantly reduces optical path length

    Beyond safety to wellbeing: How local authorities can mitigate the mental health risks of living in houses in multiple occupation

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    The regulation of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) by local authorities focuses on ensuring the physical safety of occupants through adequate standards of building quality, safety provision and management suitability. However, it has been suggested that HMOs may also pose a particular threat to the mental health of residents. In this paper we consider the suitability of current regulations to tackle the possible risks to the mental health of HMO residents and then outline how the current public health agenda may present an opportunity for environmental health professionals to tackle these issues in new ways. Using a framework which encompasses the psychosocial processes thought to link residents? mental health with their housing conditions, we describe how local authorities can address some of the mental health risks posed by HMOs but that the current enforcement culture, in which prosecution is seen as a last resort makes decisive action against landlords very difficult. In recognising the many vulnerable households living in HMOs, we argue that local authorities dealing with housing standards and environmental management are strategically placed to be more ambitious and proactive in protecting the health of local residents particularly through the developing public health and wellbeing partnerships. We call for empirical research to look at how local authorities actually use current legislation as well as other strategies to manage HMOs and protect the mental health of tenants

    A comparison of airborne wake vortex detection measurements with values predicted from potential theory

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    An analysis of flight measurements made near a wake vortex was conducted to explore the feasibility of providing a pilot with useful wake avoidance information. The measurements were made with relatively low cost flow and motion sensors on a light airplane flying near the wake vortex of a turboprop airplane weighing approximately 90000 lbs. Algorithms were developed which removed the response of the airplane to control inputs from the total airplane response and produced parameters which were due solely to the flow field of the vortex. These parameters were compared with values predicted by potential theory. The results indicated that the presence of the vortex could be detected by a combination of parameters derived from the simple sensors. However, the location and strength of the vortex cannot be determined without additional and more accurate sensors
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