2,887 research outputs found

    Mathematical programming for constrained minimal problems. Part 1 - Sequential gradient, restoration algorithm

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    Algorithm using gradient and restoration phases for constrained minimal problem

    Teaching Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills in an Inclusion Classroom

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    Teaching critical thinking and problem solving skills in any classroom is crucial to the success of the students in that classroom. Students need to learn these skills at an early age to be academically and professionally successful in the future. In an inclusion classroom, these skills are even more important for the academic future of every general and special education student. First, teachers must understand the definition of problem solving and critical thinking skills and what these skills look like in an elementary classroom. Then, teachers need to learn different strategies to teach both of these crucial skills in a general and a special education classroom. Lastly, teachers should combine those strategies and try many of them in the classroom. Research in several educational journals and from a variety of gifted teachers shows the variety of strategies to work the best in inclusion and general education classrooms all over the country

    Custo de produção de leitões em diferentes sistemas de produção: um estudo de caso no Oeste catarinense.

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    Este texto é o relato do estudo de caso de um estabelecimento suinícola no município de Presidente Castello Branco na região Oeste Catarinense. O objetivo foi estimar o custo de produção de leitões no atual cenário, no qual 33% do consumo de milho são produzidos no estabelecimento e, também, em dois cenários alternativos, um com autossuficiência em milho e o outro especializado em suínos. O estudo de caso utiliza uma abordagem sistêmica do estabelecimento agropecuário. As fontes foram entrevistas, software de gestão e preços fornecidos por órgãos públicos. O custo de produção foi calculado com planilha eletrônica desenvolvida pela rede Interpig. Os três diferentes cenários determinaram diferentes preços do milho, principal componente no custo de suínos. No sistema atual o custo de produção foi de R88,22porleita~o,enquantoquenosistemaespecializadofoiR88,22 por leitão, enquanto que no sistema especializado foi R94,97 por leitão e, por fim, R77,90porleita~onosistemaautossuficienteemmilho,queapresentouomenorcusto.ThistextisthereportofacasestudyofaswinefarminthemunicipalityofPresidenteCastelloBrancointheWesternregionofSantaCatarina.Theobjectivewastoestimatethecostofproductionofpigletsontheactualscenario,inwhich3377,90 por leitão no sistema autossuficiente em milho, que apresentou o menor custo. This text is the report of a case study of a swine farm in the municipality of Presidente Castello Branco in the Western region of Santa Catarina. The objective was to estimate the cost of production of piglets on the actual scenario, in which 33% of the maize consumption is produced on the farm and, also, on two alternative scenarios, one self-sufficient in corn another specialized on swine production. The case study uses farm system approach. The sources used are interviews, a farm management software and prices collected by public institutions. The piglet production cost was calculated with an electronic spreads hit developed by the Interpig network. The three different scenarios determined different maize prices, most important swine cost item. On the actual system the piglet production cost was R88,22 per piglet, while on the specialized system it was R94,97perpigletand,finally,R94,97 per piglet and, finally, R77,90 per piglet on the self-sufficient system, which presented the lowest cost

    A survey on mineral and heavy metal composition of Brazilian grape juice, wine, and sparkling wine produced from grapes cultivated under sustainable viticulture.

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    Grape growing and winemaking are important social and economical activines in Serra Gaúcha, which is located in Rio Grande do Sul, the Brazilian southernmost state.Resumo S14.295

    Suinocultura e meio ambiente em Santa Catarina: indicadores de desempenho e avaliação sócio-econômica.

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    bitstream/item/58223/1/doc120.pdfProjeto/Plano de Ação: 16.00.30004-0

    Inflaton Potential Reconstruction and Generalized Equations of State

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    We extend a previous analysis concerning cosmological fluids with generalized equations of state in order to study inflationary scenarios. In the framework of the slow-roll approximation we find the expressions for the perturbation parameters ϵ\epsilon, η\eta and the density perturbation spectra in terms of the adiabatic index \ga as a function of the universe scale factor. This connection allows to find straightforwardly \ga corresponding, for example, to the simplest {\it chaotic} model and to the Harrison-Zeldovich potential and shows its capability to be applied to more complicate situations. Finally, we use this description to develop a new approach to the early universe dynamics, based on a 1/N1/N expansion, where NN is the e-fold number. To this aim, we introduce a set of suitable dimensionless variables and show that at the zero-th order in 1/N1/N, an improved slow-roll approximation is obtained.Comment: 15 pages, plain Latex, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Comparison of markets for organic food in six EU states.

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    This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. Recent research confirms that the decision to convert is now highly influenced by financial incentives arising from EU regulations but the exact mix of incentives depends on prevailing government policies and access to premium markets so that the organic sector in most countries is now referred to as either government-led or market-driven. The objective of the paper is to compare development of the sector along these two polarities but set within the context of "common elements of interest" within new agrifood methodologies: time, space, power, and meaning (Cooke, Uranga and Etxebarria 1998; Morgan and Murdoch 2000). The paper presents preliminary findings relating to six EU States: UK, Ireland, Austria, Denmark, Portugal and Italy, and through the application of "worlds of production" to market outlets and suggests discourses that define these outlets. The analysis aims to inform the further study of farmer marketing decisions and practices