10 research outputs found

    The Effect of Red Spinach Juice + Fe Tablets on Increased Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnant Women

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    Anemia during pregnancy is one of the most common abnormalities in pregnant women in Indonesia. The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia is 48.9%. The iron supplementation program is an effort that has been made by the Indonesian government to prevent anemia. To determine the effect of giving red spinach juice on increasing hemoglobin levels in third-trimester pregnant women. This type of research uses quantitative methods with quasi-experimental research with the two-group approach. The experimental group consumed red spinach juice + Fe tablets and the control group only drank Fe tablets. The results showed that there was an effect of giving red spinach juice + Fe tablets to increasing hemoglobin levels and there was a difference in increasing hemoglobin levels in the group given red spinach juice + Fe tablets and Fe tablets only. There is a relationship between parity and an increase in hemoglobin levels, but there is no relationship between age and education and an increase in hemoglobin levels. Intervention and parity variables were the most influential variables in increasing the hemoglobin level of pregnant women in PMB Bengkulu City. Results: There is an effect of giving red spinach juice + Fe tablets to the increase in hemoglobin levels of pregnant women

    Effects of Red Dragon Fruits (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Powder and Swimming Exercise on Inflammation, Oxidative Stress Markers, and Physical Fitness in Male Obesity Rats (Sprague dawley)

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    Studying childhood obesity is essential to identify early or initial triggers for cardiovascular disease. Inflammation and oxidative stress are known to be key factors in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Consuming fresh fruits, vegetables and regular physical activity may protect against some chronic diseases caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. Red dragon fruit contains vitamins, minerals and phytochemical properties that are needed for human health. This study was intended to evaluate effects of red dragon fruits (Hylocereus polyrhizus) powder and swimming exercise on inflammation, oxidative stress , and physical fitness in male obesity rats ( Sprague dawley).There were 24 rats divided by two groups, 20 rats induced obesity by giving high fat diet, and 4 rats given standard diet for 19 weeks. Another 4 weeks 20 rats were already obese divided into 5 groups intervention as follows : standard diet (SD), high fat diet (HFD), high fat diet plus swimming exercise (HFD+SE), red dragon fruit powder plus high fat diet (RDFP+HFD), and red dragon fruit powder plus high fat diet plus swimming exercise (RDFP+HFD+SE). Blood samples and physical fitness test were taken before and after intervention. Red dragon fruit powder contained 171.7

    Effectiveness of Giving Putri Malu Leaf (Mimosa pudica Linn) and Kangkung Leaf (Ipomoea reptans) in Overcoming Insomnia on Pre-menapousal Women

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    Insomnia is a sleep disorder in the form of repetitive difficulty to sleep or maintain sleep with symptoms always feel tired throughout the day. Insomnia increases in women aged 44-45 years due to decrease estrogen and progesterone level in the body especially gets worse during menopause. This study was intended to know the effectiveness of giving Putri Malu leave (Mimosa pudica Linn) and Kankung Leave (Ipomoea reptans) in overcoming insomnia for pre menapouse women in Bengkulu City 2016. There were 40 pre menapouse women divided by two groups, 20 women were given boiled water of  putri malu leave  (Mimosa pudica Linn) and another 20 women were given boiled water kangkung leave (Ipomoea reptans). The average length of sleep per day in pre-menopausal women who consumed Putri Malu leaf (Mimosa pudica Linn) had longer than women   who consumed Kangkung leaf (Ipomoea reptans). The effectiveness differences among women  who consumed putri malu leaf (Mimosa pudica Linn) were seen from day 1 to day 7 with p = 0,00. While in the group of women who consumed kangkung leaf (Ipomoea reptans) did not significantly  approved (p> 0.05) in overcoming insomnia


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    Background: Hypertension is a condition when blood pressure at constant state is over 140190 mmHg. According to National Health Survey in 2001 the proportion of hypertension in Indonesia was 27% in male and 29% in female. The prevalence of hypertension at Bengkulu Municipality in 2005 was 1.7% (6.098), increased to 2.6% (7,244) in 2006, 2.6% (7,514) in 2007 and 7,175 in 2008. Respectively the management of hypertension therapy and lifestyle modification become important in the management of hypertensive patients. Objective: The study aimed to identify the impact of sports and nutrition counseling to blood pressure and nutrition status based on waist circumference in hypertensive patients at Bengkulu Municipality. Method: The study was a quasi experiment. Subject were hypertensive patients that fulfilled inclusion criteria (newly-diagnosed hypertension, age of 20-50 years, living in Bengkulu and willing to become respondents). Samples consisted of 120 people divided into 3 groups with intervention; Each group consisted of 40 people. Analysis used chi square, t-test, Anova and double linear regression. Result There was difference (p = 0.000) in waist circumference in female subject but not in male subject. Mutivariate test showed that aerobic sports within 60 minutes 3 times/week largely insignificant. T-test showed there was impact (p = 0.000) of nutrition counseling and sports to blood pressure status. Multivariate test showed that aerobic sports within 60 minutes 3 times/week largely affected systolic and diastolic blood pressure by controlling nutrition  counseling  and frequency of antihypertensive drug taking. Conclusion: The main factors affected to decrease of blood pressure and nutrional status patients based on waist circumference were nutritional counseling and sports.  Key words: sports, nutritional counseling, nutritional status, waist circumference, blood pressur


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    Caring Experiences of Mothers Who Have Malnourished Infants In Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu Province: A Phenomenological Study).Background: Rejang Lebong District has the highest prevalence of malnourished under-fives among all districts of Bengkulu Province. Theoretically, to overcome malnutrition a good strategy of nutrition education to mothers and nurturing the children were really required. Therefore, the problem came out how mothers nurturing their malnourished children in Rejang Lebong District.Objectives: This research aims was to find out the experience of nursing malnourished children by mothers in Rejang Lebong Municipality.Methods: A qualitative approach was used to conduct this research by using Focus Group Discussion particularly phenomenology approach. In order to collect information 20 respondents were interviewed consisted of: 4 midwives, 3 community leaders, 6 village leaders, and 7 cadres.Results: The result showed that colostrums was not given to babies, because of dirty milk, children were not given breast milk cause of lack of breast milk mother. Moreover, children frequently was given snack which was not nutritious food. Other aspects were that people used drinking water from the river which was not good quality, moreover them others did not use soap to wash the dishes.Conclusions: Malnourished children frequently got sick accompanied by fever, diarrhea, cough, influenza, and to overcome these diseases the mothers brought their children to the health center and midwife, however, most of them cured by buying free medicine. The knowledge of mothers about the usage of colostrums, breast care, nutritious food, avoiding from infection diseases and nurturing their children still were not good enough.Keywords: malnourished infants, mothers' caring experiences, phenomenological study.</p


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    Caring Experiences of Mothers Who Have Malnourished Infants In Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu Province: A Phenomenological Study).Background: Rejang Lebong District has the highest prevalence of malnourished under-fives among all districts of Bengkulu Province. Theoretically, to overcome malnutrition a good strategy of nutrition education to mothers and nurturing the children were really required. Therefore, the problem came out how mothers nurturing their malnourished children in Rejang Lebong District.Objectives: This research aims was to find out the experience of nursing malnourished children by mothers in Rejang Lebong Municipality.Methods: A qualitative approach was used to conduct this research by using Focus Group Discussion particularly phenomenology approach. In order to collect information 20 respondents were interviewed consisted of: 4 midwives, 3 community leaders, 6 village leaders, and 7 cadres.Results: The result showed that colostrums was not given to babies, because of dirty milk, children were not given breast milk cause of lack of breast milk mother. Moreover, children frequently was given snack which was not nutritious food. Other aspects were that people used drinking water from the river which was not good quality, moreover them others did not use soap to wash the dishes.Conclusions: Malnourished children frequently got sick accompanied by fever, diarrhea, cough, influenza, and to overcome these diseases the mothers brought their children to the health center and midwife, however, most of them cured by buying free medicine. The knowledge of mothers about the usage of colostrums, breast care, nutritious food, avoiding from infection diseases and nurturing their children still were not good enough.Keywords: malnourished infants, mothers' caring experiences, phenomenological study

    Asupan makanan dengan kejadian stunting pada keluarga nelayan di Kota Bengkulu

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    The prevalence of stunting in coastal areas in fishing families in Bengkulu city is 29,4%. The potential possessed by coastal areas is not accompanied by the welfare of the lives of the people who occupy low economic strata, including in fulfilling nutrition. This study aimed to determine the relationship between energy consumption, protein, fat, carbohydrates, zinc, and iron with the incidence of stunting aged 1-59 months in fishing families in Bengkulu city. The cross-sectional research method was carried out in 2020 in Padang Serai and Malabro villages, which are fishers' family areas in Bengkulu city. Samples were children under five and mothers respondents with a total of 74. Data on food intake of children under five, obtained through the Food Frequency Questionnaire-Semi Quantitative (SQ-FFQ) and analyzed by nutrisurvey and microtoice to measure height were analyzed by HAZ index. The analysis used Chi-square statistical test. The results showed that there was a relationship between intake of energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and zinc in the incidence of stunting under five (p 0,05). In conclusion, toddlers with adequate food intake are associated with the incidence of stunting in fishing families. Toddlers need a balanced nutritional intake to prevent stunting through increasing maternal nutritional knowledge

    Pengalaman Perawatan Ibu Yang Memiliki Bayi Gizi Buruk Di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu: Studi Fenomenologi

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    Caring Experiences of Mothers Who Have Malnourished Infants In Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu Province: A Phenomenological Study).Background: Rejang Lebong District has the highest prevalence of malnourished under-fives among all districts of Bengkulu Province. Theoretically, to overcome malnutrition a good strategy of nutrition education to mothers and nurturing the children were really required. Therefore, the problem came out how mothers nurturing their malnourished children in Rejang Lebong District.Objectives: This research aims was to find out the experience of nursing malnourished children by mothers in Rejang Lebong Municipality.Methods: A qualitative approach was used to conduct this research by using Focus Group Discussion particularly phenomenology approach. In order to collect information 20 respondents were interviewed consisted of: 4 midwives, 3 community leaders, 6 village leaders, and 7 cadres.Results: The result showed that colostrums was not given to babies, because of dirty milk, children were not given breast milk cause of lack of breast milk mother. Moreover, children frequently was given snack which was not nutritious food. Other aspects were that people used drinking water from the river which was not good quality, moreover them others did not use soap to wash the dishes.Conclusions: Malnourished children frequently got sick accompanied by fever, diarrhea, cough, influenza, and to overcome these diseases the mothers brought their children to the health center and midwife, however, most of them cured by buying free medicine. The knowledge of mothers about the USAge of colostrums, breast care, nutritious food, avoiding from infection diseases and nurturing their children still were not good enough