1,293 research outputs found

    Does the desire to remit foster integration? Evidence from migrants in Spain

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    We enquire empirically how migrants' desire to send remittances back home fosters integration at destination. Starting from a model by Stark and Dorn (2013) in which the aspiration to remit is shown to induce migrants to acquire costly host-country specific social and human capital in order to obtain higher income, we measure migrants' integration effort by social participation. Our results confirm the theoretical model

    Perwakafan Di Indonesia Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 41 Tahun 2004

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    Wakaf dalam sejarah, mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam pembangunan bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Wakaf sebagai salah satu bentuk pelepasan harta kekayaan, dimaksudkan untuk membangun sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat demi untuk mencapai kehidupan yang sejahtera. Perbuatan wakaf sangat erat hubungannya dengan sosial ekonomi, tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai ibadah ritual semata tapi juga berfungsi sosial. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut di atas, yang melatarbelakangi permasalahan dalam penulisan ini ialah bagaimana tata cara pendaftaran harta benda wakaf di Indonesia? Serta bagaimana tugas dan kewajiban nazhir dalam mengelola harta benda wakaf ? Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif (yuridis normatif). Penelitian hukum normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan yaitu: “Penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder belaka” Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dalam hal perwakafan tanah dengan dikeluarkannya Peraturan Pemerintah. No. 28 Tahun 1977, maka ada suatu keharusan untuk mendaftarkan tanah wakaf di Kantor Agraria setempat. Tata cara Pendaftaran Harta Benda Wakaf diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No. 42 Tahun 2006 yaitu: Pendaftaran Harta Benda Wakaf Tidak Bergerak berupa tanah. Menurut ketentuan peraturan ini semua tanah yang diwakafkan harus didaftarkan pada Kantor Agraria setempat segera setelah akta Ikrar Wakaf dilaksanakan. Tugas dan Kewajiban Nazhir. Untuk menjamin benda tanah wakaf akan dapat berfungsi sebagaimana tujuan wakaf, maka diperlukan seseorang atau sekelompok orang atau badan hukum yang diserahi tugas pemeliharaan dan pengurusan benda wakaf. Nazhir juga merupakan satu element yang sangat penting untuk menjaga tanah wakaf agar alokasinya sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Dalam melaksanakan tugas, nazhir memperoleh pembinaan dari Menteri dan Badan Wakaf Indonesia. Nazhir memiliki kewajiban dan amanah untuk memelihara, mengurus dan menyelenggarakan harta wakaf sesuai dengan wujud dan tujuannya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa tata cara Pendaftaran Harta Benda Wakaf diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No 42 Tahun 2006 yaitu: Pendaftaran Harta Benda Wakaf Tidak Bergerak berupa tanah. Nazhir baik perseorangan, organisasi atau badan hukum memiliki tugas sebagaimana Pasal 11 Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 2004. Sedang kewajiban Nazhir diatur dalam Pasal 45 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 42 Tahun 2006

    Mass Uncertainties of f0(600) and f0(1370) and their Effects on Determination of the Quark and Glueball Admixtures of the I=0 Scalar Mesons

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    Within a nonlinear chiral Lagrangian framework the correlations between the quark and glueball admixtures of the isosinglet scalar mesons below 2 GeV and the current large uncertainties on the mass of the f0(600) and the f0(1370) are studied. The framework is formulated in terms of two scalar meson nonets (a two-quark nonet and a four-quark nonet) together with a scalar glueball. It is shown that while some properties of these states are sensitive to the mass of f0(600) and f0(1370), several relatively robust conclusions can be made: The f0(600), the f0(980), and the f0(1370) are admixtures of two and four quark components, with f0(600) being dominantly a non-strange four-quark state, and f0(980) and f0(1370) having a dominant two-quark component. Similarly, the f0(1500) and the f0(1710) have considerable two and four quark admixtures, but in addition have a large glueball component. For each state, a detailed analysis providing the numerical estimates of all components is given. It is also shown that this framework clearly favors the experimental values: m[f0(600)] < 700 MeV and m[f0(1370)] = 1300-1450 MeV. Moreover, an overall fit to the available data shows a reciprocal substructure for the f0(600) and the f0(1370), and a linear correlation between their masses of the form m [f0(1370)] = 0.29 m[f0(600)] + 1.22 GeV. The scalar glueball mass of 1.5-1.7 GeV is found in this analysis.Comment: placement of figures inside text improved. Content unchange

    Recurrent neuroendocrine adenoma of the middle ear: A case report

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    Les historiens, qui sont rarement des oiseaux de très bon augure pour la vitalité des croyances qu’ils étudient, ont beaucoup écrit, depuis les années 1970, sur le purgatoire, ce troisième « lieu » de l’au-delà catholique, situé entre enfer et paradis. Support d’une dévotion très populaire, il a connu en Europe trois pics successifs de popularité, à la fin du Moyen Âge, au xviie et au xixe siècles. Le dogme et la croyance ont ainsi puissamment structuré dans la longue durée le rapport aux morts dans les sociétés de culture catholique, en leur conférant une « utilité » particulière, à la fois matérielle, institutionnelle, pastorale et anthropologique, que cet article s’efforce d’explorer.Historians are people who rarely contribute to the continued vitality of the beliefs they study. Since the 1970’s they have written a lot about purgatory, the third place in the catholic beyond. This is situated in between hell and paradise. The belief was the basis of a very popular cult which peaked in popularity in three different periods, one at the end of the Middle Ages, another in the seventeenth and a third in the nineteenth century. The dogma and the belief in purgatory have thus for long periods powerfully structured the relation to the dead in catholic cultures and have given these a particular “usefulness” whether this concerns material, institutional, pastoral or anthropological aspects. The paper attempts to explore these issues

    Global Citizen Science perspectives on Open Science

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    Evolution and competition between chiral spin textures in nanostripes with D<sub>2d</sub> symmetry

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    Chiral spin textures are of considerable interest for applications in spintronics. It has recently been shown that magnetic materials with (D2d) symmetry can sustain several distinct spin textures. Here, we show, using Lorentz transmission electron microscopy, that single and double chains of antiskyrmions can be generated at room temperature in nanostripes less than 0.5 mu m in width formed from the D-2d Heusler compound Mn1.4Pt0.9Pd0.1Sn. Typically, truncated helical spin textures are formed in low magnetic fields, whose edges are terminated by half antiskyrmions. These evolve into chains of antiskyrmions with increasing magnetic field. Single chains of these objects are located in the middle of the nanostripes even when the stripes are much wider than the antiskyrmions. Moreover, the chains can even include elliptical Bloch skyrmions depending on details of the applied magnetic field history. These findings make D-2d materials special and highly interesting for applications such as magnetic racetrack memory storage devices

    Neuromarketing: qué sabe de ti, que los demás no

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    En este documento se describe la forma en la que el neuromarketing hace que la segmentación de género, sea una herramienta funcional para poder conocer al cliente y sus deseos. Se explorará el mercadeo desde sus inicios, mostrando cómo evoluciona hasta enfocarse en el cliente como su principal objetivo. Al llegar a este punto el mercadeo se encuentra con un nuevo aliado, la neurociencia, la cual le muestra que por medio de diversas técnicas tiene la capacidad de medir las reacciones de su consumidor, a los distintos estímulos que le envía para cautivarlo. En este proceso se dan a conocer las tecnologías más usadas por el neuromarketing para este fin; además se expondrá parte de la anatomía del consumidor con la que interactúa el mercadeo: sus sentidos y su cerebro. Posteriormente se explica cómo a través del entendimiento de las percepciones y comportamiento del cliente, puede beneficiarse el mercadeo en sus propósitos y su vez, satisfacer al mercado en lo que realmente quiere.This document describes the way in which neuromarketing makes of gender segmentation a functional tool for knowing the customers and their desires. Marketing will be explored from its origins, showing how it evolves to focus on the customer as its main objective. At this point, marketing meets neuroscience, a new ally who shows through many techniques, that has the ability to measure the consumers’ reactions to the different stimuli that marketing sends to captivate them. In this process, it will make known the technologies that neuromarketing uses the most for this purpose; it will also present the consumers’ anatomy, which the marketing interacts with the most: the senses and the brain. Subsequently, it will be explained how, with understanding clients’ perceptions and behavior, marketing gets to benefit its purposes and at the same time satisfy what the market’s really wants.Centro de Estudios Empresariales para la Perdurabilida
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