46 research outputs found

    Intervención educativa acerca de los conocimientos y prácticas de autocuidado a pacientes con Hipertensión Arterial, Centro de Salud Francisco Morazán, Managua, ll semestre 2015

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar intervención educativa acerca de los conocimientos y prácticas sobre el autocuidado a los pacientes con hipertensión arterial del programa de dispensarizado del Centro de Salud Francisco Morazán, justifican el estudio el incremento de pacientes, aunado a la inasistencia, se decide realizar el estudio para brindar recomendaciones, que contribuyan al autocuidado de los pacientes, haciendo conciencia en la importancia de asistir a sus citas para contribuir a la disminución de complicaciones. Para la institución será importante para el desarrollo de estrategias en la atención a los pacientes involucrándolos en su autocuidado. Es un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, retro prospectivo y de corte transversal. El universo fueron 300 pacientes que asisten al programa de dispensarizados, la muestra 55 pacientes con un 90% de confianza y un 10% de margen de error, mediante entrevista. Según resultado obtenidos se realizó intervención educativa en los pacientes para mejora de su autocuidado. Las variables en estudio fueron: características sociodemográficas, conocimiento de autocuidado, prácticas de autocuidado. Los pacientes que participaron en este estudio se caracterizan por ser hombres y mujeres, solteros/a(s), viudos/a(s), casados/a(s), y divorciados/a(s) de procedencia urbana. Se concluye que estos pacientes conocen de su enfermedad y medidas para su autocuidado como actividad física, signos y síntomas de la hipertensión arterial, desconocen sobre la alimentación adecuada, realizan prácticas de autocuidado como reducir la ingesta de alcohol, cigarrillos, asistir a sus controles. La mayoría de ellos no practica actividad física. Se recomienda promover plan de intervención educativo, implementar charlas educativas, realizar murales informativos acerca de la hipertensión arterial con ayuda de los estudiantes de enfermería y personal de salu

    Immunological aspects involved in the degeneration of cryopreserved arterial allografts

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    Introduction: Cryopreserved arterial allografts have remained an option in patients requiring distal revascularization or associated with vascular infection, in the absence of a valid autogenous saphenous vein. The objective of this study is to describe the different clinical, anatomopathological, and immunological findings related to vascular transplant rejection. Methods: In a prospective trial, 35 patients who underwent cryopreserved allogeneic arterial bypass were studied, including demographics and conduit patency. Anti-HLA antibody production was stablished prior to the surgery, 7 days, 1, 3 months, and every 3 months since. Clinical and ultrasound evaluation was added after the first month. Donor HLA-typing was retrieved whenever available, allowing for the characterization and quantification of donor specific antibodies. Cytotoxic crossmatch test was also performed. A second group of patients with allograft degenerations registered during the follow up period was studied. In this group, exclusively for aneurysm description and histopathological analysis, they were included those degenerated vascular transplants from the original series, but also those implanted prior to the beginning of the study and degraded during follow up. Results: All patients studied displayed an increase in anti-HLA antibodies one month after the intervention, regarding bypass patency. In total, 14 patients fulfilled requirements for the study of donor specific antibodies, equally showing IgG production detectable one month after surgery. The presence of complement-fixing antibodies was also confirmed. Antibody levels were not related to graft degeneration. No specific immune markers able to predict aneurysmal development and evolution were found. From the original group, 3 patients suffered aneurysmal degeneration during follow up, together with 9 bypasses previously implanted. Average time until the first degeneration was 33 ± 19.7 months, with 30.6 ± 17.7 and 54.5 ± 2.5 months for a second and third degeneration, when occurring. Therefore, subsequent vascular transplants frequently augmented the time for new degenerations, despite increasing sensibilization. Samples from eight degenerated allografts were available for analysis, unexpectedly showing inflammatory infiltrate in only four cases and immune complex deposition in 7. Conclusions: Immune response against vascular transplants was confirmed in all cases, but chronic rejection did not necessarily provoke bypass degradation or reduced the time for new aneurysms to develop in subsequent allografts.FUNDING: This research was supported by grant PI17/00714 from the Spanish I + D + i 2013–2016 State Program, which was cofunded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors wish to thank Dr. Aurora Astudillo, Head of the Department of Pathology at Central University Hospital of Asturias, for her collaboration and interest in making this study possible

    MiR-7 controls cholesterol biosynthesis through posttranscriptional regulation of DHCR24 expression

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    Dysregulation of cholesterol homeostasis is associated with several pathologies including cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as key post-transcriptional regulators of cholesterol metabolism. We previously established the role of miR-7 in regulating insulin resistance and amyloidosis, which represents a common pathological feature between type 2 diabetes and AD. We show here an additional metabolic function of miR-7 in cholesterol biosynthesis. We found that miR-7 blocks the last steps of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway in vitro by targeting relevant genes including DHCR24 and SC5D posttranscriptionally. Intracranial infusion of miR-7 on an adeno-associated viral vector reduced the expression of DHCR24 in the brain of wild-type mice, supporting in vivo miR-7 targeting. We also found that cholesterol regulates endogenous levels of miR-7 in vitro, correlating with transcriptional regulation through SREBP2 binding to its promoter region. In parallel to SREBP2 inhibition, the levels of miR-7 and hnRNPK (the host gene of miR-7) were concomitantly reduced in brain in a mouse model of Niemann Pick type C1 disease and in murine fatty liver, which are both characterized by intracellular cholesterol accumulation. Taken together, the results establish a novel regulatory feedback loop by which miR-7 modulates cholesterol homeostasis at the posttranscriptional level, an effect that could be exploited for therapeutic interventions against prevalent human diseases.This work was supported by the “Talento Program” from the Madrid Government, Spain (2017-T1/BMD-5333 and 2021-5A/BMD-20964), (RTI2018-095061-B-I00) and (PID2021-128264OB-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe” by the European Union (to CMR); Consejería de Educación e Investigación from the Madrid Government, Spain: “Convocatoria de ayudas para la contratación de ayudantes de investigación” (PEJ-2018-AI/BMD-9724) (to CMR and MT-P); “Convocatoria de ayudas para la contratación de investigadores postdoctorales” (PEDJ-2018-POST/BDM-8900) (to CMR and AP-G) and “Convocatoria de ayudas para la contratación de investigadores predoctorales” (PEJD-2019-PRE/BMD-14499) (to CMR and YM-M) from the Madrid Government, Spain; (RTI2018-098113-B-I00) (to RB and DGC) and (PID2021-122766OB-I00) (to AMV) and (PID2020-112830RB-I00) (to MD-L) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe” by the European Union; (PI18/01152 and PI21/01173) funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, (ISCIII) (to OP); Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas (CIBERdem), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain (research contract of P-R) and 2021-5A/BMD-20964 (research contract of VP-M). We thank the Quantification and Molecular Characterization Unit and the Lipid and Lipoprotein Unit (IRYCIS) for support

    TikTok and misinformation : which factors contribute to spreading misinformation?

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    This thesis sought to establish a link between the popularity of TikTok and the factors that make certain misinformation be spread more than other misinformation. The thesis also explored what makes TikTok a popular platform thus allowing a larger audience to expose to misinformation. To do this, the thesis was based on multiple sources such as scientific journals and articles. The information was presented in conjunction with a small-scale experiment that consisted of the creation of 3 TikTok videos and their uploading to the internet. The theoretical part centered on what brought about the popularity of TikTok including factors within the application itself, as well as how what was happen-ing in the world during TikTok’s growth could have affected TikTok’s popularity. The theoretical part also identified the underlying factors of what makes in-formation spread in general, by looking at the transmission of memes and narrative theory. The goal of the experiment consisted of seeing if anyone could make a video based on the factors that make information spread, and receive a significant quantity of views, despite the information being presented potentially being false. All videos created for this thesis received over 200 views, but what was surprising and subverted expectations was that the control video received the most views. This was unexpected as it was made by breaking the rules that make misinformation spread as opposed to the other videos which followed the rules that make misinformation spread. However, it could not be stated that humour, short content, and a story-like structure failed at making misinformation spread as there were multiple limitations to this experiment. One of them was that the humour used was subjective, another, that the topic might have not been interesting enough to TikTok’s users. Further research would be needed to establish or discredit these factors that allegedly cause misinformation to spread

    Training public service interpreters: creating a specialised glossary on congenital heart diseases by means of it tools

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    A pesar de que la Interpretación y la Terminología son disciplinas diferentes, su confluencia no puede obviarse, sobre todo en ámbitos especializados como los servicios públicos. El presente trabajo pretende facilitar la labor de estudiantes y profesionales de la interpretación mediante la elaboración de un glosario bilingüe inglés-español relativo a las cardiopatías congénitas, dada la incidencia de dicha patología en la población mundial y la falta de herramientas traductológicas en dicho ámbito. Se propone una solución alternativa en la confección de un glosario mediante la creación ad hoc de un corpus paralelo bilingüe de forma sencilla, rápida y sin demasiados recursos económicos, como exige el mundo de la Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos. Además, se ha optado por una elaboración semiautomática al considerarse el escaso tiempo con el que normalmente cuentan estos intérpretes y la falta de información sobre la temática objeto de interpretación. Así, el corpus en cuestión se ha formado a partir de artículos originales en español y sus traducciones al inglés, siguiendo unos criterios de diseño específicos que aseguran la obtención de un corpus de calidad. El proceso de compilación ha consistido en cuatro fases: documentación, compilación (incluye localización de los documentos, descarga, conversión de formato, codificación y almacenamiento), alineación y extracción terminológica. El corpus ha permitido extraer 505 términos en español y sus equivalentes en inglés, así como 52 abreviaturas que pueden ser útiles en caso de que haya que realizar una traducción a vista. Así, este trabajo aporta un modelo de elaboración de un glosario especializado mediante el uso de herramientas informáticas que pretende servir como precursor para la creación de futuros materiales especializados y pueda ser de utilidad en la Interpretación en los Servicios PúblicosWhile Interpreting and Terminology are considered as separated disciplines, their convergence cannot be ignored, especially in certain areas of expertise such as public services. This paper aims to facilitate the work of both interpreting students and professionals through the elaboration of a bilingual glossary (Spanish-English) on congenital heart diseases, given the incidence of this pathology in the world population and the lack of translation tools in this field. It also proposes an alternative solution in the drafting of a glossary by means of the ad hoc creation of a bilingual parallel corpus in a simple, fast, and inexpensive way, as needed for Public Service Interpreting. Furthermore, a semi-automated process has been chosen, given the short period of time that these interpreters usually have, as well as the absence of information on the subject matter. Thus, the corpus under consideration has been compiled from original articles in Spanish and their translations into English and a specific design criterion that ensure quality has been adopted. A precise compilation process has been followed, which has consisted of 4 stages: (1) documentation, (2) compilation, including localisation of the documents, downloading, format conversion, coding and storage, (3) alignment, and (4) terminology extraction. This corpus has made it possible to extract 505 terms in Spanish and their equivalents in English on congenital heart diseases, in addition to 52 abbreviations that may be useful if sight translation is required. Thus, this work provides a prototype for the development of a specialized glossary by means of IT tools, which serve as a precursor for the creation of future specialize d resources that may be useful in Public Service InterpretingMáster Universitario en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos. Especialidad en Inglés-Español (M045

    Evaluación de la prevalencia de la diabetes mellitus gestacional en España

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    La prevalencia de la diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) en la población española es de, aproximadamente, el 12%. Esta enfermedad incrementa el riesgo de complicaciones graves tanto en el embarazo, como después del parto para la madre y para el hijo. Actualmente no existe en España un test de cribado de DMG en el primer trimestre de embarazo que sea universalmente aceptado, por tanto es necesario desarrollar un modelo predictivo a fin de conseguir una prevención eficaz. Para construir este modelo se considerará como variable respuesta la presencia o ausencia de DMG y se evaluarán las variables explicativas que podrían estar asociadas con su desarrollo. Estas variables pueden incluir factores de riesgo conocidos, como la edad materna, el índice de masa corporal, los antecedentes familiares de diabetes, entre otros. Además, se realizará una validación exhaustiva del modelo para examinar su precisión en la predicción de la DMG. Por último, se evaluará su rendimiento en términos de sensibilidad, especificidad y el área bajo la curva ROC.The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the Spanish population is approximately 12%. This disease increases the risk of serious complications both during pregnancy and after delivery for the mother and child. There is currently no universally accepted screening test for GDM in the first trimester of pregnancy in Spain, so it is necessary to develop a predictive model to achieve effective prevention. To construct this model, the presence or absence of GDM will be considered as a response variable and the explanatory variables that could be associated with its development will be evaluated. These variables may include known risk factors, such as maternal age, body mass index, family history of diabetes, among others. In addition, a thorough validation of the model will be performed to examine its accuracy in predicting GDM. Finally, its performance in terms of sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve will be evaluated.Depto. de Estadística y Ciencia de los DatosFac. de Estudios EstadísticosTRUEunpu

    Evidence for multiple rat VPAC1 receptor states with different affinities for agonists

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    We compare the binding properties of [125I-VIP] and [125I]-Ro 25 1553 to VPAC1 receptors, expressed in stably transfected CHO cells. [125I]-VIP labelled two VPAC1 receptor states, while [125I]-Ro 25 1553 labelled selectively a limited number of high-affinity receptors. This high-affinity state probably corresponds to an agonist-receptor-G(s) ternary complex as its properties (guanyl nucleotides, EC50 values and maximal effect) were affected by cholera toxin pre-treatment. Both high- and low-affinity receptors participated in the adenylate cyclase activation. This suggested that agonists activate not only low-affinity uncoupled receptors by facilitating the ternary complex formation, but also activated the high-affinity ternary complex by accelerating the GTP binding to emptied, receptor-bound G proteins. Copyright (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.0SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) antagonists inhibit the proliferation of androgen-dependent and -independent prostate cancers

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    The antiproliferative effects of an antagonist of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) JV-1-38 were evaluated in nude mice bearing s.c. xenografts of LNCaP and MDA-PCa-2b human androgen-sensitive and DU-145 androgen-independent prostate cancers. In the androgen-sensitive models, JV-1-38 greatly potentiated the antitumor effect of androgen deprivation induced by surgical castration, but was ineffective when given alone. Thus, in castrated animals bearing MDA-PCa-2b cancers, the administration of JV-1-38 for 35 days virtually arrested tumor growth (94% inhibition vs. intact control, P < 0.01; and 75% vs. castrated control, P < 0.05). The growth of LNCaP tumors was also powerfully suppressed by JV-1-38 combined with castration (83% inhibition vs. intact control, P < 0.01; and 68% vs. castrated control, P < 0.05). However, in androgen-independent DU-145 cancers, JV-1-38 alone could inhibit tumor growth by 57% (P < 0.05) after 45 days. In animals bearing MDA-PCa-2b and LNCaP tumors, the reduction in serum prostate-specific antigen levels, after therapy with JV-1-38, paralleled the decrease in tumor volume. Inhibition of MDA-PCa-2b and DU-145 cancers was associated with the reduction in the expression of mRNA and protein levels of vascular endothelial growth factor. The mRNA expression for GHRH receptor splice variants was found in all these models of prostate cancer. Our results demonstrate that GHRH antagonists inhibit androgen-independent prostate cancers and, after combination with androgen deprivation, also androgen-sensitive tumors. Thus, the therapy with GHRH antagonist could be considered for the management of both androgen-dependent or -independent prostate cancers