12,469 research outputs found

    Single hole dynamics in the one dimensional t-J model

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    We present a new finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to compute imaginary-time Green functions for a single hole in the t-J model on non-frustrated lattices. Spectral functions are then obtained with the Maximum Entropy method. Simulations of the one-dimensional case show that a simple charge-spin separation Ansatz is able to describe the overall features of the spectral function over the whole energy range for values of J/t from 1/3 to 4. This includes the bandwidth W \sim 4t + J and the compact support of the spectral function. The quasiparticle weight Z_k is computed on lattices up to L=96 sites, and scales as Z_k\propto L^{-1/2}.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Attractor Flows from Defect Lines

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    Deforming a two dimensional conformal field theory on one side of a trivial defect line gives rise to a defect separating the original theory from its deformation. The Casimir force between these defects and other defect lines or boundaries is used to construct flows on bulk moduli spaces of CFTs. It turns out, that these flows are constant reparametrizations of gradient flows of the g-functions of the chosen defect or boundary condition. The special flows associated to supersymmetric boundary conditions in N=(2,2) superconformal field theories agree with the attractor flows studied in the context of black holes in N=2 supergravity.Comment: 28 page

    Redefining Creativity to Advance our Understanding of Behavior Change and Agency

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    Change is hard, and shifting one’s behavior, even with the support of a counselor, can be challenging. While it has not been common for the field of counseling and therapeutic behavior change to draw on it, creativity studies have much to offer counselors and practitioners as well as individuals who just want to realize change in their lives. The potential contributions of creativity studies to lasting and meaningful behavior change are enhanced especially if we take up a definition of creativity that draws on traditional definitions and theories but that also integrates insights from fields like neuroscience and complex dynamical systems, so that our notions of creativity are as updated as possible. The purpose of this project and paper, therefore, is to first re-define creativity (in a way that synthesizes, distills and updates) and then to demonstrate applications in the domain of creative behavior change in particular

    Spacecraft Proximity Operations Used to Estimate the Dynamical & Physical Properties of a Resident Space Object

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    When conducting a space proximity operation, developing high-fidelity estimates of the dynamical and physical properties of a Resident Space Object (RSO) based on post-rendezvous observational data acquired, is imperative for the understanding of the RSO itself and the operating environment. This research investigates the estimation of relative motion dynamics, rotational dynamics, and the feasibility of estimating the moments of inertia of a RSO. Using the Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire equations, rigid-body dynamics, and estimation theory, a nonlinear least squares estimation algorithm is implemented in the processing of range data from tracked observation points on the RSO body. Through simulation, it was determined that accurately estimating the relative motion and rotational dynamics is possible. However directly estimating the moments of inertia using range data proved to be problematic and exposed a possible observability limitation. Yet in general, the solutions were heavily dependent on the quality of the a priori knowledge as well as the reduction of solution ambiguity through the use of multiple observational data sets

    End-stage renal failure due to analgesic nephropathy, its changing pattern and cardiovascular mortality

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    The changing pattern of prevalence and age distribution of analgesic nephropathy as a cause of end-stage renal failure (ESRF) in patients on RRT was analysed using the EDTA-ERA Registry's files. Comparing 1990 to 1981, the percentage of patients with analgesic nephropathy decreased in many European countries and the Registry's average came down from 3 to 2%. The highest prevalence was noted for Switzerland, which showed a decrease from 28 in 1981 to 12% in 1990. During the same interval the age distribution shifted to the right with an increase in median age from 57 to 63 at start of RRT for analgesic nephropathy. In Switzerland the age-specific acceptance rate to RRT for patients with analgesic nephropathy decreased to less than 1/3 in the age cohorts below 55 but increased in those aged 65 or older. This increase in the elderly cohorts appeared to be related to the growing acceptance rate to RRT of elderly patients in general rather than to an increasing incidence of ESRF due to analgesic nephropathy. Mortality in general and death rates due to cardiovascular causes were found not to differ in RRT patients with analgesic nephropathy from that of other standard primary renal diseases (excluding diabetic nephropathy and systemic diseases). Some 20 years after withdrawal of phenacetin from the analgesic market, analgesic nephropathy all but disappeared as a cause of ESRF in Sweden and Denmark, and the same may be expected to occur in countries like Switzerland, Belgium, and others in the not too far distant futur

    ICPL_ESIQuant – a Powerful Freeware Tool for Handling Proteomics LCESI- MS2 Experiments

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    Among the MS-based quantitative methods using stable isotope labelling, the Isotope-Coded Protein Label (ICPL) technique has emerged as a powerful tool to identify and relatively quantify thousands of proteins within complex protein mixtures. The ICPL_ESIQuant 3.0 software package is one of the key components of the ICPL-ESI workflow, covering data processing steps like LC-MS feature detection, ICPL doublet/triplet/quadruplet quantification as well as a merging step of LC-MS features and Mascot search results. As unique features, the software performs isotope pattern overlap corrections and utilizes additional chemical knowledge, e.g. the physico-chemical properties of the ICPL labels, to discard false positive isotope pattern, which significantly improves the quality of the final peptide and protein results. ICPL_ESIQuant is the first freeware tool on the market, which supports both the shotgun proteomics strategy using Data Dependent Acquisition (DDA) and the directed proteomics strategy using mass inclusion lists for precursor ion selection. ICPL_ESIQuant 3.0 (32 and 64 bit versions) can be downloaded from https://sourceforge.net/projects/icplquant/ files

    Summerfruit tοrtriχ, Adoxophyes orana: life cycle, warning system and control

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    Το Λεπιδόπτερο Adoxophyes orana F.v.R., είναι ένας εχθρός που προσαρμόσθηκε πρόσφατα στις εντατικές καλλιέργειες μηλιάς και αχλαδιάς. Οι προνύμφες αναπτύσσονται αρχικά επάνω σε νεαρά φύλλα και βλαστούς και ευκαιριακά προσβάλλουν την επιφάνεια του καρπού. Στην Ελβετία υπάρχουν δύο πτήσεις το χρόνο, ενώ στην Ελλάδα υπάρχουν τρεις πτήσεις με τη δεύτερη και τρίτη να επικαλύπτονται. Οι διαπαύουσες προνύμφες διαχειμάζουν όταν είναι στο τρίτο στάδιο (L?) και αρχίζουν πάλι να αναπτύσσονται την άνοιξη. Υπάρχουν τρεις περίοδοι που οι προνύμφες είναι δραστήριες. Οι μέθοδοι προειδοποίησης είναι: η οπτική εξέταση των λουλουδιών την άνοιξη, οι παγίδες με φορομόνες φύλου και η οπτική εξέταση των βλαστών και καρπών το καλοκαίρι. Ένα μοντέλο, που περιγράφει το βιολογικό κύκλο σε συνάρτηση με τη θερμοκρασία, επιτρέπει τον καθορισμό του καλύτερου χρόνου δειγματοληψίας ζημιών και εφαρμογής φαρμάκων σε σχέση με τον τρόπο δράσης τους. Μερικά κλασικά εντομοκτόνα προσφέρουν θεραπευτική καταπολέμηση αλλά η αποτελεσματικότητα τους πάντοτε μειώνεται εναντίον προνυμφών προχωρημένης ηλικίας. Τα καλύτερα αποτελέσματα επιτυγχάνονται κατά την εκκόλαψη των ωών της πρώτης γενεάς. Ο ρυθμιστής ανάπτυξης των εντόμων (IGR), fenoxycarb, είναι πολύ αποτελεσματικός όταν εφαρμόζεται την άνοιξη εναντίον του τελευταίου προνυμφικού σταδίου (Ls) της διαχειμάζουσας γενεάς. Ένας ειδικός ιός επίσης δίνει καλά αποτελέσματα εναντίον των διαχειμαζουσών προνυμφών. Τον καιρό αυτό μελετώνται η τεχνική της παρεμπόδισης των συζεύξεων και οι παρεμποδιστές ανάπτυξης των εντόμων (IGI) που εμποδίζουν τον σχηματισμό της χιτίνης. Για όλα τα προϊόντα που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την καταπολέμηση του Α. orana ο χρόνος που μεσολαβεί είναι πολύ σημαντικός για τη μέγιστη αποτελεσματικότητα.The summerfruit tortrix, Adoxophyes orana F.v.R., is a pest which has recently adapted to the intensive culture of apple and pear. The larvae develop primarily on the young leaves and shoots and occasionally feed on the surface of the fruit. Under Swiss conditions there are two flights per year though there are three in Greece with the second and third overlapping. The diapausing larvae hibernate in the third stage (L3) and begin development again in the spring. There are three periods in which the larvae are active. The methods used to sample populations for making management decisions are: visual examination of flower clusters in spring, sex pheromone traps, and visual examination of shoots and fruit in summer. A model describing the life cycle as a function of temperature allows for the determination of the best time to sample damage and to apply treatments with regard to their particular mode of action. Some classical insecticides provide control curatively but efficiency is always reduced against older larvae. The best results are obtained at egg eclosion following the first flight. The insect growth regulator (IGR), fenoxycarb, is very effective when applied in the spring against the last stage larvae (Ls) of the overwintering generation. A specific virus also gives good control in the spring against overwintering larvae. The mating disruption technique and insect growth inhibitors (ICI), which prevent the formation of chitin, are currently being studied. For all the products used to control A. orana, the timing of the application is extremely important in order to obtain the bes

    Linear Theory of Electron-Plasma Waves at Arbitrary Collisionality

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    The dynamics of electron-plasma waves are described at arbitrary collisionality by considering the full Coulomb collision operator. The description is based on a Hermite-Laguerre decomposition of the velocity dependence of the electron distribution function. The damping rate, frequency, and eigenmode spectrum of electron-plasma waves are found as functions of the collision frequency and wavelength. A comparison is made between the collisionless Landau damping limit, the Lenard-Bernstein and Dougherty collision operators, and the electron-ion collision operator, finding large deviations in the damping rates and eigenmode spectra. A purely damped entropy mode, characteristic of a plasma where pitch-angle scattering effects are dominant with respect to collisionless effects, is shown to emerge numerically, and its dispersion relation is analytically derived. It is shown that such a mode is absent when simplified collision operators are used, and that like-particle collisions strongly influence the damping rate of the entropy mode.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication on Journal of Plasma Physic