1,192 research outputs found

    Protecting Families in a Global Economy

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    The globalization of the economy has placed tremendous pressure on the modern family. Throughout the developed world, marriage rates are declining, birth and fertility rates are falling, real wages are flat or declining, and hours of family external labor supplied are rising. Finding a spouse and raising children can be inconsistent with the demands of careers in the global economy of the new information age. Globalization of the economy tends to encourage individualism and mobility, in direct opposition to family relationships. Moreover; the extensive period of training that is necessary to compete in the global economy interferes with marriage and child rearing and increases the costs of raising children. Finally, the global economy has resulted in increased demand for flexible labor requiring many lower- and middle-class families to increase time spent in the paid workforce, often with few or no additional benefits. This essay examines the different ways industrialized countries have responded to these problems and discusses the effectiveness of these possible solutions in the context of the global economy. In Part I, we present a definition of the family and some of the costs and benefits of family relationships. In Part II, we explore the reasons behind the current underinvestment in families, including the demands of the marketplace and government policies that promote market labor and undervalue children. In Part III, we discuss the new family and the fact that people are getting married less, and later in life, having fewer children, and spending less time raising children. Finally, in Part TV, we survey the ways in which several industrialized countries have addressed the problems of families in the global economy both through the market and government policies. Globalization and the New Politics of Labor, Symposium. Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington, February 11-12, 2005

    Protecting Families in a Global Economy

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    The globalization of the economy has placed tremendous pressure on the modern family. Throughout the developed world, marriage rates are declining, birth and fertility rates are falling, real wages are flat or declining, and hours of family external labor supplied are rising. Finding a spouse and raising children can be inconsistent with the demands of careers in the global economy of the new information age. Globalization of the economy tends to encourage individualism and mobility, in direct opposition to family relationships. Moreover; the extensive period of training that is necessary to compete in the global economy interferes with marriage and child rearing and increases the costs of raising children. Finally, the global economy has resulted in increased demand for flexible labor requiring many lower- and middle-class families to increase time spent in the paid workforce, often with few or no additional benefits. This essay examines the different ways industrialized countries have responded to these problems and discusses the effectiveness of these possible solutions in the context of the global economy. In Part I, we present a definition of the family and some of the costs and benefits of family relationships. In Part II, we explore the reasons behind the current underinvestment in families, including the demands of the marketplace and government policies that promote market labor and undervalue children. In Part III, we discuss the new family and the fact that people are getting married less, and later in life, having fewer children, and spending less time raising children. Finally, in Part TV, we survey the ways in which several industrialized countries have addressed the problems of families in the global economy both through the market and government policies. Globalization and the New Politics of Labor, Symposium. Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington, February 11-12, 2005

    Lost in Translation: The Economic Analysis of Law in the United States and Europe

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    In this Essay, we examine the reasons why the economic analysis of law has not flourished in European countries as it has in the United States. In particular, we focus on three European countries-the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. We argue that differences in culture, the legal system, and the academy have led to differing degrees of success of the law and economics movement in each country. We speculate that, although there is currently less interest in the economic analysis of the law in Europe than in the United States, European interest could dramatically increase if scholars adopt more communitarian analyses aimed at analyzing legislative polices rather than judicial decisions

    In vivo RNA localization of I factor, a non-LTR retrotransposon, requires a cis-acting signal in ORF2 and ORF1 protein

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    According to the current model of non-LTR retrotransposon (NLR) mobilization, co-expression of the RNA transposition intermediate, and the proteins it encodes (ORF1p and ORF2p), is a requisite for the formation of cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein complexes which contain necessary elements to complete a retrotransposition cycle later in the nucleus. To understand these early processes of NLR mobilization, here we analyzed in vivo the protein and RNA expression patterns of the I factor, a model NLR in Drosophila. We show that ORF1p and I factor RNA, specifically produced during transposition, are co-expressed and tightly co-localize with a specific pattern (Loc+) exclusively in the cytoplasm of germ cells permissive for retrotransposition. Using an ORF2 mutated I factor, we show that ORF2p plays no role in the Loc+ patterning. With deletion derivatives of an I factor we define an RNA localization signal required to display the Loc+ pattern. Finally, by complementation experiments we show that ORF1p is necessary for the efficient localization of I factor RNA. Our data suggest that ORF1p is involved in proper folding and stabilization of I factor RNA for efficient targeting, through Loc+ patterning, to the nuclear neighborhood where downstream steps of the retrotransposition process occur

    New aspect in seagrass acclimation: leaf mechanical properties vary spatially and seasonally in the temperate species Cymodocea nodosa Ucria (Ascherson)

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    Seagrasses may acclimate to environmental heterogeneity through phenotypic plasticity. In contrast to leaf morphology, which has been a central point in seagrass acclimation studies, plasticity in leaf biomechanics and fibre content is poorly understood, despite being crucial in plant ecological performance, especially regarding physical forces. We hypothesised that mechanical traits (e.g. breaking force, strength, toughness, and stiffness) and fibre content of seagrass leaves vary as morphology does under differential environments. Cymodocea nodosa was seasonally monitored at three locations around Ca´diz Bay (southern Spain) with hydrodynamic regime as the most noticeable difference between them. Leaves showed plasticity in both morphology and mechanical traits, with wave-exposed individuals presenting short but extensible and tough leaves. Leaf fibre content was invariant along the year and with little spatial variability. Cross-sectional area rather than material properties or fibre content differentiates leaf mechanical resistance. Seagrass capacity to thrive under a range of mechanical forces may be dictated by their plasticity in morpho-biomechanical traits, a key element for the hydrodynamical performance and, hence, for species colonisation and distribution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudios sobre la imposición individual y empresarial. El efecto del IRPF en las familias.

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    El sistema tributario español establecido a nivel estatal está compuesto de una amplia variedad de tributos que deben ser asumidos por los contribuyentes ya sea de forma directa o indirecta.Dentro de este sistema, uno de los principales impuestos directos que es exigido por la Agencia Tributaria a los contribuyentes es el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas. La regulación de este impuesto es llevada a cabo por el Estado y, actualmente, está cedido parcialmente a la Comunidad Autónoma correspondiente.Por ello, con el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretendo abordar las limitaciones actuales que presenta el modelo actual, así como el tratamiento de las familias teniendo en cuenta las posibles diferencias que puedan existir en la liquidación del impuesto en función de su lugar de residencia y de las deducciones que hayan sido propuestas a nivel autonómico.<br /

    Abordaje de la obesidad en una consulta de enfermería de atención primaria con un nuevo enfoque

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    La gran importancia de la obesidad y su enorme prevalencia a nivel mundial, unido al constante crecimiento que se experimenta en todo el mundo desarrollado y en los países en vías de desarrollo, ha llegado a ser calificado por la OMS como una auténtica epidemia, lanzando llamadas urgentes a los Gobiernos para establecer acciones preventivas que frenen unas previsiones demoledoras. Afectando en diferentes grados a un elevado porcentaje de la población mundial occidental, siendo su prevalencia mayor en mujeres que en varones y aumentando a medida que avanza la edad y desciende la clase social


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    Sistema integral de las ventas y del servicio en el contexto corporativo

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    Actualmente los negocios deben estar en la capacidad de adaptar sus estrategias de marketing y de ventas a las, cada vez, mayores exigencias de los clientes y la alta competitividad. Por ello la tendencia es hacia la individualización a través del marketing relacional, pues permite su mayor conocimiento, que finalmente se traduce en entender profundamente sus necesidades y da a las empresas la oportunidad real de estar en la capacidad de desarrollar las mezclas de soluciones pertinentes, como propuestas de valor, y ofrecerlas de una manera idónea y en ambientes que propicien una experiencia de compra que sea percibida como valor ampliado. Esta experiencia de compra será positiva siempre que las actividades del marketing, ventas y el servicio estén completamente coordinadas y enfocadas al cliente, visto como un segmento de mercado y apoyados, sin duda, en una cadena de valor de empresa en equilibrio y dirigida bajo los principios corporativos enfocados hacia la diferenciación y en función de la misión del servicio.Incluye bibliografí

    Sedimentary organic carbon and nitrogen stocks of intertidal seagrass meadows in a dynamic and impacted wetland: Effects of coastal infrastructure constructions and meadow establishment time

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    Seagrass meadows, through their large capacity to sequester and store organic carbon in their sediments, contribute to mitigate climatic change. However, these ecosystems have experienced large losses and degrada-tion worldwide due to anthropogenic and natural impacts and they are among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. When a meadow is impacted, the vegetation is partial-or completely lost, and the sediment is exposed to the atmosphere or water column, resulting in the erosion and remineralisation of the carbon stored. This paper addresses the effects of the construction of coastal infrastructures on sediment properties, organic carbon, and total nitrogen stocks of intertidal seagrass meadows, as well as the size of such stocks in relation to meadow establishing time (recently and old established meadows). Three intertidal seagrass meadows impacted by coastal constructions (with 0% seagrass cover at present) and three adjacent non-impacted old-established meadows (with 100% seagrass cover at present) were studied along with an area of bare sediment and two recent-established seagrass meadows. We observed that the non-impacted areas presented 3-fold higher per-centage of mud and 1.5 times higher sedimentary organic carbon stock than impacted areas. Although the impacted area was relatively small (0.05-0.07 ha), coastal infrastructures caused a significant reduction of the sedimentary carbon stock, between 1.1 and 2.2 Mg OC, and a total loss of the carbon sequestration capacity of the impacted meadow. We also found that the organic carbon stock and total nitrogen stock of the recent -established meadow were 30% lower than those of the old-established ones, indicating that OC and TN accu-mulation within the meadows is a continuous process, which has important consequences for conservation and restoration actions. These results contribute to understanding the spatial variability of blue carbon and nitrogen stocks in coastal systems highly impacted by urban development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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