12,332 research outputs found
Pumped current and voltage for an adiabatic quantum pump
We consider adiabatic pumping of electrons through a quantum dot. There are
two ways to operate the pump: to create a dc current or to create a
dc voltage . We demonstrate that, for very slow pumping,
and are not simply related via the dc conductance as . For the case of a chaotic quantum dot, we consider the statistical
distribution of . Results are presented for the limiting
cases of a dot with single channel and with multichannel point contacts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Multiple crossovers in interacting quantum wires
We study tunneling of electrons into and between interacting wires in the
spin-incoherent regime subject to a magnetic field. The tunneling currents
follow power laws of the applied voltage with exponents that depend on whether
the electron spins at the relevant length scales are polarized or disordered.
The crossover length (or energy) scale is exponential in the applied field. In
a finite size wire multiple crossovers can occur.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
Charge-Relaxation and Dwell Time in the fluctuating Admittance of a Chaotic Cavity
We consider the admittance of a chaotic quantum dot, capacitively coupled to
a gate and connected to two electron reservoirs by multichannel ballistic point
contacts. For a dot in the regime of weak-localization and universal
conductance fluctuations, we calculate the average and variance of the
admittance using random-matrix theory. We find that the admittance is governed
by two time-scales: the classical admittance depends on the RC-time of the
quantum dot, but the relevant time scale for the weak-localization correction
and the admittance fluctuations is the dwell time. An extension of the circular
ensemble is used for a statistical description of the energy dependence of the
scattering matrix.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX, 1 figur
Magnetic-field symmetries of mesoscopic nonlinear conductance
We examine contributions to the dc-current of mesoscopic samples which are
non-linear in applied voltage. In the presence of a magnetic field, the current
can be decomposed into components which are odd (antisymmetric) and even
(symmetric) under flux reversal. For a two-terminal chaotic cavity, these
components turn out to be very sensitive to the strength of the Coulomb
interaction and the asymmetry of the contact conductances. For both two- and
multi-terminal quantum dots we discuss correlations of current non-linearity in
voltage measured at different magnetic fields and temperatures.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
Electrostatic confinement of electrons in an integrable graphene quantum dot
We compare the conductance of an undoped graphene sheet with a small region
subject to an electrostatic gate potential for the cases that the dynamics in
the gated region is regular (disc-shaped region) and classically chaotic
(stadium). For the disc, we find sharp resonances that narrow upon reducing the
area fraction of the gated region. We relate this observation to the existence
of confined electronic states. For the stadium, the conductance looses its
dependence on the gate voltage upon reducing the area fraction of the gated
region, which signals the lack of confinement of Dirac quasiparticles in a
gated region with chaotic classical electron dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; [v2] Added discussion of large aspect ratio
Non-Gaussian fluctuations of mesoscopic persistent currents
The persistent current in an ensemble of normal-metal rings shows Gaussian
distributed sample-to-sample fluctuations with non-Gaussian corrections, which
are precursors of the transition into the Anderson localized regime. We here
report a calculation of the leading non-Gaussian correction to the current
autocorrelation function, which is of third order in the current. Although the
third-order correlation function is small, inversely proportional to the
dimensionless conductance of the ring, the mere fact that it is nonzero is
remarkable, since it is an odd moment of the current distribution.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figure
A spin pump turnstile: parametric pumping of a spin-polarized current through a nearly-closed quantum dot
We investigate parametric pumping of a spin-polarized current through a
nearly-closed quantum dot in a perpendicular magnetic field. Pumping is
achieved by tuning the tunnel couplings to the left and right lead - thereby
operating the quantum dot as a turnstile - and changing either the magnetic
field or a gate-voltage. We analyze the quantum dynamics of a pumping cycle and
the limiting time scales for operating the quantum dot turnstile as a pure spin
pump. The proposed device can be used as a fully controllable double-sided and
bipolar spin filter and to inject spins "on demand".Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, one reference correcte
Time-delay matrix, midgap spectral peak, and thermopower of an Andreev billiard
We derive the statistics of the time-delay matrix (energy derivative of the
scattering matrix) in an ensemble of superconducting quantum dots with chaotic
scattering (Andreev billiards), coupled ballistically to conducting modes
(electron-hole modes in a normal metal or Majorana edge modes in a
superconductor). As a first application we calculate the density of states
at the Fermi level. The ensemble average
from the bulk value by an amount depending on the
Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry indices . The divergent average for
in symmetry class D (, ) originates from the
mid-gap spectral peak of a closed quantum dot, but now no longer depends on the
presence or absence of a Majorana zero-mode. As a second application we
calculate the probability distribution of the thermopower, contrasting the
difference for paired and unpaired Majorana edge modes.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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