1,373 research outputs found

    Work-family conflict and stress

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    Over the past twenty years, increasing attention has been paid by researchers and organizations to the interface between people’s work and their family lives. In 1977, Rosabeth Kanter argued that the notion that work and life off the job are separate worlds is a ‘myth’. Since then there has been a growing volume to research on the interaction between job or work demands are experiences and family life. The burgeoning literature on this topic can be attributed to a variety of reasons, including changing family structures, with a significant increase in the number of dual-earner families and single-parent families; changing family orientations, with many couples now delaying the onset of children and also reducing the overall number of children; increasing participation of women in the workforce to the point where in many Western countries, in particular, employed women now out-number their male colleagues; and finally, a greater desire to achieve some kind of ‘balance’ between work and family responsibilities, to enhance both individual and family well-being

    A gorilla adenovirus-based vaccine against Zika virus induces durable immunity and confers protection in pregnancy

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    The teratogenic potential of Zika virus (ZIKV) has made the development of an effective vaccine a global health priority. Here, we generate two gorilla adenovirus-based ZIKV vaccines that encode for pre-membrane (prM) and envelope (E) proteins (GAd-Zvp) or prM and the ectodomain of E protein (GAd-Eecto). Both vaccines induce humoral and cell-mediated immune responses and prevent lethality after ZIKV challenge in mice. Protection is antibody dependent, CD

    Role resources and work-family enrichment: The role of work engagement

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    The majority of work-family research has focused on negative spillover between demands and outcomes and between the work and family domains (e.g., work-family conflict; see review by Eby, Casper, Lockwood, Bordeaux, & Brinley, 2005). The theory that guided this research was in most cases role stress theory (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985) or the role scarcity hypothesis (Edwards & Rothbard, 2000). However, according to spillover theory, work-related activities and satisfaction also affect non-work performance, and vice versa. Recently, in line with the positive psychology movement (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000), work-family interaction research has also included concepts of positive spillover (Bakker & Schaufeli, 2008; Grzywacz & Marks, 2000). This emerging focus supplements the dominant conflict perspective by identifying new ways of cultivating human resource strength

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) : The mechanisms for quiescent galaxy formation at z<1

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    © 2016 The Authors. One key problem in astrophysics is understanding how and why galaxies switch off their star formation, building the quiescent population that we observe in the local Universe. From the Galaxy And Mass Assembly and VIsible MultiObject Spectrograph Public Extragalactic Redshift surveys, we use spectroscopic indices to select quiescent and candidate transition galaxies.We identify potentially rapidly transitioning post-starburst (PSB) galaxies and slower transitioning green-valley galaxies. Over the last 8Gyr, the quiescent population has grown more slowly in number density at high masses (M * > 10 11 M ⊙ ) than at intermediate masses (M * > 10 10.6 M ⊙ ). There is evolution in both the PSB and green-valley stellar mass functions, consistent with higher mass galaxies quenching at earlier cosmic times.At intermediatemasses (M * > 10 10.6 M ⊙ ), we find a green-valley transition time-scale of 2.6 Gyr. Alternatively, at z ~ 0.7, the entire growth rate could be explained by fast-quenching PSB galaxies, with a visibility time-scale of 0.5 Gyr. At lower redshift, the number density of PSBs is so low that an unphysically short visibility window would be required for them to contribute significantly to the quiescent population growth. The importance of the fast-quenching route may rapidly diminish at z 10 11 M ⊙ ), there is tension between the large number of candidate transition galaxies compared to the slow growth of the quiescent population. This could be resolved if not all high-mass PSB and green-valley galaxies are transitioning from star forming to quiescent, for example if they rejuvenate out of the quiescent population following the accretion of gas and triggering of star formation, or if they fail to completely quench their star formation

    Spatial correlation between dust and Hα emission in dwarf irregular galaxies

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    Using a sample of dwarf irregular galaxies selected from the ALFALFA blind H i-survey and observed using the VIMOS IFU, we investigate the relationship between Hα emission and Balmer optical depth (τb{\tau }_{{\rm{b}}}). We find a positive correlation between Hα luminosity surface density and Balmer optical depth in 8 of 11 at ≥0.8σ significance (6 of 11 at ≥1.0σ) galaxies. Our spaxels have physical scales ranging from 30 to 80 pc, demonstrating that the correlation between these two variables continues to hold down to spatial scales as low as 30 pc. Using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient to test for correlation between ΣHα{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{{\rm{H}}\alpha } and τb{\tau }_{{\rm{b}}} in all the galaxies combined, we find ρ=0.39\rho =0.39, indicating a positive correlation at 4σ significance. Our low stellar-mass galaxy results are in agreement with observations of emission line regions in larger spiral galaxies, indicating that this relationship is independent of the size of the galaxy hosting the emission line region. The positive correlation between Hα luminosity and Balmer optical depth within spaxels is consistent with the hypothesis that young star-forming regions are surrounded by dusty birth-clouds

    A new gorilla adenoviral vector with natural lung tropism avoids liver toxicity and is amenable to capsid engineering and vector retargeting

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    Human adenoviruses have many attractive features for gene therapy applications. However, the high prevalence of preexisting immunity against these viruses in general populations worldwide has greatly limited their clinical utility. In addition, the most commonly used human adenovirus, human adenovirus subgroup C serotype 5 (HAd5), when systemically administered, triggers systemic inflammation and toxicity, with the liver being the most severely affected organ. Here, we evaluated the utility and safety of a new low-seroprevalence gorilla adenovirus (GAd; GC46) as a gene transfer vector in mice. Biodistribution studies revealed that systemically administered GAd had a selective and robust lung endothelial cell (EC) tropism with minimal vector expression throughout many other organs and tissues. Administration of a high dose of GAd accomplished extensive transgene expression in the lung yet elicited no detectable inflammatory histopathology in this organ. Furthermore, GAd, unlike HAd5, did not exhibit hepatotropism or induce liver inflammatory toxicity in mice, demonstrating the exceptional safety profile of the vector vis-à-vis systemic utility. We further demonstrated that the GAd capsid fiber shared the flexibility of the HAd5 equivalent for permitting genetic modification; GAd with the pan-EC-targeting ligand myeloid cell-binding peptide (MBP) incorporated in the capsid displayed a reduced lung tropism and efficiently retargeted gene expression to vascular beds in other organs

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Satellite galaxies undergo little structural change during their quenching phase

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    At fixed stellar mass, satellite galaxies show higher passive fractions than centrals, suggesting that environment is directly quenching their star formation. Here, we investigate whether satellite quenching is accompanied by changes in stellar spin (quantified by the ratio of the rotational to dispersion velocity V/σ\sigma) for a sample of massive (M>M_{*}>1010^{10} M_{\odot}) satellite galaxies extracted from the SAMI Galaxy Survey. These systems are carefully matched to a control sample of main sequence, high V/σV/\sigma central galaxies. As expected, at fixed stellar mass and ellipticity, satellites have lower star formation rate (SFR) and spin than the control centrals. However, most of the difference is in SFR, whereas the spin decreases significantly only for satellites that have already reached the red sequence. We perform a similar analysis for galaxies in the EAGLE hydro-dynamical simulation and recover differences in both SFR and spin similar to those observed in SAMI. However, when EAGLE satellites are matched to their `true' central progenitors, the change in spin is further reduced and galaxies mainly show a decrease in SFR during their satellite phase. The difference in spin observed between satellites and centrals at zz\sim0 is primarily due to the fact that satellites do not grow their angular momentum as fast as centrals after accreting into bigger halos, not to a reduction of V/σV/\sigma due to environmental effects. Our findings highlight the effect of progenitor bias in our understanding of galaxy transformation and they suggest that satellites undergo little structural change before and during their quenching phase.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Environmental Dependence of the Structure of Brightest Cluster Galaxies

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    We measure the Petrosian structural properties of 33 brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) at redshifts z<0.1 in X-ray selected clusters with a wide range of X-ray luminosities. We find that some BCGs show distinct signatures in their Petrosian profiles, likely to be due to cD haloes. We also find that BCGs in high X-ray luminosity clusters have shallower surface brightness profiles than those in low X-ray luminosity clusters. This suggests that the BCGs in high X-ray luminosity clusters have undergone up to twice as many equal-mass mergers in their past as those in low X-ray luminosity clusters. This is qualitatively consistent with the predictions of hierarchical structure formation.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Stellar population gradients in brightest cluster galaxies

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    We present the stellar population and velocity dispersion gradients for a sample of 24 brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the nearby Universe for which we have obtained high quality long-slit spectra at the Gemini telescopes. With the aim of studying the possible connection between the formation of the BCGs and their host clusters, we explore the relations between the stellar population gradients and properties of the host clusters as well as the possible connections between the stellar population gradients and other properties of the galaxies. We find mean stellar population gradients (negative {\Delta}[Z/H]/log r gradient of -0.285{\pm}0.064; small positive {\Delta}log (age)/log r gradient of 0.069{\pm}0.049; and null {\Delta}[E/Fe]/log r gradient of -0.008{\pm}0.032) that are consistent with those of normal massive elliptical galaxies. However, we find a trend between metallicity gradients and velocity dispersion (with a negative slope of -1.616{\pm}0.539) that is not found for the most massive ellipticals. Furthermore, we find trends between the metallicity gradients and K-band luminosities (with a slope of 0.173{\pm}0.081) as well as the distance from the BCG to the X-ray peak of the host cluster (with a slope of -7.546{\pm}2.752). The latter indicates a possible relation between the formation of the cluster and that of the central galaxy.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1104.2376v