31 research outputs found

    Wychowanie fizyczne – praca z uczniem zdolnym

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    Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Opracowanie i wdrożenie kompleksowego systemu pracy z uczniem zdolnym”Publikacja współfinansowana przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg

    Dziecięca matematyka

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    W rozdziale tym przedstawiono tradycyjne metody kształtowania kompetencji matematycznych dzieci, takie jak metoda samodzielnych doświadczeń, kierowania aktywnością, zadań i ćwiczeń; metody oparte na pokazie, przykładzie, udostępnianiu sztuki, rozmowie, opowiadaniu, zagadce, objaśnieniu, instrukcji, wierszu i piosence, czy też metody żywego słowa. Omówiono także alternatywne strategie, takie jak: metody bazujące na koncepcji pedagogicznej Montessori, Froebla, Steinera, Domana czy Friedrich, de Galgóczy i Schindelhauer, a także Naglaka, Rokity i Rzepy. Pokazano również nowe, oparte na technologiach informacyjno-komunikacyjnych, przestrzenie aktywności matematycznych: środowisko rzeczywistości wirtualnej i cyberparków. Odniesiono się ponadto do uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami matematycznymi, którzy wymagają jeszcze innych metod pracy. W tym kontekście wyjaśniono różnice między takimi problemami z matematyką jak akalkulia, dyskalkulia czy specyficzne trudności matematyczne. Wreszcie ukazano to, jak rozpoznać w klasie uczniów uzdolnionych matematycznie, jak z nimi pracować oraz wyróżniono kompetencje zawodowe, które powinien posiadać nauczyciel takich uczniów. Rozdział kończy krótkie podsumowanie zachęcające do refleksji nad procesem nauczania matematyki

    PE students’ preparation (or its lack) for physical education teaching apprenticeships

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    Background. Before introducing changes into study programs one needs to recognize areas of strengths and weaknesses in current practice. In the case of physical education, school apprenticeship is one of the critical elements of pre-service teachers’ preparation. The aim of the study was to measure the level of physical education students and teachers in terms of their practical preparation for school teaching. Material and methods. In the design of the study an action research model has been employed. For collecting data a self-designed questionnaire was developed including questions in three areas: organizational, didactic and socio-cultural, using 5-point Likert scale. A sample of 128 second-year students of physical education (62 female and 66 male students) and a sample of 44 PE teachers (16 men and 28 women) were examined. Results. Both the students and pre-service teachers indicated the lowest competence in organizational aspects while the highest one in sociocultural aspects. Whereas in-service PE teachers assessed their highest competence in organizational aspects. Generally, in-service teachers’ self-evaluation was higher than the students’ one in all aspects. Conclusions. Findings showed which areas need stronger emphasis during the course of studies before students are sent to school for teacher apprenticeship. A dissonance between the examined in-service teachers’ high self-evaluation and rather inadequate tutoring of students during school teacher apprenticeship reported in other research studies is worth testing in more in-depth studies

    Nonlinear pedagogy – the application in physical culture

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    Praca jest próbą przedstawienia alternatywnej metody w procesie nauczania wychowania fizycznego. Obecnie najistotniejszym problemem wychowania fizycznego jest jego mała atrakcyjność w stosunku do innych form aktywności dostępnych dla młodzieży, takich jak nowoczesne technologie. Podczas lekcji wychowania fizycznego uczniowie czują się znudzeni i rozczarowani. Istnieje potrzeba stworzenia przyjaznego i atrakcyjnego środowiska dla uczniów podczas każdej lekcji. Pomocna może być tu nielinearna pedagogika będąca holistycznym podłożem teoretycznym dla Teaching Games for Understanding, postrzegająca ucznia jako współtwórcę procesu nauczania. W artykule pokazano różnicę pomiędzy podejściem tradycyjnym a nielinearnym względem wymiaru technicznego, taktycznego oraz mentalnego. Ideą nielinearnej pedagogiki jest ukazanie różnych dróg dojścia do określonego celu oraz zwrócenie uwagi na brak idealnego wzorca ruchowego i wzorowego rozwiązania w sytuacjach boiskowych. Uczniowie rozwijani są poprzez modelowanie zmiennymi dotyczącymi uczestnika, środowiska oraz zadania, dzięki czemu nauczyciel ma możliwość dużej indywidualizacji procesu. Dzięki ukierunkowanemu odkrywaniu uczeń ma poczucie autonomii podczas zajęć. Nielinearna pedagogika może zwiększyć wkład wychowania fizycznego w rozwój jakości życia uczniów, wyposażając ich w umiejętności życiowe oraz zachęcając do aktywnego spędzania czasu wolnego.The paper is an attempt to present an alternative approach to teaching physical education. The main problem of current physical education is its low attractiveness as compared with other forms of activity available for youth, such as those offered by new technologies. During physical education classes, students feel bored and disappointed. There is a need to create a friendly, attractive environment for pupils during each class. The problem could be helped by nonlinear pedagogy, which is the holistic theoretical basis for Teaching Games for Understanding; it perceives a student as a co-creator of the learning process. The paper indicates the difference between the traditional and nonlinear approaches with respect to the technical, tactical, and mental dimensions. The idea of nonlinear pedagogy is to show that there is no one ideal pattern of movement or perfect solution in game situations. Students can develop through modelling with variables referring to the participant, environment, or task. Thus, the teacher can apply strongly individualized strategies. Owing to guided discovering, students can experience their autonomy in class. Nonlinear pedagogy can enhance the contribution of physical education to the development of students’ quality of life, equipping them with life skills and encouraging to active leisure

    The Role of Sports Practice in Young Adolescent Development of Moral Competence

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    The study examined the moral competence levels in adolescents participating in individual/team sports compared with those not undertaking sports at all. In total, 827 students aged 15–17 years old (45.4% boys, 54.6% girls) from randomly selected secondary schools in the Wielkopolska region in Poland participated in the study. The moral competences were assessed using the Lind’s Moral Competence Test. The students also answered questions concerning their statues of involvement in sport (not involved; amateur; professional), years of involvement, and the type of sport they partook in (individual/team). The results highlight that the moral competence level in most of the examined adolescents (71.6% girls, 76.8% boys) was low. Those who presented a high moral competence level were 10.4% in girls, 8% in boys. There was no interaction between modes of involvement in sport and moral competence when comparing adolescents. The moral competence levels were not correlated with years of training in either mode of involvement or with type of sports. Therefore, we assume that, at this age, the type of sport and the level of engagement do not differentiate moral competence level and that there must be more factors contributing to this. This opens new directions for further research on the role of external factors stimulating the socio-moral growth of youth

    Are There Any Differences between First Grade Boys and Girls in Physical Fitness, Physical Activity, BMI, and Sedentary Behavior? Results of HCSC Study

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    The transition from kindergarten to school is associated with a variety of negative changes. After entry to elementary school physical activity level decreases. Moreover, physical fitness level of children over the past decades have rapidly declined. Children are spending an increasing amount of time in the environments that require constant sitting. We evaluated the differences between boys and girls in physical fitness, frequency of undertaking of different forms of physical activity, prevalence of underweight and overweight, and time spent on sedentary behavior. A total of 212 first grade pupils (mean age 6.95 ± 0.43) from two standard urban schools in Poznań participated in the study. Compared to girls, boys obtained better results in 20-meter run (4.9 s and 5.0 s, p < 0.01), sit-ups (16.8 and 15.3, p < 0.05), six-minute run (829.7 m and 766.4 m, p < 0.001), and standing broad jump (106.8 cm and 99.7 cm, p < 0.01). In the sit-and-reach test girls achieved higher results than boys (17.0 cm and 14.4 cm, p < 0.001). There were no gender differences in prevalence of underweight and overweight. In conclusions, difference between genders should be taken into consideration during designing physical activity programs in the aspects of intensity and forms of physical activities

    Moderate Effects of School-Based Time Increasing Physical Education Intervention on Physical Fitness and Activity of 7-Year Pupils—A Report from a Follow-Up of a HCSC Study

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    We evaluated the effectiveness of a 15-week intervention that increased from three to five lessons of physical education (PE) a week on 7-year-old boys’ and girls’ physical fitness (PF), physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour on week and weekend days. A total of 212 first grade pupils (mean age 6.95 ± 0.43) from two urban schools in Poznań were randomly assigned to the experimental or control groups. The PF was measured with a battery of field tests, while health-related behaviours were assessed with the Healthy Children in Sound Communities questionnaire. There were some interaction effects noticed in the PF scores in the case of a 20-min run for boys (F2,196 = 5.29, p = 0.0058) and for girls (F2,220 = 3.31, p = 0.0382) and the sit-ups test for boys (F2,196 = 1.93, p = 0.1478) and for girls (F2,220 = 3.98, p = 0.0201) and for the sit and reach test in the case of girls (F2,220 = 3.98, p = 0.0201). In terms of outdoor PA levels, there were no major differences between any of the examined groups. Differences were found between girls from the experimental and control groups in the post-test (p = 0.0107) and follow-up (p = 0.0390) during the weekdays, with no differences between the groups of boys. Despite the moderate effects of the extended PE time programme right after the intervention, there were some indications of progress in the follow-up experiments

    The importance of coordination of hand movements in development of graphomotor skills in children aged 6–7 years

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    Background. The abilities to maintain control of a particular body position, coordination and fluidity of movements are important factors in acquiring new skills during school education. Material and methods. The experimental group consisted of 25 students aged 6–7 years attending the first grade of a primary school in Poznań. We used standardized tests of graphomotor efficiency in children to assess the level and velocity of writing and measure velocity of hand movements. Results. Children aged 6 are faster in following the graphic letter symbols then their older classmates, however, older pupils present a higher graphic quality of the symbols. A significant positive correlation between the speed of hand movements and the rate of graphomotor movements was noticed in younger children, but not in older ones. Conclusions. The level of fine motor skills is different in the six-year-olds and seven-year-olds. This has to be taken into consideration in the developmental process and acquisition of new motor skills