20 research outputs found

    Una aplicación educacional para el diseño de productos y sistemas de ingeniería utilizando modelos conceptuales integrados

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    [ES] This article describes the use and application of a new methodology that has been developed for the conceptual design of new products, which emphasizes those innovating characteristics in design processes, thus fostering creative development. This is a dynamic model based on a cyclic thought that keeps the prescriptions that have been applied or decided without restrain by the designer. It comprises a broad range of disjointing and development degrees regarding their definition, while making it possible to record information during the whole process. Its application and further analysis for product conceptual development, such as their use in research works makes it feasible to undertake fundamental issues with respect to design and to have them transferred as the design own characteristics. Likewise, a teaching practice where the design has been used in engineering is shown, along with the outcomes that have been achieved. This model was applied in two groups of students who had some experience in product design. The model has assumed timing decrease, which in turn brought about results when compared with previous years. The use of this model manages knowledge on a separate fashion while using drawings as a representative synthesis, based on theoretical models that make up the product theoretical features according to the objectives that had been established. This model can be used as a guideline, since it completely states working patterns and, therefore, providing greater benefits, since in besides guiding students/designers in its application, it also implies an organized and structured manner of information gathering, thus making the suggested product further introduction and reasoning easier[EN] This article describes the use and application of a new methodology that has been developed for the conceptual design of new products, which emphasizes those innovating characteristics in design processes, thus fostering creative development. This is a dynamic model based on a cyclic thought that keeps the prescriptions that have been applied or decided without restrain by the designer. It comprises a broad range of disjointing and development degrees regarding their definition, while making it possible to record information during the whole process. Its application and further analysis for product conceptual development, such as their use in research works makes it feasible to undertake fundamental issues with respect to design and to have them transferred as the design own characteristics. Likewise, a teaching practice where the design has been used in engineering is shown, along with the outcomes that have been achieved. This model was applied in two groups of students who had some experience in product design. The model has assumed timing decrease, which in turn brought about results when compared with previous years. The use of this model manages knowledge on a separate fashion while using drawings as a representative synthesis, based on theoretical models that make up the product theoretical features according to the objectives that had been established. This model can be used as a guideline, since it completely states working patterns and, therefore, providing greater benefits, since in besides guiding students/designers in its application, it also implies an organized and structured manner of information gathering, thus making the suggested product further introduction and reasoning easierHernandis Ortuño, B.; Briede Westermeyer, JC. (2009). An Educatonal Application for a Product design and Engineering systems using integrated conceptual models. Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería (Online). 17(3):432-442. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/136475S43244217

    Nuevos modelos para la innovación en el diseño conceptual de productos: "Mapa del estado del arte de la propuesta conceptual" (New tools for product conceptual design: "State map of art in the conceptual proposal")

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    El siguiente artículo trata sobre el desarrollo y aplicación de un modelo visual que organiza y orienta el estado del arte a partir de la definición teórica del producto. Un mapa conceptual que permite realizar un análisis del estado del arte en torno a una propuesta conceptual de un nuevo producto. Esta propuesta teórica nombra y especifica, mediante el uso de la palabra, cualidades y atributos del producto. Éstos son analizados de manera desagregada y se buscan soluciones y principios en los productos que existen en el entorno y en el mercado. Estos atributos se estructuran en diversos niveles; la competencia directa (tipología de producto con mismo atributo), principios de funcionamientos, analogías en el mundo artificial y luego en el mundo natural.Este modelo integra de manera simultánea el enfoque metodológico de la observación con el estudio del estado del arte, en una herramienta visual que facilita la estructuración de la información y su presentación, sirviendo de registro y diagrama para hacer más consciente la toma de decisiones y relaciones efectuadas en el proceso creativo. Se ejemplifican con el estudio y desarrollo de artefactos y accesorios de cocina para la industria Virutex-ilko con estudiantes de último año de la carrera de Diseño Industrial de la Universidad del Bío-Bío. Esta herramienta facilitó, indudablemente, el proceso de selección y organización del estado del arte, permitiendo contrastar de manera inmediata las relaciones conceptuales y constructivas, sirviendo de medio para facilitar el proceso creativo, orientado a la innovación de productos. Una herramienta integradora que facilita la gestión del conocimiento, tanto para apoyar el proceso cognitivo y la toma de decisiones en torno al diseño así como de registro para complementar el proceso de comunicación con clientes. AbstractThis article will deal with the developing and implementation of a visual model that organizes and directs the technique state starting with the theoric definition of the product. A new conceptual map that allow us to test the art state through a new conceptual proposal of a product. This theoric proposal mentions and specifies the qualities and attributes of the product through the use of words. These are analized in a separated way, and also look for solutions and principles in the products, those that exist in the environment as well as in the market. These attributes are structured in different levels, from direct competition, (typology of the product with the same attribute) performance within the artificial world and then analogies in the natural world.This model simultaneously incorporates the methodologic approach of observation and the study of the art state in a visual tool which makes easier both, the organization and the data presentation. It is very useful as a record and as a diagram to make conscious the decisions and relations carried out during the creative process. In this way, this work tell us about the methodologic approach applied by the School of Design in Universidad del Bío-Bío, in which the model and the principal criterion of its structure were based. This is going to be exemplified through the study and develop of kitchen devices and accessories for Virutex-Ilko company by senior students. Unquestionably, this tool makes easier the selection and organization processes of the art state, allowing us to contrast immediately the conceptual and constructive relationships between the theoric and concrete attributes. The map directs the creative process throught the products innovation. An integrating tool that makes knowledge management easier, both to assist cognitive process and decision making regarding design, as well as for a record to complement communication process with customers

    Alfabetización en Diseño, o el Diseño de Individuos de Postindustria

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    La educación formal en los términos que la conocemos hasta ahora puede estar viviendo su último período. El incremento de la población educada y el creciente proceso de individuación social están modificando la relación de los sujetos con las instituciones. Los cambios de la estructura social están transformando como nunca antes a las formas del trabajo y tendrá efectos sobre las biografías de grandes porciones de la población. El determinismo tecnológico y el modelo crecentista se encuentran desbordados y por tanto, la actualización demandará nuevas formas de alfabetización para los mundos futuros. El presente trabajo pretende ilustrar la relación entre la alfabetización (literacy) como método analítico del Diseño y parte del sistema de educación terciaria, y la exploración de éste como instrumento de individuación crítica dentro de las sociedades postmodernas. Postulamos que la co-creación como herramienta integradora puede tener un lugar central en los procesos de Diseño, pero también resultará útil en el fortalecimiento de los aprendizajes personales para enfrentar la segregación social y la exclusión de las minorías en la sociedad actual.Formal education as we know it may be experiencing its last period. The increase of the educated population and the growing process of social individuation are modifying the relationship between individuals and institutions. Changes in social structures are transforming the ways we work as never before and will have effects on the biographies of large portions of the population. Technological determinism and the growth model are overwhelmed, and therefore update will demand new forms of literacy for future worlds. This paper seeks to illustrate the relationship between literacy as an analytical method of Design education in tertiary education and literacy’s exploration as an instrument of critical individuation within postmodern societies. We propose that co-creation as an integrating tool can have a central place in Design processes, but will also be useful in strengthening personal learning to face social segregation and the exclusion of minorities in today's society

    New Methods in Design Education: The Systemic Methodology and the Use of Sketch in the Conceptual Design Stage

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    [EN] This study describes the application of a new product concurrent design methodologies in the context in the education of industrial design. The use of the sketch has been utilized many times as a tool of creative expression especially in the conceptual design stage, in an intuitive way and a little out of the context of the reality needs that the design should be attended. This methodology systematizes and guides the process of sketching by means of a conceptual model and a geometric model toward a feasible solution, complementing the role of the sketch in the phase of a product conceptual design. The model describes its operating principles, as well as the phases of implementation in the context of teaching the industrial design illustrated with projects carried out in the workshop of conceptual design of the University Technical College of Valencia and University of the Bío-Bío, Chile. Finally, we discuss the implementation of the systemic models, their relation with the optimisation of the sketching process in the conceptual design stage, and their implications in the educational contextBriede Westermeyer, JC.; Hernandis Ortuño, B. (2011). New Methods in Design Education: The Systemic Methodology and the Use of Sketch in the Conceptual Design Stage. US-China Education Review. 8(1):118-128. https://doi.org/10.17265/2161-623X/2011.01A.014S1181288

    Mobile Phone Use by the Elderly: Relationship between Usability, Social Activity, and the Environment

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    [EN] Mobile phones have caused diverging opinions regarding the change in communication patterns and the isolation among young people. However, in the case of the elderly, there are positive ef ects related to their use, their social activity, and their environmental awareness. This study connects these three variables beginning with the mobile telephone use by the elderly. A sample of 399 self-reliant elderly people was interviewed in Chile, where 159 had mobile phones. They answered the Usefulness, Satisfaction and Ease of Use Questionnaire (USE) and a series of questions about the environment and social life developed from previous studies. The results were analyzed using a multiple correspondence and correlation analysis. A high correlation between the three variables was found. Hence, a higher usability of mobile phones was associated with higher social activity and a higher environmental concern. These results showed that a design approach for the elderly could increase satisfaction regarding the use of a product and, as a result, improve communication with their social setting. From an environmental point of view, an indirect relationship was seen between the selection, use, and expectations of the end of life of the products.This research was funded by CONICYT FONDECYT grant number 1171037.Briede-Westermeyer, JC.; Pacheco-Blanco, B.; Luzardo-Briceño, M.; Pérez-Villalobos, C. (2020). Mobile Phone Use by the Elderly: Relationship between Usability, Social Activity, and the Environment. Sustainability. 12(7):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12072690S114127WHO Envejecimiento y ciclo de vida https://www.who.int/ageing/about/facts/es/Indice de envejecimiento de las Americas https://public.tableau.com/views/EnvSal_IndiceEnvejecimiento_viz1/Dashboard1?:embed=yes&:toolbar=yes&:showVizHome=noLife Expectancy and Mortality at Older Ages https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/popfacts/PopFacts_2013-8_new.pdfShaw, L. H., & Gant, L. M. (2002). In Defense of the Internet: The Relationship between Internet Communication and Depression, Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Perceived Social Support. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 5(2), 157-171. doi:10.1089/109493102753770552Vlontzos, G., Kyrgiakos, L., & Duquenne, M. (2018). What Are the Main Drivers of Young Consumers Purchasing Traditional Food Products? European Field Research. Foods, 7(2), 22. doi:10.3390/foods7020022Gu, F., Summers, P. A., & Hall, P. (2019). Recovering materials from waste mobile phones: Recent technological developments. Journal of Cleaner Production, 237, 117657. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117657Bouma, H., Fozard, J. L., Bouwhuis, D. G., & Taipale, V. T. (2007). Gerontechnology in perspective. Gerontechnology, 6(4). doi:10.4017/gt.2007., A., Rollwagen, I., & Neven, L. (2014). The rise of the «innosumer»—Rethinking older technology users. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 82, 199-214. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2013.06.013Righi, V., Sayago, S., & Blat, J. (2017). When we talk about older people in HCI, who are we talking about? Towards a ‘turn to community’ in the design of technologies for a growing ageing population. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 108, 15-31. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.06.005Suckling, J., & Lee, J. (2015). Redefining scope: the true environmental impact of smartphones? The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20(8), 1181-1196. doi:10.1007/s11367-015-0909-4Gartner Gartner says smartphone sales grew 46.5 percent in second quarter of 2013 and exceeded feature phone sales for first time http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2573415Tanskanen, P. (2013). Management and recycling of electronic waste. Acta Materialia, 61(3), 1001-1011. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.11.005OECD Enviroment Directorate Materials Case Study 1: Critical Metals and Mobile Devices http://www.oecd.org/environment/waste/46132634.pdfOngondo, F. O., & Williams, I. D. (2011). Mobile phone collection, reuse and recycling in the UK. Waste Management, 31(6), 1307-1315. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2011.01.032Zambrano-Monserrate, M. A., & Alejandra Ruano, M. (2020). Do you need a bag? Analyzing the consumption behavior of plastic bags of households in Ecuador. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 152, 104489. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104489Sun, Y., Liu, N., & Zhao, M. (2019). Factors and mechanisms affecting green consumption in China: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 209, 481-493. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.241Shahsavar, T., Kubeš, V., & Baran, D. (2020). Willingness to pay for eco-friendly furniture based on demographic factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 250, 119466. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119466Gutiérrez, E., Adenso-Díaz, B., Lozano, S., & González-Torre, P. (2010). A competing risks approach for time estimation of household WEEE disposal. Waste Management, 30(8-9), 1643-1652. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2010.02.032Pacheco-Blanco, B., Martínez-Gómez, M., Collado-Ruiz, D., & Capuz-Rizo, S. (2018). Sustainable Information in Shoe Purchase Decisions: Relevance of Data Based on Source. Sustainability, 10(4), 1170. doi:10.3390/su10041170SANHUEZA PARRA, M., CASTRO SALAS, M., & MERINO ESCOBAR, J. M. (2005). ADULTOS MAYORES FUNCIONALES: UN NUEVO CONCEPTO EN SALUD. Ciencia y enfermería, 11(2). doi:10.4067/s0717-95532005000200004Proposed Working Definition of an Older Person in Africa for the MDS Project https://www.who.int/healthinfo/survey/ageingdefnolder/en/Glosario Gerontologico http://www.senama.gob.cl/storage/docs/GLOSARIO_GERONTOLOGICO.pdfManual de Aplicación del Examen de Medicina Preventiva del Adulto Mayor https://www.minsal.cl/portal/url/item/ab1f81f43ef0c2a6e04001011e011907Luzardo, M., Márquez, V., Segovia, H., & Rangel, K. (2016). Índice de pobreza multivariante a través de la III Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos Famililares 2004-2005. Comunicaciones en Estadística, 9(2), 199. doi:10.15332/s2027-3355.2016.0002.02Subnational Human Development Index (4.0) Biobío region 2017 https://globaldatalab.org/shdi/INE Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas Chile Resultados CENSO 2017 región del Biobío http://resultados.censo2017.cl/Region?R=R0

    Concurrent sketching model for the industrial product conceptual design

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    [EN] Conceptual design is one of the earliest stages of product development, and is responsible for defining key aspects of the final product. The systematic approach addresses this stage by using a disaggregate model of product attributes and their corresponding geometries. This ultimately serves as a starting point for exploring conceptual proposals. Research into the emergence of various sketch typologies shows that they are labeled according to aim rather than technical utility. The proposed sketch-based model is intended to serve as a comprehensive version of the systematic model for conceptual design (Hernandis & Briede, 2009). Sketch outlines are used during various stages of the model in order to enable and visually assist with cognitive processes and decision-making during the initial theoretical stages, which are abstract and poorly defined.[ES] El diseño conceptual, en el diseño de nuevos productos, es la etapa temprana donde se definen aspectos claves del producto final. El enfoque sistémico aborda dicha fase a través de un modelo de desagregación teórica de los atributos del producto y su asociación a geometrías que las representen, sirviendo de base para realizar la exploración de la propuesta conceptual. La investigación en torno al origen de las diversas tipologías de boceto demuestra que se nombran en función de su propósito más que en su instrumentalización técnica. El modelo de abocetado concurrente planteado busca ser un modelo ampliado del modelo sistémico para el diseño conceptual (Hernandis&Briede, 2009), que asocia el uso de las tipologías de boceto a las diversas etapas del modelo para facilitar y apoyar visualmente los procesos cognitivos y la toma de decisiones en etapas teóricas iniciales, poco definidas y muy abstractas.Los autores agradecen a la comisión nacional Científica &Tecnológica por financiar este trabajo a través de Fondecyt Nº 11121570 y al fondo FAPEI de la Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad del Bío-Bío. A D.I. Jorge Cartes Sanhueza por colaborar con material gráfico de su proyecto: “Accessories for safety and visibility in the region of the head of the rider: Chromatic persuasion helmet with geodetic dissipation system for urban cyclists”.Briede Westermeyer, JC.; Cabello Mora, M.; Hernandis Ortuño, B. (2014). Modelo de abocetado concurrente para el diseño conceptual de productos industriales. DYNA. 81(187):199-208. https://doi.org/10.15446/dyna.v81n187.41068S1992088118

    The need to inhabit beyond the space: Design of object-based responses for emergency housing

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    The current article deals with the methodological approach that must be considered in order to develop object-based responses within the context of emergency housing. The user-focused design is an approach that involves the final user in the project decisions from the outset of the design process. The application of this methodology not only permits the identification of basic needs but also demonstrates other requirements for habitation related to more complex needs, which cannot be fulfilled without considering every aspect of the individual inhabitant (physical, psychological, emotional and cultural) in the planning of possible solutions. Here, the methodological approach and its implementation in the educational context is presented, as well as the factors to be considered when designing solutions that satisfy people’s needs and requirements to improve their living conditions in an emergency situation.El presente artículo trata sobre el enfoque metodológico que hay que considerar para el desarrollo de implementación objetual en el contexto de viviendas de emergencias. El diseño centrado en el usuario es un planteamiento que involucra al usuario final desde el inicio del proceso de diseño, haciéndolo participe en las decisiones del proyecto. La aplicación de esta metodología permitió identificar necesidades básicas y la manifestación de otros requerimientos que pertenecen también al habitar y tienen que ver con necesidades más complejas que para ser abordadas presuponen considerar al individuo en todas sus áreas (física-psíquica-emocional-cultural) al momento de proyectar posibles soluciones. Así se presentará el enfoque metodológico, su aplicación en el contexto educacional y además se dará cuenta de los factores a considerar en el diseño de soluciones que satisfagan las necesidades y requerimientos de las personas para hacer más digno su habitar en esta situación de emergencia

    Alfabetización en Diseño, o el Diseño de Individuos de Postindustria

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    Formal education as we know it may be experiencing its last period. The increase of the educated population and the growing process of social individuation are modifying the relationship between individuals and institutions. Changes in social structures are transforming the ways we work as never before and will have effects on the biographies of large portions of the population. Technological determinism and the growth model are overwhelmed, and therefore update will demand new forms of literacy for future worlds. This paper seeks to illustrate the relationship between literacy as an analytical method of Design education in tertiary education and literacy’s exploration as an instrument of critical individuation within postmodern societies. We propose that co-creation as an integrating tool can have a central place in Design processes, but will also be useful in strengthening personal learning to face social segregation and the exclusion of minorities in today's society.La educación formal en los términos que la conocemos hasta ahora puede estar viviendo su último período. El incremento de la población educada y el creciente proceso de individuación social están modificando la relación de los sujetos con las instituciones. Los cambios de la estructura social están transformando como nunca antes a las formas del trabajo y tendrá efectos sobre las biografías de grandes porciones de la población. El determinismo tecnológico y el modelo crecentista se encuentran desbordados y por tanto, la actualización demandará nuevas formas de alfabetización para los mundos futuros. El presente trabajo pretende ilustrar la relación entre la alfabetización (literacy) como método analítico del Diseño y parte del sistema de educación terciaria, y la exploración de éste como instrumento de individuación crítica dentro de las sociedades postmodernas. Postulamos que la co-creación como herramienta integradora puede tener un lugar central en los procesos de Diseño, pero también resultará útil en el fortalecimiento de los aprendizajes personales para enfrentar la segregación social y la exclusión de las minorías en la sociedad actual


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    This article describes the use and application of a new methodology that has been developed for the conceptual design of new products, which emphasizes those innovating characteristics in design processes, thus fostering creative development. This is a dynamic model based on a cyclic thought that keeps the prescriptions that have been applied or decided without restrain by the designer. It comprises a broad range of disjointing and development degrees regarding their definition, while making it possible to record information during the whole process. Its application and further analysis for product conceptual development, such as their use in research works makes it feasible to undertake fundamental issues with respect to design and to have them transferred as the design own characteristics. Likewise, a teaching practice where the design has been used in engineering is shown, along with the outcomes that have been achieved. This model was applied in two groups of students who had some experience in product design. The model has assumed timing decrease, which in turn brought about results when compared with previous years. The use of this model manages knowledge on a separate fashion while using drawings as a representative synthesis, based on theoretical models that make up the product theoretical features according to the objectives that had been established. This model can be used as a guideline, since it completely states working patterns and, therefore, providing greater benefits, since in besides guiding students/designers in its application, it also implies an organized and structured manner of information gathering, thus making the suggested product further introduction and reasoning easier.El presente artículo describe el uso y la aplicación de una nueva metodología desarrollada para el diseño conceptual de nuevos productos que refuerza aquellos aspectos innovadores del proceso de diseño fomentando el desarrollo creativo. Es un modelo dinámico basado en el pensamiento cíclico que mantiene las prescripciones impuestas o decididas libremente por el diseñador. Contempla amplios grados de desagregación y desarrollo en su definición y permite registrar la información durante todo el proceso. Su aplicación y posterior análisis para el desarrollo conceptual de productos como su uso en investigación permite abordar los aspectos fundamentales que contempla el diseño y transferirlos como características implícitas en éste. También se muestra una de las prácticas docentes en que se ha utilizado el diseño en ingeniería, como así también los resultados obtenidos. El modelo se aplicó a dos grupos de alumnos con experiencia en diseño de productos. Este modelo ha supuesto una reducción de tiempos que mejoró los resultados comparativos de años anteriores. La utilización del modelo gestiona el conocimiento de manera separada y utiliza el dibujo como síntesis representativa, basada en los modelos teóricos que estructuran los atributos teóricos del producto según los objetivos planteados. Es un modelo que sirve de guía, pues determina totalmente las pautas de trabajo generando mayores beneficios, ya que además de guiar al alumno/diseñador en su aplicación implica una manera organizada y estructurada de recogida de información facilitando su posterior presentación y razonamiento del problema propuesto