1,877 research outputs found

    Erratum to ``The estimation of the growth and redistribution components of changes in poverty: a reassessment'''

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    This erratum corrects some typos and misspecifications in Bresson (2008).

    O instante decisivo de Henri Cartier Bresson e a indexação: um estudo exploratório de métodos de indexação de fotografias

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    The research presents methods of indexing photographs from the perspective of Henri Cartier Bresson 's work and the decisive instant. The methodology of the work is exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach, using documental research procedures, survey and content analysis. The research was based on the method of classification and indexing by studying the best indexing method for the photographs of Henri Cartier-Bresson, in order to extract as much information as possible from the visual representation of the document (photographs), and to minimize the losses in this transcription. For this, we used the four methods of indexing of photographs developed by the authors Panofsky (1986), Smit (1986), Manini (2002) and Rodrigues (2007), applying them to three (03) Bresson photographs. After the application, we performed a comparative analysis and discussion of the results.ords at maximum

    Oliveira e Bresson: o 'ver' e o 'ser' da Sétima Arte

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    Estudo sobre a herança de Robert Bresson na estética cinematográfica de Manoel de Oliveira: pontos de contacto e de divergência.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Oscillations in a maturation model of blood cell production.

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    We present a mathematical model of blood cell production which describes both the development of cells through the cell cycle, and the maturation of these cells as they differentiate to form the various mature blood cell types. The model differs from earlier similar ones by considering primitive stem cells as a separate population from the differentiating cells, and this formulation removes an apparent inconsistency in these earlier models. Three different controls are included in the model: proliferative control of stem cells, proliferative control of differentiating cells, and peripheral control of stem cell committal rate. It is shown that an increase in sensitivity of these controls can cause oscillations to occur through their interaction with time delays associated with proliferation and differentiation, respectively. We show that the characters of these oscillations are quite distinct and suggest that the model may explain an apparent superposition of fast and slow oscillations which can occur in cyclical neutropenia. © 2006 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

    A Study of the Hoesch-Houben Synthesis in the Preparation of Aromatic Ketimines and Hydroxy-Phenyl Iminoesters

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    This synthesis involves the condensation of a phenol with a nitrile (aliphatic or aromatic). It is effected by the passage of dry hydrogen chloride through their solution in anhydrous ether, with or without the addition of dry zinc chloride. Anhydrous aluminum chloride was substituted for zinc chloride in some cases

    Spartan Daily, January 24, 2003

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    Volume 120, Issue 2https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9798/thumbnail.jp

    Password-based group key exchange in a constant number of rounds

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    Abstract. With the development of grids, distributed applications are spread across multiple computing resources and require efficient security mechanisms among the processes. Although protocols for authenticated group Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocols seem to be the natural mechanisms for supporting these applications, current solutions are either limited by the use of public key infrastructures or by their scalability, requiring a number of rounds linear in the number of group members. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose in this paper the first provably-secure password-based constant-round group key exchange protocol. It is based on the protocol of Burmester and Desmedt and is provably-secure in the random-oracle and ideal-cipher models, under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. The new protocol is very efficient and fully scalable since it only requires four rounds of communication and four multi-exponentiations per user. Moreover, the new protocol avoids intricate authentication infrastructures by relying on passwords for authentication.

    Tonal prisms: iterated quantization in chromatic tonality and Ravel's 'Ondine'

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    The mathematics of second-order maximal evenness has far-reaching potential for application in music analysis. One of its assets is its foundation in an inherently continuous conception of pitch, a feature it shares with voice-leading geometries. This paper reformulates second-order maximal evenness as iterated quantization in voice-leading spaces, discusses the implications of viewing diatonic triads as second-order maximally even sets for the understanding of nineteenth-century modulatory schemes, and applies a second-order maximally even derivation of acoustic collections in an in-depth analysis of Ravel's ‘Ondine’. In the interaction between these two very different applications, the paper generalizes the concepts and analytical methods associated with iterated quantization and also pursues a broader argument about the mutual dependence of mathematical music theory and music analysis.Accepted manuscrip

    Kairos, the decisive moment

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    En este artículo haremos un recorrido conceptual por el término y las problemáticas de la fotografía, utilizando la figura de Cartier-Bresson como hilo conductor. Tras intentar determinar las características que la definen, analizaremos la relación de la misma con la pintura; trataremos de ver, a continuación, diferentes opiniones y posturas acerca de si puede o no considerarse arte; y apuntaremos, en última instancia, ciertos cambios en el concepto de belleza que ha conllevado esta nueva forma de reproducir el mundo.: In this article we will explore the concept and problems of photography, using the figure of Cartier-Bresson as the thread that runs through the entire essay. After trying to determine the characteristics that define it, we will analyses the relationship between photography and painting. Then, we will attempt to see the different opinions and points of view about whether photography can or cannot be considered art. Finally, we will state certain changes in the concept of beauty that has led to this new way of reproducing the world