2,361 research outputs found

    Constructing Numerical Semigroups of a Given Genus

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    Let n_g denote the number of numerical semigroups of genus g. Bras-Amoros conjectured that n_g possesses certain Fibonacci-like properties. Almost all previous attempts at proving this conjecture were based on analyzing the semigroup tree. We offer a new, simpler approach to counting numerical semigroups of a given genus. Our method gives direct constructions of families of numerical semigroups, without referring to the generators or the semigroup tree. In particular, we give an improved asymptotic lower bound for n_g.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; accepted by Semigroup Foru

    Herstructurering industrieel erfgoed in plattelandsgebieden

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    Het onderzoek van de afstudeergroep [email protected] is een poging tot aanvulling en verdieping van onderzoek van DAAD. Het architectenbureau verricht research naar een reeks industriële erfgoederen (in plattelandsgebieden) met de bedoeling een nieuwe ontwerpmethodiek te formuleren. Het bureau probeert op deze wijze de structurele leegstand van industriepanden tegen te gaan. De nieuwe ontwerpmethodiek moet het (financieel) aantrekkelijker moeten maken om de oude silo’s te herstructureren, en daarmee de dikwijls gebiedseigen panden behouden van sloop. DAAD heeft daartoe een aantal vragen opgesteld die als weegfactor kunnen dienen voor de verlenging van de levensduur van het erfgoed

    Recent experiments on a small-angle/wide-angle X-ray scattering beam line at the ESRF

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    Recent results using a new combined small-angle/wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) beam line at the European Synchrotron Radiation Source (ESRF) will be presented. This beam line is specifically designed to be able to handle complicated sample environments required to perform time-resolved experiments mimicking processing conditions used in material science. Besides the attention that has been given to the interfacing of these sample environments to the beam line data acquisition system also the developments in detector technology will be discussed. The influence that a high count rate and low noise WAXS detector can have on the accuracy of experimental results in polymer crystallisation will be shown. It is shown that it is feasible to detect crystalline volume fractions as low as 10(-3)-10(-4) in polymeric systems

    Patterns on the numerical duplication by their admissibility degree

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    We develop the theory of patterns on numerical semigroups in terms of the admissibility degree. We prove that the Arf pattern induces every strongly admissible pattern, and determine all patterns equivalent to the Arf pattern. We study patterns on the numerical duplication SdES \Join^d E when d0d \gg0. We also provide a definition of patterns on rings

    Effect of hydrogen addition on the consumption speed of lean premixed laminar methane flames exposed to combined strain and heat loss

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    This study presents a numerical analysis of the impact of hydrogen addition on the consumption speed of premixed lean methane-air laminar flames exposed to combined strain and heat loss. Equivalence ratios of 0.9, 0.7, and 0.5 with fuel mixture composition ranging from pure methane to pure hydrogen are considered to cover a wide range of conditions in the lean region. The 1-D asymmetric counter-flow premixed laminar flame aCFPF with heat loss on the product side is considered as a flamelet configuration that represents an elementary unit of a turbulent flame and the consumption speed is used to characterize the effect of strain and heat loss. Due to the ambiguity in the definition of the consumption speed of multi-component mixtures, two definitions are compared. The definition of the consumption speed based on the heat release results in lower values of the stretched flame speed and even an opposite response to strain rate for some methane-hydrogen-air mixtures compared to the definition based on the fuel consumption. Strain rate leads to an increase in the flame speed for the lean methane-hydrogen mixtures, reaching a maximum value after which the flame speed decreases with strain rate. Heat loss decreases the stretched flame speed and leads to a sooner extinction of the flamelet due to combined strain and heat loss. Hydrogen addition and equivalence ratio significantly impact the maximum consumption speed and the flame response to combined strain rate and heat loss. The effect of hydrogen on the thermo-diffusive properties of the mixture, characterized by the Zel'dovich number and the effective Lewis number, are also analyzed and related to the effect on the consumption speed. Two definitions of the Lewis number of the multi-component fuel mixture are evaluated against the results from the aCFPF.Comment: Submitted to journal Combustion Theory and Modelling - Manuscript ID TCTM-2022-06-6

    On the ordeal of quinolone preparation via cyclisation of aryl-enamines; synthesis and structure of ethyl 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-(3-iodo-4-methylphenoxy)-quinoline-3-carboxylate

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    Recent studies directed to the design of compounds targeting the bc(1) protein complex of Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite responsible for most lethal cases of malaria, identified quinolones (4-oxo-quinolines) with low nanomolar inhibitory activity against both the enzyme and infected erythrocytes. The 4-oxo-quinoline 3-ester chemotype emerged as a possible source of potent bc(1) inhibitors, prompting us to expand the library of available analogs for SAR studies and subsequent lead optimization. We now report the synthesis and structural characterization of unexpected ethyl 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-(3-iodo-4-methylphenoxy)quinoline-3-carboxylate, a 4-aryloxy-quinoline 3-ester formed during attempted preparation of 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-oxo-quinoline-3-carboxylate (4-oxo-quinoline 3-ester). We propose that the 4-aryloxy-quinoline 3-ester derives from 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-hydroxy-quinoline-3-carboxylate (4-hydroxy-quinoline 3-ester), the enol form of 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-oxo-quinoline-3-carboxylate. Formation of the 4-aryloxy-quinoline 3-ester confirms the impact of quinolone/hydroxyquinoline tautomerism, both on the efficiency of synthetic routes to quinolones and on pharmacologic profiles. Tautomers exhibit different cLogP values and interact differently with the enzyme active site. A structural investigation of 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-oxo-quinoline-3-carboxylate and 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-hydroxy-quinoline-3-carboxylate, using matrix isolation coupled to FTIR spectroscopy and theoretical calculations, revealed that the lowest energy conformers of 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-hydroxy-quinoline-3-carboxylate, lower in energy than their most stable 4-oxo-quinoline tautomer by about 27 kJ mol(-1), are solely present in the matrix, while the most stable 4-oxo-quinoline tautomer is solely present in the crystalline phase.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT - Portugal) [UID/Multi/04326/2013]; QREN-COMPETE-UE; CCMAR; FCT [SFRH/BD/81821/2011, RECI/BBB-BQB/0230/2012, UI0313/QUI/2013, UID/FIS/04564/2016]; FEDER/COMPETE-UE; [PTDC/QEQ-QFI/3284/2014 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016617]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tracking Labrador Sea Water property signals along the Deep Western Boundary Current

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (2017): 5348–5366, doi:10.1002/2017JC012921.Observations of the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) at Line W on the western North Atlantic continental slope southeast of Cape Cod from 1995 to 2014 reveal water mass changes that are consistent with changes in source water properties upstream in the Labrador Sea. This is most evident in the cold, dense, and deep class of Labrador Sea Water (dLSW) that was created and progressively replenished and deepened by recurring winter convection during the severe winters of 1987–1994. The arrival of this record cold, fresh, and low potential vorticity anomaly at Line W lags its formation in the Labrador Sea by 3–7 years. Complementary observations along the path of the DWBC provide further evidence that this anomaly is advected along the boundary and indicate that stirring between the boundary and the interior intensifies south of the Flemish Cap. Finally, the consistency of the data with realistic advective and mixing time scales is assessed using the Waugh and Hall (2005) model framework. The data are found to be best represented by a mean transit time of 5 years from the Labrador Sea to Line W, with a leading order role for both advection by the DWBC and mixing between the boundary flow and interior waters.NSF Grant Numbers: OCE-0726720 , 1332667 , 13328342018-01-0

    A barotropic vorticity budget for the subtropical North Atlantic based on observations

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 49(11), (2019): 2781-2797, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0111.1.To ground truth the large-scale dynamical balance of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre with observations, a barotropic vorticity budget is constructed in the ECCO state estimate and compared with hydrographic observations and wind stress data products. The hydrographic dataset at the center of this work is the A22 WOCE section, which lies along 66°W and creates a closed volume with the North and South American coasts to its west. The planetary vorticity flux across A22 is quantified, providing a metric for the net meridional flow in the western subtropical gyre. The wind stress forcing over the subtropical gyre to the west and east of the A22 section is calculated from several wind stress data products. These observational budget terms are found to be consistent with an approximate barotropic Sverdrup balance in the eastern subtropical gyre and are on the same order as budget terms in the ECCO state estimate. The ECCO vorticity budget is closed by bottom pressure torques in the western subtropical gyre, which is consistent with previous studies. In sum, the analysis provides observational ground truth for the North Atlantic subtropical vorticity balance and explores the seasonal variability of this balance for the first time using the ECCO state estimate. This balance is found to hold on monthly time scales in ECCO, suggesting that the integrated subtropical gyre responds to forcing through fast barotropic adjustment.We thank Alonso Hernández-Guerra, M. Dolores Pérez-Hernández, and María Casanova-Masjoan for providing the inverse model results from Casanova-Masjoan et al. (2018). The A22 section is part of the WOCE/CLIVAR observing effort, with all data available at http://cchdo.ucsd.edu/. We thank Carl Wunsch, Patrick Heimbach, Chris Hill, and Diana Lees Spiegel for their assistance with the ECCO fields. The state estimates were provided by the ECCO Consortium for Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean funded by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) and can be downloaded at http://www.ecco-group.org/products.htm. The citable URL for the ECCO version 4 release 2 product is http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/102062. We are grateful to Joseph Pedlosky and Glenn Flierl for their comments on an earlier version of this work. IALB and JMT were supported financially by U.S. NSF Grants OCE-0726720, 1332667, and 1332834. MS was supported by the U.S. NASA Sea Level Change Team (Contract NNX14AJ51G) and through the ECCO Consortium funding via the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. We thank two anonymous reviewers, whose thoughtful comments led to improvements.2020-04-1