27 research outputs found

    Measuring and Assessing Object-oriented Design Principles

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    The internal design quality of a software product, as the quality viewpoint that defines internal quality attributes for code and design quality, has a strong impact on the maintainability and understandability of the product. Determining the design quality of software, in particular object-oriented software, has emerged various approaches that measure and assess certain quality aspects based on static code analysis and combined with the analysis of design metrics. Design metrics, however, often do not identify the root of the design flaw and they are inappropriate in guiding software developers concerning concrete design enhancements. To address this issue, this thesis proposes a design quality model that builds on object-oriented design principles, which carry important design knowledge and foster the development of software with quality in focus. Since design principles are too coarse-grained to be directly applicable, concrete design best practices were systematically derived. In this thesis, the design quality model is investigated by applying a survey and focus group research method. Whereas the survey aimed at the investigation of the importance of the design best practices, the focus group research examined the relationship between design principles and their associated design best practices. On the basis of these empirical findings, a portfolio-based assessment approach has been derived from the design quality model. Its practical applicability is demonstrated in a feasibility study used throughout the thesis. The results of the studies show the benefits of using the proposed design quality model in combination with the portfolio-based approach for design quality specification, measurement, and assessment.submitted by Johannes Bräuer, MScUniversität Linz, Dissertation, 2017OeBB(VLID)242208

    Satellite Observations of the Impact of Individual Aircraft on Ice Crystal Number in Thin Cirrus Clouds

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    International audienceContrails can persist in cloud-free supersaturated air, increasing high-cloud cover, and inside natural cirrus cloud, modifying the microphysical properties of them. The latter effect is almost unknown, partly because of the lack of height-resolved measurements and the capability of measurements to penetrate inside the cloud. New retrievals of the ice crystal number concentration from combined satellite cloud radar and lidar measurements (CloudSat/CALIPSO; DARDAR-Nice algorithm) now allow for satellite-based assessment inside the clouds. We investigate this issue at intersections between the aircraft flight tracks and these retrieval profiles. Regions behind the aircraft inside the flight track were compared to the adjacent regions and to ahead of the aircraft, along the satellites' profiles, where DARDAR-Nice identify geometrically thin cirrus clouds. This comparison revealed a statistically significant increase of 25% and 54% in the concentration of ice crystals with the minimum size of 5 μm around 300-540-m beneath an aircraft's flight altitude

    Empirische Forschung in der Deutschdidaktik. Band 1: Grundlagen

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    Wie wird aus einer ersten Idee ein konkretes Forschungsprojekt? Der vorliegende Band widmet sich im ersten Teil den theoretischen Grundlagen empirischen Forschens: Was unterscheidet qualitative und quantitative Forschung? Welcher Forschungsansatz ist für meine Fragestellung der richtige und was sind die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Untersuchungsdesigns? Im zweiten Teil werden praxisrelevante Hilfestellungen für die Organisation, Durchführung und Auswertung der Erhebung gegeben, wobei der gesamte Prozess von der Auswahl der Probanden über Datenschutzfragen, Softwareeinsatz bis hin zu statistischen Grundlagenkenntnissen berücksichtigt wird