122 research outputs found

    Psychosocial Interventions in Emergency Periods of Disasters

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    Disasters of natural origin, man-made and technological disasters are one of the current issues that always exist in our lives. Disasters are frequently heard on the world agenda and their negative effects on society are discussed. Recently, the Covid-19 epidemic has been on the agenda of the whole world as a global disaster and its effects are still ongoing. The unexpected, sudden, uncontrollable nature of disasters and their threatening to our lives are accepted as a traumatic experience with the effect of psychological destruction. In addition to meeting the basic physical needs of people who have experienced the disaster and are trying to hold on to life after the disaster, psychosocial interventions also have an important place in terms of mental health services. The purpose of this review; It is to explain the psychosocial interventions that can be applied in the emergency periods of disasters and for people who have experienced the disaster

    Usporedba stvarnog profila lipida u bolesnika s dijabetesom tip 2 i preporuka iz smjernica

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    Diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Despite recommendations and available therapeutic options, patients with diabetes do not always reach the recommended lipid levels. In this study, our aim was to compare the real world lipid profile of type 2 diabetes patients with guideline recommendations for dyslipidemia. Four hundred and sixty eight consecutive patients referred to Outpatient Diabetes Clinic of Istanbul Medeniyet University were recruited. Patient anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist circumference), biochemical test results (LDL cholesterol (LDL-c), triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, HbA1c) and treatment modalities were recorded. Patients were stratified into cardiovascular risk categories according to the risk factors and their treatment dose was compared to the recommendations. Among 468 patients, 56 (12%) patients had coronary heart disease (CHD). Thirty-four percent of these patients were not on statin treatment (n=19) and their mean LDL-c level was 114±29 mg/dL (2.9±0.75 mmol/L). Nineteen percent of these patients were on high intensity statin treatment (atorvastatin 40-80 mg, rosuvastatin 20 mg). Only four patients with CHD had LDL-c levels <70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L). Four hundred and twelve patients had no CHD. In these patients, the mean LDL-c level was 132±38 mg/dL (3.4±0.9 mmol/L). Eighty (19%) patients had LDL-c level lower than 100 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L). Overall 82% (n=384) of the cohort had not achieved treatment goal. In conclusion, a more pronounced approach for statin treatment is needed in diabetes patients for both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.Dijabetes je glavni čimbenik rizika za srčanožilne bolesti. Usprkos preporuka i dostupnih terapijskih mogućnosti bolesnici s dijabetesom ne postižu uvijek preporučene razine lipida. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti stvarni profil lipida u bolesnika s dijabetesom tip 2 s preporukama za dislipidemiju iz dotičnih smjernica. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 468 uzastopnih bolesnika upućenih u Ambulantu za dijabetes Sveučilišta Medeniyet u Istanbulu. Bilježena su antropometrijska mjerenja (visina, težina, opseg struka), rezultati biokemijskih pretraga (LDL kolesterol, trigliceridi, HDL kolesterol, HbA1c) i načini liječenja. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u skupine kardiovaskularnog rizika prema rizičnim čimbenicima, a doze lijeka kojom su liječeni uspoređene su s preporukama. Među 468 bolesnika 56 (12%) ih je imalo koronarnu srčanu bolest (KSB); 34% (n=19) tih bolesnika nije primalo terapiju statinima, a njihova srednja razina LDL bila je 114±29 mg/dL (2,9±0,75 mmol/L); 19% tih bolesnika primalo je visoko intenzivnu terapiju statinima (atorvastatin 40-80 mg, rosuvastatin 20 mg). Razine LDL <70 mg/dL (1,8 mmol/L) zabilježene su u samo četvero bolesnika s KSB. Četiristodvanaest bolesnika nije imalo KSB. U ovih bolesnika srednja razina LDL bila je 132±38 mg/dL (3,4±0,9 mmol/L). Razine LDL niže od 100 mg/ dL (2,5 mmol/L) zabilježene su u 80 (19%) bolesnika s LDL. Dakle, cilj liječenja sveukupno nije postignut u 82% (n=384) ispitivanih bolesnika. Zaključuje se kako je potreban snažniji pristup terapiji statinima u bolesnika s dijabetesom kako za primarnu tako i za sekundarnu prevenciju srčanožilnih bolesti

    Heart-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (H-FABP): Relationship with arterial ıntima-media thickness and role as diagnostic marker for atherosclerosis in patients with ımpaired glucose metabolism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heart type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) has been closely associated with acute coronary syndrome, cardiac abnormalities, stroke, and obstructive sleep disorder in previous studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the serum H-FABP levels and carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) between patients with prediabetes and control subjects.</p> <p>Research design and methods</p> <p>We measured serum H-FABP levels in 58 prediabetic patients, 29 with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and 29 with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and 28 age-, sex- and body mass index-matched control subjects using a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and in order to measure CIMT, all participants underwent high-resolution B-mode ultrasonography.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Serum H-FABP levels were significantly elevated in pre-diabetic patients when compared with that of control subjects (IFG: 32.5 ± 34.2 ng/dL, IGT: 45.4 ± 45.8 ng/dL, control: 16.8 ± 14.9 ng/dL; p = 0.011). The difference in means of H-FABP levels between patients with IGT or IFG and control subjects was significant (p = 0.010 and p = 0.009, respectively). CIMT was higher in the pre-diabetic groups compared with the control group (IFG: 0.6 ± 0.1, IGT: 0.6 ± 0.1, control: 0.5 ± 0.1; p < 0.001), and H-FABP level was positively correlated with CIMT (p < 0.001, rho = 0.626).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that patients with pre-diabetes are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. In addition, serum H-FABP levels could represent a useful marker for myocardial performance in patients with IFG and IGT.</p

    Stereological analysis of sciatic nerve in chickens following neonatal pinealectomy: an experimental study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the injury to the peripheral nervous system is a common clinical problem, understanding of the role of melatonin in nerve degeneration and regeneration is incomplete.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The current study investigated the effects of neonatal pinealectomy on the sciatic nerve microarchitecture in the chicken. The chickens were divided into two equal groups: unpinealectomized controls and pinealectomized chickens. At the end of the study, biochemical examination of 10 sciatic nerve samples from both groups was performed and a quantitative stereological evaluation of 10 animals in each group was performed. The results were compared using Mann-Whitney test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, the results of axon number and thickness of the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber in newly hatched pinealectomy group were higher than those in control group. Similarly, surgical pinealectomy group had significantly larger axonal cross-sectional area than the control group (p < 0.05). In addition, the average hydroxyproline content of the nerve tissue in neonatal pinealectomy group was higher than those found in control group. Our results suggest that melatonin may play a role on the morphologic features of the peripheral nerve tissue and that melatonin deficiency might be a pathophysiological mechanism in some degenerative diseases of peripheral nerves. The changes demonstrated by quantitative morphometric methods and biochemical analysis has been interpreted as a reflection of the effects of melatonin upon nerve tissue.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the light of these results from present animal study, changes in sciatic nerve morphometry may be indicative of neuroprotective feature of melatonin, but this suggestion need to be validated in the human setting.</p

    Effective Temperature Estimations from Line Depth Ratios in the \H\ and \K-band Spectra of IGRINS

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    Determining accurate effective temperatures of stars buried in the dust-obscured Galactic regions is extremely difficult from photometry. Fortunately, high-resolution infrared spectroscopy is a powerful tool for determining the temperatures of stars with no dependence on interstellar extinction. It has long been known that the depth ratios of temperature-sensitive and relatively insensitive spectral lines are excellent temperature indices. In this work, we provide the first extensive line depth ratio (LDR) method application in the infrared region that encompasses both \H\ and \K\ bands (1.48 μ\mum - 2.48 μ\mum). We applied the LDR method to high-resolution (R \simeq 45,000) \H\ and \K-band spectra of 110 stars obtained with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS). Our sample contained stars with 3200 << \teff\ (K) << 5500, 0.20 \leq log g << 4.6, and -1.5 << [M/H] << 0.5. Application of this method in the \K-band yielded 21 new LDR-\teff\ relations. We also report five new LDR-\teff\ relations found in the \H-band region, augmenting the relations already published by other groups. The temperatures found from our calibrations provide reliable temperatures within \sim70 K accuracy compared to spectral \teff\ values from the literature.Comment: 4 Tables, 8 Figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    A sociological analysis about the use of home during the covid-19 pandemic period

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    Ev, insanların barınma ve hayatlarını devam ettirme gibi temel ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan özel bir mekândır. Covid-19 pandemisiyle birlikte insanların daha çok vakit geçirmek zorunda kaldıkları ev, eğitim ve çalışma gibi sosyal etkinliklerin yürütüldüğü ve gündelik hayatın merkezine yerleşen bir mekâna dönüştü. Bu çalışmanın amacı da pandemi sürecinin evdeki yaşamı, ilişkileri ve evin kullanımı üzerinde nasıl bir etki oluşturduğunu incelemektir. Bu bağlamda evin değişen kullanımı, eve yüklenilen yeni anlamlar, evdeki aile ilişkileri ve sosyal medya kullanımının bireylerin ilişkilerini ve sosyalleşmelerini nasıl etkilediğine odaklanarak pandemi sürecinde evin sosyolojik bir analizi yapılacaktır. Yöntem olarak nicel araştırma tekniği kullanılarak yürütülen çalışmada veri toplamak için nicel araştırma tekniklerinden biri olan anket tekniği kullanılacaktır. Türkiye‟de 18-65 yaş aralığındaki bireylerden anket tekniği ile toplanan veriler SPSS programı kullanılarak analiz edilecektir. Araştırma evrenini temsil eden toplamda 600 kişiden veri toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın temel bulguları ise pandemi sürecinde zamanlarının çoğunu evde geçiren bireylerin eve ilişkin algıları ve pratiklerinin değiştiği, aile içerisinde politik ve dini tartışmaların arttığı, uzun süre evde kalmanın çeşitli konularda kaygıya yol açtığı, geleneksel kadın ve erkek rollerinde bir değişimin ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Pandemi sürecinde özellikle internet ve telefon kullanımındaki artışla beraber sosyal medya kullanımının arttığı, bu durumun evi daha katlanılabilir hale getirdiği de bulgular arasındadır.The purpose of this study is to analyse how to pandemic period has affected the life and relations in the home and the use of home. In this regard, a sociological analysis of the home during the pandemic period was done by focusing on the changing use of the home, new meanings attributed to the home and how the family relations and social media use in the home have influenced the relations and socialization of the individuals. In the study carried out using the quantitative research technique as the method, the survey technique which is one of the quantitative research techniques was used for data collection. The data gathered through questionnaire technique from the people between the ages 18 and 65 in Turkey were analysed using SPSS programme. The data were collected from a total of 600 people representing the population of the study. The main findings of the study were that, for the people spending most of their time at home during pandemic period, a change was detected in their perception and practice related the home, political and religious discussions increased among the family members, staying at home for a long time caused anxieties in a variety of issues, and a difference was seen in the traditional roles of woman and man

    Neck muscle mass index as a predictor of post laryngectomy wound complications

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    Objective: We investigated the relationship between paravertebral muscle cross-sectional area (PVM CSA) at the third vertebra (C3) level using computerized tomography (CT) neck images and its relationship with complications after total laryngectomy. Design: Retrospective analysis of 60 advanced laryngeal cancer patients who underwent total laryngectomy was performed. The cross-sectional areas of paravertebral neck muscles using neck CT at C3 level images obtained preoperatively were analyzed. Results: A significant difference in PVM CSA between complication and no complication groups, F(1, 53 = 4.319, P = .043), was identified by ANCOVA. There were no significant differences in between-subject effects: T-stage (F = 1.652, P = .204), body mass index (F = 0.889, P = .35), albumin (F = .359, P = .552), age (F = 1.623 P = .208), and smoking (F = 4.319, P = .41). Conclusion: The PVM CSA measured at C3 level on pretreatment CT may help identify patients at higher risk of postoperative wound complications after total laryngectomy and who may particularly benefit from preoperative optimization of nutritional status