43 research outputs found

    О некоторых этапах развития квантовой химии в России и на кафедре физической химии им. Я.К. Сыркина ИТХТ им. М.В. Ломоносова

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    Objectives. To analyze the history of the development of quantum chemistry and software for quantum chemical calculations in Russia at the Ya.K. Syrkin Department of Physical Chemistry of the M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies of RTU MIREA.Results. This work presents a historical overview of the development of quantum chemistry at the Ya.K. Syrkin Department of Physical Chemistry from Academician Ya.K. Syrkin to Professor V.R. Flid. It provides a summary of the work with the participation of the author in 1980s–1990s. Quantum-chemical models used to describe some of the intercalation reactions in a bond are considered in comparison with the well-known Woodward–Hoffman and Fukui approaches. The work outlines fundamentals of studies on the design of bifunctional compounds.Conclusions. The physical significance of the exchange interaction constant is given a visual meaning: it establishes the change in spin density on the metals forming complexes of the type in question when passing from isolated cations in the composition of the complexes. The work provides recommendations to synthetic chemists regarding the selection of components in the synthesis of magnetic sublattices of bifunctional materials. It also examines the high level of scientific research carried out at the Ya.K. Syrkin Department of Physical Chemistry and its relevance to the world science level. Цели. Проанализировать историю развития квантовой химии и программного обеспечения для квантово-химических расчетов в России и на кафедре физической химии им. Я.К. Сыркина Института тонких химических технологий (ИТХТ) им. М.В. Ломоносова РТУ МИРЭА.Результаты. Представлен исторический очерк развития квантовой химии в ИТХТ на кафедре физической химии им. Я.К. Сыркина от самого академика Я.К. Сыркина до профессора В.Р. Флида. Обобщены данные работ с участием автора, проводимые им на кафедре физической химии им. Я.К. Сыркина в 80-е и в начале 90-х годов ХХ века. Рассмотрены квантово-химические модели для описания некоторых реакций внедрения в связь в сопоставлении с известными подходами Вудворда–Гоффмана и Фукуи. Изложены основы работ по дизайну бифункциональных соединений.Выводы. Получено наглядное значение физического смысла константы обменного взаимодействия – она определяет изменение спиновой плотности на металлах, образующих комплексы рассмотренного типа, при переходе от изолированных катионов к ним же в составе комплексов. Даны рекомендации химикам-синтетикам по подбору компонент при проведении синтеза магнитных подрешеток бифункциональных материалов. Продемонстрирован высокий уровень научных исследований, выполняемых в ИТХТ на кафедре физической химии им. Я.К. Сыркина и их соответствие мировому уровню науки

    Determination of Different Biological Factors on the Base of Dried Blood Spot Technology

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    It is well-known that distinct biological indices (analytes) have distinct variability. We try to use some mathematical algorithms to pick out a set of blood parameters which give an opportunity to retrieve the initial volume of the blood spotted, and use it to calculate exact concentrations of analyts interesting to a physician. For our analysis we used the database of biochemical blood parameters obtained in Russian Scientific Center of Roentgen-Radiology during 1995-2000, which includes more than 30000 of patients.Comment: 5 page

    Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans gen. nov., sp.nov., an anaerobic, lactate-producing member of the family Ruminococcaceae isolated from human faeces

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    Two novel strains of Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped, obligately anaerobic, non-spore-forming, non-motile bacteria were isolated from the faeces of healthy human subjects. The strains, designated as 585-1T and 668, were characterized by mesophilic fermentative metabolism, production of d-lactic acid, succinic acid and acetic acid as end products of d-glucose fermentation, prevalence of C18 : 1 ω9, C18 : 1 ω9 aldehyde, C16 : 0 and C16 : 1 ω7c fatty acids, presence of glycine, glutamic acid, lysine, alanine and aspartic acid in the petidoglycan peptide moiety and lack of respiratory quinones. Whole genome sequencing revealed the DNA G+C content was 56.4–56.6 mol%. The complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of the two strains shared 91.7/91.6 % similarity with Anaerofilum pentosovorans FaeT, 91.3/91.2 % with Gemmiger formicilis ATCC 27749T and 88.9/88.8 % with Faecalibacterium prausnitzii ATCC 27768T. On the basis of chemotaxonomic and genomic properties it was concluded that the strains represent a novel species in a new genus within the family Ruminococcaceae , for which the name Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans is 585-1T (=DSM 100348T=VKM B-2901T)

    Role of viral infection in the etiopathogenesis of breast cancer

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    The viral nature of many female genital cancers is now beyond question; however, the role of viral infection in the pathogenesis of breast cancer (BC) has not been adequately investigated. The paper defines the importance of a number of viruses in the etiopathogenesis of on- cogynecological diseases. It presents the results of examining 60 patients with Stages I-IV BC and 30 patients with fibrocystic mastopathy, in whom the presence of DNA-containing virus genomes in tumor tissue was compared, and the data of polymerase chain reaction study of genital tract smears. It is shown that human papillomaviruses and cytomegaloviruses do not play a fundamental role in the develop- ment of BC; there is no valid evidence for Epstein–Barr virus

    Measurement of intracellular concentration of fluorescently-labeled targets in living cells

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    Estimations of intracellular concentrations of fluorescently-labeled molecules within living cells are very important for guidance of biological experiments and interpretation of their results. Here we propose a simple and universal approach for such estimations. The approach is based upon common knowledge that the dye fluorescence is directly proportional to its quantum yield and the number of its molecules and that a coefficient of proportionality is determined by spectral properties of the dye and optical equipment used to record fluorescent signals. If two fluorescent dyes are present in the same volume, then a ratio of their concentrations is equal to a ratio of their fluorescence multiplied by some dye- and equipment-dependent coefficient. Thus, if the coefficient and concentration of one dye is known then the concentration of another dye can be determined. Here we have demonstrated how to calculate this coefficient (called a ratio factor) and how to use it for concentration measurements of fluorescently tagged molecules. As an example of how this approach can be used, we estimated a concentration of exogenously expressed neuronal Ca2+ sensor protein, hippocalcin, tagged by a fluorescent protein in a dendritic tree of rat hippocampal neurons loaded via a patch pipette with Alexa Fluor dye of known concentration. The new approach should allow performing a fast, inexpensive and reliable quantitative analysis of fluorescently-labeled targets in different parts of living cells


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    The purpose of systemic treatment in patients with breast cancer is based largely on the molecular characteristics of the primary tumor, but many clinical recommendations suggest also the study of metastatic nodes with an assessment of their receptor status (estrogen receptor ER, progesterone receptor RP, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 Her2/neu). This is due to the fact that according to numerous studies, the discrepancy between the status of the primary tumor and the secondary nodes can reach high rates: 3–54 % for ER, 5–78 % for RP, and 0–34 % for Her2/neu. At the same time, more and more data actively demonstrate the imperfection of immunohistochemical analysis and the need to study additional parameters to improve the quality of diagnosis of patients with breast cancer. Material and methods. A morphological and immunohistochemical study of the tumor tissue of the primary node and axillary lymph nodes was performed in 199 patients with breast cancer (T1-3N0-3M0) using standard methods, and RT-PCR was also studied with the expression of 24 genes. Results. The incidence of differences between the molecular phenotypes of the main tumor and metastatic axillary lymph nodes was 26 (26 %) of 99 cases. Most often, differences were noted in cases of breast cancer with luminal A type – 13 cases (50 %). According to the results of a comparative PCR analysis of tissue samples from the primary tumor and metastatic regional lymph nodes, only the expression of the CD68, ERSR1, GRB7 and MMD11 receptors was statistically significant. Conclusion. The results indicate the need for an integrated approach and additional methods for the diagnosis of breast cancer, which will undoubtedly improve the quality of planning and the effectiveness of systemic treatment in patients with breast cancer


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    The paper reviews the literature on the treatment of renal cancer, mainly on postoperative immunotherapy. It outlines a role of cytokines in tumor-immune system interaction, the prognostic value of the level of expression of each cytokine for both survival rates and the efficiency of immunotherapy, as well as the use of this information to develop new therapeutic approaches.Приведен обзор литературы, посвещенный проблеме лечения рака почки, главным образом проведению послеоперационной иммунотерапии. Освещается роль цитокинов во взаимодействии опухоли и иммунной системы, определена прогностическая ценность величины экспрессии каждого цитокина в отношении как выживаемости пациента, так и эффективности иммунотерапии, а также использования этой информации для разработки новых терапевтических подходов

    Клинико-морфологические и молекулярно-генетические предикторы метастатического поражения регионарных лимфатических узлов при раке молочной железы

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    Despite the sufficient amount of data accumulated in the literature, there are still no factors, on the basis of which it would be possible to estimate the regional lymph nodes status in breast cancer with a high degree of accuracy. The review presents literature data relating to the influence of clinicopathological, molecular-biological and genetic characteristics of primary tumor on lymph node metastases. Data of 66 foreign and Russian articles are included.Несмотря на достаточное количество накопленных данных, все еще не выделены факторы, на основании которых можно было бы с высокой степенью достоверности судить о статусе регионарных лимфатических узлов при раке молочной железы. В обзоре представлены данные литературы, касающиеся влияния клинико-морфологических, молекулярно-биологических и генетических характеристик первичной опухоли на метастатическое поражение регионарных лимфатических узлов. В работу включены данные 66 зарубежных и отечественных статей

    Исследование влияния генетического варианта c.470T>C в гене CHEK2 на повышение риска развития рака молочной железы у населения Российской Федерации

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    Introduction. Currently, there are conflicting data regarding the effect of the c.470T> C germline mutation in the CHEK2 gene on increasing the risk of breast cancer (BC), so it is necessary to conduct research on large samples of patients, including in the Russian population, in order to analyze the contribution of this mutation to the risk of cancer developing.The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of occurrence of the genetic variant c.470Т>С in the CHEK2 gene in the Russian population in patients with BC and patients with benign breast diseases (BBD) to assess the possible effect of this deoxyribonucleic acid damage on the likelihood of cancer occurrence.Materials and methods. The study included 2,787 patients with BC and 1,004 patients with BBD who underwent examination and treatment at the Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenoradiology of the Ministry of the Russian Federation from 2010 to 2018. Molecular genetic study was carried out by real-time polymerase chain reaction to determine the characteristic of the Russian population hereditary genetic variant c.470Т>С in the CHEK2 gene using a diagnostic panel that allows to determine three germline mutations: c.1100delC, c.444+1G>A and c.470Т>С in the CHEK2 gene.Results. In patients with BC the frequency of the mutation c.470T>C in the CHEK2 gene was 3.8 %, in patients with BBD this mutation was detected in 4.7 % of cases. The frequency of the genetic variant c.470T>C in high-risk groups was: 5.1 % – for BC patients with clinical signs of hereditary disease and 4.9 % – for patients with BBD with a family history of cancer. There were no statistically significant differences between the frequency of the mutation c.470T>C in the general groups of BC patients and patients with BBD and the corresponding frequency in the high-risk groups, as well as in the groups of BC patients and patients with BBD (p >0.05).Conclusion. The results of this study indicate the probable absence of a relationship between the presence of the mutation c.470Т>С in the CHEK2 gene and an increased risk of BC.Введение. В настоящее время имеются противоречивые данные относительно влияния герминальной мутации с.470Т>С в гене CHEK2 на повышение риска возникновения рака молочной железы (РМЖ), поэтому необходимы исследования на больших выборках больных, в том числе в российской популяции, в целях анализа вклада данной мутации в риск развития онкологического заболевания.Цель исследования – определение частоты встречаемости генетического варианта с.470Т>С в гене CHEK2 в российской популяции у больных РМЖ и пациенток с доброкачественными заболеваниями молочной железы (ДЗМЖ) для  оценки возможного влияния данного повреждения дезоксирибонуклеиновой кислоты на вероятность возникновения онкологического заболевания. Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 2787 больных РМЖ и 1004 пациентки с ДЗМЖ, проходившие обследование и лечение в ФГБУ «Российский научный центр рентгенорадиологии» Минздрава России с 2010 по 2018 г. Молекулярно-генетическое исследование для определения характерного для российской популяции наследственного генетического варианта с.470Т>С в гене CHEK2 было проведено методом полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени с использованием диагностической панели, позволяющей определять три герминальные мутации: с.1100delC, c.444+1G>A и с.470Т>С в гене CHEK2.Результаты. У больных с диагнозом РМЖ частота мутации c.470T>C в гене CHEK2 составила 3,8 %, у пациенток с ДЗМЖ данная мутация выявлена в 4,7 % случаев. Частота генетического варианта c.470T>C в группах повышенного риска составила 5,1 % для больных РМЖ с клиническими признаками наследственного заболевания и 4,9 % для  пациенток с  ДЗМЖ, имеющих онкологически отягощенный семейный анамнез. Статистически значимых различий между частотой мутации c.470T>C в общих группах больных РМЖ и пациенток с ДЗМЖ и  соответствующей частотой в  группах повышенного риска, а  также в  группах больных РМЖ и  пациенток с ДЗМЖ не установлено (p >0,05).Заключение. Результаты проведенного исследования свидетельствуют о вероятном отсутствии связи между наличием мутации с.470Т>С в гене CHEK2 и повышением риска развития РМЖ