515 research outputs found

    Explorative Study on Asymmetric Sketch Interactions for Object Retrieval in Virtual Reality

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    Drawing tools for Virtual Reality (VR) enable users to model 3D designs from within the virtual environment itself. These tools employ sketching and sculpting techniques known from desktop-based interfaces and apply them to hand-based controller interaction. While these techniques allow for mid-air sketching of basic shapes, it remains difficult for users to create detailed and comprehensive 3D models. Our work focuses on supporting the user in designing the virtual environment around them by enhancing sketch-based interfaces with a supporting system for interactive model retrieval. An immersed user can query a database containing detailed 3D models and replace them with the virtual environment through sketching. To understand supportive sketching within a virtual environment, we made an explorative comparison between asymmetric methods of sketch interaction, i.e., 3D mid-air sketching, 2D sketching on a virtual tablet, 2D sketching on a fixed virtual whiteboard, and 2D sketching on a real tablet. Our work shows that different patterns emerge when users interact with 3D sketches rather than 2D sketches to compensate for different results from the retrieval system. In particular, the user adopts strategies when drawing on canvas of different sizes or using a physical device instead of a virtual canvas. While we pose our work as a retrieval problem for 3D models of chairs, our results can be extrapolated to other sketching tasks for virtual environments

    Shotgun sequencing of honey DNA can describe honey bee derived environmental signatures and the honey bee hologenome complexity

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    Honey bees are large-scale monitoring tools due to their extensive environmental exploration. In their activities and from the hive ecosystem complex, they get in close contact with many organisms whose traces can be transferred into the honey, which can represent an interesting reservoir of environmental DNA (eDNA) signatures and information useful to analyse the honey bee hologenome complexity. In this study, we tested a deep shotgun sequencing approach of honey DNA coupled with a specifically adapted bioinformatic pipeline. This methodology was applied to a few honey samples pointing out DNA sequences from 191 organisms spanning different kingdoms or phyla (viruses, bacteria, plants, fungi, protozoans, arthropods, mammals). Bacteria included the largest number of species. These multi-kingdom signatures listed common hive and honey bee gut microorganisms, honey bee pathogens, parasites and pests, which resembled a complex interplay that might provide a general picture of the honey bee pathosphere. Based on the Apis mellifera filamentous virus genome diversity (the most abundant detected DNA source) we obtained information that could define the origin of the honey at the apiary level. Mining Apis mellifera sequences made it possible to identify the honey bee subspecies both at the mitochondrial and nuclear genome levels

    Increased Energy Demand during Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation Contributes to Ca2+ Wave Generation

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    AbstractWhile β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) stimulation ensures adequate cardiac output during stress, it can also trigger life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. We have previously shown that proarrhythmic Ca2+ waves during β-AR stimulation temporally coincide with augmentation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that increased energy demand during β-AR stimulation plays an important role in mitochondrial ROS production and Ca2+-wave generation in rabbit ventricular myocytes. We found that β-AR stimulation with isoproterenol (0.1 μM) decreased the mitochondrial redox potential and the ratio of reduced to oxidated glutathione. As a result, β-AR stimulation increased mitochondrial ROS production. These metabolic changes induced by isoproterenol were associated with increased sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ leak and frequent diastolic Ca2+ waves. Inhibition of cell contraction with the myosin ATPase inhibitor blebbistatin attenuated oxidative stress as well as spontaneous SR Ca2+ release events during β-AR stimulation. Furthermore, we found that oxidative stress induced by β-AR stimulation caused the formation of disulfide bonds between two ryanodine receptor (RyR) subunits, referred to as intersubunit cross-linking. Preventing RyR cross-linking with N-ethylmaleimide decreased the propensity of Ca2+ waves induced by β-AR stimulation. These data suggest that increased energy demand during sustained β-AR stimulation weakens mitochondrial antioxidant defense, causing ROS release into the cytosol. By inducing RyR intersubunit cross-linking, ROS can increase SR Ca2+ leak to the critical level that can trigger proarrhythmic Ca2+ waves

    cranial nerve abnormalities in oculo auriculo vertebral spectrum

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Cranial nerve abnormalities might be observed in hemifacial microsomia and microtia (oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum), but the rate, features, and relationship with functional impairment or phenotype severity have not yet been defined. This study aimed at investigating absence/asymmetry, abnormal origin, morphology and course of cranial nerves, and presence/asymmetry of the foramen ovale and inferior alveolar nerve canal in a cohort of oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (mean age, 7 years; age range, 0.2–31 years; 12 females) underwent brain MR imaging, CT, and neurologic evaluation; 19 patients had a more severe phenotype (Goldenhar syndrome). RESULTS: Cranial nerve abnormalities were detected only in patients with Goldenhar syndrome (17/19, bilaterally in 8) and were involved the second (4/19), third (1/18), fifth (11/19), sixth (8/16), seventh (11/18), and eighth (8/18) cranial nerves. Multiple cranial nerve abnormalities were common (11/17). Eleven patients showed bone foramina abnormalities. Trigeminal and facial nerve dysfunctions were common (44% and 58%, respectively), especially in patients with Goldenhar syndrome. Trigeminal abnormalities showed a good correlation with ipsilateral dysfunction ( P = .018), which further increased when bone foramina abnormalities were included. The facial nerve showed a trend toward correlation with ipsilateral dysfunction ( P = .081). Diplopia was found only in patients with Goldenhar syndrome and was associated with third and sixth cranial nerve abnormalities ( P = .006). CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, cranial nerve morphologic abnormalities are common, correlate with phenotype severity, and often entail a functional impairment. The spectrum of cranial nerve abnormalities appears wider than simple hypo-/aplasia and includes an anomalous cisternal course and partial/complete fusion of diverse cranial nerves. CN : cranial nerve OAVS : oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectru

    Population genomic structures and signatures of selection define the genetic uniqueness of several fancy and meat rabbit breeds

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    Following the recent domestication process of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), many different breeds and lines, distinguished primarily by exterior traits such as coat colour, fur structure and body size and shape, have been constituted. In this study, we genotyped, with a high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism panel, a total of 645 rabbits from 10 fancy breeds (Belgian Hare, Champagne d'Argent, Checkered Giant, Coloured Dwarf, Dwarf Lop, Ermine, Giant Grey, Giant White, Rex and Rhinelander) and three meat breeds (Italian White, Italian Spotted and Italian Silver). ADMIXTURE analysis indicated that breeds with similar phenotypic traits (e.g. coat colour and body size) shared common ancestries. Signatures of selection using two haplotype-based approaches (iHS and XP-EHH), combined with the results obtained with other methods previously reported that we applied to the same breeds, we identified a total of 5079 independent genomic regions with some signatures of selection, covering about 1777 Mb of the rabbit genome. These regions consistently encompassed many genes involved in pigmentation processes (ASIP, EDNRA, EDNRB, KIT, KITLG, MITF, OCA2, TYR and TYRP1), coat structure (LIPH) and body size, including two major genes (LCORL and HMGA2) among many others. This study revealed novel genomic regions under signatures of selection and further demonstrated that population structures and signatures of selection, left into the genome of these rabbit breeds, may contribute to understanding the genetic events that led to their constitution and the complex genetic mechanisms determining the broad phenotypic variability present in these untapped rabbit genetic resources

    Stability Analysis of a Landslide Scarp by Means of Virtual Outcrops: The Mt. Peron Niche Area (Masiere di Vedana Rock Avalanche, Eastern Southern Alps)

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    We investigated the Mt. Peron niche area of the Masiere di Vedana rock avalanche (BL), one of the major mass movements that affected the Eastern Southern Alps in historical times. So far, a geomechanical characterization and a stability analysis of the niche area, where potential rockfall sources are present, are lacking. The Mt. Peron niche area is a rocky cliff almost inaccessible to field-based measurements. In order to overcome this issue, we performed a geo-structural characterization of a sector of the cliff by means of a UAV-based photogrammetric survey. From the virtual outcrop, we extracted the orientation of 159 fractures that were divided into sets based on a K-means clustering algorithm and field-checked with some measurements collected along a rappelling descent route down to the cliff. Finally, with the aim of evaluating the stability of the volume under investigation, we performed a stability analysis of three rock pillars included in our survey by means of a distinct element numerical simulation. Our results indicate that two out of the three pillars are characterized by a stable state, under the simulation assumptions, whereas the third is close to failure, and for this reason, its condition needs further investigation

    Predittori di efficacia nel trattamento dell'otite esterna maligna fungina: una review sistematica

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    Obiettivo dello studio è stato riassumere i dati della letteratura sugli aspetti clinici e la gestione abituale dell’otite esterna maligna fungina (OEMF), ed identificare possibili fattori predittivi di esito positivo del trattamento. Gli articoli sono stati inizialmente selezionati sulla base del titolo e degli abstract. Sono poi stati recuperati ed analizzati per intero seguendo criteri predeterminati. È stata stilata una lista di riferimento degli articoli selezionati per cercare eventuali pubblicazioni mancati. Gli studi raccolti sono stati infine valutati metodologicamente. Dei 143 articoli iniziali, ne sono stati selezionati 14 focalizzati sulla gestione dell’OEMF. La maggior parte di questi ha dimostrato una correlazione tra l’efficacia del trattamento, inteso come risoluzione dei sintomi, ed alcune variabili cliniche e di gestione della patologia quali l’astensione da procedure chirurgiche invasive, l’assenza di paralisi facciale, l’Aspergillus spp come patogeno causante e l’assenza di segni radiologici alla diagnosi e nel corso del follow-up. L’efficacia del trattamento dipende dalla valutazione dello stato dei nervi cranici, dal patogeno alla base e dai segni radiologici, più precisamente: l’assenza di paralisi facciale, l’Aspergillus spp e l’imaging negativo alla diagnosi e durante il follow-up correlano con la risoluzione dei sintomi. L’evidenza che il trattamento farmacologico possa associarsi ad un miglior outcome rispetto a procedure chirurgiche invasive potrebbe semplicemente riflettere il fatto che pazienti affetti da una patologia più avanzata richiedono un approccio più aggressivo mentre le forme più lievi possono essere trattate in modo conservativo. È necessario quindi prestare attenzione nell’interpretazione dei dati a causa della necessità di ulteriori studi sull’argomento

    Perceived Realism of Pedestrian Crowds Trajectories in VR

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    Crowd simulation algorithms play an essential role in populating Virtual Reality (VR) environments with multiple autonomous humanoid agents. The generation of plausible trajectories can be a significant computational cost for real-time graphics engines, especially in untethered and mobile devices such as portable VR devices. Previous research explores the plausibility and realism of crowd simulations on desktop computers but fails to account the impact it has on immersion. This study explores how the realism of crowd trajectories affects the perceived immersion in VR. We do so by running a psychophysical experiment in which participants rate the realism of real/synthetic trajectories data, showing similar level of perceived realism