152 research outputs found

    Maladie du hêtre. Bilan chiffré de la situation à l'été 2001

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    Durant l'été 2001, un inventaire des dégâts occasionnés par la maladie du hêtre à été réalisé. Les résultats de cette étude ont été publiés dans la revue Silva belgica. Nous en reprenons ici la conclusion ainsi que quelques-uns des nombreux graphiques et tableaux qui y sont présentés. Nous invitons le lecteur intéressé à se référer à l'article original

    Management of African economic trees for new research, the review of Entandrophragma genus (Meliaceae)

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    Entandrophragma genus includes exclusively African species (10 to 12), five of which are on the IUCN Red List. Characterized by a taxonomic evolution that has resulted in an important synonymy of species names (36-3 7) and insufficient ecological knowledge, it is the richest in valuable species exploited as timber in Africa. This important exploitation is likely to compromise their durability in the absence of sustainable management. Our study is mainly based on scientific data (e.g., publications), economic data (production and export statistics) and legal data (laws and regulations); on management plans and inventory reports. The heavy industrial exploitation as artisanal does not always proceed in the respect of a validated management plan, nor of the duration of the rotations which would make it possible to reach a rate of reconstitution likely to perpetuate the resource which these species represent. Their sustainable management requires the development and respect of management measures to make their exploitation sustainable in the long term. This exploitation must be based on an adequate management of natural stands and on reforestation as well as on conservation measures. The research to be developed must focus on their growth rate (eg, in the face of climate change), the analysis of stable rings and isotopes, the evaluation of their stocks (production, biomass, carbon), their spatial distribution and molecular phylogeny, the improvement of their natural regeneration, their reproduction, phenology and anatomy, as well as the reinforcement of other relevant lines of research to guarantee the durability of these forest species

    Foliar and wood traits covary along a vertical gradient within the crown of long-lived light-demanding species of the Congo Basin semi-deciduous forest

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    Plant functional traits have shown to be relevant predictors of forest functional responses to climate change. However, the trait-based approach to study plant performances and ecological strategies has mostly been focused on trait comparisons at the interspecific and intraspecific levels. In this study, we analyzed traits variation and association at the individual level. We measured wood and leaf traits at different height locations within the crown of five individuals of Pericopsis data (Harms) Meeuwen (Fabaceae) from the northern tropical forest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. All traits varied between and within individuals. The between-individual variation was more important for leaf traits (23%-48%) than for wood traits (similar to 10%) where the within-individual variation showed to be more important (33%-39%). The sample location height within the crown was found to be the driving factor of this within-individual variation. In a gradient from the base to the top of the crown, theoretical specific hydraulic conductivity and specific leaf area decreased while the stomatal density increased. We found significant relationships among traits and between wood and leaf traits. However, these relationships varied with the position within the crown. The relationship between vessel size and vessel density was negative at the bottom part of the crown but positive upward. Also, the negative relationship between stomatal density and stomatal size became stronger with increasing height within the crown. Finally, the positive relationship between specific leaf area and theoretical specific hydraulic conductivity became stronger in higher parts of the crown, suggesting that P. data constantly adapts its water use with respect to its water supply, more strongly at the top of the crown where the environment is more extreme and less buffered against environmental fluctuations

    Revisar las tablas de cubicación para un mejor manejo de los bosques de Camerún

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    L’utilisation des tarifs de cubage fait partie du quotidien des aménagistes et gestionnaires forestiers. Toutefois, elle se fait généralement au mépris des conditions d’application (zone géographique, gamme de diamètres), ce qui peut engendrer des erreurs dans les estimations de volume. L’objectif de cette étude est de tester la validité des tarifs de cubage actuellement disponibles pour trois essences des forêts du sud-est du Cameroun, dont ceux utilisés par l’administration nationale et, le cas échéant, de proposer des tarifs adaptés pour la zone d’étude. Trois espèces commerciales sont concernées : le sapelli, Entandrophragma cylindricum, le tali, Erythrophleum suaveolens, et l’assaméla, Pericopsis elata. Les données dendrométriques ont été collectées par échantillonnage destructif de 43 arbres régulièrement répartis sur toute la gamme de diamètres. Le volume du fût a été calculé par la méthode des billons successifs et des tarifs de cubage linéaires et non linéaires ont été ajustés aux données par la méthode des moindres carrés pondérés. Les résultats montrent que le meilleur modèle de cubage est non linéaire pour les trois espèces. Les équations utilisées jusqu’à présent par l’administration forestière sous-estiment significativement le volume des arbres et les erreurs d’estimation sont d’autant plus grandes que la taille de l’arbre est importante. Les tarifs de cubage proposés, une fois validés, devraient pouvoir à l’avenir être utilisés pour une meilleure estimation du volume des arbres dans la zone d’étude. Considérant les enjeux internationaux auxquels adhère le Cameroun (FLEGT et REDD+), il est crucial de disposer d’outils performants d’estimation du volume des arbres. Dans ce contexte, il s’avère important que l’administration forestière camerounaise puisse mener à bien un vaste programme de révision des tarifs de cubage.Volume tables are routinely used by forest planners and managers, but generally with no regard for the conditions in which they are applied (geographical zone, diameter range), which can cause errors in estimations of timber volumes. The aim of this study is to test the validity of currently available volume tables, including those used by the government, for three commercial tree species in the forests of south-eastern Cameroon, and if required to propose tables suited to the study zone. The three species concerned are sapelli, Entandrophragma cylindricum, tali, Erythrophleum suaveolens, and assamela Pericopsis elata. Dendrometric data were collected by destructive sampling of 43 trees that were evenly distributed across the diameter range. Stemwood volume was calculated through successive butt-log measurements and linear and non-linear volume tables were adjusted by means of the weighted least-squares method. The results show that the best volume tables for all three species are non-linear. The equations used by the forests authority until now significantly under-estimate standing timber volumes and the estimation errors increase with the size of the trees. The proposed volume tables, once validated, should in future produce more accurate estimations of standing timber in the study zone. Given the international challenges involving Cameroon (FLEGT and REDD+), it is essential that it should have effective tools for estimating standing timber volumes. It is therefore important for Cameroon’s forests authority to conduct a large-scale programme to revise its volume tables.La utilización de tablas de cubicación forma parte de las actividades cotidianas de los responsables de la ordenación y manejo forestal. No obstante, dichas tablas suelen emplearse sin tener en cuenta las condiciones de aplicación (zona geográfica, clases de diámetro), lo que puede provocar errores en las estimaciones volumétricas. El objetivo de este estudio es probar la validez de las tablas de cubicación actualmente disponibles para tres especies de los bosques del sudeste de Camerún, incluyendo las tablas empleadas por la administración nacional, y, llegado el caso, proponer tablas adaptadas al área estudiada. Las tres especies comerciales concernidas son: el sapelli, Entandrophragma cylindricum, el tali, Erythrophleum suaveolens, y la assamela, Pericopsis elata. La recogida de datos dasométricos se efectuó por muestreo destructivo de 43 árboles regularmente distribuidos en las diferentes clases de diámetro. Se calculó el volumen de fuste por el método de trozas sucesivas y las tablas de cubicación lineales y no lineales se ajustaron a los datos mediante el método de mínimos cuadrados ponderados. Los resultados muestran que el mejor modelo de cubicación en las tres especies es el no lineal. Las ecuaciones actualmente empleadas por la administración forestal subestiman significativamente el volumen de los árboles y, cuanto mayor es el tamaño del árbol, tanto más importantes son los errores de estimación. Las tablas de cubicación propuestas, una vez validadas, deberían poder utilizarse para una mejor estimación del volumen de árboles en la zona estudiada. Teniendo en cuenta los envites internacionales que envuelven a Camerún (FLEGT y REDD+), es esencial contar con herramientas eficientes para estimar el volumen de los árboles. En este contexto, es importante que la administración forestal camerunesa pueda llevar a cabo un amplio programa de revisión de las tablas de cubicación.Peer reviewe

    Pith-to-bark profiles of xylem vessel traits reveal unique information on tree performance in a tropical moist semi-deciduous forest of the Congo Basin

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    Xylem vessel features are the most investigated anatomical traits of Angiosperm wood. They are being analyzed in ecophysiological projects aiming at understanding sap flow and vulnerability to drought stress. Since long, size, grouping and density of vessels are also used as one of the first steps in timber identification, as they can easily be observed even with a hand lens. Vessels are also known to be related to tree height. The volumetric sap flow rate is inversely related to the length of the path, so that vessels need to widen at lower parts of the tree and taper towards the higher parts to assure optimal transport and a stable hydraulic resistance with progressing growth in height. Vessels are expected to narrow from roots to stem and further to the branches and the petioles. Accordingly it is also predictable that vessel features on pith-to-bark profiles are a proxy for height growth for individual trees. Since the functional groups of species of a tropical rainforest are based on height grow rate (related to light needs), it is expected that pith-to-bark profiles of vessels reveal information on temperament of the species. A methodology has been developed to establish pith-to-bark profiles of vessel features, based on long microtomic sections, image analysis and machine learning. Entandrophragma was used as a model genus. The differences between the four most common species of this genus have been explored. Wilcoxon signed rank test indicate that the difference in mean vessel size is significant between every species combination except between Entandrophragma candollei and Entandrophragma cylindricum. Interesting to note is the large vessel size range possible for Entandrophragma utile. Currently, pith-to-bark vessel trends are constructed that could help explaining difference in growth strategy. The approach offers appealing perspectives to find a formal way for sub setting tree species into functional groups and develop indexes for growing conditions of forest sites

    Enjeux et amélioration de la gestion des espèces du genre Entandrophragma, arbres africains devenus vulnérables

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    Because of the quality of their wood and their many traditional uses, species of the Entandrophragma genus are being intensively logged, and this is likely to compromise their survival unless sustainable management is introduced. This study reviews the current status of the five main commercial Entandrophragma species: Entandrophragma angolense, E. congolense (often confused with E. angolense), E. candollei, E. cylindricum and E. utile. We suggest directions for research to improve sustainable management strategies for this genus. The study draws mainly on published scientific data, economic data (production and export statistics) and on relevant laws and regulations, but also on existing management plans and inventory reports. Although these species are reported as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, knowledge on their management is still patchy. Industrial and artisanal logging is intensive and does not always follow a validated management plan or abide by the minimum rotation period, both of which would help to ensure the renewal of these resources. Managing them to ensure that logging is sustainable in the long term requires management measures to be developed and complied with. Sustainable use has to be based on appropriate management of natural stands and on reforestation and conservation measures. Research studies to be developed should encompass the growth rates of the species in the light of the changing climate, assessments of stocks (timber, biomass and carbon), updates of their spatial distribution, improvements to natural regeneration, reproduction processes and the anatomical and technical properties of each species. All these research topics are necessary to ensure the permanence of these Entandrophragma species

    Enjeux et amélioration de la gestion des espèces du genre Entandrophragma, arbres africains devenus vulnérables

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    Because of the quality of their wood and their many traditional uses, species of the Entandrophragma genus are being intensively logged, and this is likely to compromise their survival unless sustainable management is introduced. This study reviews the current status of the five main commercial Entandrophragma species: Entandrophragma angolense, E. congolense (often confused with E. angolense), E. candollei, E. cylindricum and E. utile. We suggest directions for research to improve sustainable management strategies for this genus. The study draws mainly on published scientific data, economic data (production and export statistics) and on relevant laws and regulations, but also on existing management plans and inventory reports. Although these species are reported as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, knowledge on their management is still patchy. Industrial and artisanal logging is intensive and does not always follow a validated management plan or abide by the minimum rotation period, both of which would help to ensure the renewal of these resources. Managing them to ensure that logging is sustainable in the long term requires management measures to be developed and complied with. Sustainable use has to be based on appropriate management of natural stands and on reforestation and conservation measures. Research studies to be developed should encompass the growth rates of the species in the light of the changing climate, assessments of stocks (timber, biomass and carbon), updates of their spatial distribution, improvements to natural regeneration, reproduction processes and the anatomical and technical properties of each species. All these research topics are necessary to ensure the permanence of these Entandrophragma species
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