633 research outputs found

    Spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance, solitons and gravitational waves in theories of conformally invariant gravitation

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    We study conformal gravity as an alternative theory of gravitation. For conformal gravity to be phenomenologically viable requires that the conformal symmetry is not manifest at the energy scales of the other known physical forces. Hence we require a mechanism for the spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance. In this paper we study the possibility that conformal invariance is spontaneously broken due to interactions with conformally coupled matter fields. The vacuum of the theory admits conformally non-invariant solutions corresponding to maximally symmetric space-times and variants thereof. These are either de Sitter space-time or anti-de Sitter space-time in the full four space-time dimensions or in a lower dimensional sub-space. We consider in particular normalizable, linearized gravitational perturbations around the anti-de Sitter background. Exploiting the conformal flatness of this space-time, we show to second order, that these gravitational fluctuations, that are taken to be fourier decomposable, carry zero energy-momentum. This squares well with the theorem that asymptotically flat space-times conformal gravity contain zero energy and momentum \cite{bhs}. We also show the possibility of domain wall solitons interpolating between the ground states of spontaneously broken conformal symmetry that we have found. These solitons necessarily require the vanishing of the scalar field, repudiating the recent suggestion \cite{f} that the conformal symmetry could be quarantined to a sterile sector of the theory by choosing an appropriate field redefinition.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, colour viewing helpful, version to be published in PR

    Gravitation conforme

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Etude de la pollution des eaux des oueds Seybouse et Mellah (Région de l'Est Algérien)

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    L'objet de cette étude est d'expérimenter un protocole de travail base sur des prélèvements de surface et de puits de particuliers en vue d'établir la qualité des eaux et d'assoir des bases de données relatives à la pollution hydrique en Algérie. Les résultats des analyses chimiques montrent pour les deux oueds un facies chimique dominant et caractérise par le chlorure sulfate sodique, en relation avec des rejets industriels, domestiques et le lessivage des formations géologiques. L'établissement du diagramme ammonium-nitrate montre que le rapport NH4+/NO3- diminue d'amont en aval et s'explique par la transformation de l'ammonium en azote au cours de la période d'observation s'étalant de janvier à juin 2007. Des teneurs excessives en PO43- dans l'oued Mellah ont été observées comparativement à l'oued Seybouse, ce qui conduit à une eutrophisation. Les variations de la DB05 et de la DCO évoluent suivant des valeurs acceptables dans les deux oueds. Les teneurs excessives en chlorure (>600 mg/l) dans l'oued Mellah s'expliquent par les rejets domestiques, industriels et au lessivage des formations sédimentaires évaporitiques. La simulation montre que le NH3 et l'oxygène sont en sous-saturation dans les eaux surtout au niveau de l'oued Mellah témoignant ainsi d’une eutrophisation avancéeMots clés: Oued Seybouse - Oued Mellah - Qualité des eaux - Pollution, Eau de surface - Puits – simulation The purpose of this study is to test a working protocol based on sampling from surface and belonging to individual wells to establish water quality and to set a database on the extent of water pollution in Algeria. Chemical analysis results indicate that the dominant chemical compounds are characterized by sodium and chloride-sulfate as a result of domestic and industrial discharges, and geological formations leaching. The construction of ammonium-nitrate diagram shows that the ratio NH4+/NO3-decreases from upstream to downstream and is explained by the conversion of ammonium into nitrogen during the observation period ranging from January to June 2007. Excessive levels of PO43- in the Mellah river were observed compared to the Seybouse, which leads to eutrophication. Changes in DBO5 and DCO evolve following acceptable levels in both rivers. Excessive chloride concentrations (>600 mg/l) in the Mellah river may be explained by domestic waste, industrial and evaporitic formations leaching. The simulation shows that NH3 and oxygen are under-saturation in the water especially in the Mellah river reflecting an advanced eutrophication.Keywords: Seybouse river- Mellah river- Water quality- Pollution- Surface water- Water wells- Simulation.   

    Mesure des champs de radiation dans le détecteur ATLAS et sa caverne avec les détecteurs au silicium à pixels ATLAS-MPX

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    Les collisions proton-proton produites par le LHC imposent un environnement radiatif hostile au détecteur ATLAS. Afin de quantifier les effets de cet environnement sur la performance du détecteur et la sécurité du personnel, plusieurs simulations Monte Carlo ont été réalisées. Toutefois, la mesure directe est indispensable pour suivre les taux de radiation dans ATLAS et aussi pour vérifier les prédictions des simulations. À cette fin, seize détecteurs ATLAS-MPX ont été installés à différents endroits dans les zones expérimentale et technique d'ATLAS. Ils sont composés d'un détecteur au silicium à pixels appelé MPX dont la surface active est partiellement recouverte de convertisseurs de neutrons thermiques, lents et rapides. Les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX mesurent en temps réel les champs de radiation en enregistrant les traces des particules détectées sous forme d'images matricielles. L'analyse des images acquises permet d'identifier les types des particules détectées à partir des formes de leurs traces. Dans ce but, un logiciel de reconnaissance de formes appelé MAFalda a été conçu. Étant donné que les traces des particules fortement ionisantes sont influencées par le partage de charge entre pixels adjacents, un modèle semi-empirique décrivant cet effet a été développé. Grâce à ce modèle, l'énergie des particules fortement ionisantes peut être estimée à partir de la taille de leurs traces. Les convertisseurs de neutrons qui couvrent chaque détecteur ATLAS-MPX forment six régions différentes. L'efficacité de chaque région à détecter les neutrons thermiques, lents et rapides a été déterminée par des mesures d'étalonnage avec des sources connues. L'étude de la réponse des détecteurs ATLAS-MPX à la radiation produite par les collisions frontales de protons à 7TeV dans le centre de masse a montré que le nombre de traces enregistrées est proportionnel à la luminosité du LHC. Ce résultat permet d'utiliser les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX comme moniteurs de luminosité. La méthode proposée pour mesurer et étalonner la luminosité absolue avec ces détecteurs est celle de van der Meer qui est basée sur les paramètres des faisceaux du LHC. Vu la corrélation entre la réponse des détecteurs ATLAS-MPX et la luminosité, les taux de radiation mesurés sont exprimés en termes de fluences de différents types de particules par unité de luminosité intégrée. Un écart significatif a été obtenu en comparant ces fluences avec celles prédites par GCALOR qui est l'une des simulations Monte Carlo du détecteur ATLAS. Par ailleurs, les mesures effectuées après l'arrêt des collisions proton-proton ont montré que les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX permettent d'observer la désintégration des isotopes radioactifs générés au cours des collisions. L'activation résiduelle des matériaux d'ATLAS peut être mesurée avec ces détecteurs grâce à un étalonnage en équivalent de dose ambiant.The LHC proton-proton collisions create a hard radiation environment in the ATLAS detector. In order to quantify the effects of this environment on the detector performance and human safety, several Monte Carlo simulations have been performed. However, direct measurement is indispensable to monitor radiation levels in ATLAS and also to verify the simulation predictions. For this purpose, sixteen ATLAS-MPX devices have been installed at various positions in the ATLAS experimental and technical areas. They are composed of a pixelated silicon detector called MPX whose active surface is partially covered with converter layers for the detection of thermal, slow and fast neutrons. The ATLAS-MPX devices perform real-time measurement of radiation fields by recording the detected particle tracks as raster images. The analysis of the acquired images allows the identification of the detected particle types by the shapes of their tracks. For this aim, a pattern recognition software called MAFalda has been conceived. Since the tracks of strongly ionizing particles are influenced by charge sharing between adjacent pixels, a semi-empirical model describing this effect has been developed. Using this model, the energy of strongly ionizing particles can be estimated from the size of their tracks. The converter layers covering each ATLAS-MPX device form six different regions. The efficiency of each region to detect thermal, slow and fast neutrons has been determined by calibration measurements with known sources. The study of the ATLAS-MPX devices response to the radiation produced by proton-proton collisions at a center of mass energy of 7TeV has demonstrated that the number of recorded tracks is proportional to the LHC luminosity. This result allows the ATLAS-MPX devices to be employed as luminosity monitors. To perform an absolute luminosity measurement and calibration with these devices, the van der Meer method based on the LHC beam parameters has been proposed. Since the ATLAS-MPX devices response and the luminosity are correlated, the results of measuring radiation levels are expressed in terms of particle fluences per unit integrated luminosity. A significant deviation has been obtained when comparing these fluences with those predicted by GCALOR, which is one of the ATLAS detector simulations. In addition, radiation measurements performed at the end of proton-proton collisions have demonstrated that the decay of radionuclides produced during collisions can be observed with the ATLAS-MPX devices. The residual activation of ATLAS components can be measured with these devices by means of ambient dose equivalent calibration

    Molecular Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus hominis (MRSHo): Low Clonality and Reservoirs of SCCmec Structural Elements

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    BACKGROUND: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus hominis (MRSHo) are important human pathogens in immunocompromised patients. However, little is known regarding its population structure and staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) content. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To assess the population structure and the SCCmec content of S. hominis, 34 MRSHo and 11 methicillin-susceptible S. hominis (MSSHo) from neutropenic patients collected over a 3-year period were studied. The genetic backgrounds of S. hominis isolates were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and SCCmec types were determined by PCR. Cassette chromosome recombinases (ccr) were characterized by PCR and ccrB sequencing. The 34 S. hominis isolates were classified into as many as 28 types and 32 subtypes (SID = 99.82%); clonal dissemination was occasionally observed. The main SCCmec structures identified were SCCmec type VI (4B) (20%), SCCmec VIII (4A) (15%), and a new SCCmec composed of mec complex A in association with ccrAB1 (38%); 27% of the isolates harbored non-typeable SCCmec. Overall, a high prevalence of mec complex A (73.5%), ccrAB1 (50%) and ccrAB4 (44%) were found. Importantly, ccrB1 and ccrB4 from both MRSHo and MSSHo showed a high nucleotide sequence homology with those found in S. aureus SCCmec I, VI and VIII respectively (>95%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The S. hominis population showed a limited clonality and a low genetic diversity in the allotypes of ccr and classes of mec complex. Moreover, our data suggest that S. hominis might have been a privileged source of mec complex A, ccrB1 and ccrB4, for the assembly of primordial SCCmec types

    Staphylococcus saprophyticus causing infections in humans is associated with high resistance to heavy metals

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    Research Areas: Microbiology ; Pharmacology & PharmacyStaphylococcus saprophyticus is a common pathogen of the urinary tract, a heavy metal-rich environment, but information regarding its heavy metal resistance is unknown. We investigated 422 S. saprophyticus isolates from human infection and colonization/contamination, animals, and environmental sources for resistance to copper, zinc, arsenic, and cadmium using the agar dilution method. To identify the genes associated with metal resistance and assess possible links to pathogenicity, we accessed the wholegenome sequence of all isolates and used in silico and pangenome-wide association approaches. The MIC values for copper and zinc were uniformly high (1,600mg/liter). Genes encoding copper efflux pumps (copA, copB, copZ, mco, and csoR) and zinc transporters (zinT, czrAB, znuBC, and zur) were abundant in the population (20 to 100%). Arsenic and cadmium showed various susceptibility levels. Genes encoding the ars operon (arsRDABC), an ABC transporter and a two-component permease, were linked to resistance to arsenic (MICs1,600mg/liter;14orcadCandcadDcadXorczrC)andgenesencodingmultidrugeffluxpumpsandhyperosmoregulationinacidifiedconditionswereassociatedwithresistancetocadmium(MICs 1,600mg/liter; 14% [58/422]; P, 0.05). At least three cad genes (cadA or cadC and cadD-cadX or czrC) and genes encoding multidrug efflux pumps and hyperosmoregulation in acidified conditions were associated with resistance to cadmium (MICs 200mg/liter; 20% [85/422]; P, 0.05). These resistance genes were frequently carried by mobile genetic elements. Resistance to arsenic and cadmium were linked to human infection and a clonal lineage originating in animals (P, 0.05). Altogether, S. saprophyticus was highly resistant to heavy metals and accumulated multiple metal resistance determinants. The highest arsenic and cadmium resistance levels were associated with infection, suggesting resistance to these metals is relevant for S. saprophyticus pathogenicityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evidence for the evolutionary steps leading to mecA-mediated ß-lactam resistance in staphylococci

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    The epidemiologically most important mechanism of antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus is associated with mecA–an acquired gene encoding an extra penicillin-binding protein (PBP2a) with low affinity to virtually all β-lactams. The introduction of mecA into the S. aureus chromosome has led to the emergence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) pandemics, responsible for high rates of mortality worldwide. Nonetheless, little is known regarding the origin and evolution of mecA. Different mecA homologues have been identified in species belonging to the Staphylococcus sciuri group representing the most primitive staphylococci. In this study we aimed to identify evolutionary steps linking these mecA precursors to the β-lactam resistance gene mecA and the resistance phenotype. We sequenced genomes of 106 S. sciuri, S. vitulinus and S. fleurettii strains and determined their oxacillin susceptibility profiles. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis of the core genome was performed to assess the genetic relatedness of the isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the mecA gene homologues and promoters was achieved through nucleotide/amino acid sequence alignments and mutation rates were estimated using a Bayesian analysis. Furthermore, the predicted structure of mecA homologue-encoded PBPs of oxacillin-susceptible and -resistant strains were compared. We showed for the first time that oxacillin resistance in the S. sciuri group has emerged multiple times and by a variety of different mechanisms. Development of resistance occurred through several steps including structural diversification of the non-binding domain of native PBPs; changes in the promoters of mecA homologues; acquisition of SCCmec and adaptation of the bacterial genetic background. Moreover, our results suggest that it was exposure to β-lactams in human-created environments that has driven evolution of native PBPs towards a resistance determinant. The evolution of β-lactam resistance in staphylococci highlights the numerous resources available to bacteria to adapt to the selective pressure of antibiotics

    Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Lacking PVL, as a Cause of Severe Invasive Infection Treated with Linezolid

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    Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) is an emerging public health problem worldwide. Severe invasive infections have been described, mostly associated with the presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). In Portugal limited information exists regarding CA-MRSA infections. In this study we describe the case of a previously healthy 12-year-old female, sport athlete, who presented to the hospital with acetabulofemoral septic arthritis, myositis, fasciitis, acetabulum osteomyelitis, and pneumonia.The MRSA isolated from blood and synovial fluid was PVL negative and staphylococcal enterotoxin type P (SEP) and type L (SEL) positive, with a vancomycin MIC of 1.0mg/L and resistant to clindamycin and ciprofloxacin. The patient was submitted to multiple surgical drainages and started on vancomycin, rifampicin, and gentamycin. Due to persistence of fever and no microbiological clearance, linezolid was started with improvement. This is one of the few reported cases of severe invasive infection caused by CA-MRSA in Portugal,which was successfully treated with linezolid. In spite of the severity of infection, the MRSA isolate did not produce PVL

    Trust-Based Formal Delegation Framework for Enterprise Social Networks

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    International audienceCollaborative environments raise major challenges to secure them. These challenges increase when it comes to the domain of Enterprise-Social-Networks (ESNs) as ESNs aim to incorporate the social technologies in an organization setup while asserting greater control of information security. In this context, the security challenges have taken a new shape as an ESN may not be limited to the boundaries of a single organization and users from different organizations can collaborate in a common federated environment. In this paper, we address the problem of the authorization's delegation in federated collaborative environments like ESNs. In contrast to traditional XML based languages, such as XACML, our approach is based on event-calculus, a temporal logic programming formalism. Further, the traditional approaches are either user-centric or organization-centric. However, the domain of ESN requires to bridge the gap between them and the proposed framework deals with this challenge. In order to enhance the delegation scheme, we have proposed a behavior monitoring mechanism, that permits to assess principals' trust level within the federated collaborative environment. We evaluate our trust computing approach based on simulated principals' behaviors and discuss the obtained results

    Enhancing Access-Control with Risk-Metrics for Collaboration on Social Cloud-Platforms

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    International audienceCloud computing promotes the exchange of information , resources and tasks between different organizations by facilitating the deployment and adoption of centralized collaboration platforms: Professional Social Networking (PSN). However, issues concerning security management are preventing their widespread use, as organizations still need to protect some of their sensitive data. Traditional access control policies, defined over the triplet (User, Action, Resource) are difficult to put in place in such highly dynamic environments. In this paper, we introduce risk metrics in existing access control systems to combine the fine-grained policies defined at the user level, with a global risk-policy defined at the organization's level. Experiments show the impact of our approach when deployed on traditional systems