17 research outputs found

    Superoxide Dismutase in Songbirds: Effects of Mercury, Exercise, and Sex on an Enzymatic Antioxidant

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    Anthropogenic activities such as burning of fossil fuels, mining, and industrial processes continue to increase the levels of mercury circulating in the environment. Once methylated, mercury can be incorporated into animal tissues, causing it to biomagnify up the food web. Deleterious fitness impacts are commonly associated with increased mercury content in birds. The mechanistic pathway to those effects on fitness needs further research in order to develop appropriate remediation efforts and predict future harm on bird populations. Oxidative stress is proposed as one of the primary ways though which mercury causes accumulation of cellular damage. Well-documented cases of mercury induced oxidative stress indicate an increased level of reactive oxygen species along with a depletion of protective antioxidant molecules. We assessed the relationship between dietary mercury exposure and activity levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isozymes to evaluate the ability of SOD to serve as a non-lethal biomarker of oxidative stress. We approached this goal in two ways. First, we monitored levels of extracellular SOD in the blood throughout the lifetime of zebra finches exposed to mercury only during development. We found no effect of developmental mercury exposure on SOD3 activity levels, but found significant effects of age and sex. Second, we examined the effect of lifetime mercury exposure and acute exercise on adult zebra finches. Again, mercury did not induce significant changes in SOD3 activity levels, however, sex did play a role in dictating SOD3 activity levels in the blood. We detected a small non-significant effect of mercury on liver, similar to that reported in Henry et al. (2014). This suggests that blood SOD3 activity levels may not be a viable option for quantifying mercury-induced oxidative stress, mammalian models suggest that this is because mercury interacts with each SOD isozyme differently. Mitochondrial SOD seems to be more susceptible to decreased activity levels from mercury than extracellular SOD. We found that sex is playing a crucial role in dictating SOD3 activity levels, likely due to estrogen鈥檚 role as an antioxidant, as previously demonstrated in mammalian models. This is the first in-depth analysis of the mercury, sex, exercise, and age activity levels as predictors of SOD3 in the plasma of songbirds. Because SOD3 activity sampled simultaneously in the liver and plasma of individuals did not correlate, SOD3 is not useful as a biomarker for Oxidative stress in zebra finches

    Molecular techniques used for the detection of babesia spp. in cattle : systematic review

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    La babesiosis bovina es una de las enfermedades parasitarias m谩s importantes en el mundo, es ocasionada por protozoos del g茅nero Babesia y genera signos como fiebre, anemia, anorexia, p茅rdida de peso, ictericia y hemoglobinuria, con las consecuentes p茅rdidas en producci贸n, e incluso la muerte del animal. Para la detecci贸n del par谩sito, se usan pruebas serol贸gicas, relativamente econ贸micas y eficientes, cuyos resultados dependen de factores inherentes al animal y al estado de la infecci贸n. Las t茅cnicas moleculares constituyen herramientas m谩s precisas para la detecci贸n del material gen茅tico del par谩sito. Con el objetivo de evaluar los estudios en los cuales se implementaron t茅cnicas moleculares para la detecci贸n de par谩sitos del g茅nero Babesia, se realiz贸 una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de investigaciones realizadas entre los a帽os 2010 y 2018, en las bases de datos PubMed, LILACS, SciELO y ScienceDirect. De 196 registros identificados solo 47 cumplieron con todos los criterios. Las principales t茅cnicas moleculares empleadas comprenden la Reacci贸n en cadena de la polimerasa de punto final (PCR), PCR anidada (nPCR) y semi anidada, PCR en tiempo real (qPCR), Hibridaci贸n en l铆nea inversa (RLB), Clonaci贸n, Secuenciaci贸n y Amplificaci贸n isot茅rmica de 谩cidos nucleicos (LAMP). Los principales blancos moleculares incluyen la regi贸n AMA-1, los genes 18s rRNA, el marcador RAP-1, la regi贸n ITS, prote铆nas SBP-2 y 4, VESA-1 y MSA. Se evidencia el gran impacto de la enfermedad, los esfuerzos en diferentes pa铆ses por estudiarla y conocer su agente causal, asi como la necesidad de ampliar la investigaci贸n en aspectos en los que las t茅cnicas moleculares son de gran utilidad, como el conocimiento del genoma del par谩sito y su din谩mica con el hospedador, a fin de avanzar en el desarrollo de estrategias de control y/o erradicaci贸n.Bovine babesiosis is one of the most important parasitic diseases in the world, it is caused by protozoa of Babesia genus and generates anemia, anorexia, weight loss, jaundice and hemoglobinuria generating loss in production and even the death of the animal. Serological tests are relatively inexpensive and efficient to detect the parasite, but the results depend on factors inherent to the animal and the state of infection. Molecular markers are more precise tools to detect the parasite. The aim of the current systematic review was to review original studies, published between 2010 and 2018, in which molecular techniques were implemented to detect the parasite. The research was carried out using PubMed, LILACS, SciELO and Science Direct databases. 196 records were identified according to the research criteria and only 47 were analyzed. The main molecular techniques reported include Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), nested PCR (nPCR) and semi nested PCR, Real time PCR (qPCR), Reverse Line Hybridization (RLB), Cloning, Sequencing and Amplification isothermal nucleic acid (LAMP). The main molecular targets include the AMA-1 region, the 18s rRNA genes, the RAP-1 marker, the ITS region, SBP-2 and 4 proteins, VESA-1 and MSA. From the information obtained, the high impact of the disease, the efforts of different countries to study it and to investigate its causal agent is evident. The need to increase research in aspects in which molecular techniques are useful, such as the knowledge of the parasite genome and its dynamics with the host, in order to advance in the development of control and/or eradicationstrategies is also fundamental

    Diarrea neonatal bovina en un hato del antiplano norte de Antioquia (Colombia), un estudio descriptivo

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    ABSTRACT: Bovine neonatal diarrhea is a disease, with etiology that can be infectious or non-infectious, which affects calves during the first three and causes serious economic losses in the dairy industry worldwide. This study describes the disease in a dairy herd in the Northern Antioquia Highlands. A cohort of 60 calves was evaluated during the first month of life through clinical examinations, haematological and serology analysis, and ELISA in fecal samples to detect Cryptosporidium parvum, bovine rotavirus type A, bovine coronavirus and E. coli K99. Additionally, the concentration of immunoglobulin in the colostrum administered and the passive transfer of immunoglobulin were estimated. Proportions of morbidity because of diarrhea were 94.92%, general mortality 17.58%, and lethality 15.79%. Among the group of sick animals 89.47%, 47.37%, 7.02% and 0% were found for each pathogenic agent respectively. A high percentage of animals with reactive lymphocytes were observed which indicates parasitic or viral infection. The results obtained from this study suggest that circulation of agents involved in bovine neonatal diarrhea can exist in the area, which generates concern because of the unknown sanitary status in the Northern Antioquia Highlands.RESUMEN: La diarrea neonatal bovina es una enfermedad cuya etiolog铆a puede ser infecciosa o no infecciosa, afecta los neonatos bovinos especialmente durante las tres primeras semanas de vida y causa serias p茅rdidas econ贸micas en el sector lechero a nivel mundial. En este estudio se describi贸 la enfermedad en un hato de producci贸n lechera en el altiplano norte de Antioquia. Se evalu贸 una cohorte de 60 terneros durante su primer mes de vida mediante examen cl铆nico, an谩lisis hematol贸gicos, de serolog铆a, y ELISA en materia fecal para Cryptosporidium parvum, rotavirus bovino tipo A, coronavirus bovino y E. coli K99. Adicionalmente, se estim贸 la concentraci贸n de inmunoglobulinas en el calostro suministrado y la transferencia pasiva de inmunoglobulinas. Se encontraron proporciones de morbilidad por diarrea de 94,92%, mortalidad general de 17,58% y letalidad del 15,79%. Entre los animales enfermos se encontr贸 un porcentaje de 89,47%, 47,37%, 7,02% y 0% para cada agente pat贸geno respectivamente. Se evidenci贸 un alto porcentaje de animales con linfocitos reactivos, lo que indica la infecci贸n con agentes parasitarios o virales. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio sugieren que puede existir circulaci贸n de agentes involucrados en la diarrea neonatal bovina en la zona, lo que genera preocupaci贸n por el desconocimiento del estatus sanitario del altiplano norte de Antioquia en general

    Caracterizaci贸n biol贸gica en la zona de transici贸n bosque-p谩ramo del Complejo de P谩ramos Chingaza, Colombia

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    The Chingaza paramo complex is located in the Colombian eastern Cordillera, in the departments of Cundinamarca, Boyac谩 and Meta. Most of our current knowledge about this complex comes from studies conducted near Bogot谩 and some focal sectors in the National Natural Park Chingaza. The goal of this study was to characterize the treeline transition zone through five elevational transects. As a result, we report 11,588 occurrences and 1382 data of functional traits for plants, edaphic fauna, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. In addition, we report occurrences from two vulnerable (VU) plant species (Hedyosmum parvifolium聽and Centronia brachycera) and a new endemic species (Puya loca). Preliminary analyses show natural variation in the landscape, community composition and altitudinal location of transition zones along the gradient and between locations. Using this dataset, it is possible to recognize defined transitions between high Andean forests and paramo ecosystems, and their elevation turnover through their physiognomic, floristic, ecological and chorological attributes.La mayor parte de los estudios realizados hasta el momento sobre el complejo de p谩ramos de Chingaza se han desarrollado principalmente en las zonas cercanas a Bogot谩 y algunos sectores del Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar la zona de transici贸n bosque-p谩ramo en el complejo. Realizamos 5 transectos altitudinales en 谩reas con buen estado de conservaci贸n, en los que se obtuvieron 11,588 registros de ocurrencias y 1382 registros de rasgos funcionales de vegetaci贸n, edafofauna, anfibios y aves. Registramos dos especies de plantas en estado vulnerable (VU) (Hedyosmum parvifolium y Centronia brachycera) y un nuevo tax贸n end茅mico para este complejo de p谩ramo (Puya loca). An谩lisis preliminares de los datos presentados sugieren variaci贸n en estructura bi贸tica a lo largo del gradiente, y cambios en la composici贸n de las comunidades. Con la informaci贸n presentada se logr贸 identificar la zona de transici贸n entre el bosque altoandino y el p谩ramo por medio de diversos atributos fison贸micos, flor铆sticos, ecol贸gicos y corol贸gicos

    Modular system for UV-VIS-NIR radiation measurement with wireless communication

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    Here there are presented the files for 3D printing the enclosure of Modular system for UV-VIS-NIR radiation measurement with wireless communication. And the basic code to use it

    Design and Implementation of 3-D printed Radiation Shields for Environmental Sensors

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    This work presents a design and implementation model of a radiation shield, 3D printed that can be adapted to protect and isolate different types of sensors

    Low cost climate station for smart agriculture applications with photovoltaic energy and wireless communication

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    This project presents the integration of a weather station that measures wind speed, rain gauge, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, temperature, light radiation and CO2. The system has wireless communication and is powered by solar energy

    Vertical Jump Data from Inertial and Optical Motion Tracking Systems

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    Motion capture (MOCAP) is a widely used technique to record human, animal, and object movement for various applications such as animation, biomechanical assessment, and control systems. Different systems have been proposed based on diverse technologies, such as visible light cameras, infrared cameras with passive or active markers, inertial systems, or goniometer-based systems. Each system has pros and cons that make it usable in different scenarios. This paper presents a dataset that combines Optical Motion and Inertial Systems, capturing a well-known sports movement as the vertical jump. As a reference system, the optical motion capture consists of six Flex 3 Optitrack cameras with 100 FPS. On the other hand, we developed an inertial system consisting of seven custom-made devices based on the IMU MPU-9250, which includes a three-axis magnetometer, accelerometer and gyroscope, and an embedded Digital Motion Processor (DMP) attached to a microcontroller mounted on a Teensy 3.2 with an ARM Cortex-M4 processor with wireless operation using Bluetooth. The purpose of taking IMU data with a low-cost and customized system is the deployment of applications that can be performed with similar hardware and can be adjusted to different areas. The developed measurement system is flexible, and the acquisition format and enclosure can be customized. The proposed dataset comprises eight jumps recorded from four healthy humans using both systems. Experimental results on the dataset show two usage examples for measuring joint angles and COM position. The proposed dataset is publicly available online and can be used in comparative algorithms, biomechanical studies, skeleton reconstruction, sensor fusion techniques, or machine learning models