22 research outputs found

    Соціальна згуртованість в україні (досвід аплікації методики bertelsmann stiftung до даних європейського соціального дослідження)

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    The present article highlights the results of social cohesion study fulfilled on datasets collected during the sixth wave of the European Social Survey. The conducted study involved the explanation of the importance of social cohesion as a social phenomenon, caused by a paradigmatic shift of approaches to measuring the quality of life of societies. This involved the consideration of social cohesion as an important factor to measure the "social quality" of life. For this purpose, a technique implemented by Bertelsmann Stiftung was used, which was applied to available sixth wave of European Social Survey data, the latter, which included Ukraine, and further certified through the analysis of other additional sources. The study allowed to make a number of substantive conclusions about the level of social cohesion in Ukraine comparing to European countries and other countries of the world. Some recommendations for further research on social cohesion also have been given. The said phenomenon is important because it once can cover a wide range of socially important issues, being simultaneously at both the individual and the collective (macro) level of consciousness. The research of social cohesion highlights "problematic social spheres", so-called weak points of social relations, and conclusions provide knowledge about the direction, to which the efforts to improve the life of the society should be primarily directed. У цій статті висвітлено результати дослідження соціальної згуртованості на основі даних 6-ої хвилі Європейського соціального дослідження (European Social Survey). Дане дослідження пропонує пояснення вимірювання соціальної згуртованості як соціального феномену, зумовленого парадигмальним зсувом серед підходів вимірювання якості життя суспільств. Це передбачало розгляд соціальної згуртованості як вагомого чинника для вимірювання «соціальної якості» життя. Для цього було використано методику, запроваджену компанією Bertelsmann Stiftung, котру було апробовано на доступних даних Європейського соціального дослідження по шостій хвилі – останній, котра включала в себе Україну, та додатково засвідчено з допомогою аналізу інших джерел. Дослідження дало змогу зробити ряд змістовних висновків щодо рівня соціальної згуртованості в Україні порівняно з іншими країнами Європи та світу. Також були надані деякі рекомендації для подальших досліджень соціальної згуртованості. Цей феномен є важливим, оскільки дозволяє охопити одразу широке коло суспільно важливих питань, знаходячись одразу як на індивідуальному, так і на колективному, надіндивідуальному рівнях свідомості. Дослідження соціальної згуртованості показує «проблемні соціальні сфери», так звані, слабкі точки соціальних відносин, а зроблені висновки дають знання про напрям, на який необхідно першочергово направити зусилля для поліпшення життя нашого суспільства.

    Features and methodological aspects of well logging for natural bitumen

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    The article proposed to use the cross-well tomography to improve the efficiency of the bitumen deposits development and to obtain reliable information about the features of the geological structure and, consequently, for the optimal choice of sites for well testing and operations. Also proposed to use well logging techniques for investigating of the Permian hydrocarbons deposits in the deep wells. We consider the complex of well logs applied to the specific features of these wells. Noted that the design used in the Permian deposits has a critical diameter (0.4 m) for well logging and it is recommended to drill the first part of the well with a smaller diameter (not exceed 215.9 mm). More intensive introduction of "new" well logs, tested and successfully applied in the study of traditional oils (gamma spectrometry, C / O logging, VIKIZ, dielectric scanner and others) is needed

    Geophysical prediction of natural protection of shallow deposits of natural bitumen and heavy oil

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    The Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) methodology was tested during the environmental studies at the shallow oil deposit. The obtained electrical prospecting results enable the groundwater vulnerability and protectability assessment which is the basis of future oil field infrastructure development

    Research of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of aqueous alcoholic extracts from mycothallus and mycelium of Inonotus rheades (pers.) Bondartsev & Singer

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    We analyzed antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of aqueous alcoholic extracts from mycothallus and mycelium of Inonotus rheades. It was found that 70% aqueous alcoholic extracts from mycelium of I. rheades had the biggest antioxidant activity. 30% aqueous alcoholic extracts from mycothallus and mycelium have antimicrobial activity against the variety of microorganisms (Salmonella еnteritidis IMVL, Enterococcus faecalis ATSS 29217, Salmonella Ngor IMVL, Streptococcus spp. 44, Staphylococcus aureus ATSS 209p, Escherichia coli ATSS3 5218, Escherichia coli TI). We determined fungistatic activity of 30% aqueous alcoholic extracts of mycelium against Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    Features and methodological aspects of well logging for natural bitumen

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    The article proposed to use the cross-well tomography to improve the efficiency of the bitumen deposits development and to obtain reliable information about the features of the geological structure and, consequently, for the optimal choice of sites for well testing and operations. Also proposed to use well logging techniques for investigating of the Permian hydrocarbons deposits in the deep wells. We consider the complex of well logs applied to the specific features of these wells. Noted that the design used in the Permian deposits has a critical diameter (0.4 m) for well logging and it is recommended to drill the first part of the well with a smaller diameter (not exceed 215.9 mm). More intensive introduction of "new" well logs, tested and successfully applied in the study of traditional oils (gamma spectrometry, C / O logging, VIKIZ, dielectric scanner and others) is needed

    Features and methodological aspects of well logging for natural bitumen

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    The article proposed to use the cross-well tomography to improve the efficiency of the bitumen deposits development and to obtain reliable information about the features of the geological structure and, consequently, for the optimal choice of sites for well testing and operations. Also proposed to use well logging techniques for investigating of the Permian hydrocarbons deposits in the deep wells. We consider the complex of well logs applied to the specific features of these wells. Noted that the design used in the Permian deposits has a critical diameter (0.4 m) for well logging and it is recommended to drill the first part of the well with a smaller diameter (not exceed 215.9 mm). More intensive introduction of "new" well logs, tested and successfully applied in the study of traditional oils (gamma spectrometry, C / O logging, VIKIZ, dielectric scanner and others) is needed

    Features and methodological aspects of well logging for natural bitumen

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    The article proposed to use the cross-well tomography to improve the efficiency of the bitumen deposits development and to obtain reliable information about the features of the geological structure and, consequently, for the optimal choice of sites for well testing and operations. Also proposed to use well logging techniques for investigating of the Permian hydrocarbons deposits in the deep wells. We consider the complex of well logs applied to the specific features of these wells. Noted that the design used in the Permian deposits has a critical diameter (0.4 m) for well logging and it is recommended to drill the first part of the well with a smaller diameter (not exceed 215.9 mm). More intensive introduction of "new" well logs, tested and successfully applied in the study of traditional oils (gamma spectrometry, C / O logging, VIKIZ, dielectric scanner and others) is needed

    Geophysical prediction of natural protection of shallow deposits of natural bitumen and heavy oil

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    The Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) methodology was tested during the environmental studies at the shallow oil deposit. The obtained electrical prospecting results enable the groundwater vulnerability and protectability assessment which is the basis of future oil field infrastructure development

    Geophysical prediction of natural protection of shallow deposits of natural bitumen and heavy oil

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    The Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) methodology was tested during the environmental studies at the shallow oil deposit. The obtained electrical prospecting results enable the groundwater vulnerability and protectability assessment which is the basis of future oil field infrastructure development

    Geophysical prediction of natural protection of shallow deposits of natural bitumen and heavy oil

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    The Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) methodology was tested during the environmental studies at the shallow oil deposit. The obtained electrical prospecting results enable the groundwater vulnerability and protectability assessment which is the basis of future oil field infrastructure development