83 research outputs found

    AmĂ©lioration de la stratĂ©gie digitale et crĂ©ation de valeurs au ChĂąteau d’Aigle grĂące Ă  la conception d’une nouvelle activitĂ© autour de la vigne

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    En ce moment, le ChĂąteau d’Aigle souffre d’un manque de visibilitĂ© et n’accueille pas autant de visiteurs que les autres ChĂąteaux. Ce travail consiste en la rĂ©solution de ce problĂšme en amĂ©liorant sa stratĂ©gie digitale grĂące Ă  la conception d’une activitĂ© autour de la vigne crĂ©atrice de valeurs. L’activitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© inspirĂ©e du concept de la crĂ©ation de valeur partagĂ©e, le marchĂ© a Ă©tĂ© reconçu pour proposer un service axĂ© sur l’aspect social et qui permet de stimuler la communautĂ©. Elle a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© conçue dans le but de fidĂ©liser la clientĂšle du ChĂąteau ainsi que dans l’objectif d’amĂ©liorer sa rentabilitĂ©. L’activitĂ© permettra aux visiteurs de devenir propriĂ©taire de ceps de vigne et de participer aux processus importants de la vinification, soit Ă  l’effeuillage des vignes, les vendanges et la mise en bouteille Ă  l’ancienne en compagnie du partenaire principal, Badoux Vins. A l’issue, des quatre journĂ©es reparties sur l’annĂ©e, le consommateur repart avec sa bouteille personnalisĂ©e et coproduite. L’activitĂ© rĂ©pondra aux besoins d’interactions sociales des consommateurs, mais Ă©galement celui Ă  la participation Ă  une expĂ©rience de co- crĂ©ation oĂč il ne verra plus le vin de la RĂ©serve du ChĂąteau comme un simple produit final, mais comme celui d’une expĂ©rience coproduite avec un producteur

    The omitted variable: could DuoTest enable a new way to assess the link between individual and team performance in team-based learning?

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    Imagine a class of students being allowed to do their final exam twice in a row: the first time, participants do their exam individually and with closed books (Exa01); the second time, they solve the same exam in groups and with open books (Exa02). If you think that all students will get a better grade in the second exam, you would be surprised by the results. This article is part of an ongoing project to develop a method for team-based learning named Testudo. We present an assessment technique called DuoTest, which uses a mixed model to (a) analyze data from individual and group exams and (b) determine the positive (or negative) effect of each team over the individual performances. Empirical results collected from 70 students show that individual exams are a weak predictor of the group scores, whereas fixed effects associated to each team are a better predictor of Exa02

    Healthy lottery. A design theory for a mobile system to increase compliance of individuals with diabetes

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    This article shows the preliminary results of an ongoing study to develop a system that financially rewards individuals with diabetes. Previous studies have already shown that monetary incentives appear to be the strongest motivator for older individuals with type II diabetes. Nonetheless, design criteria for a mobile service are not well established and there is no study available to assess the viability of a system that financially rewards individuals for self-management. Therefore, in this paper we explore a design theory that describes a new mobile service that integrates data from existing mobile application, and includes a self-supported lottery in a business model, which allows patients with effective self-management to be rewarded without any deficit. Our prototype is based on a social business model, which aims at improving patients’ health and that can be described as ”healthy” for them

    Teaching Support System for Competences Development in an Era of Constant Disruption

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    In this paper, we present a software to support educators by collecting and processing data in each step of the experimental learning cycle for cognitive apprenticeship. We do so by developing a system that allows educators to (1) define a set of competences, (2) link keywords to each competences, (3) analyse reflexive papers written by students as evidences of their acquired competences after practical projects and (4) analyse multiple documents to assign students to different clusters to better coach them. The theoretical ground for our artefact lays in the intersection between the body of knowledge concerning experiential learning and statistical learning theory. We support our claims by illustrating results coming from 15 students of a Team Academy course and 100 students of a university course. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Two birds with one stone. An economically viable solution for linked open data platforms

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    Linked open data has been described by scholars as the logic evolution and the main benefit of open data. Nonetheless, the cost of data integration and platform management cannot be simply covered by selling the data, which is freely available by definition. Moreover, existing classifications of business models for linked open data platforms are rather descriptive instead of being prescriptive, and they do not take into account the notion of economic sustainability. Hence, this paper extends the existing literature in order to understand how to define a value proposition and a revenue model to increase the adoption of linked open data. We have developed a simple typology and we have identified a new revenue model for a linked open data platform, which is currently being tested

    Check the temperature. Rapid assessment of common ground in startup teams

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    This research in progress aims at identifying a set of design guide-lines to perform rapid diagnostic of common ground among participants of a startup team and their coach. Previous studies have shown that teams with high common ground are more efficient. Nonetheless, no existing tool can rapidly monitor its progression and visualize it in a simple way to allow the coach to perform team diagnostic. In this paper we present a prototype, which monitors the evolution of joint objectives and joint resources among team members and that represents the updated path of a startup team in less than five minutes. Empirical data collected at a startup weekend shows that it is possible (a) to rapidly monitor the evolution of common ground within the team, (b) to intervene whenever the joint commitment of participants gets too low and (c) positively affect the performance of a startup team

    DĂ©finition d’une stratĂ©gie d’entreprise suivie du dĂ©veloppement d’une stratĂ©gie commerciale pour l’entreprise Izycom SĂ rl

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    Le prĂ©sent dossier a pour but de proposer Ă  Izycom SĂ rl un business model qui lui permette de croĂźtre et de gĂ©nĂ©rer des flux de revenus sur le long terme. Le second objectif est de fournir une base de donnĂ©es rĂ©pertoriant les clients potentiels. Cette base de donnĂ©es doit correspondre aux segments de clientĂšle dĂ©finis par le business model. Un troisiĂšme objectif consiste Ă  Ă©mettre des recommandations pour la stratĂ©gie d’entreprise et la stratĂ©gie de vente Ă  adopter
