48 research outputs found

    Competitors in alpine skiing with phisycal disability

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    Glavni cilj ovoga diplomskog rada je ukazati na probleme s kojima se susreću alpski skijaÅ”i s invaliditetom. Njihova medijska popraćenost, financijska podrÅ”ka i status nisu na razini na kojoj to natjecatelji zaslužuju svojim rezulatima. Za bolje razumijevanje problema s kojima se susreću prikazan je povijesni razvoj svjetskog i hrvatskog sporta za osobe s invaliditetom, te krovne organizacije koje upravljaju sportom. Natjecanja imaju određene specifičnosti u vidu organizacije, skijaÅ”ke opreme i pravila. Vrlo bitna stavka za sportaÅ”e s invaliditetom je osnovna podjela invaliditeta, a onda i kategorizacija unutar svakog invaliditeta koja omogućuje ravnopravno natjecanje. Provedeno je Å”est razgovora od kojih pet s aktivnim alpskim skijaÅ”ima i jedan s bivÅ”om paralimpijkom, plivačicom. Razgovori su slobodnog tipa, ali s vrlo sličnim pitanjima zbog kasnije usporedbe. Na temelju svih provedenih razgovora može se zaključiti da postoje sličnosti u problemima s kojima se susreću sportaÅ”i s invaliditetom, ali i značajan napredak u odnosu na stanje s početaka njihovih sportskih karijera.Main purpose of this work is to present the problems which disabled alpine skiers meet. The media coverage, financies and their status are not leveled with the results they achive. For better understanding of this problem it is shown historical development of sports for disabled, and the main organizations which manage the sport. Competitions have its own specifics in organization, ski equipment, rules and regulations. Very important act for disabled sportsmen is basic disability categorization, and also categorization within each basic disability category, which allows fair competition. It was conducted six interviews of which five are with active alpine skiers and one with former paralympic swimmer. Interviews are not standardized, but with similar questions because of later comparison. Based on all conducted interviews it can be concluded that there are similarities in problems disabled sportsmen are faced with, but also significant progress compared with status in the beginning of their careers

    Competitors in alpine skiing with phisycal disability

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    Glavni cilj ovoga diplomskog rada je ukazati na probleme s kojima se susreću alpski skijaÅ”i s invaliditetom. Njihova medijska popraćenost, financijska podrÅ”ka i status nisu na razini na kojoj to natjecatelji zaslužuju svojim rezulatima. Za bolje razumijevanje problema s kojima se susreću prikazan je povijesni razvoj svjetskog i hrvatskog sporta za osobe s invaliditetom, te krovne organizacije koje upravljaju sportom. Natjecanja imaju određene specifičnosti u vidu organizacije, skijaÅ”ke opreme i pravila. Vrlo bitna stavka za sportaÅ”e s invaliditetom je osnovna podjela invaliditeta, a onda i kategorizacija unutar svakog invaliditeta koja omogućuje ravnopravno natjecanje. Provedeno je Å”est razgovora od kojih pet s aktivnim alpskim skijaÅ”ima i jedan s bivÅ”om paralimpijkom, plivačicom. Razgovori su slobodnog tipa, ali s vrlo sličnim pitanjima zbog kasnije usporedbe. Na temelju svih provedenih razgovora može se zaključiti da postoje sličnosti u problemima s kojima se susreću sportaÅ”i s invaliditetom, ali i značajan napredak u odnosu na stanje s početaka njihovih sportskih karijera.Main purpose of this work is to present the problems which disabled alpine skiers meet. The media coverage, financies and their status are not leveled with the results they achive. For better understanding of this problem it is shown historical development of sports for disabled, and the main organizations which manage the sport. Competitions have its own specifics in organization, ski equipment, rules and regulations. Very important act for disabled sportsmen is basic disability categorization, and also categorization within each basic disability category, which allows fair competition. It was conducted six interviews of which five are with active alpine skiers and one with former paralympic swimmer. Interviews are not standardized, but with similar questions because of later comparison. Based on all conducted interviews it can be concluded that there are similarities in problems disabled sportsmen are faced with, but also significant progress compared with status in the beginning of their careers

    Competitors in alpine skiing with phisycal disability

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    Glavni cilj ovoga diplomskog rada je ukazati na probleme s kojima se susreću alpski skijaÅ”i s invaliditetom. Njihova medijska popraćenost, financijska podrÅ”ka i status nisu na razini na kojoj to natjecatelji zaslužuju svojim rezulatima. Za bolje razumijevanje problema s kojima se susreću prikazan je povijesni razvoj svjetskog i hrvatskog sporta za osobe s invaliditetom, te krovne organizacije koje upravljaju sportom. Natjecanja imaju određene specifičnosti u vidu organizacije, skijaÅ”ke opreme i pravila. Vrlo bitna stavka za sportaÅ”e s invaliditetom je osnovna podjela invaliditeta, a onda i kategorizacija unutar svakog invaliditeta koja omogućuje ravnopravno natjecanje. Provedeno je Å”est razgovora od kojih pet s aktivnim alpskim skijaÅ”ima i jedan s bivÅ”om paralimpijkom, plivačicom. Razgovori su slobodnog tipa, ali s vrlo sličnim pitanjima zbog kasnije usporedbe. Na temelju svih provedenih razgovora može se zaključiti da postoje sličnosti u problemima s kojima se susreću sportaÅ”i s invaliditetom, ali i značajan napredak u odnosu na stanje s početaka njihovih sportskih karijera.Main purpose of this work is to present the problems which disabled alpine skiers meet. The media coverage, financies and their status are not leveled with the results they achive. For better understanding of this problem it is shown historical development of sports for disabled, and the main organizations which manage the sport. Competitions have its own specifics in organization, ski equipment, rules and regulations. Very important act for disabled sportsmen is basic disability categorization, and also categorization within each basic disability category, which allows fair competition. It was conducted six interviews of which five are with active alpine skiers and one with former paralympic swimmer. Interviews are not standardized, but with similar questions because of later comparison. Based on all conducted interviews it can be concluded that there are similarities in problems disabled sportsmen are faced with, but also significant progress compared with status in the beginning of their careers

    Changes of Impact Force During Performance of Straight Punch With Two Boxing Techniques ā€“ Case Study

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    PURPOSE: Performance in boxing is a combination of strength, speed, and stability to create maximum impact. One of the types of punches commonly used in boxing is the straight punch. The magnitude of force exerted at the point of impact is influenced by a number of factors. Therefore, some biomechanical parameters can have greater effect than others during punch performance. Likewise, different technique modalities influence punch force. This study aims to determine differences between kinetic and kinematic parameters of punches performed with two different techniques (with and without weight shifting). METHODS: Overall, 20 straight punches were performed (10 for each observed technique) by a top-level female boxer (26.1 years old, height 170.3 cm, weight 63.2 kg). Afterwards, four kinematic variables (shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand velocities) were analyzed together with the position of center of mass (Xsens, Awinda). Also, overall foot pressure force of both feet (Novel pressure insoles) was analyzed for each technique, as well as the impact force of each punch (Punchsensor). Differences between the techniques were determined by MANOVA. RESULTS: Significant differences were found in foot pressure force and impact force, with higher values of punch force determined in the straight punch performance that includes weight shifting (p=0.00). Regarding kinematic parameters, there were significant differences in shoulder velocity, forearm velocity, and center of mass position (p=0.00). Upper arm and hand velocity variables did not differ significantly. This result indicates that different punch preparation can exhibit greater force and better performance. CONCLUSION: The understanding of movement pattern in punching could provide insightful instruction to coaches and boxers on how to generate powerful straight punches. The presented data objectively determined differences between two approaches in performing a straight punch which could help in correcting technical performance


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    Traditionally used methods for kinematic analysis of alpine skiing has limitations regarding data collecting and data processing. Also, analysis of measured parameters, interpretation, and implementation in practice are postponed. Therefore, aim of this paper was to determine differences in the performance of slalom turns between three conditions using a relatively new technology that allows fast data collecting and analysis. Twenty kinematic variables were analysed for each turn (both the left and right) and 26 turns were executed in each condition. All turns were performed by a national skiing demonstrator. Differences were determined by MANOVA (F=71.3; p=.00). Tukeyā€™s post-hoc test showed that the turns performed on the ski simulator differed in every variable from the turns performed in other two condition, and the free skiing turns differed from the corridor turns in the following variables: hip joint angle of abduction of the right leg in the left turn, p=.00; distance of the projection of the centre of mass relative to the right foot in the left turn, p=.00; hip joint angle of flexion of the left leg in the left turn, p=.02; hip joint angle of abduction of the left leg in the left turn, p=.01; distance of the projection of the centre of mass relative to the left foot in the left turn, p=.00; knee angle of flexion of the left leg in the right turn, p=.04). The kinematic parameters obtained using the XSENS suit during slalom turns performed on the ski simulator and ski slope suggested significant differences in the position of the lower extremities, which might be important for situational efficiency and technical performance. Our results can be used to improve the alpine skiing technique. They suggest more precise relations between space parameters, such as body position and the angles between different body segments during a slalom turn. Methodology of research and technology used could contribute to the development of new scientific approaches in biomechanical research of top-level sports.</p

    Dobro odabrana skijaŔka oprema povezana je s razinom usvojenog skijaŔkog znanja kod skijaŔkih početnika

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    Numerous factors influence efficacy of alpine ski learning, among which dominate weather conditions, motivation, and capabilities of ski beginners as well as motivation and knowledge of ski instructors and quality and suitability of ski equipment, which when suitable also prevents injuries. The aim of this research was to determine whether the length of skis and the length of ski boots affect learning of basic elements of alpine skiing technique. We included 178 ski beginners (132 males and 46 females). At the beginning of the research, the subjectsā€™ height and feet length were measured, and based on the measures, they were given adequate ski equipment. Afterwards participants were included in 10 days alpine skiing where they learned according to precisely defined program. Upon completion of the alpine ski program, participants demonstrated skiing skills (snowplough, basic turn, parallel turn, and short turn) in front of five independent judges. Small but statistically significant negative correlation was determined between ski length and average grade for element snowplough (r=-0,19). Statistically significant correlation was determined between feet length and average grade for parallel turn (r=-0,16) and length of ski boots and element parallel turn (r=-0,20). Our results suggest that ski equipment through ski length and ski boots can influence the speed and level of learning basics of alpine skiing.ViÅ”e čimbenika utječe na učinkovitost procesa usvajanja osnova alpskoga skijanja. Između ostaloga uvjeti u kojima se uči, motiviranost i sposobnosti učenika, stručnost i motiviranost učitelja te prilagođenost skijaÅ”ke opreme korisnicima, a dobro odabrana skijaÅ”ka oprema je neophodan čimbenik i u prevenciji ozljeda. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi povezanost između duljine skija i duljine skijaÅ”kih cipela s razinom usvojenog skijaÅ”kog znanja kod skijaÅ”kih početnika. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 178 skijaÅ”kih početnika (132 muÅ”kog i 46 ženskog spola), kojima je na početku istraživanja izmjerena tjelesna visina te duljina stopala. Na temelju izmjerene tjelesne visine ispitanicima su iznajmljene adekvatne skije, a na temelju izmjerene duljine stopala skijaÅ”ke cipele određene veličine. Nakon odabira skijaÅ”ke opreme ispitanici su bili uključeni u desetodnevnu Å”kolu u kojoj su po točno definiranom programu usvajali skijaÅ”ka znanja. Po zavrÅ”etku Å”kole svi ispitanici su ispred pet nezavisnih ispitivača demonstrirali 4 elementa skijaÅ”ke tehnike (plužni zavoj, osnovni zavoj, paralelni zavoj i vijuganje). Mala, ali statistički značajna negativna korelacija utvrđena je između duljine skija i prosječne ocjene skijaÅ”kog znanja na elementu plužni zavoj (r=-0,19). Između dužine stopala i prosječne ocjene skijaÅ”kog znanja na elementu paralelni zavoj utvrđena je mala, ali statistički značajna negativna korelacija (r=-0,16). Također mala ali statistički značajna negativna korelacija (r=-0,20) utvrđena je i između duljine skijaÅ”kih cipela i ocjena na elementu paralelni zavoj. Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje kako skijaÅ”ka oprema preko duljine skija i skijaÅ”kih cipela može utjecati na brzinu i razinu stjecanja osnovnih skijaÅ”kih znanja

    Effect of various exercise programs on morphological and motor status of previously physically inactive female adults

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    Pod utjecajem danaÅ”njeg užurbanog načina života, opisa posla te sedentarnih navika čovjeka životni stil izrazito se promijenio, a odraz toga vidljiv je i u smislu smanjene tjelesne aktivnosti populacije. U gotovo svim dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima utvrđena je veća prevalencija nedovoljne aktivnosti kod žena nego kod muÅ”karaca, odnosno ona na globalnoj razini iznosi 34% kod žena te 28% kod muÅ”karaca. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi utječe li sustavno i programirano tjelesno vježbanje na pozitivne promjene morfoloÅ”kog i motoričkog statusa tjelesno neaktivnih osoba ženskog spola. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi postoji li razlika između kružnog programa, kardio programa i programa nordijskog hodanja u njihovom utjecaju na promatrane varijable. Uzorak ispitanika sastavljen je od 60 prethodno tjelesno neaktivnih osoba ženskog spola (prosječne dobi 50.80 Ā± 9.27 godina; prosječne visine 165.02 Ā± 6.20 cm; prosječne mase 86.00 Ā± 15.35 kg). Rezultati ukazuju na statistički značajnu razliku između promatranih varijabli između sva tri programa vježbanja (p<0,001). Zaključno, pozitivne promjene ostvarene su u svim promatranim programima, no najznačajniji rezultati ostvareni su kod ispitanica koje su vježbale u kružnom programu.Decreased level of physical activity of nowadays generation is mainly caused by hectic lifestyle and sedentary habits. Most of researches determined higher prevalence of insufficient physical activity in female population rather than male. On global level it is 34% among females and 28% among male population. The aim of this study was to determine whether continuous and programmed physical activity has positive impact on changes in morphological and motor status of previously physically inactive female adults. Furthermore, the aim was to establish the differences between effects of various programs on observed variables. Sample consisted of 60 previously physically inactive females (average age 50.80 Ā± 9.27 years; average height 165.02 Ā± 6.20 cm; average weight 86.00 Ā± 15.35 kg). Results of ANOVA indicate statistically significant differences in observed variables between conducted exercise programs (p<0,001). To conclude, positive changes are achieved in all programs, but the most significant results are achieved in circular program

    Effect of various exercise programs on morphological and motor status of previously physically inactive female adults

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    Pod utjecajem danaÅ”njeg užurbanog načina života, opisa posla te sedentarnih navika čovjeka životni stil izrazito se promijenio, a odraz toga vidljiv je i u smislu smanjene tjelesne aktivnosti populacije. U gotovo svim dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima utvrđena je veća prevalencija nedovoljne aktivnosti kod žena nego kod muÅ”karaca, odnosno ona na globalnoj razini iznosi 34% kod žena te 28% kod muÅ”karaca. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi utječe li sustavno i programirano tjelesno vježbanje na pozitivne promjene morfoloÅ”kog i motoričkog statusa tjelesno neaktivnih osoba ženskog spola. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi postoji li razlika između kružnog programa, kardio programa i programa nordijskog hodanja u njihovom utjecaju na promatrane varijable. Uzorak ispitanika sastavljen je od 60 prethodno tjelesno neaktivnih osoba ženskog spola (prosječne dobi 50.80 Ā± 9.27 godina; prosječne visine 165.02 Ā± 6.20 cm; prosječne mase 86.00 Ā± 15.35 kg). Rezultati ukazuju na statistički značajnu razliku između promatranih varijabli između sva tri programa vježbanja (p<0,001). Zaključno, pozitivne promjene ostvarene su u svim promatranim programima, no najznačajniji rezultati ostvareni su kod ispitanica koje su vježbale u kružnom programu.Decreased level of physical activity of nowadays generation is mainly caused by hectic lifestyle and sedentary habits. Most of researches determined higher prevalence of insufficient physical activity in female population rather than male. On global level it is 34% among females and 28% among male population. The aim of this study was to determine whether continuous and programmed physical activity has positive impact on changes in morphological and motor status of previously physically inactive female adults. Furthermore, the aim was to establish the differences between effects of various programs on observed variables. Sample consisted of 60 previously physically inactive females (average age 50.80 Ā± 9.27 years; average height 165.02 Ā± 6.20 cm; average weight 86.00 Ā± 15.35 kg). Results of ANOVA indicate statistically significant differences in observed variables between conducted exercise programs (p<0,001). To conclude, positive changes are achieved in all programs, but the most significant results are achieved in circular program