30 research outputs found

    Героическое в произведениях А.А. Фета о Крымской войне в контексте эстетической полемики ХIХ века

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    Проблемы героического в военной прозе и поэзии А.А Фета рассматриваются в контексте эстетической полемики второй половины Х1Х века. В ходе исследования литературно-критических материалов и произведений поэта делается попытка пересмотреть существование традиционных стереотипов относительно творчества и личной жизни художника-эстета и прийти к выводу: военная тематика поэта "чистого искусства" не была обособленной от всего его литературного наследия, она органически вписывалась в его эстетическую программу. Героическое в эстетике и творчестве А. Фета представлено наравне с категорией красоты как составляющей категории прекрасного.Проблеми героiчного в военiй прозi та поезii А.А.Фета разглядаються в контекстi літературної полемікі другоїї половини Х1Х сторіччя. В ході дослiдництва лiтературно-крiтичних матерiалiв та творiв поета робиться спроба переглянути iснування традицiйних стереотипiв вiдносно творчостi та особистого життя художника- естета та прийти до висновка: вiйськова тематика поета "чистого мистецтва" не була вiдокремленою вiд всii його спадщини, вона органiчно вписувалась в його естетичну програму. Героiчне в естетицi та творчостi А.Фета надано нарiвнi з категорiєю красоти, як складовоi категорii прекрасного.Heroic problems in war prose and poetry of A.A.Fet are examined in the context of literal controversy of the second part of the 19thcenturi. In the way of research of literal and critical materials and works of the poet the attempt is making to reexamine existence of formed stereotypes which are related to creative work and personal life of artist-design and go up to the conclusion that poet?s war subject-matter of "pure art" was not isolated from all his legacy. It enters organically into his aesthetic program

    Early extracorporeal CPR for refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

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    BACKGROUNDExtracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) restores perfusion and oxy-genation in a patient who does not have spontaneous circulation. The evidencewith regard to the effect of extracorporeal CPR on survival with a favorable neu-rologic outcome in refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is inconclusive.METHODSIn this multicenter, randomized, controlled trial conducted in the Netherlands, weassigned patients with an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest to receive extracorporealCPR or conventional CPR (standard advanced cardiac life support). Eligible patientswere between 18 and 70 years of age, had received bystander CPR, had an initialventricular arrhythmia, and did not have a return of spontaneous circulationwithin 15 minutes after CPR had been initiated. The primary outcome was sur-vival with a favorable neurologic outcome, defined as a Cerebral PerformanceCategory score of 1 or 2 (range, 1 to 5, with higher scores indicating more severedisability) at 30 days. Analyses were performed on an intention-to-treat basis.RESULTSOf the 160 patients who underwent randomization, 70 were assigned to receiveextracorporeal CPR and 64 to receive conventional CPR; 26 patients who did notmeet the inclusion criteria at hospital admission were excluded. At 30 days, 14 pa-tients (20%) in the extracorporeal-CPR group were alive with a favorable neuro-logic outcome, as compared with 10 patients (16%) in the conventional-CPR group(odds ratio, 1.4; 95% confidence interval, 0.5 to 3.5; P = 0.52). The number of seri-ous adverse events per patient was similar in the two groups.CONCLUSIONSIn patients with refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, extracorporeal CPR andconventional CPR had similar effects on survival with a favorable neurologic out-come. (Funded by the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Develop-ment and Maquet Cardiopulmonary [Getinge]; INCEPTION ClinicalTrials.govnumber, NCT03101787.)Cardiolog

    Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume

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    The hippocampal formation is a brain structure integrally involved in episodic memory, spatial navigation, cognition and stress responsiveness. Structural abnormalities in hippocampal volume and shape are found in several common neuropsychiatric disorders. To identify the genetic underpinnings of hippocampal structure here we perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 33,536 individuals and discover six independent loci significantly associated with hippocampal volume, four of them novel. Of the novel loci, three lie within genes (ASTN2, DPP4 and MAST4) and one is found 200 kb upstream of SHH. A hippocampal subfield analysis shows that a locus within the MSRB3 gene shows evidence of a localized effect along the dentate gyrus, subiculum, CA1 and fissure. Further, we show that genetic variants associated with decreased hippocampal volume are also associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (rg =-0.155). Our findings suggest novel biological pathways through which human genetic variation influences hippocampal volume and risk for neuropsychiatric illness

    Inhibitory control of the excitatory/inhibitory balance in psychiatric disorders

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    Contains fulltext : 190634.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Neuronal networks consist of different types of neurons that all play their own role in order to maintain proper network function. The two main types of neurons segregate in excitatory and inhibitory neurons, which together regulate the flow of information through the network. It has been proposed that changes in the relative strength in these two opposing forces underlie the symptoms observed in psychiatric disorders, including autism and schizophrenia. Here, we review the role of alterations to the function of the inhibitory system as a cause of psychiatric disorders. First, we explore both patient and post-mortem evidence of inhibitory deficiency. We then discuss the function of different interneuron subtypes in the network and focus on the central role of a specific class of inhibitory neurons, parvalbumin-positive interneurons. Finally, we discuss genes known to be affected in different disorders and the effects that mutations in these genes have on the inhibitory system in cortex and hippocampus. We conclude that alterations to the inhibitory system are consistently identified in animal models of psychiatric disorders and, more specifically, that mutations affecting the function of parvalbumin-positive interneurons seem to play a central role in the symptoms observed in these disorders

    [Liver abscesses as a complication of Crohn's disease],[Liver abscesses as a complication of Crohn's disease]

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    Item does not contain fulltextLiver abscesses were found in two women aged 23 and 34 years who suffered from Crohn's disease. The first patient was seen because of fever and thoracic pain and had been treated with infliximab. The second patient, who was pregnant, presented with abdominal pain that was thought to be due to an exacerbation of her inflammatory bowel disease. Ultrasonography and CT revealed that both patients had large liver abscesses. Both received antibiotic treatment, the first patient underwent drainage of the abscess, and the second underwent puncture twice, resulting in clinical improvements in both patients. In contrast to intra-abdominal abscesses, liver abscesses are rarely seen in patients with Crohn's disease. The clinical presentation can be mistaken for an exacerbation of Crohn's disease, but the diagnosis can be made easily using ultrasonography or CT. Treatment consists of (ultrasound-guided) percutaneous drainage and administration of antibiotics

    A throbbing pain in the head: trastuzumab-induced migraine.

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    Contains fulltext : 79671.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Trastuzumab, an epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor, is used in the treatment of both early-stage and metastatic breast cancer. In general it is well tolerated, with a flu-like syndrome occurring frequently a few hours after administration, including symptoms such as fever, sweating, skin rash, nausea and headache. A migraineous headache however has never been described as an adverse event. Here we present a patient in whom a strong relationship between trastuzumab infusion and a migraineous headache syndrome was present, without evidence of metastatic disease. Treatment with corticosteroids for the infusion-related complaints resulted in significant pain relief

    Apotheker moet extra alert zijn. Bij thuisgebruik van oncolytica.

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    Contains fulltext : 69874.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access

    [Ventricular assist device implantation as a bridge to cardiac transplantation in two adolescents with end-stage cardiomyopathy and heart failure as a result of anthracycline use]

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    Contains fulltext : 69207.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)In a adolescent women aged 15 and 17 years respectively, severe heart failure developed within a few months of anthracycline chemotherapy given for osteosarcoma. In the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, malignancy with a remission duration of less than 5 years is an absolute contraindication to cardiac transplantation. Neither patient was eligible to receive a ventricular assist device (VAD) as a bridge to cardiac transplantation in the Netherlands, but they were accepted in Germany. One patient received a cardiac transplant 13 months later and at the last follow-up check she was in good health with a remission of 3 years. The other patient developed bone metastases 6 months after the VAD implantation. Cardiac transplantation was not a treatment option for her. Dose-dependent cardiotoxicity is a serious complication of the use of anthracyclines. In severe heart failure the prognosis is often worse than in adjuvantly treated malignancies like osteosarcoma. VAD may therefore be a valid option for patients with severe heart failure after anthracycline use for a malignancy. In cases of sustained remission VAD may be the bridge to transplantation