22 research outputs found


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    Lukyanchuk O. V., Moskalenko A. M., Bokal I. I., Gozhenko A. I. ON THE STATE OF ENDOTHELIAL DESQUAMATION IN CANCER PATIENTS. Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини / Actual problems of transport medicine / 2018;4(54):88-93. ISSN 1818-9385 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2525619 http://aptm.org.ua ON THE STATE OF ENDOTHELIAL DESQUAMATION IN CANCER PATIENTS O. V. Lukyanchuk1, A. M. Moskalenko1, I. I. Bokal1, A. I. Gozhenko2 1Odessa Regional Oncology Center 2SE “Research Institute for Medicine of Transport of the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine”, Odessa Abstract Introduction. Hypercoagulation is one of the most important general changes in the body of cancer patients, the presence of which is taken into account both in the surgical and conservative treatment of cancer patients and requires adequate correction due to the possibility of thrombotic complications. The objective. To study the number of circulating endotheliocytes (CE) and assess the extent of endothelial damage in cancer patients before and after treatment with dacarbazine. Materials and research methods. The content of CE in 20 cancer patients before and after treatment with dacarbazine was studied. Dacarbazine was administered intravenously once at a dosage of 60-75 mg / m2 of a body surface. At 1-3 days after its introduction, a complete blood count, urinalysis, coagulogram were examined in the patients under observation. Results. A high content of CE at all the patients under observation was established. Chemotherapy is accompanied by an increase in CE content for more than twice. Conclusion. The tumor process increases desquamation of endothelium, which increases even more after chemotherapy. Key words: endothelial desquamation, hypercoagulation, circulating endotheliocytes, cancer patients, dacarbazine

    Downregulation of the Escherichia coli guaB promoter by FIS

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    The Escherichia coli guaB promoter (PguaB) regulates transcription of two genes, guaB and guaA, that are required for the synthesis of guanosine 5′-monophosphate (GMP), a precursor for the synthesis of guanine nucleoside triphosphates. Transcription from PguaB increases as a function of increasing cellular growth rate, and this is referred to as growth rate-dependent control (GRDC). Here we investigated the role of the factor for inversion stimulation (FIS) in the regulation of this promoter. The results showed that there are three binding sites for FIS centred near positions −11, +8 and +29 relative to the guaB transcription start site. Binding of FIS to these sites results in repression of PguaB in vitro but not in vivo. Deletion of the fis gene results in increased PguaB activity in vivo, but GRDC of PguaB is maintained

    Transformation tools enabling the implementation of nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city

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    The linear pattern of production-consumption-disposal of cities around the world will continue to increase the emission of pollutants and stocks of waste, as well as to impact on the irreversible deterioration of non-renewable stocks of raw materials. A transition towards a circular pattern proposed by the concept of ‘Circular Cities’ is gaining momentum. As part of this urban transition, the emergent use of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) intends to shift public opinion and utilize technology to mitigate the urban environmental impact. In this paper, an analysis of the current research and practical investments for implementing NBS under the umbrella of Circular Cities is conducted. A combined appraisal of the latest literature and a survey of ongoing and completed National-European research and development projects provides an overview of the current enabling tools, methodologies, and initiatives for public engagement. It also identifies and describes the links between facilitators and barriers with respect to existing policies and regulations, public awareness and engagement, and scientific and technological instruments. The paper concludes introducing the most promising methods, physical and digital technologies that may lead the way to Sustainable Circular Cities. The results of this research provide useful insight for citizens, scientists, practitioners, investors, policy makers, and strategists to channel efforts on switching from a linear to a circular thinking for the future of cities

    Thioldisulfide system condition under protein-protein co-operations in immune and non-immune reactions in vitro

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    У роботі вивчено особливості та загальні закономірності зміни вмісту білкових і небілкових -SH- і -S-Sгруп у модельних імунних і неімунних реакціях in vitro з стандартними антигенами й антитілами з діагностичних тест-систем. Автори вважають, що разом із визначенням антитіл загальноприйнятими імунологічними методами доцільно додатково вивчати вміст білкових і небілкових -SH- і -S-S-груп в імунних і неімунних реакціях, що істотно розширює аналітичні та діагностичні можливості сучасного імуноаналізу.Features and general conformities to the law of change of the protein and non-protein -SH- and -S-S-groups contents in the model immune and non-immune reactions in vitro with standard antigens and antibodies from diagnostic test-systems are studied in the work. Authors consider that along with the decision of antibodies by traditional immunological methods, it is expedient additionally to study contents of the protein and non-protein -SH- and -S-S-groups in the immune and non-immune reactions, that substantially extends analytical and diagnostic possibilities of modern immunological analysi

    Reproductive outcomes after laparoscopic surgery in infertile women affected by ovarian endometriomas, with or without in vitro fertilisation: results from the SAFE (surgery and ART for endometriomas) trial

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    We performed a retrospective cohort study, namely “Surgery and ART for Endometriomas” (SAFE) trial (Clinical Trial ID: NCT03717870), including women who underwent laparoscopic cystectomy for endometrioma before first IVF and compared their reproductive outcomes with the ones of women without endometriosis and with unexplained infertility, tubal factor or male factor infertility. We found that women who underwent previous laparoscopic cystectomy for endometrioma had higher FSH and LH levels between the 2nd and 5th day of the cycle before IVF, required higher doses of gonadotrophins for ovarian stimulation and had a lower number of retrieved oocytes compared with other types of infertility. Nevertheless, pregnancy and delivery rates remain comparable to other causes of infertility. In addition, differences in ovarian stimulation parameters between endometriosis and other types of infertility lost significance with the increase of women’s age. These pieces of information can be considered useful to make adequate counselling about reproductive outcomes for infertile women with ovarian endometriomas and allow a proper decision-making approach shared with the patient.IMPACT STATEMENTWhat is already known on this subject? Although endometriomas are common findings in infertile women, whether they should be surgically removed before an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a long-lasting debate, and current evidence does not offer a robust background to draw firm recommendations. What do the results of this study add? Women who underwent previous laparoscopic cystectomy for endometrioma need higher doses of gonadotrophins for ovarian stimulation and have a lower number of retrieved oocytes, compared with other types of infertility. Pregnancy and delivery rates remain comparable to other causes of infertility. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? These pieces of information can help to make adequate counselling about reproductive outcomes for infertile women with ovarian endometriomas and allow a proper decision-making approach shared with the patient

    Contributions of UP Elements and the Transcription Factor FIS to Expression from the Seven rrn P1 Promoters in Escherichia coli

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    The high activity of the rrnB P1 promoter in Escherichia coli results from a cis-acting DNA sequence, the UP element, and a trans-acting transcription factor, FIS. In this study, we examine the effects of FIS and the UP element at the other six rrn P1 promoters. We find that UP elements are present at all of the rrn P1 promoters, but they make different relative contributions to promoter activity. Similarly, FIS binds upstream of, and activates, all seven rrn P1 promoters but to different extents. The total number of FIS binding sites, as well as their positions relative to the transcription start site, differ at each rrn P1 promoter. Surprisingly, the FIS sites upstream of site I play a much larger role in transcription from most rrn P1 promoters compared to rrnB P1. Our studies indicate that the overall activities of the seven rrn P1 promoters are similar, and the same contributors are responsible for these high activities, but these inputs make different relative contributions and may act through slightly different mechanisms at each promoter. These studies have implications for the control of gene expression of unlinked multigene families