55 research outputs found

    Reach Set Approximation through Decomposition with Low-dimensional Sets and High-dimensional Matrices

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    Approximating the set of reachable states of a dynamical system is an algorithmic yet mathematically rigorous way to reason about its safety. Although progress has been made in the development of efficient algorithms for affine dynamical systems, available algorithms still lack scalability to ensure their wide adoption in the industrial setting. While modern linear algebra packages are efficient for matrices with tens of thousands of dimensions, set-based image computations are limited to a few hundred. We propose to decompose reach set computations such that set operations are performed in low dimensions, while matrix operations like exponentiation are carried out in the full dimension. Our method is applicable both in dense- and discrete-time settings. For a set of standard benchmarks, it shows a speed-up of up to two orders of magnitude compared to the respective state-of-the art tools, with only modest losses in accuracy. For the dense-time case, we show an experiment with more than 10.000 variables, roughly two orders of magnitude higher than possible with previous approaches

    PDDL+ Planning with Hybrid Automata: Foundations of Translating Must Behavior

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    Planning in hybrid domains poses a special challenge due to the involved mixed discrete-continuous dynamics. A recent solving approach for such domains is based on applying model checking techniques on a translation of PDDL+ planning problems to hybrid automata. However, the proposed translation is limited because must behavior is only overapproximated, and hence, processes and events are not re- flected exactly. In this paper, we present the theoretical foundation of an exact PDDL+ translation. We propose a schema to convert a hybrid automaton with must transitions into an equivalent hybrid automaton featuring only may transitions


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    Template polyhedra generalize intervals and octagons to polyhedra whose facets are orthogonal to a given set of arbitrary directions. They have been employed in the abstract interpretation of programs and, with particular success, in the reachability analysis of hybrid automata. While previously, the choice of directions has been left to the user or a heuristic, we present a method for the automatic discovery of directions that generalize and eliminate spurious counterexamples. We show that for the class of convex hybrid automata, i.e., hybrid automata with (possibly nonlinear) convex constraints on derivatives, such directions always exist and can be found using convex optimization. We embed our method inside a CEGAR loop, thus enabling the time-unbounded reachability analysis of an important and richer class of hybrid automata than was previously possible. We evaluate our method on several benchmarks, demonstrating also its superior efficiency for the special case of linear hybrid automata


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    Despite researchers’ efforts in the last couple of decades, reachability analysis is still a challenging problem even for linear hybrid systems. Among the existing approaches, the most practical ones are mainly based on bounded-time reachable set over-approximations. For the purpose of unbounded-time analysis, one important strategy is to abstract the original system and find an invariant for the abstraction. In this paper, we propose an approach to constructing a new kind of abstraction called conic abstraction for affine hybrid systems, and to computing reachable sets based on this abstraction. The essential feature of a conic abstraction is that it partitions the state space of a system into a set of convex polyhedral cones which is derived from a uniform conic partition of the derivative space. Such a set of polyhedral cones is able to cut all trajectories of the system into almost straight segments so that every segment of a reach pipe in a polyhedral cone tends to be straight as well, and hence can be over-approximated tightly by polyhedra using similar techniques as HyTech or PHAVer. In particular, for diagonalizable affine systems, our approach can guarantee to find an invariant for unbounded reachable sets, which is beyond the capability of bounded-time reachability analysis tools. We implemented the approach in a tool and experiments on benchmarks show that our approach is more powerful than SpaceEx and PHAVer in dealing with diagonalizable systems

    JuliaReach: a Toolbox for Set-Based Reachability

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    We present JuliaReach, a toolbox for set-based reachability analysis of dynamical systems. JuliaReach consists of two main packages: Reachability, containing implementations of reachability algorithms for continuous and hybrid systems, and LazySets, a standalone library that implements state-of-the-art algorithms for calculus with convex sets. The library offers both concrete and lazy set representations, where the latter stands for the ability to delay set computations until they are needed. The choice of the programming language Julia and the accompanying documentation of our toolbox allow researchers to easily translate set-based algorithms from mathematics to software in a platform-independent way, while achieving runtime performance that is comparable to statically compiled languages. Combining lazy operations in high dimensions and explicit computations in low dimensions, JuliaReach can be applied to solve complex, large-scale problems.Comment: Accepted in Proceedings of HSCC'19: 22nd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC'19

    Safety verification of nonlinear hybrid systems based on invariant clusters

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    In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically compute invariant clusters for nonlinear semialgebraic hybrid systems. An invariant cluster for an ordinary differential equation (ODE) is a multivariate polynomial invariant g(u→, x→) = 0, parametric in u→, which can yield an infinite number of concrete invariants by assigning different values to u→ so that every trajectory of the system can be overapproximated precisely by the intersection of a group of concrete invariants. For semialgebraic systems, which involve ODEs with multivariate polynomial right-hand sides, given a template multivariate polynomial g(u→, x→), an invariant cluster can be obtained by first computing the remainder of the Lie derivative of g(u→, x→) divided by g(u→, x→) and then solving the system of polynomial equations obtained from the coefficients of the remainder. Based on invariant clusters and sum-of-squares (SOS) programming, we present a new method for the safety verification of hybrid systems. Experiments on nonlinear benchmark systems from biology and control theory show that our approach is efficient

    PDDL+ Planning with Hybrid Automata: Foundations of Translating Must Behavior

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    Planning in hybrid domains poses a special challenge due to the involved mixed discrete-continuous dynamics. A recent solving approach for such domains is based on applying model checking techniques on a translation of PDDL+ planning problems to hybrid automata. However, the proposed translation is limited because must behavior is only overapproximated, and hence, processes and events are not reflected exactly. In this paper, we present the theoretical foundation of an exact PDDL+ translation. We propose a schema to convert a hybrid automaton with must transitions into an equivalent hybrid automaton featuring only may transitions


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