1,435 research outputs found

    Youth entrepreneursh1p: definitions, challenges and prospects of development

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    The article deals with the definition of «youth entrepreneurship», age stages and psychological types of young entrepreneurs. The authors highlighted the barriers of youth entrepreneurs hip and ways of overcoming them.В статье рассматриваются определение понятия «молодежное предпринимательство», возрастные стадии и психологические типы молодых предпринимателей. Выделены барьеры предпринимательской деятельности молодежи и пути их преодоления

    To the Question of Why to Teach “to a Psychologist”

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    Оригинал статьи получен 01 февраля 2023. Исправленная статья принята 01 марта 2023.Ситуация, сложившаяся в сфере образования — катастрофическая. Но у школы есть собственные силы и средства для минимизации ущерба, наносимого перманентной реформой образования. Университеты все еще располагают академическими свободами и могут выбирать пути образовательного процесса. Главное — формировать у студентов понятийное мышление, без которого образовательная деятельность становится фикцией.The situation in the field of education is catastrophic. But the School has its own forces and means to minimize the damage caused by the permanent reform of education. Universities still have academic freedom and can choose the path of the educational process. The main thing is to form students’ conceptual thinking, without which educational activity becomes a fiction

    Collaborative trails in e-learning environments

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    This deliverable focuses on collaboration within groups of learners, and hence collaborative trails. We begin by reviewing the theoretical background to collaborative learning and looking at the kinds of support that computers can give to groups of learners working collaboratively, and then look more deeply at some of the issues in designing environments to support collaborative learning trails and at tools and techniques, including collaborative filtering, that can be used for analysing collaborative trails. We then review the state-of-the-art in supporting collaborative learning in three different areas – experimental academic systems, systems using mobile technology (which are also generally academic), and commercially available systems. The final part of the deliverable presents three scenarios that show where technology that supports groups working collaboratively and producing collaborative trails may be heading in the near future

    On the Factors Influencing Resilience Personalities of Practical Psychologists

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    Рассматривается жизнестойкость практических психологов в контексте толерантности к неопределенности и в зависимости от особенностей профессионального самоотношения.The author considers the resilience of practical psychologists in the context of tolerance to uncertainty and depending on the character­istics of professional self-attitude

    A Closed-Form Solution of the Multi-Period Portfolio Choice Problem for a Quadratic Utility Function

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    In the present paper, we derive a closed-form solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for a quadratic utility function with and without a riskless asset. All results are derived under weak conditions on the asset returns. No assumption on the correlation structure between different time points is needed and no assumption on the distribution is imposed. All expressions are presented in terms of the conditional mean vectors and the conditional covariance matrices. If the multivariate process of the asset returns is independent it is shown that in the case without a riskless asset the solution is presented as a sequence of optimal portfolio weights obtained by solving the single-period Markowitz optimization problem. The process dynamics are included only in the shape parameter of the utility function. If a riskless asset is present then the multi-period optimal portfolio weights are proportional to the single-period solutions multiplied by time-varying constants which are depending on the process dynamics. Remarkably, in the case of a portfolio selection with the tangency portfolio the multi-period solution coincides with the sequence of the simple-period solutions. Finally, we compare the suggested strategies with existing multi-period portfolio allocation methods for real data.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, changes: VAR(1)-CCC-GARCH(1,1) process dynamics and the analysis of increasing horizon are included in the simulation study, under revision in Annals of Operations Researc

    Personality Features of a High School Student — a Potential Emigrant

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    Оригинал статьи получен 28 апреля 2023. Исправленная статья принята 02 июня 2023.В России времен Советского Союза проблема эмиграции не стояла, потому что практически не было эмиграции. В России после реставрации капитализма эмиграция была, но не было проблемы эмиграции, поскольку все, кто хотел и мог, свободно уезжали, а образ «гражданина мира» имел положительные коннотации. Все решительно изменилось с началом специальной военной операции, и наше исследование потенциальных причин эмиграции молодежи из России 2021–2022 гг. выглядит сейчас особенно актуальным. Цель исследования — выявить причины, способствующие становлению эмигрантских настроений в страте школьников шестнадцати–восемнадцати лет, учащихся старших классов общеобразовательных школ. Дизайн исследования предполагал сравнение психологической структуры личности старшеклассников, носителей разного, негативного и позитивного, образа России и соответствующего этому образу психологического портрета. В исследовании приняли участие 70 человек, из них 27 юношей и 43 девушки, все — учащиеся престижных школ Екатеринбурга. Анализ связей переменных «Негативный образ России» и «Желание эмигрировать» с переменными, образующими психологический портрет личности, показал очевидное различие этих портретов. Было выявлено, что желание эмигрировать определяется существующим в сознании старшеклассника негативным образом России, который является причинным фактором, формирующим особенности личности потенциального эмигранта.In Russia during the Soviet Union, the problem of emigration did not arise, because there was practically no emigration. In Russia, after the restoration of capitalism, there was emigration, but there was no problem of emigration, since everyone who wanted and could leave freely, and the image of a “citizen of the world” had positive connotations. Everything changed dramatically with the start of a special military operation, and our study of the potential reasons for the emigration of young people from Russia in 2021–2022 looks especially relevant now. The purpose of the study is to identify the reasons that contribute to the formation of emigrant moods in the stratum of schoolchildren of sixteen to eighteen years old, students of senior classes of general education schools. The design of the study involved a comparison of the psychological structure of the personality of high school students, carriers of a different, negative and positive, image of Russia and the psychological portrait corresponding to this image. The study involved 70 people, including 27 boys and 43 girls, all students of prestigious schools in Yekaterinburg. An analysis of the relationship between the variables Negative Image of Russia and Desire to Emigrate with the variables that form the psychological portrait of a person showed an obvious difference between these portraits. It was revealed that the desire to emigrate is determined by the negative image of Russia that exists in the mind of a high school student, which is a causal factor that forms the personality traits of a potential emigrant

    Preparation and optical characterization of Cu2ZnGeSe4 thin films

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    Cu2ZnGeSe4 (CZGSe) films have been fabricated by ion beam sputtering onto glass substrates at a substrate temperature of 300 and 420 K. CZGSe films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and by the method of normal incidence transmittance and reflectance. XRD studies reveal an improved crystallinity of the polycrystalline CZGSe films with tetragonal structure when the substrate temperature was increased. The refraction index and extinction coefficient were extracted from the optical measurements. Spectral dependence of the absorption coefficient and the energy band gaps values of CZGSe films were also determinedFinancial supports from IRSES PVICOKEST 269167, MICINN projects (KEST-PV; ENE2010- 21541-C03-01/-02/-03) and FRCFB 13.820.05.11/BF projects are acknowledged. RC also acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the program Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2011-08521

    Analysis of Direct Samples of Early Solar System Aqueous Fluids

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    Over the past three decades we have become increasingly aware of the fundamental importance of water, and aqueous alteration, on primitive solar-system bodies. Some carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites have been altered by interactions with liquid water within the first 10 million years after formation of their parent asteroids. Millimeter to centimeter-sized aggregates of purple halite containing aqueous fluid inclusions were found in the matrix of two freshly-fallen brecciated H chondrite falls, Monahans (1998, hereafter simply "Monahans") (H5) and Zag (H3-6) (Zolensky et al., 1999; Whitby et al., 2000; Bogard et al., 2001) In order to understand origin and evolution of the aqueous fluids inside these inclusions we much measure the actual fluid composition, and also learn the O and H isotopic composition of the water. It has taken a decade for laboratory analytical techniques to catch up to these particular nanomole-sized aqueous samples. We have recently been successful in (1) measuring the isotopic composition of H and O in the water in a few fluid inclusions from the Zag and Monahans halite, (2) mineralogical characterization of the solid mineral phases associated with the aqueous fluids within the halite, and (3) the first minor element analyses of the fluid itself. A Cameca ims-1270 equipped with a cryo-sample-stage of Hokkaido University was specially prepared for the O and H isotopic measurements. The cryo-sample-stage (Techno. I. S. Corp.) was cooled down to c.a. -190 C using liquid nitrogen at which the aqueous fluid in inclusions was frozen. We excavated the salt crystal surfaces to expose the frozen fluids using a 15 keV Cs+ beam and measured negative secondary ions. The secondary ions from deep craters of approximately 10 m in depth emitted stably but the intensities changed gradually during measurement cycles because of shifting states of charge compensation, resulting in rather poor reproducibility of multiple measurements of standard fluid inclusions of +/- 90 0/00(2 sigma) for delta D, and +/- 29 0/00 (2 sigma) for delta O-18. On the other hand, the reproducibility of Delta O-17 is plus or minus 8 /00 (2 sigma ) because the observed variations of isotope ratios follow a mass dependent fractionation law. Variations of delta D of the aqueous fluids range over sog,a 330(90; 2 sigma ) to +1200(90) 0/00 for Monahans and delta 300(96) 0/00 to +90(98)0/00 for Zag. Delta O-17 of aqueous fluids range over delta 16(22) 0/00 to +18(10) 0/00 for Monahans and +3(10) 0/00 to +27(11) 0/00 for Zag. These variations are larger than the reproducibility of standard analyses and suggest that isotope equilibria were under way in the fluids before trapping into halite. The mean values of delta D and Delta O-17 are +290 0/00 and +9 0/00, respectively. The mean values and the variations of these fluids are different from the representative values of ordinary chondrites, verifying our working hypothesis that the fluid inclusion-bearing halites were not indigenous to the H chondrite parent-asteroid but rather represent exogenous material delivered onto the asteroid from a separate cryovolcanically-active body. This initial isotopic work has demonstrated the feasibility of the measurements, but also revealed sample processing and analytical shortcomings that are now being addressed. Examination of solid mineral inclusions within Monahans and Zag halite grains by confocal Raman spectroscopy at the Carnegie Geophysical Laboratory has revealed them to be metal, magnetite, forsteritic olivine (Fo.98), macromolecular carbon (MMC), pyroxenes, feldspar with Raman spectral affinity to anorthoclase and, probably, fine-grained lepidocrocite (FeO(OH)). In addition, one inclusion features aliphatic material with Raman spectral features consistent with a mixture of short-chain aliphatic compounds. We have initiated analyses of the bulk composition of the fluids within the inclusions in Zag and Monahans halites at Virginia Tech by LA ICPMS using angilent 7500ce quadrupole ICPMS and a Lambda Physik GeoLas 193 nm excimer laser ablation system. Preliminary results reveal that the inclusion aqueous fluids contain highly charged cations of Ca, Mg and Fe. The minerals and compounds discovered thus far within Monahans/Zag halites are indicative of an originating body at least partly composed of unequilibrated anhydrous materials (high Fo olivine, pyroxenes, feldspars, possibly the metal) which were subjected to aqueous alteration (the halite parent brine) and containing a light organic component (the short-chain aliphatic compounds). This material was ejected from the originating body with little or no disruption, as evidenced with the presence of fluid inclusions. An actively geysering body similar to modern Enceladus (Postberg et al., 2011) may be a reasonable analogue in this respect. Also, the originating body should have been within close proximity to the H chondrite parent in order to generate the number of halite grains seen in Monahans and Zag. Other candidates for Monahans/Zag halite parent bodie(s) may include a young Ceres with its possible liquid ocean, or Main Belt comets