16 research outputs found


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    Spring frost often reduces the yield because of damaged flowers. Spring frost is a dangerous climatic hazard that can be responsible for yield loses to orchard trees. Frost damage is highly dependent on the stage of development of the flower buds. Flowers buds samples were collected from ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Golden Delicious Rainders’ and ‘Gala Schniga’ apple cultivars at different flower buds stages from BBCH 59 (most flowers with petals forming a hollow ball) to BBCH 65 (full bloom on trees), two days after frost that occurred on the morning at 5:00-7:00 of March 31, 2017 when the temperature dropped to -1.5 to -3.3°C in the apple orchard of company Pollino Agrar near Fruška gora mountain. Pistils in flower buds samples at a hollow ball stage to full bloom were examined individually and classified as dead or alive based on tissue browning. The highest damage on flowers was recorded to cultivar ‘Gala Schniga’ (75.4%) and the lowest to cultivar ‘Golden Delicious Rainders’. Cultivar ‘Gala Schniga’ had more than 90% of damaged king flowers. Our results showed that the spring frost damage of pistils was variable according to stages of flower bud development and genotypes


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    The study researched the influence of four vegetative rootstocks on a biological and production properties of sweet cherry cultivar ‘Regina’. The study was carried out during fourth and fifth growing years at an orchard located at the experimental estate “Radmilovac” of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade. Cultivar ‘Regina’ was grafted on the following rootstocks: ‘Gisela 6’, ‘Ma×Ma 14’, ‘Colt’ and ‘Oblačinska cherry’, while trees grafted on P. mahaleb used like a control. The highest yield had trees grafted on rootstock ‘Gisela 6’ (6.5 kg), while the smallest yield had trees grafted on seedlings of P. mahaleb (1.4 kg). Cultivar ‘Regina’ had the highest number of sper fruiting branches on ‘Colt’ (367.2) and the smallest number was recorded on P. mahaleb (154.8), while number of lateral fruiting branches on trees of cultivar ‘Regina’ was between 91.6 (‘MaxMa 14’) and 42.2 (‘Oblačinska cherry’). The highest content of soluble solid matter and sweetness in fruit were on the trees grafted on P. mahaleb


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    Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than 5% moisture. The dry matter content is over 95% which is several times higher than other fruit species. The high content of dry matter and low moisture content in the fruits of hazelnut allows much longer storage of the fruits of other species, with no changes and harmful consequences for the quality. Sugar content ranges between 4.91% (‘Tonda Gentile delle Langhe`) to 6.73% in (‘Roman hazelnut`). The protein content of examined cultivars is about 16%, and oil content as the majority of the organic matter in the fruits of the hazelnut was over 60%. Vegetable oils are mainly composed of unsaturated acids, oleic over 81% and 6% of linoleic and saturated, about 5% palmitic and stearic over 4%. Based on the above we can conclude that the fruits of hazelnut high-quality and essential in the diet, due to the significant roles they play in the human body. The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical composition of fruits of three major economic and most widespread cultivars of hazelnut in Serbia: 'Istrian long`, ‘Roman hazelnut` and ‘Tonda Gentile Delle Langhe`.Â


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    Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than 5% moisture. The dry matter content is over 95% which is several times higher than other fruit species. The high content of dry matter and low moisture content in the fruits of hazelnut allows much longer storage of the fruits of other species, with no changes and harmful consequences for the quality.Sugar content ranges between 4.91% (‘Tonda Gentile delle Langhe’) to 6.73% in (‘Roman hazelnut’). The protein content of examined cultivars is about 16%, and oil content as the majority of the organic matter in the fruits of the hazelnut was over 60%. Vegetable oils are mainly composed of unsaturated acids, oleic over 81% and 6% of linoleic and saturated, about 5% palmitic and stearic over 4%.Based on the above we can conclude that the fruits of hazelnut high-quality and essential in the diet, due to the significant roles they play in the human body. The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical composition of fruits of three major economic and most widespread cultivars of hazelnut in Serbia: 'Istrian long’, ‘Roman hazelnut’ and ‘Tonda Gentile Delle Langhe’


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    The main goal of breeding and testing of rootstocks for sweet cherry is to obtain small and productive trees and to improve precocity. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of six rootstocks on vigor and productive characteristics of young sweet cherry trees. The experimental orchard is situated at the Experimental farm “Radmilovac”, of the Faculty of Agriculture (near Belgrade). Three sweet cherry cultivars: ‘Kordia’, ‘Karmen’ and ‘Regina’ were grafted on six rootstocks: Prunus mahaleb L. seedlings, ‘Colt’, ‘Ma×Ma 14’, ‘Gisela 6’, ‘Gisela 5’ and ‘Oblačinska’ sour cherry. During a two-year period (2015-2016) the following characteristics were studied: scion diameter above the grafting union, rootstock diameter under the grafting union, length and diameter of shoots, height of the tree and the number of spurs per tree. The resultsshowed different influence of rootstocks on the tree vigor, spur formation and precocity. The average diameter of the scion in all tested cultivars was the largest on the Mahaleb rootstock. The largest average number of spurs per tree in the second year was recorded on cherry trees grafted on the rootstocks ‘Gisela 6’ and ‘Oblačinska’ sour cherry (28 and 23 respectively). The lowest average number of spurs (6) was found on trees grafted on the rootstock ‘Colt’

    Influence of Chemical Thinning of Apple Cultivars on Yield and Fruit Quality

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    U radu je ispitivan uticaj hemijskog proređivanja plodova na zametanje plodova, prinos, kvalitet ploda i povratno cvetanje kod sorti jabuke Zlatni delišes klon Rajnders, Gala rojal bjut, Red kep i Red džonaprins u 2014. godini. Zasad je podignut u proleće 2013. godine sa „knip“ sadnicama. Hemijsko proređivanje je vršeno sledećim sredstvima: naftil-sirćetna kiselina (NAA), 6-benziladenin (6-BA), karbaril, metamitron i kombinacijom ovih sredstava. Najintenzivnije proređivanje plodova kod svih sorti bilo je kod tretmana sa metamitronom i tretmana sa kombinacijama metamitron + NAA i 6-BA + NAA. Usled smanjenja broja plodova po stablu kod ovih tretmana je zabeleženo najveće povećanje mase ploda u poređenju sa kontrolom. Primena bioregulatora u dvogodišnjem zasadu imala je efekat na cvetanje jabuke narednog proleća. Kod sorti Gala rojal bjut i Red džonaprins, efekat hemijskog proređivanja na cvetanje narednog proleća nije bio značajan, za razliku od sorti Zlatni delišes i Redkep. Kod sorte Zlatni delišes broj plodova preko šest po cm2 površine poprečnog preseka debla (PPPD) uticao je na izostanak diferenciranja cvetova, dok je kod sorte Red kep kritičan broj plodova bio tri po cm2 PPPD.This experiment was designed to investigate effects of chemical thinning on fruit set, yield, return bloom and fruit quality of apple cultivars ‘Golden Reinders’, ’Gala Royal Beaut’, ’Red Cap Deliciou’' and ’Red Jonaprince’ in 2014. The orchard was established in spring 2013 with high-quality 2-year-old nursery trees that contained 7 or more lateral branches (except the cultivar ’Red Cap Delicious’). For chemical thinning the following chemicals were used: auxine naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), cytokinin 6-benzyladenine (BA), insecticide carbaryl (‘Sevin’) and photosynthesis inhibitor metamitron (‘Brevis’) and their mix combinations. The most intensive fruit thinning for all cultivars were obtained in treatments with metamitron used either alone or in combination with NAA, and in the combination BA + NAA. Due to the decrease in the number of fruits per tree, in these treatments was recorded the largest increase in fruit weight compared with the control. Application of bioregulators in two-year old orchard depending on the cultivar had a greater or lesser effect on apple bloom in the next spring. Effect of chemical thinning on flowering in the next spring was not significant in cultivars ‘Royal Gala Beaut’ and ‘Red Jonaprince’. In the cultivar ‘Golden Reinders’ number of fruits over 6 per cm2 of trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) resulted in absence of flowers, while in the cultivar Red Cap that number was 3 per cm2 of TCSA


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    Leadership style represents the way in which a leader succeedes to direct and coordinate the behavior and actions of employees in order to achieve their goals. Leadership is a process of motivating of employees to work on achieving of goals promoted by the leader. It is a way of establishing the appropriate relationship between the leader and his associates and other employees. Using the model of Leadership Network Blake, Mouton and McCanse aspect of the application one of the five leadership styles is accompanied by two dimensions of local government. In two dimensions the respondents were orientating towards one of two choices: employee care and concern for the task. In this paper, on the basis of concrete research, based on the established hypotheses leadership style was determined that maches to the actual situation in local government. The investigation was taken in municipality located in central Serbia, which represents dominant sample for the research in this territorial socio-economic community

    Transportation Systems Analysis and Assessment

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    The transportation system is the backbone of any social and economic system, and is also a very complex system in which users, transport means, technologies, services, and infrastructures have to cooperate with each other to achieve common and unique goals.The aim of this book is to present a general overview on some of the main challenges that transportation planners and decision makers are faced with. The book addresses different topics that range from user's behavior to travel demand simulation, from supply chain to the railway infrastructure capacity, from traffic safety issues to Life Cycle Assessment, and to strategies to make the transportation system more sustainable