52 research outputs found

    Työyhteisön pieni kirja luottamuksesta

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    TyöelÀmÀ on murroksessa. Nopean teknologisen kehityksen ja globalisaation lisÀksi koronapandemia ja energiakriisi koskettavat meitÀ kaikkia. Organisaatiomuutokset, ulkoistukset ja työnteon tapoja muuttavat IT-projektit kuuluvat työpaikan arkeen. Muutoksesta on tullut jatkuvaa, uuden oppimisesta ja kehittÀmisestÀ kaikkien työtÀ. Parhaat ideat eivÀt synny kÀskyttÀmÀllÀ eikÀ ajattelua voi kontrolloida. Tieto on inhimillistÀ ja kokemusperÀistÀ. Yhteistyöhön ei voi pakottaa, mutta sille voi luoda mahdollisimman suotuisat olosuhteet. Luottamus vaikuttaa positiivisesti yhteistyössÀ tarvittavaan kommunikaatioon ja sitoutumiseen. Se lisÀÀ työtyytyvÀisyyttÀ, innovatiivisuutta ja tuottavuutta. Luottamus työkavereihin, esihenkilöihin ja työnantajaan vÀhentÀÀ myös sairaspoissaoloja ja halua ennenaikaiseen elÀköitymiseen. Luottamusta tarvitaan tiimeissÀ, organisaatioissa ja niiden vÀlisissÀ yhteistyöverkostoissa

    Innovation Ecosystem Emergence Barriers: Institutional Perspective

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    Innovation ecosystems are built around new technologies, ideas, and innovations and their supporting actors and structures. However, the emergence of ecosystems is constrained by a host of institutional, system-level barriers in the existing organizational field that inhibit the legitimacy, resourcing, and growth of new initiatives. Through an empirical study in the Finnish energy sector, we find a strong and interdependent set of regulative, normative, and cultural–cognitive barriers that restrict the emergence of innovation ecosystems with new technologies. In particular, we identify a set of barriers and related field-sustaining mechanisms. The findings offer important implications for the theory and practice of innovation ecosystem emergence and related system-level barriers

    Performance measurement procedures that support innovativeness rather than hamper it

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    This paper addresses the contemporary challenges in increasing firm-level innovativeness and developing appropriate performance metrics. The authors discuss these challenges and provide a literature review on the innovation enhancing factors in service industries. They subsequently study the case of a multinational telecom company that tries to renew its innovative capabilities after a restructuring. An interpretative approach, based on employee focus group interviews and an extensive management workshop, is taken to co-develop context specific factors that enhance innovativeness. These factors include, amongst others, personal recognition and acknowledgement for an innovative achievement, available time, customer intimacy, and a clear innovation strategy. The identified factors will be used in a follow-up research aimed to develop performance measurement procedures that support the company to develop and exploit its innovative capabilities

    Luottamus dataan ja algoritmeihin syntyy ihmisen ja teknologian vuorovaikutuksesta

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    TekoĂ€lyn kĂ€yttöönotto avaa uudenlaisia mahdollisuuksia työn, organisaatioiden ja yhteiskunnan kehittĂ€miseen. TekoĂ€lylle on lukuisia eri mÀÀritelmiĂ€ ja viittaamme tĂ€ssĂ€ yhteydessĂ€ tekoĂ€lyllĂ€ ihmisten suunnittelemiin systeemeihin, jotka ”pyrkivĂ€t niille asetettuihin tavoitteisiin pÀÀttelemĂ€llĂ€ parhaan toimintatavan kerÀÀmĂ€llĂ€, tulkitsemalla ja prosessoimalla dataa” (tekoĂ€lyn mÀÀrittelystĂ€, ks. European Commission 2019, 6). TekoĂ€lyĂ€ kĂ€ytetÀÀn jo laajasti erilaisissa kuluttajapalveluissa, mainontaa kohdennetaan algoritmien avulla ja pankit ja vakuutuslaitokset hyödyntĂ€vĂ€t tekoĂ€lyĂ€ luokitellessaan rahoitukseen ja vakuutuksiin liittyvÀÀ asiakasdataa

    Managing relationships of the republic of science and the kingdom of industry

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    Purpose – This article investigates the reasons for collaboration and the barriers to cooperation between universities and industry organizations. In an increasingly integrated world, cooperation between universities and companies is likely to grow in forthcoming years. Design/methodology/approach – The approach taken in this article differs from previous works in the sense that it reveals the psychological frameworks that academics and managers hold about collaborating with each other. Data come from a survey of academic and managerial staff working in several universities and companies in Portugal and Finland. Findings – Overall results show that academics still see companies as information sources for their researches, but they are also willing to participate in joint projects in which academic knowledge is not the sole output. Originality/value – Provides information for companies and universities with regard to how to embark on such cooperative endeavors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A problem-solving typology of service business

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    In this study, we sketch a “problem-based perspective” of the service business, following the latest theoretical developments in the field of the knowledge-based view of the firm and the related problem-solving perspective. In particular, we approach services as “problems to be solved” for and with the customer. Our paper outlines a framework in which the knowledge processes regarding service delivery are conceptualized on two axes: 1) the intensity of knowledge sharing and co-creation of services between the provider and the customer and 2) the nature of the problem-solving process regarding the service delivery. Based on the developed conceptual framework, we provide implications concerning the organizing of various types of services in terms of the different problem-solving processes they require. Furthermore, after identifying the distinctive problem-solving processes with the help of the typology, theoretical and practical implications for service and knowledge management are discussed
