372 research outputs found

    Hierarchical ordering in light-triggered additive manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) emerged, in the last decades, as a promising manufacturing technique for the low-cost fabrication of personalised 3D objects. Recently, this technology has been increasingly utilised, both in everyday life and in industry. Among the numerous AM techniques available, light-triggered AM allows for great shape resolution and a smooth surface, while being a relatively fast process. The increasing interest given to AM naturally motivated the development of novel 3D printable materials in order to keep on widening the possibilities of the techniques. Herein, we present an overview of the materials having been recently reported in the field, for which the incorporation of hierarchical ordering was essential to access novel functionalities and properties. In particular, hybrid materials such as fibre- and nanocrystal-reinforced polymeric networks, liquid crystalline materials and metal–organic framework embedded printable materials along with their future prospects will be discussed

    The space journey game: An intergenerational pervasive experience

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    There is a need to re-design the entertainment systems for the older adults, incorporating the population of this age group into the digital culture. With this aim in mind this work presents an intergenerational experience carried out in an Interactive Space where tangible and gestures interaction are used to participate in pervasive gaming experiences. The experience makes use of a game initially designed just for children but in a very flexible way so that it can be tailored to different players'' characteristics. Family groups made up of one or two grandparents and one or two grandchildren have played together The Fantastic Journey fulfilling all the missions either on tangible tabletops, just moving around the space or interacting by gestures. The experience was positively valued by both age groups; they were indeed happy with the opportunity of playing together in a challenging game. Nevertheless, the difficulty of designing engaging experiences for both age groups points to a challenging research area

    Photoresponsive materials based on azobenzene: Novel macromolecular architectures and applications

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    Durante estos últimos años, los materiales que responden a uno o varios estímulos externos, conocidos como materiales ‘inteligentes’, han despertado un gran interés en la comunidad científica. Una de las principales razones es la posibilidad de utilizarlos en aplicaciones en campos tan diversos como la electrónica o la medicina, entre otros. De todos los posibles, la luz es probablemente el estímulo más interesante ya que es posible controlar la respuesta del material tanto espacial como temporalmente. Existen numerosos grupos orgánicos en los que la luz puede provocar una variación reversible en sus propiedades físicas y/o químicas pero el azobenceno es sin ninguna duda el grupo fotocrómico más estudiado en la preparación de materiales que respondan a la luz. Las aplicaciones de los materiales basados en azobenceno derivan de la fotoisomerizacion reversible entre los isómeros trans y cis que experimentan. En el grupo de investigación de Cristales Líquidos y Polímeros se han estudiado en profundidad polímeros y copolímeros con unidades azobencenos en la cadena lateral para aplicaciones ópticas, tales como el almacenamiento óptico de información. En los últimos años, el estudio se ha centrado en nuevas arquitecturas poliméricas, en concreto, copolímeros bloque dendrítico-lineales. Partiendo de los resultados previos del trabajo del grupo, en esta tesis doctoral se planteó obtener materiales con fotorrespuesta principalmente basados en azopolímeros con arquitecturas poliméricas alternativas a las convencionales basadas en estructura de cadena lateral. Los objetivos planteados para el desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral son los siguientes: - Síntesis y caracterización de copolímeros bloque dendrítico-lineales compuestos por un bloque dendrítico funcionalizado con dieciséis unidades cianoazobenceno y diferentes bloques lineales, poliestireno y poli(metacrilato de etilo) y los análogos con poli(metacrilato de metilo) (Capítulo 2). - Síntesis y estudio del autoensamblaje en agua de nuevos copolímeros bloque dendrítico lineales anfífilos compuestos por un bloque lineal de polietilenglicol y un dendron de tipo poliéster funcionalizado bien con dieciséis unidades 4-isobutiloxiazobenceno o bien codendrones con diferentes proporciones de 4-isobutiloxiazobenceno y cadenas hidrocarbonadas distribuidas aleatoriamente en la periferia. Estudio de la aplicación de estos materiales como nanotransportadores de moléculas orgánicas y liberación fotoestimulada de las mismas (Capítulos 3 y 4). - Síntesis y estudio del autoensamblaje en agua de nuevos copolímeros anfífilos de tipo ‘miktoarm’ AB3, así como su respuesta al irradiar con luz UV. Estos copolímeros están compuestos por un azopolímero y tres ramas idénticas de PEG o un polímero termosensible como la poli(Netilacrilamida). Estudio de la respuesta a la luz, en el caso del polímero con PEG, y de la respuesta dual, luz y temperatura, en el de los polímeros con poli(N-etilacrilamida) de los ensamblados poliméricos (Capítulos 5 y 6). - Preparación de superficies fotosensibles funcionalizadas con unidades azobenceno utilizando luz como estímulo externo tanto para la funcionalización cómo para el control de las propiedades de la superficie (Capítulo 7). Como conclusión general de esta tesis doctoral se establece que el diseño adecuado de estructuras fotocrómicas complejas permite obtener materiales con una respuesta controlada con luz, útil para campos tan diversos como la liberación controlada o las superficies fotoactivas. BIBLIOGRAFÍA: 1. Stuart, M. A. C.; Huck, W. T. S.; Genzer, J.; Muller, M.; Ober, C.; Stamm, M.; Sukhorukov, G. B.; Szleifer, I.; Tsukruk, V. V.; Urban, M.; Winnik, F.; Zauscher, S.; Luzinov, I.; Minko, S. Nat Mater 2010, 9, (2), 101-113. 2. Gil, E. S.; Hudson, S. M. Progress in Polymer Science 2004, 29, (12), 1173-1222. 3. Roy, D.; Cambre, J. N.; Sumerlin, B. S. Progress in Polymer Science 2010, 35, (1¿2), 278-301. 4. Schumers, J.-M.; Fustin, C.-A.; Gohy, J.-F. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2010, 31, (18), 1588-1607. 5. Natansohn, A.; Rochon, P. Chemical Reviews 2002, 102, (11), 4139-4175. 6. Forcen, P.; Oriol, L.; Sanchez, C.; Alcala, R.; Hvilsted, S.; Jankova, K.; Loos, J. Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry 2007, 45, (10), 1899-1910. 7. Forcen, P.; Oriol, L.; Sanchez, C.; Rodriguez, F. J.; Alcala, R.; Hvilsted, S.; Jankova, K. European Polymer Journal 2007, 43, (8), 3292-3300. 8. Forcen, P.; Oriol, L.; Sanchez, C.; Rodriguez, F. J.; Alcala, R.; Hvilsted, S.; Jankova, K. European Polymer Journal 2008, 44, (1), 72-78. 9. Wurm, F.; Frey, H. Progress in Polymer Science 2011, 36, (1), 1-52. 10. del Barrio, J.; Oriol, L.; Alcala, R.; Sanchez, C. Macromolecules 2009, 42, (15), 5752-5760. 11. Del Barrio, J.; Oriol, L.; Alcala, R.; Sanchez, C. Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry 2010, 48, (7), 1538-1550. 12. del Barrio, J.; Oriol, L.; Sanchez, C.; Serrano, J. L.; Di Cicco, A.; Keller, P.; Li, M. H. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132, (11), 3762-3769

    Synergistic, Orthogonal, and Antagonistic Photochemistry for Light‐Induced 3D Printing

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    3D printing techniques are often based on light-induced chemical reactions, driven by the fascinating and powerful possibilities to control light in space and time. To date, these approaches are usually restricted to a single color of light, which does not do justice to light as an entire spectrum of distinct wavelengths. It is possible to further tap into the vast potential of light-induced 3D printing by introducing a second color of light. While the complexity of photochemical interactions in two-color systems is greatly increased, it concomitantly allows for enhanced control over manufacturing speed and resolution. In general, three types of two-color interactions can be distinguished, i.e., synergistic, orthogonal, and antagonistic. In recent years, intriguing printing techniques with superior potential for the fabrication of 3D structures are emerging that require two colors of light. Their future development potential is vast yet needs to be critically underpinned by an advance in complex tunable photochemical reaction systems. The current perspective will thus explore the potential for using synergistic, orthogonal, and antagonistic photochemistries in 3D printing

    3D optomechanical metamaterials

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    Ideally, many materials should have a “knob” that allows for changing its properties at will, including the possibility to flip the sign of its behavior. This “knob” could be used to continuously tune the properties or in the sense of a digital switch. Such extreme level of stimulus–responsiveness has come into reach with recently increased possibilities of manufacturing complex rationally designed artificial materials called metamaterials on the micrometer scale. Here, we present mechanical metamaterials composed of liquid–crystal elastomers, whose director field is arranged into a designed complex three-dimensional (3D) pattern during the 3D laser printing process. External light from a blue LED, with intensities in the range of 10–30 W/cm2^{2}, serves as the stimulus. In the first example, we repeatedly flip the sign of the Poisson’s ratio of an achiral architecture within classical elasticity. In the second example, we flip the sign of the twist per strain in a chiral metamaterial beyond classical elasticity. The presented examples overcome major limitations in responsive mechanical metamaterials and we foresee many possible three-dimensional responsive micro-architectures manufactured along these lines

    La Educación, el motor del cambio

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    En el presente trabajo fín de Máster se realiza una exposición de trabajos y argumentosmediante los cuales se han conseguido las competencias principales del Máster deEducación Secundaria Obligatoria y Formación Profesional.El trabajo gira en torno a tres competencias generales más relevantes, como soncomprender el contexto social, familiar y geográfico que envuelve el desarrollo de laprofesión docente, el Diseño de Actividades específicas enmarcadas en la familiaprofesional sanitaria y la Innovación e Investigación educativa llevada a la práctica.Con la reflexión de estas tres competencias se demuestra todo lo aprendido en el Mástery que se es completamente competente para el desarrollo de la profesión docente.En un primer apartado introductorio se habla también de la motivación personal pararealizar el Máster y las expectativas que tiene la autora sobre el mismo. Además, serealiza un apartado de conclusiones y propuestas de futuro en el cual se demuestra lacomprensión de todo lo aprendido ya que se utiliza para localizar facetas propias en lasque podría mejorar como docente.Palabras Clave: Educación, Competencia, Reflexión, Formación Profesional<br /

    Drugs Errors in Anaesthesia Practice: Four Cases of Non-Fatal Morbidity

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    SummaryBackground and objetivesAnesthesiologists became more concerned about ensuring patient safety by a greater emphasis on outcome, quality patient care both in operation theatre and elsewhere in hospital. In the clinical practice, there is no aspect of Anesthesia that occupies a more important place in the safe management of the patients than the accurate drug administration. Medication errors represent a small part of anesthesia problems but still have potential for serious morbidity and legal consequences. The objective of this report was to describe four cases of unusual medical errors (ME) in the operation theatre, without harm to the patient, and how their analysis and identification had prevented more serious damage occurrence.Case reportsFour cases of inadvertent overdose in operation theatre previous to induction anesthesia. The same syringe was used to prepare and dilute two different drugs. This error was therefore caused by the presence of the second drug. Toxicity was manifested as brief respiratory depression and sedation, and assisted ventilation was required but no adverse outcomes happened.ConclusionsWe explain how we identified the drug involved, the point at which the error occurred in order to improve clinical practice reducing medication errors. We focus on providing more information and education to each health care professional about new drugs and their preparation process, because this is should not be an acceptable practice in 2009

    4D Printing of Shape Memory Polymers: From Macro to Micro

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    A novel and versatile shape memory ink system allowing 4D printing with light at the macroscale as well as the microscale is presented. Digital light processing (DLP) and direct laser writing (DLW) are selected as suitable 3D printing technologies to cover both regimes. First, a system based on monofunctional isobornyl acrylate and two crosslinkers consisting of a soft and a hard diacrylate is identified and proven to be compatible with both printing techniques. Employing DLP, a large variety of structures exhibiting distinct complexity is printed. These structures range from simple frames to more demanding 3D geometries such as double platform structures, infinity rings, or cubic grids. The shape memory effect is demonstrated for all the 3D geometries. Excellent shape fixity as well as recovery and repeatability is shown. Furthermore, the formulation is adapted for fast 4D printing at the microscale using DLW. Importantly, the 4D printed microstructures display remarkable shape memory properties. The possibility of trapping and releasing microobjects, such as microspheres, is ultimately demonstrated by designing, smart box-like 4D microstructures that can be thermally actuated—evidencing the versatility and potential of the reported system